Programming - General Questions and Answers

I previously posted on the wrong section, sorry, so I'm transferring it here.
Anyway, I want to know what programs I can use to make programs for HTC Raphael. Can I use Microsoft Visual Studio? Borland? I currently know how to use c and c++, do I need to use c# instead? And are the commands the same with the one on for the PC and for the PPC? So yeah any programs for programming on the desktop or on the PPC?
Thanks in advance!

yeah visual studio will do it
it support
.net compact framework for c# which is a subset of normal .net with some of the more fancy controls missing is normal .net programs from pc dont use anything missing in the compact framework they can run directly on the pocketpc unless the rest is not programmed to adjust (c#)
it support microMFC which is a pocketpc version of the old microsoft foundation classes
which was ms's object lib before .net (c/c++)
it support pure win32 api which again is a subset of the normal windows win32 api (c/c++)
performance wise 1 is lowest 3 is fastes
support in turms of having control without programming too many unmanaged hooks 3 is best 1 is worst
speed to get a project up and displaying something and having some functionality 1 is fastest 3 is worst
dont know about borland anymore guess they support compact framework

So if I make a program in c or c++, I can actually run it already on my PPC? If so, why does the .exe files on my PPC disallows me to run them on my desktop? Do I need to like convert the .exe file I made on my desktop to make it run on the PPC? If yes, is there any program out there to convert it to make it available for my PPC?

you have to run it using an emulator on your pc such as the one that comes with vs

userman777 said:
So if I make a program in c or c++, I can actually run it already on my PPC? If so, why does the .exe files on my PPC disallows me to run them on my desktop? Do I need to like convert the .exe file I made on my desktop to make it run on the PPC? If yes, is there any program out there to convert it to make it available for my PPC?
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if you have Visual Studio 2005 Pro, you can create a new "SmartDevice" project. This will take care of setting up almost everything you need. You can also later create a SmartDevice Cab project to create an cab for your program.
It is quite straightforward...try a simple hello world program to get used to it.


PPC Emulator for Testing downloaded programs

Hi Guys,
I have searched high and low for the answer to this one, so I thought I'd give up and ask you guys.
What I need is an Emulator for PPC that I can use on my computer to test downloaded programs before I instal them to my XDA.
The problems are:
Active sync appears to only work with visual .net development suit, which I dont have the money to buy.
Embeded visual C does run a nice emulator, but it wont connect to the active sync and thuse I cant install programmes. There did seem to be a solution in useing the folder option in the above programe to access a Virtual SD card on the computer (shared folder on my drive) but how do I access the programmes?
I would prefer to try these programmes out in a sand pit if I could.
But there doesnt seem to be away.
Please dont flame me if I have missed an earlier thread or some google search... I am new.. I am not worthy... I have no flame retardent underware...
I don't have an answer for you, (I also would like to do this also!), but I don't believe you will be able to get the eMbedded Emulator to run 'real' apps because these apps are compiled for a CPU target, (usually ARM) and the emulator only runs 8086 compiles.
The emulator is more to test your own source code and it compiles for 8086, and when you are ready, you compile your source for ARM, MIPS, to distribute.
If anyone knows of a Windows based emulator that runs ARM compiled programs, I would LOVE to know about it.
I seem to remember there was a Palm version where you could simply drag and drop programmes into it and test them. Would be nice if that were so for the PPC.
Still noone said life had to be perfect ;-)
Ya, I came from the Palm world, and they did have an emulator that would allow you to run Palm apps. It wasn’t the great emulation, but it usually was good enough to give you an idea if you even wanted to bother installing it on your ‘real’ device.
Well, maybe there is one for PPC and we just don’t know about it… Anyone???
There is no such an emulator and making it is extremely difficult. You'll have to completely emulate whole CPU, some hardware and write your own OS just for this "virtual" PocketPC. Noone has done this.
So the long and the short of this is I need visual .net to be able to run the MS emu... Any here doing that? If so can you tell me if it is possible to install other programs for testing, or will the emu only work with applications you are writing yourself?
There is no such an emulator and making it is extremely difficult. You'll have to completely emulate whole CPU, some hardware and write your own OS just for this "virtual" PocketPC. Noone has
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no it's that that difficult at all sure it takes some time to do
if you look around for emulators many many platforms come as emulated on pc systems like ps2 all the way back to mame
i have a few friends who just made a whole emulation of the arm cpu on the pc not a pocketpc or windows ce emulator but just pure arm
Rudegar said:
i have a few friends who just made a whole emulation of the arm cpu on the pc not a pocketpc or windows ce emulator but just pure arm
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Please, can you provide us with a link? I was very interested in such an emulation to test Xanadux stuff without being afraid to render the Himalaya into a brick
they are making it because they are embedded software developers
and they are making a project where they are programming to the arm cpu i dont know if they would part with the code but mind you it's no
pocketpc emulator and i doubt it would even support a graphic display apart from text since they dont need it for the project
i'm sure there must be some emulators out there
i mean the stuff in embedded visual c++ and visual studio 2003 and 2005
even if it's not a true emulator then it comes kinda close
embedded visual c++ does have an emulator, but you cant sync it with active sync and therefore you can only test programs that you are developing yourself. There was a posted solution for this involving a null modem cable and two com ports. But my computer only has one com port :-(
Looks like you need to buy Visual Studio .net to get a fully working emulator that can sync with active x and thus test programs....
Hi there,
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong about this, but I don't think even getting the .NET framework working with Microsofts PPC 2003 emulator will work as a true emulator for the actual device.
I have the emulators for PPC and SmartPhones installed since we are developing applications for mobile (but mostly Java based) phones. So far with our initial test developments, you can only run your own developed applications or applications that are currently being developed and compiled for the emulators. Final compiled applications (for ARM/MIPS) are different from the compiled versions for the emulators and won't work with it. Being like this, the compiled version for the ARM processors will not work with the PPC emulator.
Well, that is just my comment...
Hey, I haven't tried it yet, but this sure sounds like what we have wanted...
Hey, I just tired it, (installing an ARM app) and it works. Cool!
How do I download that program. or can somebody upload please.
How do I download that program. or can somebody upload please
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You'll have to create a passport but that shouldn't be a real problem? I tried to upload it to the FTP using upload:upload but it won't let me send the file?
I have to say that this tool / App is one of the best you can find on the Web. I can now emulate the Pocket PC on my PC to trial games / apps first without messing up my XDA2i.
Thanks for the link guys well done!!
Upload it plz!
can u upload it somewhere? i am unable to download from the MS site!!!
Re: Upload it plz!
studdocs said:
can u upload it somewhere? i am unable to download from the MS site!!!
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I assume you installed the Microsoft ActiveX component called "Microsoft File Transfer Manager" right?
It's the requestor that appears just before the download begins... Then press "transfer" to begin the transfer ..
I hope it works for you...
It would be helpful if somebody could upload this program, I am having no success after many attempts to download.
Here you go:
(better use a 'normal' FTP client to download)

Creating a WM Application - Where to start ?

I hope this is the right place to put this, if not, mods, feel free to remove and/or delete it. I've dabbled a bit with C before, but that's about the extent of my programming experience. I'd like to create a program that will parse the information from a website and display it... I don't imagine something like that would be hard to do, but I have no idea what tools I would even need to start writing a PPC application.
Kitco (a website that gives live quotes of precious metals) recently came out with an application for the iphone that neatly formats all this information:
I'd like to basically create a PPC version of this application.
Is this something that an individual with next to no experience could hope to achieve ? I'd have to create a GUI, initialize the internet, connect and retrieve a webpage and remove the relevent information before displaying it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've always wanted to become more familiar with these sorts of things and figured this project would be a great way of learning it.
Next to no experience? I dont think so. You have to have a little under your belt first and the only way to achieve that is to start readin right here!
I'm also interested in the expert answers to this question.
My very non-expert understanding is as follows:
VS 2005 (microsoft visual studio) can create executables for WM devices using a SDK (low level) or .Net CF (medium level) interface. You want to use .Net CF (compact framework) because it is supposed to make things easier. I think you have to use C++ to use the SDK but you can use C++, C#, or Visual Basic and write to .NET CF.
VS 2005 is an IDE (integrated development environment). It contains features to edit, compile, and even test your program using simulator/debugger. I think there are some non-microsoft IDE's that can also generate Windows Mobile code -- there is a market for cross-platform environments (e.g. programmers write code using a special library instead of the windows SDK or .NET function and the same source code can be compiled to run on Blackberry, iPhone, S60, Windows Mobile, etc...)
Instead of writing to the phone hardware (or .NET abstraction) directly, you can write your application using Java. You would use some Java compatible IDE (like Eclipse, Jbuilder, or NetBeans) to create Java applets that you download to your phone. You'd have to install a Java VM (virtual machine) on your phone to run these applets. I think the downloadable games for phones are Java applets.
Disclaimer: I haven't worn my "programming cap" since 2001 and hopefully things have gotten simpler. In my previous life I designed operating systems for mainframe computers.

.NET question

Hi all!
Probably this is going to be a stupid question, because I just started coding in C# half a year ago, thinking that C# was just like JAVA, you can use it in every platform.
Today I managed to write my first "Hello World" application to Windows Mobile.
First I coded the application and compiled it to x86 (normally with Visual Studio) and tried to run it on WM. It didn't run.
Why? Isn't it the concept of .NET that it can run on every architecture?
After that I managed to figure it out that it has to be a smart device project...
Can someone give me a heads up (or a detailed link where I can RTFM?
pda's use .net compactframework which is a subset of normal .net
read more hereøg&meta=lr=lang_da|lang_en
Beware the manifest....
From Visual Studio 2005 onwards the IDE embeds a manifest in either the .EXE itself or as a separate file. This contains a list of exactly what the app needs to be present in order to run. The loader on the target machine reads it and makes sure that all this stuff exists on the target, before it will allow it to run. VS2003 was not quite so smart, there is no manifest. If the .NET objects used were present in both .NET 1.0/1.1 and the compact framework .NET 1.1 (i.e CF was the lowest common denominator) then the loader would load it and try and run it. Subject to there being no errors in the just-in-time compile of the .NET CLR and no run time errors of the code, it will work. It is possible to run the same .EXE on a PC and pocket PC, but there are a lot of ifs and buts.
Sometimes less is more......

Where do I start in .cab development?

I have some things I think would be nice to implement into my UI, such as a slide-down notification bar and a "Slide to send" instead of "Tap to send" when doing bluetooth transfers. I imagine flash is not the starting point, is it C# or what?
cab is just an install container
which can install anything from a registry change to a program
c# is easy to start with but for fast visual performance one need
to use c++ and program pure win32 api
Rudegar said:
cab is just an install container
which can install anything from a registry change to a program
c# is easy to start with but for fast visual performance one need
to use c++ and program pure win32 api
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I understand that the cab is just the installer, somewhat like an msi or zip self-extracter. I just said "cab" in reference to a mod/app for the windows phones.
What tools should I be looking for to start with in regards to modding/adding animation to the UI of particular Windows Mobile spots? Thanks for narrowing the language required (C family, I'll start my studies once I have the programs to code it with). Thanks again!
visual studio
maybe mono if you are on mac linux or can't get visual studio
but mono is only c# though
another option is gcc for pocketpc
or visual studio embeddet c++ it should be free too

Question about developing for WM

Hi, I'm trying out developing for my O2 Flame and was wondering if I could use the GNU GCC Compiler for compiling my programs, as I do not have the money for Visual C++ or something like that. If the GCC Compiler can't, can anybody recommend me a free compiler, Thanks in advanced.
You can use the free version of Embedded Visual C++ 4.0, although it was originally designed for development for WM 2003. If you limit the main menu to two items then WM 5.0 onwards will display the program correctly with the buttons either side of the SIP. Any more, and it switches back to the WM2003 style command bar.
For C++ you can develop in the Win32, ATL or MFC models.
Don't forget to apply SP4 to it after install. (Same page, use the link at the bottom)
It also uses an earlier WM2003 emulator that runs a half way x86/Arm code setup. It works, but the standalone emulator manager with the relevant WinMo SDK does a better job. You will only be able to fully debug the code created in by EVC 4, in its own WM2003 emulator or on a real device, not in the standalone emulator. The standalone emulator images will run your code so you can test it, but you cannot set breakpoints, examine variables. etc.
If you want to develop stuff for GPS, then you may have to add the relevent headers and lib files from later versions of the SDKs
The GNU compiler can be made to work, but I have never tried it.
Thanks for your help!

