Calling card and your phone - General Topics

Hey guys and gals,
this is my first ever post, which i felt was need to address those of us who use calling cards for whatever reasons.
I once was looking for calling card dialing programs to do the dialing. Some of these programs included going into the registry. All of that is simply unnecessary.
Here is what you can do:
1. create a new contact i.e. "calling card"
2. enter the calling card's phone number
3. on the same line you type ",," followed by the pin number
4. enter additional commas ",,"after the pin and then enter the phone number you will be calling.
5. save the new contact.
at the end of it the sequence your contact phone number should have this format:
"calling card's phone number,, pin,, number you are going dial" or something like "555-555-5555,, 0000, 011-592-0101.
the commas act as pauses when your ppc is dialing a number. You may need to customize the format depending on the phone card company, some companies require that you enter "#" after the number you wish to dial.
another solution i found is the service
they have a neat little java applet with their service. So if their rates make sense for you, you should give it a try. Also I got their midlet to work with the latest version on Intent Midlet Manager.
Best of luck!
hope this was helpful.


calling cards issue

Guys i am an ex-sx56 user moved off to treo (600 and then 650) and am back to the wizard... I had a phone dialer tool "TAKEPHONE" in the palm world that I used to use and was very handy for phone dialing.
I had a rue setup if there is any number starting with +44 it used to use one calling card and dial the 1800# and with for me to click another button then dial the Pin and the automatically dial the number. That way I never had to change my contacts so that when i am here in the US i use the calling card and when in am there un UK i disable calling card and all the numbers are workable and no updates needed...
I am missing this utility as I travel a lot and dial international a lot… I have looked and have not found any decent tool to do the same.
I looked at the long distance dialer but did not work well with WM5.
I am willing to write some tool if I can get some tapi API in I have written a utility to make the call now I need to get it to check the state of the line and dial extra digits which I cant figure out
In WM5 I managed to partially solve the problem where I create a new contact with 1800XXXXXXXppYYYY where x is the calling card # and Y is the pin after doing this my calling card service is looking for the actual # it also allows me to fins a number but when I click it it dials another call instead of keying in the digits on the first call….
Not sure if I am expressing this clear but I need help.
I will pay for this kind of app.
I am using long distance dialer , it works ok on my HTC wizard
but I would like to have the one you talking about

Prefix dialing and dialing rules

I'm looking for the ability to contact certain people using prefxes such as international access numbers, pin numbers, suffex dialing for extensions, etc without having to edit each contact manually (i.e. entering commas for hard pauses and what not). If you manually edit contacts for automatic dialing sequences they lose their original formating and so you run into problems with caller ID and sms functionality. For example if you have an x number of contacts whose numbers begin with the same international access number it will get confused and think all the contact entries are the same.
A program like this could also support other dialing prefixes such as *67 for anonymous calling, (11) + 10-digit phone number for direct voicemail calling. It can also be used to setup automatic dialing sequences for those who need to access voice mails on other numbers, so no and so forth.
Up until now I have only been able to find one program that supports this for WM2003 (MyPrefixDial), but I don't think it works for WM5. There's only one prefix dialer called long distance dialer for WM5 but it's too basic of a program.
Anyone have plans or know of plans the development of a more complete program? I currently find that there are more applications for the Palm OS interface, which I find rather strange...any other ideas on the subject?

Dialing "p" for wait

in the old (and current I believe as well) Nokia phone - and most other pure mobile phones for that matter - you can dial a "p", typically by holding down the "*" for a while. The "p" makes the phone wait a little while before continuing to dial the rest of the number.
I need this feature!!!
I am using some prepaid phone cards for which this feature is really necessary.
So, anyone have a clue how to get a similar functionality on WM5? The "p" certainly does not work ...
Thanks in advance - Andy
if you're dialing live, you can dial only the connection number then open the keypad to dial the rest of the keycode manually. If you want to automate it, create a contact with the full number and you can enter in "p" there.
I have a contact for my voicemail which dials the voicemail and waits and the pin + #. this works great with voicecommand cause all I have to do is say "call voicemail" and it'll dial, enter in the password automatically and I don't have to touch the phone at all...
Interesting ... I did migrate all my number from my previous phone, where i had the "p" included in the number. The numbers also seemingly came up correctly on the PPC phone. However, when I tried to dial the number, it would not take the complete number with the "p" - I cannot remember exactly what it did, but it did not dial the whole thing. Thats why I thought/ hoped that there is another way. I guess, after what you are saying, I should give it another try ...
And yes, the application that you are describing is very similar to what I want to use. There is a prepaid international call provider, which has a local dial-in number and lets me call abroad for very little money. I call the local number - the service provider recognizes my account by the incoming phone number of my mobile - and then I dial the destination number. For the recognising part however, it is needed that the phone waits a little before it continues to dial the destination number.
Alright, alright .... works! Thx for the assurance! Tried it again and it just takes a lot longer - the pause is longer - than it used to be on my Nokia. Also, I do not hear the dialing tones after the "p" anymore, which probably put me off before.
Thanks! Thread closed
Try replacing the "p" with a "," . It will pause for a few seconds once the other side picks up the phone.

How to automatically dial calling card for long distance numbers

After too much time spent hunting around I've found a reliable way to force all long distance calls to go through a calling card. I've tried Long Distance Dialer and Sunnysoft Calling Card with poor results and suffered with shoddy interfaces. With this method you can use whatever dialer you like.
I'm using this in Canada where we do NOT have national calling--so depending on your plan, your mileage may vary with my specific rules.
I'm using the program MagiCall by Mobiion Software.
Here's what my rules are:
1. Create a rule to bypass future rules for local calls. In the action menu choose "Normal" and "Do nothing".
We have 2 area codes that are "local" most of the time.
The * at the beginning allows prefixes like "1" or "+1" (they are detected differently).
The * at the end is just to make sure it allows automatic dialing of extensions, etc. Note that any numbers with a , and additional digits at the end DO NOT work through the calling card rule properly.
Technically a number like 011 (60) 4123-1234 could slip through, but highly unlikely if not impossible.
2. I create a separate rule for toll free as sometimes I'm outside of the 604 area code and all calls there will be long distance. When I leave 604 I disable the rule to bypass local calls. In BC we also have 310-???? numbers that are toll free.
The last 2 are for #CODE's, and "\**" is for things like *611. Note that you can't properly enter a \ with the symbol panel on the TyTN. Use a different SIP like Fitaly, or enter a few extra rules: "???, ????, ?????" to cover your bases.
3. Create a rule for your calling card.
Filter type: All
Operation: Change Number
Call to: 877CALLINGCARD,PIN#,{phone}
It turns out some calling cards don't accept any darn number like my home PBX which automatically reformats calls for the provider.
Here is how I've set it up for my new Pingo calling card which requires a 1 before each 10 digit number and a # at the end. I should warn you that the Pingo calling card does NOT work with my Telco's voicemail. Anything involving DTMF is hit and miss after they've passed on the call. I have 3 calling card rules:
1. 10 digit dialing - This rule will only take the last 10 digits of the number dialed and send them with a 1 at the beginning.
Filter: ???-???-????, 1???-???-????, +1???-???-????
Operation: Change Number
Call to: 888PINGO,12345678901234,1{phone}[0,+10]#
2. International Calling.
Filter: +*
Operation: Change Number
Call to: 888PINGO,12345678901234,011{phone}#
3. Catch All - This just assumes the number is formatted correctly. It's also in hope of catching all numbers to avoid calling LD. If you can think of any other number formats, please let me know.
Filter: All
Operation: Change Number
Call to: 888PINGO,12345678901234,{phone}#
Other tips:
* To enable or disable dialing with a calling card, open the rule and check or uncheck the "Enabled" box on the left.
* When I'm outside of my local calling area, I disable the rule to bypass local numbers. This way calls to back home go through the calling card as well.
* To move rules up and down, click and hold on a rule.
* To automatically enter your voicemail password no matter how it's dialed. (With my TyTN I can't add ,password to my voicemail # in settings).
* Create a rule that automatically adds your prefix in areas where 10 digit dialing is mandatory. Example rule: ???-???? to 604{phone}. Be careful though, because once it's hit a rule, it won't follow through to a calling card one.
* Create a rule that adds your voicemail password to the end of your VM # automatically. This way you can use your fixed speed dial #1 for it.
* If you hate getting SMS's for your voicemail on top of the regular notification. Add a rule to delete them. I use the rules +Voicemail and +Urgent.
* Here on Rogers Wireless we have e-mail to SMS, but unless you pay a monthly fee, you need to reply with "read" to read the message! Set a rule for SMS that matches the phone number +30500* and the filter +"You have mail from" +"please reply with". Action1: Delete, Action2: Send SMS To:{phone} Message:read
* Want to check SMS delivery reports, but not have to delete a popup each time? Set a rule to move all delivery notifications to deleted items, and tick "tray icon" on the Others tab.
Please post your results for others to learn from.
Thank you. Very helpful. I am using the same product.
International calls with MagiCall
Here's what I did. Using my contact manager, MS Outlook, I assigned a category called International to all the contacts that would require for me to use my Calling Card. Then I created a Rule in MagiCall called 'Calling Card', Rule Type 'Phone Outbound', Filter 'Category', Categories 'International', Enabled. Then on 'Operation' tab: Action1 'Change Number', Call to: '13055035800,011{phone}[-1,0]#'
Explanation of Call to:
- 13055035800 is the number for Nexogy (Previously called Solollama), the LD call is cheaper than calling to the toll free number, plus my cell has plenty LD calls prepaid.
- , waits for the Nexogy server to pick up
- 011 is the international calling digit from North America
- {phone} places the Phone Number from the phone book
- [-1,0] strips the '+' sign at the beginning of my numbers. My numbers are formatted as +58-212-123-4567
- # is the end of number command for the Nexogy server, without it'll take an extra 2 or 3 seconds (an eternity!)
Regarding the password. My CC provider doesn't prompt for password when you've preset a your phone number on their website. Otherwise the Call To would look like: '13055035800,1234011{phone}[-1,0]#' being 1234 the password. If your provider needs more time to acknowledge the password, then you can try '13055035800,1234,011{phone}[-1,0]#'
The final number dialed will be: 13055035800(wait)1234(wait)011582121234567#
Hope this helps! If you find a software similar to PalmOS Takephone please let me know.

Any software to make sending DTMF touchtones possible??

Hey guys,
I just started using Treo 750. I love it so far except few things I miss about my old Nokia. Earlier I used to dial a calling card number and then just choose the contact's destination number by selecting "Touch Tone" option from the menu while in call, and it would touch tone that number for me and I was connected. Now, WM5 phone app doesnt seem to be able to do it, and I have to write down the contact's number on a paper first before dialing calling card access number.
Also, I know a comma can be used a 1-second soft pause, but any possible way to add hard pauses in the phone number like traditional cell phones can do... Its cumbersome carrying calling card's PIN code in pocket, and then entering it after dialing calling card number and then punching in destination number from a paper again... its frustrating...
I tried to look up a lot of dialers and apps, but none was a helpful find. Could someone suggest any way out.
I am using a product called MagiCall which has the calling card feature as well as calls filtering and SMS filtering.
I think it can help you.

