Touc Pro Questions - Touch Pro, Fuze General

1. Is there a way to change the appearance of TF3D? I appear to have a blue background, like a fisht tank view, but can't seem to figure out where it came from or how to either make it solid black or something else?
2. Is there a fix for display turning off during a phone call?
I think this thread will help for the appearance issue.


Menu colors are FUBARed!

I've been working on a theme, but now I'm stuck with a problem that may or may not be related. Changing home screens certainly doesn't fix it. I was also experimenting with VJbasehue but changing back didn't help there either.
My problem is this: in the Start Menu the menu that you bring up with the soft keys now has white text on a white background. How do I set the text back to black?
hard reset
Oh yeah, that's REAL funny.
Actually, just as mysteriously as it happened, it stopped happening. I have no idea why. (cue spooky music)
Maybe this methode works ? -->
Synchronize your tornado via Active sync and goto application data/home find the xml of your theme and change the value of colors police the restart your phone;
Sorry for my bad english
Use this program to change the system colors of your choice. You can install the file to your SD card if you want. To make the menu text black, tap sys. colors, scroll down to menu text, tap white customize box, slide all 3 color guides to far left to show "0"..Soft reset.
Here's a screenshot of what to do to make the menu text black or any color pattern of your choosing.
hotdog53 said:
Use this program to change the system colors of your choice. You can install the file to your SD card if you want. To make the menu text black, tap sys. colors, scroll down to menu text, tap white customize box, slide all 3 color guides to far left to show "0"..Soft reset.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found the cab file for instant installation of the program. You don't need the zip file now.
Yea....but how to tweak a Phone with an PPC app...
Yah, that's kind of hard to use a PPC app on a Smartphone. Although the concept is cool. I think PPC/Smartphones need a 'Display Properties' app like Windows itself has. Plus a way to automagically change icon sets. Plus lots of other neet goodies.
...and the colors are FUBARed again. BTW, this time around I'm not altering color settings in the home screen file, but I am working on new icons. I didn't change the background screen, so why these colors are changing is a mystery.
Ooops, sorry. I thought I was at the Wizard forum
Quite all right - I finally just set all the colors in the SCHEME in the home screen and that stabilized things.
I'm still wishing I could figure out for once and for all how to change the color of the text on the start menu.

SMS On-Screen Notification

I have doen a search, but so far I haven't found a thread that covers this particular problem. When I get a new sms, I get the lights, the noise, the vibration and the on screen message, but that dissapears after a few seconds.
Is there any way of keeping that message on screen until I dissmis it? I have checked Adavnced config and there isn't a setting in there, and I don't really want to use another app as I like the way TF3D does it, I just wish the message could stay up for an indetermainate amount of time
does anyone has an answer?I'm having the same problem...
I don't believe thats possible....
I don't use TF3D and I see a "Notification" left softkey on todayscreen. It's enough for me. I tap the sofybutton and the message appears again. I don't know,what TF3D is doing.
there is no reg edit for this?? maybe this can be implemented in a rom upgrade...however i do like the bubble notification
I'm having the same problem. I suspect it is the way that TF3D takes over the soft-keys. So when the notification comes on, TF3D recaptures it after a few seconds.
I looked in Advanced Config and also TF3D Config and couldn't find any settings that would restore the original behavior.

[Q] hidden screen starting to appear

Lately my phone has been randomly be getting a glitch where the screen looks like its trying to scroll to another page (as if im scrolling through my home screen). Most noteabley is that the notification bar extends on and has orange text, also I should say it only glitches/slide to the right. I can recreate this event if I open snapchat and scroll over the friends tab. I believe it might have somthing to do with the notification bar though I have yet to find anyone with a fix. Does anyone have an idea what I could do?

Any way to minimize quick toggles in landscape mode?

I just got a Zenfone 6 and mostly like it so far, but I'm running into a really annoying UI issue that I've not been able to find any info on.
When I'm using the phone in landscape mode and drag down from the top, the quick toggle pane dominates the view and won't minimize, leaving a tiny sliver of space to view notifications that's smaller than even a single notification.
I've attached a screenshot of what this looks like, is anyone else having this issue? Have you found a setting to fix this?
Yeah, I've got this, I notice it when I put it my holder in the car.
Does seem strange & completely unnecessary so hope there's a solution within the current settings somewhere......

Question True white?

My One Plus 9's screen's whites (e.g., on a white background web page) seem to be actually a bit off-white, like a very, very light gray. I took screenshots to make sure that #FFFFFF was being displayed.
I've tried playing with all the stock display settings but couldn't fix it. (I can make the very, very light gray look colder with the stock settings, but I can't make it be just white.)
I can fix it by pushing the white point to something around +0.10 with my ColorChanger app's custom mode option (root required), so I know the hardware can handle a whiter/brighter white, but I would like to be able to just set it with the system settings rather than having to make ColorChanger start on boot.
What display settings do you use in the advanced section under screen calibration?
Loose the color changer app. It can't begin to dial in the display. You can't do this by eye.
This smartphone should have excellent color rendering and white point. It's one of the best.
Make sure it's not a setting issue. Turn off Developer options for now and recheck all display and accessibility settings.
Either it's a software, firmware or hardware issue. If not running on it's stock rom start there. If already running stock, factory reset and be careful what apps you install.
-Or- find the app that caused it (preferred).
Book reading apps can alter white point settings permanently by altering hidden user settings. Uninstalling them sometimes doesn't undo the changes made by a poorly written app. Google Reader (I think it was that one) did this to me on my Note 10+. Had to reinstall it, change the setting in it, then uninstall the junk app once and for all... or factory reset
You get the idea.
Hmm. I thought I had tried all the advanced settings, but now I see that I can pretty much the same nice very bright white (and more neutral grays) by using the wide gamut settings as with my Color Changer. Don't know why I missed that. Should save a bit of battery life.

