Problem with Opera - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Has anyone noticed issues with browsing on opera? The first couple of web pages load fine but then after clicking a few links and seeing the pages, subsequent links just freeze, sometimes after a while you do get some kind of a "page cannot be displayed message" but not always, most of the times it just sits there.
Exiting the browser and relaunching it seems to work but the same problem comes up after browsing a few pages.
This seems to only happen whilst using GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA on O2 UK, WiFi is fine!
Your input would be highly appreciated!

Same Problem to my Device. HTC Touch Pro on o2 Germany.
It seems that there is a Problem with switching from UMTS to HSDPA. The Raphael only activates HSDPA when its really needed.
First I tought it is a problem with HSUPA because in Germany o2 don't have HSUPA at the moment. So I only activated HSDPA. But the only way to fix the problem with Opera I found:
Deactivate HSDPA/HSUPA. Only use UMTS (3G).
Its Way slower, but Opera needs time to display a webpage, so that the speed increasement is only noticable when downloading files...
Its not a very nice solution, but the only way I found until now.
Sorry for my poor english...

Nice one Daniel, I'll give this a try. It seems that only O2 UK has this problem, I will test with other networks and post my results also. Many thanks for your advice!

I can also vouch for this i'm also on o2 UK and have had my touch pro for 6 weeks and was getting so annoyed with the lousy internet browsing which was a big reason for me getting the phone in the first place. the phone was constantly freezing after 2-3-4 maybe 5 at best web pages and even then it wasn't at a consistent speed, i first thought it was the phone but no one else seemed to be complaining so then i thought it coud be the data connection settings might be incorrect being the phone isn't endorsed by o2 but couldn't find nothing wrong there so eventually like yourself i found turning off of the HSDPA/HSUPA
settings-connections-advanced network-HSDPA/HSUPA = disable
solved everything and even though i may not be getting 3.5G speeds its a lot faster then my Nokia N95 ever was at loading web pages.
I'd be interested to know how you found the performance on other networks (I've only got o2 sims so cant try another network) from what I've gathered o2 inst that great when it comes to data/speed and there 3.5g is pretty flaky I expect this is what's coursing the problem and not the phone itself

yan2k said:
I can also vouch for this i'm also on o2 UK and have had my touch pro for 6 weeks and was getting so annoyed with the lousy internet browsing which was a big reason for me getting the phone in the first place. the phone was constantly freezing after 2-3-4 maybe 5 at best web pages and even then it wasn't at a consistent speed, i first thought it was the phone but no one else seemed to be complaining so then i thought it coud be the data connection settings might be incorrect being the phone isn't endorsed by o2 but couldn't find nothing wrong there so eventually like yourself i found turning off of the HSDPA/HSUPA
settings-connections-advanced network-HSDPA/HSUPA = disable
solved everything and even though i may not be getting 3.5G speeds its a lot faster then my Nokia N95 ever was at loading web pages.
I'd be interested to know how you found the performance on other networks (I've only got o2 sims so cant try another network) from what I've gathered o2 inst that great when it comes to data/speed and there 3.5g is pretty flaky I expect this is what's coursing the problem and not the phone itself
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unfortunately I cannot try other networks as my SIMs are not registering anymore. However, you are right, having tested the above solution, its much better. We shouldn't have to do this, period. Have you tried only switching off HSUPA? I'm about to do the same, lets share the findings...

right, hopefully this would be the same for everyone else on O2 using the Touch Pro. Using only 3g works and setting it to only HSDPA also works. HSDPA/HSUPA is what causes the problems... Let me know if anyone else finds anything different...

Hi I've not had any issues with Opera with HSDPA/HSUPA still enabled - have you tried increasing the settings/advanced/cache size?
I increased mine to 10000kb

my problem is that Opera displays very poorly - i have to constantly zoom and drag the page around...
and the stupid soft keyboard won't stop popping up even though i thought i had disabled it (SIP settings)
and it always goes back to portrait mode - unless the keyboard is open it won't stay still!

skduk said:
my problem is that Opera displays very poorly - i have to constantly zoom and drag the page around...
and the stupid soft keyboard won't stop popping up even though i thought i had disabled it (SIP settings)
and it always goes back to portrait mode - unless the keyboard is open it won't stay still!
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Try one of hte newer versions found else where on the forum.
I upgraded the included one and now the keyboard etc.. works correctly for me.

good plan... cheers!

jasthom69 said:
Hi I've not had any issues with Opera with HSDPA/HSUPA still enabled - have you tried increasing the settings/advanced/cache size?
I increased mine to 10000kb
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are you on O2 UK?, seems that the problem is unique to O2 UK subscribers...

Post moved HERE
(because it's not opera related, i got it on all browsers/ other proggies)


Opera/PIE crashing when opening web Gmail, But running fine when connected over WiFi

So, I recieved my Touch Pro from Expansys this morning, and using it today with T-Mobile I've noticed a rather strange phenomenon. Whilst connected to the interenet over T-Mobile's network, both Opera and PIE crash when trying to open the Gmail page. However, if I turn off the phone, and just connect over my WiFi, it loads fine. As soon as I switch back and try to navigate through my messages, Opera crashes. I'm going to do some more investigating, but I just wanted to get this out there and hear everyone's thoughts. I did install Google Gears before noticing this, and thinking that that might be causing the problem, uninstalled it, but it has made no difference.
For reference, the ROM etc details are:
Anyone else experienced this?
(I've also posted this at MoDaCo -
I have now found the resolution to this problem, which I am assuming only applies on T-Mobile's network. It seems that the proxy for T-Mobile was blocking secure connections (i.e. to sign in to Google), so to get around this, you need to go into connection settings, and then view the proxy settings, and disable the proxy for the connection 'T-Mobile Internet'. I'm sure this will be obvious to some, but just wanted to close this post in case anyone else comes across this.
If anyone has any info on why this was happening I would very interested to know the cause, particularly as I have just switched from a Kaiser where the connection settings were identical.
Good work for posting this up. If I stick on T-mobile it will be useful
thanks was having the same problem earlier today...was thinking t-mobile capped me or something.

Internet woes

So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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I just noticed this same issue with Internet Explorer. I never see the H - only G and E(dge). I'm on the original ROM. The last registry change I did was to re-map the PTT button. Before that, IE was working and the only changes I did were the top two performance tweaks from the tweak thread here.
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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Same here. Absolutely horrendous speeds, usually it actually times out. I still have a Samsung BlackJack II and also a Moto V3XX and I have tested sitting right in the same location, put my SIM in each of those other two devices and go to the same websites, everything works just fine, fast and normal. Then I put my SIM back in the Fuze and it's so slow it's literally unusable.
Going to try going back to the store and getting a replacement but I am afraid this might be an issue with the ROM. But I don't want to flash to a cooked ROM in case ATT won't take it back.
DrunkenOstrich said:
Same here. Absolutely horrendous speeds, usually it actually times out. I still have a Samsung BlackJack II and also a Moto V3XX and I have tested sitting right in the same location, put my SIM in each of those other two devices and go to the same websites, everything works just fine, fast and normal. Then I put my SIM back in the Fuze and it's so slow it's literally unusable.
Going to try going back to the store and getting a replacement but I am afraid this might be an issue with the ROM. But I don't want to flash to a cooked ROM in case ATT won't take it back.
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You can always undo what you flashed back to the stock roms/SPL.
HardSPL -
Stock/Shipped ROMS -
Search for more information.
bfspider said:
You can always undo what you flashed back to the stock roms/SPL.
HardSPL -
Stock/Shipped ROMS -
Search for more information.
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Thanks much!
I noticed there are four different versions of the ATT ROM for this device. Since some people are having big data speed issues and some are happily working away, I wonder if some of the stock ROM versions have issues and others don't?
DrunkenOstrich said:
Thanks much!
I noticed there are four different versions of the ATT ROM for this device. Since some people are having big data speed issues and some are happily working away, I wonder if some of the stock ROM versions have issues and others don't?
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I'm not too sure because I haven't played with the stock ROM at all. I jumped on the cooked ROM band wagon and I am now using ROMeOS at the moment. Later, when I get a moment, I'll try out the Cooked ATT ROM that NATF has put together.
One of the major complains of the stock ATT ROM is that HSPDA was shut off and that only 3G was being used. I know when I get a decent H signal, the Internet is pretty snappy. This is on the ROMeOS ROM.
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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I had this problem. Navigate to Programs>Tools>Proxy Manager. Once there tap on "Restore Proxy" This did the trick for me.
bfspider said:
I'm not too sure because I haven't played with the stock ROM at all. I jumped on the cooked ROM band wagon and I am now using ROMeOS at the moment. Later, when I get a moment, I'll try out the Cooked ATT ROM that NATF has put together.
One of the major complains of the stock ATT ROM is that HSPDA was shut off and that only 3G was being used. I know when I get a decent H signal, the Internet is pretty snappy. This is on the ROMeOS ROM.
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How fast? My phone shows 3G and using Opera I got the following from DSL reports speed test:
1345 kbit/sec
0.32s latency
6.363s d/l time.again.
And that was after it forced me to do the 1MB download because it wasn't able to calculate the test at the lower file sizes.
Seems like I'm pretty much in line with other posters speeds who show the H, no?
nthdgreee said:
I had this problem. Navigate to Programs>Tools>Proxy Manager. Once there tap on "Restore Proxy" This did the trick for me.
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Yup, that fixed my IE. Thanks!
And my Opera still works.
Must be an INI file or something for IE...
Right now I'm at home, so no 3G for me (Edge if I even get a signal at all usually) so I can't tell if it's (opera) slower.
Will this negatively impact tethering? Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.
I just did a bunch of testing between my Fuze and my Blackjack II for comparison. Others with the speed issues are in another thread, I posted a lengthy post with lots of test data in there. Please check it out and add to it what you can.
Where do you guys test your speed? The only DSL reports mobile speed test are up to 100k and that is too small. All the other tests I can find (anywhere) are either flash or java based and those applets never load on either Opera or IE.
I was able to get a toast blue angels test to run. Got 1809k WOOHOO. And IE works now, thanks!
FuzzyLogic_FC said:
Yup, that fixed my IE. Thanks!
And my Opera still works.
Must be an INI file or something for IE...
Right now I'm at home, so no 3G for me (Edge if I even get a signal at all usually) so I can't tell if it's (opera) slower.
Will this negatively impact tethering? Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.
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Glad that did it for you. I've never tried tethering before so I'm not qualified to answer your question. Post your results when you test.
FuzzyLogic_FC said:
How fast? My phone shows 3G and using Opera I got the following from DSL reports speed test:
Seems like I'm pretty much in line with other posters speeds who show the H, no?
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Hmm, maybe it's just me, but it really seems as if 3G speeds have been getting slower for me. I did the same test and got the same speeds as you (and occasionally, it has been falling to 500-600Kbps), but this really does seem slower than before.
One may say it's my imagination, but I have noticed it while watching Youtube. I use the HTC Youtube app and I always watch in high quality. Now I'm forced to watch in low quality simply because downloading high quality videos takes far too long (as long as 15-20 minutes depending on video length). Even the low quality videos takes quite a while to load.
To a smaller extent, web surfing has also slowed down noticeably. Unfortunately, I don't visit enough data-heavy website to be accurate about this.
I've performed numerous tests (different websites, ROMs, browsers, radios, etc), but it all turned out relatively the same. I was able to achieve higher speeds in some cases, but not significantly higher. Overall, though, it seems to me that there have been a large speed drop in AT&T's 3G.

{REQ}Keep HSDPA Always On

I am having trouble with my 3G/HSDPA connection with the HD2. I have a plan with unlimited data and I am not worried about battery life. The problem is that the phone seems to disconnected after a while from the 3G+/HSDPA network and then the only way to get any connection(whether it is for a weather update, email, or internet browsing) is to close all data connections and then reopen them. I think that there might be a reg key that is timing out the connection but I am not that skilled in this. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out in figuring out this problem.
Manilla: 2.5.19211619.0
first you can try to manually select the network type (gsm or wcdma) and band frequency. for this go to comm manager. then go to connection settings - advanced and enable hsdpa only, then soft reset.
if this doesn't work try to change the radio.
as a last resort, you need to experiment different rom-radio combinations to make it work.
I had this issue also for a long time before I finally nailed it with my current configuration.
good luck mate!
Thanks, I am trying that right now. I also had kinda "nailed it" but then I was having other problems with the rom and decided to change. lol I am going to try different radio/roms if that doesnt work. btw thanks for the quick reply
I had this problem too. Check the connections right there should only be 1 connection for your regular usage. It's the multiple connections that causes the data to stop working, at least for my case.
For example, my network provides 2 connections, one direct to internet, the other has a proxy. However, the default Opera browser always uses the proxied connection for some strange reason, while the other services (Weather/Twitter/etc) uses the direct connection. When the 2 connections are active simultaneously, I find my data going dead until I disconnect the proxied connection.
To get around it, I go to the about:config page in Opera, under Network, tick the "Conn Mgr Auto Detect Network". After that it doesn't uses the proxied connection anymore....but some of the default shortcuts in Opera still do that iirc.
In short, for me, disconnecting the proxied connection makes the direct connection work fine....hope this helps ya.
hey kenkiller, if you're still having trouble with the connection try antaed's method it seems to be working for me. btw I only have 1 connection so that wasn't it for me .
hotshot646 said:
hey kenkiller, if you're still having trouble with the connection try antaed's method it seems to be working for me. btw I only have 1 connection so that wasn't it for me .
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No worries...I've already set mine to HSDPA only as I've noticed that having HSUPA on only makes the download slower...but it doesn't cut the connection off as you've said, at least for me.
Glad you solved it.
Thanks . I am just glad that there are people that care about the phones they buy and such a great website to bring them all together

Need help with browser

This is my first android device and so far I like it a lot (was previously on windows mobile)
I help run a sim racing site and I'm having a problem with a url to a scoring program we use. It always says "Data connectivity problem. The server failed to comminicate." on the captivate.
and it has the upside down android in the spots the data should show in.
I have tried multiple browsers with no luck. It works fine on my old moto q and it works on my friends iphone both with at&t. I should also mention that it works on my captivate if I am on wifi.
Here is a link to our site h t t p:// and here is a link to the content I'm trying to view h t t p://
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I was able to use Wifi, but not 3g. I believe AT&T might have an issue with directing to a certain point on your server (27035).
This is a connectivity issue with AT&T. I'll try Dolphin browser next.
EDIT: Dolphin did not work but Opera did work. Opera uses their servers to transfer data. I believe it helps speed up data transmission over 3g networks.
Thanks madjsp but would they have an issue with this phone only?
I don't understand why it comes through on the q and the iphone and they are both with at&t also.
I can get there on the captivate's default browser by using a get.php file.
h t t p:// t t p://
Could that port be blocked on the phone maybe or is that possible? As you can probably tell, I don't have a clue about this stuff lol
Sorry for the spaces in the links but I can't post a link.
I've been browsing this forum for a couple years and just now had the need for a post
XDA is awesome!!
Some browsers do block non-standard ports, but I would expect it over 3G and WiFi. Do you have another Android phone you can try it with?
I can only come to the conclusion that the iphone data plan offers different browsing experiences. Try calling att and ask them about it. They might be able to tell you why.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I called at&t this morning and they said it wasn't an issue with them but who knows.
They told me to call samsung in the morning. I dread that call.
I am unable to find anyone here at work with at&t and android but I did test a droid through sprint and it worked perfectly with a 1.5 version of android.
I also tried it on a verizon ally on a 2.1 version of android but his is an ere27 build I think and mine is an eclair build.
If someone out there with a different build of android through at&t could try it, it would help tremendously.
Either way, I'm calling samsung when I get home from work in the morning and while I'm at it, I might as well mention the gps issues.
If I could get these two issues resolved, this phone would be perfect for me.
This has gotten even more weird.
With wifi the web pages open ok but with the 3G network they dont.
This all with the captivate browser, with the opera everithing is ok (but I like the original browser more)
Here are some pics One with WIFI(page ok) the other with 3G (page not ok)
I have Auto fit checked
text zize medium
no landscame only( thw problem does not fix)
I have reseted my phone and my browser and the problems does not fix.
Please help.

Gold_C DFT Error reporting

Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
Has a newer version of the DFT rom for GOLD_C been released? One major bug is that wifi mac address changes with every reboot.
Still a badass rom!
N_ZzZ said:
Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
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-Some programs you cant see well unless you have the theme on dark, I think I read somewhere that it was a common bug in his wp7 roms.
-Maybe not a bug but an issue (If Mwang used sprints rom as a base) the sms bug that limits you to 160 characters per text is present like in the sprint rom
It is soo much better than the the official sprint rom tho
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I can't connect with zune anymore. Two hard resets and two reflashes later my phone is still not recognized by zune software.
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
Zero9930 said:
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
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I had issues with mms too a hard reset resolved those
Is a newer version coming out soon for the Gold C that corrects the wifi mac issue?
N_ZzZ said:
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I have had something similar, although I've found that the internet is working still but incredibly slow, even when connected to Wi-fi, it seems like even with Wi-fi on, the phone prefers to use the network connection. I've found that turning on airplane mode and then using Wi-fi makes the internet work fine and quick, but with both on it seems to go much slower (but not always). Other than that it seems to be working fine
HTC Arrive ROM ???/Issues
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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you can search for "TeleNav" in the market, "Waze" in the Bazaar, or you can search online for "Nokia Drive" xap where you would have to deploy from your computer. I'm not going to link to the Nokia Drive as I don't know how legal it is to do so.
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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If you didn't yet, try a hard reset. That solved all my issues. I should have remembered that from the TP2 days...
I too am having issues with the internet speeds. My phone is constantly going into 1x. i can have full bars and it still goes 1x. even with Wifi on the phone still tries to use the cellular data and if that says 1x well its slow as hell. I have re flashed the rom and also done hard resets a few times, it didn't fix it for me, i mean it works great for a little while than the same problems persist.
According to what people are saying in ansar rom, it has the same problem with the connectivity. Hopefully there will be an update to fix this.
Another bug is that picture mail fails 95% of the time. i found that if you switch wifi off and than do a reset it usually works for a few times.
I wonder if we can fix our DATA issue if we input the APN settings into the rom. I used to run droid on my tp2 and we had to configure the APN for things to work as expected. I have searched around google and such and cannot find any working APN settings. Does anyone know of any that will work or have tried it?
Hey guys first off happy Easter to everyone! Secondly, I think I might have found a workaround for the WiFi cutting out on DFT sprint rom for the arrive. If you are on this rom and you have sprint well than you probably noticed the phone always going into 1x and than the WiFi taking forever to load. I had seen a post about shutting off cellular data and that was suppose to help. Well, I tried that and it worked for a little bit but than it stopped.
What I found is that if you change the network setting from automatic to home only that the WiFi no longer cuts out. The phone still says 1x but my WiFi hasn't cut one time and beforehand it was constantly working slow and or not working at all. Also, every picture mail that I have tried to send has went through without a single fail which it was a real pain in the butt to get one to send before. I haven't done too much testing as to whether the phone works better when not in WiFi but since I'm always in the office or at home, I'm always connected. But at least now it's working much much better!
Reg Settings for EVDO (3g is slow)
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
microfirmz said:
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
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Doesn't seem like that's what that key is for according to this thread:

