Newbie messed up Registry on Touch Pro - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Can someone help? I was trying to rename HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila "HomeSKPath" to "\Program Files\SecondToday\SecondToday.exe" and I accidentally deleted the "HomeSKPath" Can anyone copy that from their HTC Touch Pro and send it to me? [email protected]

It's just a "string-value" entry called "HomeLSKPath" for the left button and "HomeRSKPath" for the right button.


Cube problem after Resco install

After installing Resco Explorer, the link to music on one side of the cube is black and unreachable.
I searched the registry under HKLM/software/HTC/biotouch/MediaHubMini(folder)/Appl_1, and found the param string missing.
It should be something like:
-mode:______ -type:_____
With words where the _____ are.
Could someone please check their registry and give me the proper path?
Thanks in advance
"Param"="-mode:camera -type:video"
"Param"="-mode:camera -type:image"
Thanks Olioaglio
I guess there was never anything in that string after all, which makes me wonder what it could be?
If anybody has any ideas, please let me know.
EDIT: Nevermind, the problem fixed itself. I did a soft reset after the Resco install, but it still had this problem. I turned the phone off for the night and the next morning it was fine. Strange...

Remap short-press power-button

Im have a HTC Touch and I would like to remap the short-press power-button.
I did not find a way to do that.
In shap`s tool this is greyed out for the power-button.
So how to manage it?
try here
the first link should get you going in the right direction, you just have to change some links in the windows folder.
but I dont have any of these .lnk in my windows-directory.
I could create one, yes, but if they are not there.
Sorry for my english.
Did you use the windows file explorer and which phone are you using
I use Total Commander and I have a HTC Touch.
EDIT- nevermind look at this:
looks like you should just be able create links and it should work.
So it seems its not possible - creating a .lnk did not help

home screen trobbles

hey i installed a home screen plugin/omnia 2 on my touch pro and now its frozen... im able to use active sync and browse around from my pc and that is all... my question is where are the homescreen plugins located so i can rename/delete it? or even better where is the settings file so i can change that from the pc and reboot? thx for your time
i just downloaded Sabon Rai Registry Viewer which is a reg edit for ppc but on the pc thru active sync hopefully this will help if anyone knows where the settings are in the registry that would be a huge help thx
i found the today screen plugin location on the regedit but it wont let me edit so new regedit i guess? found some good new tho i now know that the dll file im looking for is named secst.dll...
case closed
ceregeditor worked perfect

How to remove left over shortcut?

Hey guys, I just uninstalled a GPS app and it left the link in the 'programs' page (though it does not go anywhere when clicked).
My question is how do we remove these, I tried delete like a normal desktop OS but there is no delete option in this part of the OS.
Is there a special folder I should goto to delete?
any help is greatly appreciated.
/Windows/start menu/programs
should be in there if not im not too sure
Use Total Commander. The link should be in the directory Chris gave you.

Soft Key changes

Hi all,
I previously had a Hermes where there was a little tool to change the soft-keys at the coners of the screen to to applications of your choice.
Either I did not look to find the tool in the Raphael or it does not exist in the HTC standard ROM. Is there any tool to use for changein the soft-keys?
Thanks for support.
Best Regards
put this fil in ur windows folder and voila...
in settings u can change the softkeys
Thanks, it works as expected until TouchFlo ist started . When TouchFlo is running, the keys automatically swich to left: Telephone, right: programms. I dont find a way to change that. Any suggestions?
Best Regards
This is what I, found it in the diamond forum.
just change hklm\software\htc\manila its not hard. homelsk options for the left softkey and homersk for the right. path and text.
Hi Jack,
thanks, the solution works , even with touch-flo. I could put the calendar as soft key. Do You know the name of the file where the contats are stored?
Best Regards
dont trust me too hard on this im doing it from memory, but... set your path to "\Windows\poutlook.exe" and your argument to "contacts". without quotes on both of course.
Hi Jack,
thanks, I will try this tomorrow, today I forgot my mobile in the office :-(.
Result: I tried it and nothing happened, no contacts shoowing up or any error-msg. So it should be an other file I guess. Do you have any idea?
Best regards
i was wondering why that wouldnt work and i tried it on mine and it does. you can check your spelling for any typos or whatever but it should work. no quotes, no caps on contacts, \'s not /'s. hope you can get it working.
If you install the cab i posted you dont need to edit the registry, just select the app you want the link on the soft key to be and click save.
alot of people like to do it themselvs or dont like extra apps. ill check it out and see what it does later.
so I tried again the manila cab that was postet above. Well, it works fine, I just cannot find the "contacts" in there which I like to set as left soft-key. The "calendar" setting works fine either as direct setting in the HKLM or using the cab.
I also tried again to start the poutlook.exe directly out of the file-explorer and in contrast to the start of the calendar, nothing happened. So it must be any other file to start ???
Also I tried to link the "kontakte" (a small link-file) directly in HKLM, but got an error-msg telling me that the file does not have the required security-attributes or whatsoever.
I will keep on searching but happy for any adviece.
Berst Regards

