help please - G1 Android Development

i am clueless to this whole android thing..ive read all the threads and im still
is it possible that some one can write a step by step guide as to how to install the RC30 patched update...
im dieing to get it and ive pretty much gona cross eyed from all these forums...i justy cant seem to figure it out..
thanx in advance

First you must Flash JesusFreke special signed recovery
Things you need to have and do
the debugging drivers,Android SDK, AndroidMod
(You must do it through adb shell so you need 32-bit OS)
Put your device into USB debugging mode(thats in settings/applications/development)
Connect your device with your PC
When it asks for driver location (were you put it)
You'll see sth like "HTC Dream Composite ADB Interface" on success
the drivers are in the attachments
to download Android sdk go here
and Androidmod here
AT the root of your hard drive put AndroidMod folder ex."C:\Androidmod"
and from the sdk copy "adb.exe" and "AdbWinApi.dll"(it's in tools) and put them in there.(C:\Androidmod)
Now go to run and type "cmd", now when the command prompt pops up navigate to "C:\Androidmod" by doing
"cd C:\Androidmod"
Once your in there type "adb shell" then
"mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system"
"cd /system"
"cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img"
"flash_image recovery recovery.img"
Tada how do you feel?
To check if this was done properly hold "HOME" and "Power" to get in to the recovery Menu
when you do press "Alt + L" it should say "using test keys"
Now that thats out of the way the easy part comes
download JesusFreke Modified RC30 - full version rename it to update it should look like this ""
put that on to the root of your sdcard
Restart your device holding "HOME" and "Power" to get in to the recovery Menu, when you do, press "Alt + L" read and then press "Alt + S"
tell me how it went

Nice post Humble. I think that will make things easier for a lot of people.

angel-78 said:
Nice post Humble. I think that will make things easier for a lot of people.
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thanks! i never done it before and the people at xda are always so kind to help me out so i figured Hey...

yea great post...i got it working thanx to u and the great step by step posted by...i forget who lol...but much thanx to everyone here at xda

I think the whole point is root.
I'm new but I think rootseems to give programmers the ability to do whatever they want to their phones. Kind of like a puppet and gives more freedom to do innovative and creative apps and other programs and not have someone cap their enthusiasm about "open" platform google is always ranting and raving about.
Also, everyone thank JesusFreke for being the great helper and hardworking guy he is to help us all out who are not as knowledgeable about the entire process.


Step by Step How-To get Modify RC30

I would like to give thanks to JesusFreke who helped me to understand this process !!!! Please show him some love and make good gestures for his work….. Also to all the other people and sites who made this possible including Koush !!! I take no credit for this just posting it to help people like me, who dont know to much about this.
First…. You need to install a google android usb driver so you can use the adb program. (It lets you push and pull files to/from the phone, and you can open up a shell with it to).
Download the driver file ( and
unzip it to the desktop.
On ur G1… Go menu > Settings > Applications > Development then enable the
USB debugging button.
Then connect your Android device via USB. When the Found New Hardware Wizard
appears, you'll be asked if you'd like Windows Update to search for software,
select No, not this time and click Next. Select Install from a list or specified location
and click Next. Select Search for the best driver in these locations. Browse and
select the unzipped file (android usb Click Finish.
Second…. Setting up the SDK
Go to and download the
Unzip the file to the desktop and rename the folder to sdk
Open your command prompt (Windows Key and R)
Type “cmd” (Without the quotations)
Then "cd desktop"
Then “cd sdk”
Next “cd tools”
Now type “adb devices
After that it should say some thing like… List of devices attached HT845GZ21370
Device. If u see this abd sees your device.
Third…. Writing JesusFreke’s Recovery image
Download the zip file from this thread...
Unzip the files to the SDK tools folder
Now, in the command window, type
"adb push recovery_testkeys.img /data/local/recovery.img"
(This will copy the recovery image files to the phone)
Fourth…. Get Root working on ur G1
Download the Android Telnet Client from the Market or get it here…
Turn on your phone's WiFi. This gives your phone an IP you can reach it at.
Restart your phone
Once restarted type telnetd at the home screen and press enter – Yes….. it will
start up a Contact search, do not worry about this, just type “telnetd” and press
enter (the enter button on the keypad).
Now press connect to localhost……. (You now have root!)
Now put in this command….
“mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system”
Then “cd /system”
Then “cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img”
Finally “flash_image recovery recovery.img” (Your Recovery Image is now writen)
*To make sure your Recovery Image was written…. Reboot your phone in Recovery
mode and press Alt+L. At the top it should say "using test keys" If so its written. Go
ahead and Reboot your phone by pressing the Home and Back buttons.*
Fifth…Apply JesusFreke’s modified RC30/RC8/ADP1
Go here and Download the ZIP
Now once the ZIP is downloaded rename it to “UPDATE”
Put it on the storage card
Last but not least Power off your G1 and Power it on by pressing the home key and power key
Press Alt+L (to turn on text)
Press Alt+S (to update)
And Bam you have yourself a modded RC30 G1 !!!!!!!!
ANOTHER Step by Step How-To get Modify RC30
Per user- "brandenk"
I think you need root to make the changes which is why you need to downgrade from RC30 to RC29 to take advantage of the root bug.
To downgrade using this NBH file:
To gain root access:
To flash the recovery and install modified rc30:
Engineering bootloader for G1:
Follow those steps, for #2 you dont need to do the beatbox mod and for step #3 use JKv1.3 instead of 1.2, then I added a step, flashing the Engineering Bootloader. Once you do those steps you will be good to go, I did this for the first time ever last night following those directions and it worked for me, and thats with my changes to the process. It took me reading through the directions like 50 times before I tried it but I went slowly and carefully and it went flawlessly.
Complete instructions for RC30 -> JFv1.3
Per "JesusFreke"
"I saw someone post this over on saurik's G1-hackers mailing list, and thought it would be useful to some of you.
It gives complete step-by-step instructions (all 23 of them ) for going from RC30 to JFv1.3.
"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"
--Henry Ford
T-Mobile G1 - modified RC30 with root access !!!
Thanks for the step by step instructions. Been looking for something like this!
would i get brick if i unlock it with a code for ATT?
step three link should be the following:
thanks for the walk through
also the link for the modded RC30 is:
I did this last night and upgraded to RC30 but the problem is right before I started the original RC30 was downloaded and it was asking me to update my phone but I declined. So now after everything is done, is there a way I could tell if I have the modded RC30 or the original RC30?
will this work even if your phone has already been updated to the stock rc30?
i dont think so. because they patched it
johnny13oi said:
I did this last night and upgraded to RC30 but the problem is right before I started the original RC30 was downloaded and it was asking me to update my phone but I declined. So now after everything is done, is there a way I could tell if I have the modded RC30 or the original RC30?
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yup "open a command prompt however you like (telnet, adb, terminal emulator app, etc.) and type "getprop". If it says 0, then you're running the modified boot image. Otherwise, if it says 1, you're still running the."-JesusFreke
Still at risk??
A bit of a noob here... but check my thinking:
1. Flashing the new recovery image will prevent any further OTA updates from being loaded unless they are signed with the test keys.
2. If 1 is true, then Google/Tmobile can still push a forced update to us if they sign it with test-keys?
If both above are true, maybe we need to look at disabling OTA updates altogether?
anyone want to make a how-to for ubuntu/*nix users?
I just tried all this (havent flashed mod rc30) and rebooted into recovery mode and I see:
Android system recovery utility
"Using Test Keys"
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Is this correct? Is it supposed to say "E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command"? When I do "getprop" I get 1. I'm afraid to try the flash like this. Im going to leave my phone off until I can figure this out...dont want a forced rc30 or a brick.
Can anyone help me??
xavier6303 said:
I just tried all this (havent flashed mod rc30) and rebooted into recovery mode and I see:
Android system recovery utility
"Using Test Keys"
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Is this correct? When I do "getprop" I get 1. I'm afraid to try the flash like this. Im going to leave my phone off until I can figure this out...dont want a forced rc30 or a brick.
Can anyone help me??
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yes that looks right. you still get a 1 because you still need to do STEP 5. that is flashing with the modified RC30. Looks like you are set up to go. GL
it will always say that E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command i believe. just ignore it.
mack said:
yes that looks right. you still get a 1 because you still need to do STEP 5. that is flashing with the modified RC30. Looks like you are set up to go. GL
it will always say that E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command i believe. just ignore it.
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ahh...thank you so much for the reply!
UPDATE: performed the update to rc30 and I now get a 0 for getprop
Thanks, I just updated to the mod RC30 with a breeze. Anyways, to make sure, how do I confirm that I'm on the modded RC30?
xavier6303 said:
ahh...thank you so much for the reply!
UPDATE: performed the update to rc30 and I now get a 0 for getprop
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Click to collapse now have modded RC30
donutman said:
Thanks, I just updated to the mod RC30 with a breeze. Anyways, to make sure, how do I confirm that I'm on the modded RC30?
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A quote for a quote
"open a command prompt however you like (telnet, adb, terminal emulator app, etc.) and type "getprop". If it says 0, then you're running the modified boot image. Otherwise, if it says 1, you're still running the."-JesusFreke
What are the modified recovery image and modified RC30 update? What it the difference? Why the original onces do not work?

[GUIDE] How To Root The Sprint CDMA Hero (Windows)

I have compiled this guide from the other one posted on this forum, the discussion therein, and my own knowledge. If you have any suggestions on making it better or to correct any mistakes I may have made please let me know.
This guide is intended for Windows and includes detailed instructions. It will cover the steps necessary to root, flash the new recovery image, create a full backup. This will work with software versions 1.29.651.1 and 1.56.651.2 (aka Android 1.5). If you have updated to 2.1 please following this guide here. I am not responsible for any damage done to your phone using this guide. Root at your own risk.
I have put to together a video on YouTube for you to follow along as well. The version numbers of certain files are now outdated in the video so change file names as necessary.
If you own a non-Sprint Hero, you will need to do some extra steps. Follow the guide in the How to Root Non-Sprint CDMA Hero thread.
Step 1: Download the Android SDK from The Windows file is called Extract the files to your C: drive so that you now have the folder C:\android-sdk-windows
Step 2: Download the asroot2 exploit file from Extract to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools folder.
Step 3: Download the Hero recovery image from Place this file in C:\android-sdk-windows\tools as well.
Step 4: Make sure USB Debugging is off by going to Settings>Applications>Development. Now connect the phone to your PC via USB cable.
Step 5: Mount your sdcard; Browse to the HTC Sync folder and install HTC Sync on your pc. After it is done installing unmount the sdcard then enable your USB debugging.
Step 6: Open a command prompt by clicking the Start button and typing cmd into the search box and pressing enter or found under All Programs>Accessories.
Step 7: You will now enter a series of commands which I will place inside code boxes to indicate the entire command. You may copy and then paste them into the command prompt window by right clicking. Only enter one command at a time.
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb devices
If you've been following this guide you will see your phone's serial number. If you get "device not found" error, you either need to make sure you the drivers were properly installed or make sure you enable USB debugging AFTER you connect the USB cable. Continue on once you get the proper phone serial output.
adb push asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
#​Now for a few last commands.
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
You are now officially rooted. A few more steps and you will have flashed the recovery image.
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img /sdcard
Pushing is equivalent of copy the file to the root of your sdcard. By the time you finished reading this it should be done. You'll know its done because the ouput will say something like transferred X bytes in X secs.
adb shell reboot
This will cause the phone to restart automatically. Wait till it is fully booted to continue.
adb shell
cd /sdcard/
flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img
reboot recovery
Step 8: This is the last command; you may now close the cmd prompt. This will cause your phone to boot into recovery mode; it should take no longer than 30 secs. The third option on the list is "- Backup/Restore"; select it. Now, select the first option "- Nand backup". The phone will prompt you to press HOME to confirm which is want you want to do. The backup will begin. You will see the screen say, "Performing backup : .........." When done, the bottom of the screen will say "Backup complete!" and you will be given the menu options again. Go back to the main menu and select reboot system. Rebooting your phone after installing the new recovery image may take several minutes.
Step 9: Once your phone is fully booted, mount the sdcard. You will see a folder called "nandroid"; I highly recommend you copy this to your pc in case you lose your sdcard data or reformat it. Your phone is rooted, 100% backed up, and ready to install a custom rom if you wish!
wow dude,
instructions worked great on Win7
i was able to download the missing usb_drivers by running SDK Setup in C:\android-sdk-windows, and selecting the usb driver from the available packages. I was unable to download the index for the SDK Setup program until I enabled "force http://" in the settings menu.
had to copy over asroot again after i ran SDK Setup (that program deleted it from the directory)
your instructions worked like a charm. total time spent rooting this thing after finding your post: 18 minutes.
(you might want to add a line there in the "mount and copy over the zip file step" to backup the nandroid folder from your SDCard to your comp just as a backup of your stock phone image)
anyway.. cheers!
izanagi said:
wow dude,
i'm about to follow these instructions. thank's for the precise list!
(btw, about to try it on Win7.. may have to change some folder pathing but we'll see)
okay.. typo on the first command in parentheses, and I'm missing the usb_drivers folder (do you have it / can sent it to me) so am unable to install the device in win7.
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Heh, thanks for the misspell heads up. I did my rooting from Win7 pc; it automatically installed correct drivers for me. To check go to the Control Panel>View devices and printers. You see one device named "Android Phone". Otherwise as far as Ive heard installing HTC Sync installs proper drivers.​
izanagi said:
*** edit had to copy over asroot again after i ran SDK Setup (that program deleted it from the directory)
**** edit: all done.. your instructions worked like a charm. total time spent rooting this thing after finding your post: 18 minutes.
(you might want to add a line there in the "mount and copy over the zip file step" to backup the nandroid folder from your SDCard to your comp just as a backup of your stock phone image)
anyway.. cheers!
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Thank you for taking the time help make my guide better. I'm very glad to know there are little to no hiccups.
When I do step 5, instead of:
5. "/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh"
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
I get:
[1] Killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
Any suggestions? Should I just be quiet until there is an Eris specific way to do this?
When I do step 5, instead of:
5. "/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh"
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
I get:
[1] Killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
Any suggestions? Should I just be quiet until there is an Eris specific way to do this?
detox702 said:
When I do step 5, instead of:
5. "/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh"
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
I get:
[1] Killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
Any suggestions? Should I just be quiet until there is an Eris specific way to do this?
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This guide is for the CDMA Hero not the Eris!
When I go to apply the rom I get an white screen with skateboarding androids on the bottom and the prompt to erase data yes/no. I press the home key and the Hero reboots without asking to "Apply sdcard:choose zip". This is done from the boot menu. Does the rom load automatically? Did I do something wrong? I got root with no problem. A tip; to make it easier and to avoid spelling mistakes copy and paste the rooting commands from the instructions. Made it go faster too. Thanks in advance.
Never mind. I held down Home and Power at
the same time instead of Home THEN power! ARRGH! Loading up now as I type. Sorry.
When I go to apply the rom I get an white screen with skateboarding androids on the bottom and the prompt to erase data yes/no.
I press the home key and the Hero reboots without asking to "Apply sdcard:choose zip".This is done from the boot menu.
Does the rom load automatically? Did I do something wrong? I got root with no problem.
A tip; to make it easier and to avoid spelling mistakes copy and paste the rooting commands from the instructions. Made it go faster too. Thanks in advance.
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yuck... break up your sentences, that's alot of crap to throw on someone all at once... and the bold doesn't help it any.
check to see if you have the custom recovery installed....
-turn off phone
-hold vol down + power
-should search for some stuff then give three options
-press "home" to enter recovery image
do you see "!" and a phone.... does it just hang or do you see a green/yellow menu?
At the end of his post he says he figured it out. He wasn't holding down home key
None of this is working for me at all... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but every time I enter ANY of the commands into the prompt all I get is "cannot find the path specified".
For reference, i have done everything in this guide to the letter, everything is downloaded, unzipped to the correct location, USB drivers installed, etc etc. Not sure what's wrong.
EDIT: I figured it out.. user error, awesome. Worked great, thanks for this!
awesomeindeed said:
None of this is working for me at all... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but every time I enter ANY of the commands into the prompt all I get is "cannot find the path specified".
For reference, i have done everything in this guide to the letter, everything is downloaded, unzipped to the correct location, USB drivers installed, etc etc. Not sure what's wrong.
EDIT: I figured it out.. user error, awesome. Worked great, thanks for this!
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"cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools" is actually "cd C:\android-sdk_r3-windows\tools"
is that where you are stuck?
thank you TS. I've been lurking xda for a couple years now when i had the mogul and tp. First time on an android device. Thank you for your time in helping me.
someone buy this man a drink!!!
Invaluable piece of work right here, helped me get it done in no time at all....real clear concise and very helpful....REQUEST THIS BE A STICKY!!!!!
fenske09 said:
"cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools" is actually "cd C:\android-sdk_r3-windows\tools"
is that where you are stuck?
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That was the name of the zip file not the extracted folder.
Please help, I followed all of your instructions, I received no errors however I can't boot the recovery image. I checked and it is in the sd card, but every time it just hangs at the HTC logo
I downloaded a terminal emulator and typed su and it gave me # so I assuming I am rooted?!
newtodroid said:
Please help, I followed all of your instructions, I received no errors however I can't boot the recovery image. I checked and it is in the sd card, but every time it just hangs at the HTC logo
I downloaded a terminal emulator and typed su and it gave me # so I assuming I am rooted?!
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Redownload the recovery image and reflash it. The one you're using probably became corrupt during DL or something.
theresthatguy said:
Redownload the recovery image and reflash it. The one you're using probably became corrupt during DL or something.
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also make sure you have the heroc version there's a hero and heroC, i messed that up once and had similar results
new ROM
So i loaded the custom ROM, and i followed all the istructions as listed on this guide. When i rebooted my phone, a bunch of my apps started Force Closing on startup.
did i miss something, or do something wrong?
if i reinstall them on the new ROM will they work right?
thanks for any insight
kristaps said:
So i loaded the custom ROM, and i followed all the istructions as listed on this guide. When i rebooted my phone, a bunch of my apps started Force Closing on startup.
did i miss something, or do something wrong?
if i reinstall them on the new ROM will they work right?
thanks for any insight
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you converted your sd card to fat32,ext2,swap and now the apps are looking for the program on your sd card,
turn off your phone
take out sd card
turn on phone
uninstall app
turn off phone
put in sd card
turn on phone
reinstall app
this should fix you

{Howto}Downgrrade form rooted 1.47.651.1

Ok... If your wimax isn't working and you want to downgrade to try to get it working this is how to do it...
1st get all of the files like you want to do Toast's Part-2. link:
Then do this part:
- download all files posted above
- unzip the and the
- put the flash_image and mtd-eng.img on the root of your sdcard
- go into shell on ur pc and do:
adb shell
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
/data/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img
- this should only take a second or two
- now put the on the root of your sdcard
- power off the phone
- hold volume down + power to boot into hboot
- it should now find and verify the on the root of your sdcard. itll show a blue status bar on the top right of the screen.
- after a minute or so it will ask u if u wanna flash SAY YES
- affter it flashes the it will ask if you wanna reboot. SAY YES
After if finally boots you should see HTC quietly brilliant which hangs forever but it should eventually get past it. Once it does you will have the oldest everything. This is a beta build and has a bunch of tools but just do an upgrade to root like you normally would. I would suggest going to .6 then upgrading to the latest 47 from there.
Hope that this helps someone.
P.S. is anyone willing to dump all of the tools that are included in this rom. It might be helpful for the other devs.
Thats the hard way... but yeah it'l work.
Why is everyone so hype on adb everything...?
Tell me the easy way. I would love to do it instead.
kthejoker20 said:
Thats the hard way... but yeah it'l work.
Why is everyone so hype on adb everything...?
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It's just easier to copy and paste stuff, even typing on a real keyboard. It's a pain in the ass doing it via terminal emulator with the lack of a physical keyboard on our Evo's.
Can anyone confirm if this helps fix the 4g issue?
krosemm said:
Can anyone confirm if this helps fix the 4g issue?
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If you used the unrevoked, no it wont.
There is no fix for 4g from unrevoked yet.
Neotelos_com said:
If you used the unrevoked, no it wont.
There is no fix for 4g from unrevoked yet.
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I used the toast method. And if i'm not mistaken I should flash roms w/o the 1.47.651.1 OTA update after downgrading right?
Nope, I try this method and it is not working. Some how the new OTA encrypted a code that any lower version will not over write it.
You don't have root access to even copy/paste or push the files to /data. I tried this and got a permission denied error message.
How do you input adb shell into Vista, I clicked "start", "run" and type "cmd" it bring up C:\users\XXXXX\ cd c:\android hit "enter"
then I type
c:\android>adb remount
Access is denied
Please advise what I did wrong. thanks
It worked for me... you have to make sure that when you enter the su command in adb to look at your phone. There should be a super user permission box that pops up. Accept it and youll be able to adb. It went fine for me after that.
urcboss07 said:
How do you input adb shell into Vista, I clicked "start", "run" and type "cmd" it bring up C:\users\XXXXX\ cd c:\android hit "enter"
then I type
c:\android>adb remount
Access is denied
Please advise what I did wrong. thanks
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1) Put your phone on USB Debug
2) On your Phone make sure the Ninja(SuperUserPermission) is set to prompt you when you have a request.
3) go to your PC and type in adb shell
4) type in SU
5) Once do you that you will see a prompt from the Ninja asking for a request. Allow for it. And it will remember from that point forward.
6) Look at your cmd prompt screen for a # - if you have it you have full access.
Then so what commands you have been given to do.
It can also be done from the Android Terminal Emulator but some might not like working with a smaller screen I like it myself. Makes me feel geeky
mrmomoman said:
1) Put your phone on USB Debug
2) On your Phone make sure the Ninja(SuperUserPermission) is set to prompt you when you have a request.
3) go to your PC and type in adb shell
4) type in SU
5) Once do you that you will see a prompt from the Ninja asking for a request. Allow for it. And it will remember from that point forward.
6) Look at your cmd prompt screen for a # - if you have it you have full access.
Then so what commands you have been given to do.
It can also be done from the Android Terminal Emulator but some might not like working with a smaller screen I like it myself. Makes me feel geeky
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This would only work if after the messup your still has root access. Some people have root and the "SU" will work but for the people w/o root will get access denied.
From above (I hate quoting) have you tried going to your tools folder inside your android folder and from there try your adb commands?
If you applied the OTA sent from Sprint, you lost root access. There will be no Ninja in the programs folder, because it was a new rom that the was flashed with the OTA. Root access has been closed for those that downloaded the update. If you try and type su, you will get permission denied.
Those of you that still have the root and superuser rights, DON'T DOWNLOAD THE OTA!! You are in a better position then the rest of us. I wanted the good battery life, so that's why I did it.

HOW TO SET YOUR OWN CUSTOM BOOT SCREEN! Also Trick your Friends Fake FC BootScreen !

I don't know if this is useless but i personally had a hell of a time with boot screens.
Here is the exact steps i took to get them working
Name your boot animation file and put it at the root of your SD card.
I opened a command prompt to my Tools folder in my android SDK
Type these commands without the "
"adb shell"
"mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock /system"
"cp /sdcard/ /system/customize/resource/"
"adb reboot"
Your phone should reboot and the New boot screen should be good to go.
Thanks to my ol buddy Paul for helping me with the parts i was lost on!
thanks also to
OP here
and OP here
For collecting these boot screens together and for showing a method that works for some.
While I was unable to get their method working I was able to make the above method work. ( the one i described in the first part of this post)
and lastly a link to a awesome bootscreen made by my friend paul
I do not have his xda username so I cannot properly credit him though I am sure He will be here soon enough to claim his glory
OR, you can use this and save yourself some time. Search is your friend.
I totally did search! There is so much to sift through though.

Anyone think the hboot from a NON RETAIL NON COMPLETE device would help?

I have a Non-Retail VERY early IMEI "Smartmock" that has an hboot with the topline saying this
HBoot version is 1.19.1000
Phone is a non-complete model, does not have a camera, functional touch panel (MIssing firmware, I'm sure I could get it working. ) or speakers/microphones
Just figured i'd offer the hboot up on a platter incase anyone wanted it, seeing as it's been a real fight for you guys.
IMEI is listed as 355195000000010 (Yeah, that pre-release. )
Let me know if it's useful in any way shape or form. (I'd ship the phone to someone awesome, but it's not mine to give, I do however have ample time to rip files from this well crafted fake )
dump everything ill take a look
How did you get it? Maybe ship to a experienced dev.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
boostedb16b said:
dump everything ill take a look
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Quick guide link? I haven't owned an HTC since my OG Dream
I can walk through odin blindfolded but I haven't used fastboot in forevar.
chchang1 said:
How did you get it? Maybe ship to a experienced dev.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
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It's a smartmock, intended to be used for displaying the phone without putting a 600 dollar asset at risk (It's literally the entire phone, except vibe motor, earphone, simcard slot (modem is intact and has firmware) and microphones. (Blank solder points for all above. )
1. Download adb zip ( and extract to c:\
2. Launch Windows console (cmd) and go to the adb folder cd c:\adb
3. "adb devices" <- Is your device detected? If not, install HTC Sync // Of course, before you have to plug your device in.. (sync mode)
4. "adb push busybox /data/local/busybox
5. "adb shell"
6. "cd /sdcard/"
7. "chmod 755 /data/local/busybox" (something like that)
8. "/data/local/busybox tar cvf dump.tar /system"
10 when it's finished, you will have a normal error like 'tar: error exit delayed from previous errors'.
11. Finally check the root of your SD card, you will find a dump.tar file
12. Upload to multiupload and post link or pm it to me
what update format is it in?
EDIT: nevermind, seen the post above
boostedb16b said:
1. Download adb zip ( and extract to c:\
2. Launch Windows console (cmd) and go to the adb folder cd c:\adb
3. "adb devices" <- Is your device detected? If not, install HTC Sync // Of course, before you have to plug your device in.. (sync mode)
4. "adb push busybox /data/local/busybox
5. "adb shell"
6. "cd /sdcard/"
7. "chmod 755 /data/local/busybox" (something like that)
8. "/data/local/busybox tar cvf dump.tar /system"
10 when it's finished, you will have a normal error like 'tar: error exit delayed from previous errors'.
11. Finally check the root of your SD card, you will find a dump.tar file
12. Upload to multiupload and post link or pm it to me
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Attempting now. shows up in ADB sort of... Ill explain more if I fail.
boostedb16b said:
1. Download adb zip ( and extract to c:\
2. Launch Windows console (cmd) and go to the adb folder cd c:\adb
3. "adb devices" <- Is your device detected? If not, install HTC Sync // Of course, before you have to plug your device in.. (sync mode)
4. "adb push busybox /data/local/busybox
5. "adb shell"
6. "cd /sdcard/"
7. "chmod 755 /data/local/busybox" (something like that)
8. "/data/local/busybox tar cvf dump.tar /system"
10 when it's finished, you will have a normal error like 'tar: error exit delayed from previous errors'.
11. Finally check the root of your SD card, you will find a dump.tar file
12. Upload to multiupload and post link or pm it to me
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Do you have a way we can IM? I've got it half working but this damn demo loop keeps killing shell.
Could something like this actually hold the key? Thanks a lot for your consideration of our locked S4Gs
nugzo said:
Could something like this actually hold the key? Thanks a lot for your consideration of our locked S4Gs
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Anything for you guys. I love this place, ever since I used it to upgrade my friend HTC S621 from winmo 5 to 6.1, and root and romming for my dream <3
Got a little cred under my belt with the Galaxy S and telus, and I figure, it never hurts to help.
How did you get it?
So many threads on getting s-off and a lot of them have potential. Very thankful for everybody doing this. Wish I had a way to help. Can't wait to root this beast
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
They appear to be getting close on the EVO 3D so maybe there is hope for us?
Dumping now. ADB and fastboot are like riding a bike, just needed a wee refresher course, hope its useful!
Is it possible if you can post pictures of the device? I really want to see how this looks like.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
It looks like an HTC sensation?
nccu_eagles said:
They appear to be getting close on the EVO 3D so maybe there is hope for us?
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i was gonna post that, those guys are so so so close man.. i even twitted the guy ..
Also, has anyone heard of the HTC SSD Test Tool? Cause it's sitting pretty on this thing.
0mega1 said:
Also, has anyone heard of the HTC SSD Test Tool? Cause it's sitting pretty on this thing.
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You could upload it if you get a minute. I have seen that floating around before and wouldn't mind checking it out myself but I think it may just be an HTC version of "dev tools" so to speak.

