Athena Goes Wiki - Advantage X7510 General

Athena goes wiki
A wiki page has been opened for the Athena
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.
Perhaps create a section dedicated to the X7510?
Enjoy all.


Apache goes wiki

Apache goes wiki
A wiki page has been opened for the Apache
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.
It has the structure of the Blueangel wiki so you can use that as template.

XDA-wiki page for Polaris

XDA-wiki page for Polaris
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.

What would you like to see in new official HTC Touch HD ROM ?

Let's bring out our wishes to HTC developers
why posted here? why is so hard to understand how this forum is organized? why not in general discussion?! this forum is for ROM development, ppl come here to see and download newly ROMs.
this thread (if not moved) is going to become another long, "chat" thread and continuously occupy a slot in the main page pushing other, more important and forum related posts in the second page.
please read the rules and understand them before u post!

[STICKY WIKI] - [PLEASE READ] -All Currently Available Roms

***Due to popular Request & In an attempt to clean up the Hero Forum we have started a CDMA Hero ROMS Sticky Wiki page listing all curently available Roms.***
On this page you will find all links to the current stickies in this forum (which will be "unstickied")
There will be no stickies in Hero Section, so please don't ask. Go to the Wiki and put your sticky there.
As is the nature of the Wiki please feel free to edit and place a link with a short description of your post. You can also edit the appearance of the page and how it is layed out.
Hopefully you will all add your relevant links to the Wiki and update them as required.
This will, in theory, provide a one stop Index page which should, if this works, be a useful resource to all.
This will of course only work if YOU, the users, keep it up to date and clean.
Greetz and thank you for your help in getting the Hero Forum back in to shape (it has become a little flabby yes?)
Sugestions and feedback are always welcome. This thread will be regularly cleaned, so dont be offended if your post disappears from here.

[HTC Elf: Posting Rules, Please READ BEFORE posting.]

ATTENTION!!​We are glad that our community is growing really fast. Unfortunately, the number of topics in the threads of the forums grow in a very larger manner
Unfortunately not every user is aware of the general forum usage and posting rules​
As a direct consequence to that MODERATORS will apply the Elf forum, a very strict moderating policy which might imply:
immediate thread deletion when newly created thread addresses an already discussed topic;​
immediate thread deletion when newly created thread addresses an issue such as "Which ROM is the best", "Elf vs iPhone", etc.;​
immediate post deletion in the case of double posting;​
immediate thread deletion and a temporary BAN in case of thread spamming (to be more exact, creating the same thread twice, with different name, etc.);​
immediate thread deletion when newly created thread subject lines are not as per posting policy mentioned below​
closing old threads (you can always PM a MOD with the link of the thread you want to reopen);​
eventually deleting old threads​
Please consider a few guidelines before posting to the Elf Forum and Subfora! (also applies to other Fora!)​
DO check whether your question has been asked before!
There are some questions that have been asked before several times.
Use the “Search” function on the brown menu bar on the top of the page. There you have the options the have Google search inside XDA-developers site or to use the built-in forum search
If your search has no / unsatisfying results, try with different keywords​
If your question has been asked, read the thread or use the “Search” function to search through that specific thread
If you don’t find the answer, try posting in that thread as chances are bigger someone can help you.​
Alternatively you can start using the XDA-Developers FireFox & IE Search Bar Plug In.​
DO read the Wiki!
Chances are that the answer to your question is already to be found in the Wiki. So please check the Wiki and read the FAQs.​
DO edit the Wiki!
All the information that is stored in the Wiki is dynamic. Therefore it can be edited by everyone. Updating the Wiki in this way leaves us with an up to date Wiki which can successfully answer other user’s question only by reading it.
Also posting an answer you get on the forum to the Wiki helps other users with future similar questions.​
Don't be afraid of editing the Wiki if you don't understand the wiki syntax: Formating may seem a bit complicated at the beginning, but you don't have to care too much if you just want to add content, add it as if you were writing a text document and sure someone more experienced with wiki syntax will edit it after and correct the bad formating mistakes.​
New here?
If you are a first timer, welcome aboard!
Please read the General Guidelines of XDA-developers posting.​
As a rule of thumb, let’s try to maintain the following structure:​
(General talk. Post general issues related to Diamond, software, skins, fixes, tips, tricks, OS issues, etc.)​
Elf upgrading
(Specific talk. Post issues related to upgrading only, Utilities, HardSPL, Radios, unbricking, etc.)​
Elf accessories
(Specific talk. Post issues related to accessories only, SD Cards, headsets, remote, etc.)​
Let's try to post our ROMs the following way:​
[ROM][LANGUAGE][DATE]rom name and version (Build)[STATUS]
[KITCHEN][WWE][08/08/08]KOKOTAS ELF(in) Hybrid Kitchen (version 1.3)[ONLINE]
[PRJ][WWE][BETA]BRAM / NOONSKI Touch Surface 6.1 Public Beta Release Candidate Unskinned[ONLINE]
[ROM][WWE][22.08.08]HTCTOUCHP NEW BUILD!! Touch ESSentiaL v1.8 (WM6.1 CE OS 5.2.20296)[ONLINE]
[ROM][WWE][23.08.08]ABABREKAR UC2.0 + Mortscript capable new Ultra Clean Edition concept[OFFLINE]
[REF]NOONSKI Cooking Class Class of 2008/09[ONLINE]
[UPG]HTCTOUCHP New USPLs & IPLs for Elf & Elfin[ONLINE]​
* If name is too long for Thread title, leave out the [STATUS] ([ONLINE], [OFFLINE])​
For upgrade tools (HSPL, SSPL, CID, SIM, etc.), use:
For complete kitchens, use:
[KITCHEN][Language]name and version (Build)
For projects, use:
For utilities, use:
[UTIL]name and version
For requests, use:
For questions, use:
For themes, use:
For reference threads (tutorials, guides, etc.), use:
For Rollup threads (thread indexes, etc.), use:
For Poll information threads, use:
Items from moderators that need special attention will use:
Every member of this community is a valuable contributor and it is his/her responsibility to keep this community clean and information in the forums easy to access
Please feel free to contact me madnish30(HTC Elf FORUM MOD) if you want to suggest a change, or have a problem.

