adb shell permissions Question - G1 Android Development

Ok when I am doing the Recovery mod discussed in the other thread i get to a certain part and I am permission denied.
What it looks like:
D:\Android\AndroidMod>adb push recovery_testkeys.img /data/local/recovery.img
912 KB/s (0 bytes in 1767424.001s)
D:\Android\AndroidMod>adb shell
$ su
su: permission denied
Anyone have an idea?

i answered you on the other thread go here helpful.
Or here the instruction are clear it a wiki By Darkrift


[Q]I can't installCl ockworkMod Recovery

I was trying to install ClockworkMod Recovery I follow the step but for some reason I'm keep getting the following.
D:\Epic 4g\>adb shell
$ su
# remount rw
remount rw
Remounting /system (/dev/stl9) in read/write mode
# exit
$ exit
D:\Epic 4g\>run-try-first
one click installer and Clockworkmod Recovery v2.5.1.0 made by noobnl, skeeters
lint, and koush
Press any key to continue . . .
remove stock recovery patcher
mount: Operation not permitted
rm failed for /system/etc/, No such file or directory
rm failed for /system/recovery-from-boot.p, No such file or directory
copy kernel and flasher
1509 KB/s (0 bytes in 313888.000s)
2458 KB/s (0 bytes in 5820868.002s)flashing kernel
RedBend Update Agent 6,1,14,1
FOTA : Make Block Device Nodes
lcd_init(498): start!
lcd_init(507): fb0 open success
lcd_init(514): width = 480, height = 800
open device file: Permission denied
bmldevice_get_size: bmldevice_open failed!src: /sdcard/zImage
dst: /dev/block/bml8 partition size: 0x0
part_size: 0x0
reboot: Operation not permitted
wait 60 second
rm failed for /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, No such file or direc
rm failed for /data/local/, No such file or directory
Press any key to continue . . .
I've searched other thread someone did post the same issue but all they ask was "did you remount as rw?" or "Make sure your looking at your phone, superuser will ask you permission to for the process to run as root"
I did remount as rw and no superuser did not ask me anything during the install.
What should I do?
Please help!
Thank you

[Q] Problem with adb (permission denited)

I have a Problem with my adb:
c:\android\platform-tools> adb shell
But why there this a "$" and not a "#"?
and when i type for example:
c:\android\platform-tools>adb shell
$ su
su: permission denied
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
can some one help me??
su permission denied
I just bumped into the same problem with a unlocked Nexus One. Can anyone help? How do you get the permission to remove files?

How to temp root nextbook 7p running 2.3.3

Figured out how to temp root my friends nextbook and get titanium backup working. Basically i followed this thread
Download the htc flyer 16/32gb file and use that one. After you run the Run_ME_fre3vo_Root.bat File go to terminal and type su then hit enter.
You will get the notice that terminal has been granted superuser permission and you will be all set. Download titanium backup and install it .But remember everytime you reboot you will have to run the .bat again.
Thanks to Eugene373 for creating this tool. And thanks to #Teamwin
Htc Evo 4g rooted s-off cyanogenmod 7
Htc Flyer 16gb wifi rooted s-off Flyhigh rom
If i helped in anyway feel free to hit the thanks button
Or just use z4root. That's what I did on my Next6 while dumping the stock image.
By chance could I get a copy of the Next7's stock image?
temp root
tried z4root, i had no luck with gingerbread.
temp root
here is the system dump for nextbook7p
Ok i followed the steps on there but im kinda confused on hoqw you managed to get it to work. The next book 7p always shows as a mountable disk when connected to my computer. On the link it says u need to change it to charge only. I tried ignoring that because the nexbook 7p cant charge via usb. But when i click run_me_fr3vo_root the terminal opens and it says wait-for-devices and thats all. So would u kind giving a more detailed explanation? Id aporeciate it alot cause ive been wanting to root this thing foreverrrrr (3 months lol)
krisf29 said:
Figured out how to temp root my friends nextbook and get titanium backup working. Basically i followed this thread
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This method did not work with my NextBook 7:
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb wait-for-device
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp
3188 KB/s (9796 bytes in 0.003s)
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo
fre3vo by #teamwin
Please wait...
This device either does not support the fre3vo exploit, or this
account lacks permission to access the required devices.
An error has occured.
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb wait-for-device
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo
fre3vo by #teamwin
Please wait...
This device either does not support the fre3vo exploit, or this
account lacks permission to access the required devices.
An error has occured.
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb wait-for-device
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell sleep 5
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb remount
remount failed: Operation not permitted
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
mount: Operation not permitted
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell mount -o remount,suid /dev/block/mmcblk0p29 /data
mount: Operation not permitted
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell rm -r /vendor
rm failed for /vendor, Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell mkdir /system/vendor
mkdir failed for /system/vendor, Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell mkdir /system/vendor/bin
mkdir failed for /system/vendor/bin, No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 777 /system/vendor
Unable to chmod /system/vendor: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 777 /system/vendor/bin
Unable to chmod /system/vendor/bin: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/sh
Unable to chmod /system/bin/sh: Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push sqlite3 /system/vendor/bin
failed to copy 'sqlite3' to '/system/vendor/bin': No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push /system/lib
failed to copy '' to '/system/lib/': Read-only f
ile system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push /system/lib
failed to copy '' to '/system/lib/': Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 655 /system/lib/
Unable to chmod /system/lib/ No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 000 /system/lib/
Unable to chmod /system/lib/ No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push default.prop /default.prop
failed to copy 'default.prop' to '/default.prop': Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push init.rc /init.rc
failed to copy 'init.rc' to '/init.rc': Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push init.flyer.rc /init.flyer.rc
failed to copy 'init.flyer.rc' to '/init.flyer.rc': Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 755 /default.prop
Unable to chmod /default.prop: Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 755 /init.rc
Unable to chmod /init.rc: Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 755 /init.flyer.rc
Unable to chmod /init.flyer.rc: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push fixit /system/vendor/bin
failed to copy 'fixit' to '/system/vendor/bin': No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push su /sbin
failed to copy 'su' to '/sbin/su': Permission denied
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push su /system/vendor/bin
failed to copy 'su' to '/system/vendor/bin': No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb push busybox /system/vendor/bin
failed to copy 'busybox' to '/system/vendor/bin': No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /sbin
Unable to chmod /sbin: Read-only file system
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /sbin/su
Unable to chmod /sbin/su: Permission denied
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /system/vendor/bin/su
Unable to chmod /system/vendor/bin/su: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /system/vendor/bin/fixit
Unable to chmod /system/vendor/bin/fixit: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 4755 /system/vendor/bin/busybox
Unable to chmod /system/vendor/bin/busybox: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell chmod 755 /system/vendor/bin/sqlite3
Unable to chmod /system/vendor/bin/sqlite3: No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell /system/vendor/bin/busybox --install -s /system/ven
/system/vendor/bin/busybox: not found
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell rm -r /system/vendor/bin/ls
rm failed for /system/vendor/bin/ls, No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell rm -r /system/vendor/bin/reboot
rm failed for /system/vendor/bin/reboot, No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell rm -r /system/vendor/bin/chmod
rm failed for /system/vendor/bin/chmod, No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell rm -r /system/vendor/bin/chown
rm failed for /system/vendor/bin/chown, No such file or directory
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb install Superuser.apk
5818 KB/s (196640 bytes in 0.033s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb install androidterm.apk
6039 KB/s (92780 bytes in 0.015s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/androidterm.apk
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell ln -s /system/vendor /vendor
link failed File exists
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb wait-for-device
C:\RW_HTC_Flyer(1)>adb shell sync
Press any key to continue . . .
Same here. I tried all of the methods that I could come across on the web with no luck. You would think that it would be a way to root the original factory rom and just flash the device with the rooted rom. That seems to be the only way.
pls help me to get it rooted
i tried Zroot and gingerbreak without sucess
after i tried superoneclick
without sucess
i have a bextbook next8P
pls help

[Q] Downgrade problem, please help

Can you tell me what is the problem:
(I think my goldcard is good)
\Common files>adb push psneuter /data/local/tmp
1660 KB/s (0 bytes in 557962.000s)
\Common files>adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp
989 KB/s (0 bytes in 15837.000s)
\Common files>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
\Common files>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
C\Common files>adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
Failed to set prot mask (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
\Common files>adb shell

[Q] Firewater: Can't execute: permission denied [NEVERMIND PLEASE DELETE]

I can't seem to get s-off on this htc one m8 on verizon. This is the second one I've attempted to get s-off on. With the first one everything went smoothly and I had s-off within minutes. Weaksauce roots it, the terminal successfully pushes firewater, but when I go to execute firewater I get an error message.
List of devices attached
FA44NSF01498 device
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb reboot
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb wait-for-device push C:\User
s\Andrey\Desktop\firewater /data/local/tmp
3715 KB/s (4519496 bytes in 1.187s)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb shell
[email protected]_m8wl:/ $ su
[email protected]_m8wl:/ # /data/local/tmp/firewater
tmp-mksh: /data/local/tmp/firewater: can't execute: Permission denied
126|[email protected]_m8wl:/ #
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Am I doing something wrong?
Nevermind... I really need more sleep... I forgot to chmod
if everyone that got their question answered deleted their post, we'd have the same questions being asked every day lol the archives have saved me multiple times so even when you fix your own problem, its good to post how you did it so others can use it for reference (like you did)

