Outlook appointment shows note icon in day view - General Topics

I create an appointment in Microsoft Outlook 2007, just an subject no text in the body, after sync with direct push the appointment is in the pocket pc, in the dayview the appointment shows an note icon (if you turned this on at options). But the appointment body is empty. If you create an appointment with de mobile outlook or the web access this note is not shown.
Does anyone know how to solve this
Regards Sjaak


Calender driving me mad

When I reset and sync my XDA2 there is no highlight in the calender to show an entry. When I go into the day view I see the entires, mostly birthday and anniversary entries and a few meetings etc.
Is there a way to get them to be highlight in the month and yearly view as in Outlook 2000 on my PC. It should show a wee triangle or square on the PPC Outlook according to the book.
Its used a lot by me to review the month and see the dates that are highlighted.
Please help asap,
i believe if they are made as birthdays and such in contacts then they always display like that
They used to display the boxes on the monthly view
They used to display the notifications boxes under the monthly view before I reset and reinstall the XDA2. I'm 90% sure they did.
A triangle for the mettings and a box for birthdays and anniversaries.
So can anyone confirm this?
well mine dont display birthdays and such under the calander
and i get a triangle if the meeting is not for that long
and a square if it's an all day event
not sure why birthdays are not shown
I am very sure it used to until I reset. Must have just been the meetings I could see then.
It is very useful to be able to review the mouth view and see dates that have entires. Just gonna have to manually check them in advance or change all my reminder dates.
If anyone else has any ideas if this can be done let me know.
Birthdays wont display any shape because the STATUS field is by the default FREE. If you try to edit the STATUS field of a birthday entry into something that is not FREE, then it will display a box.
Now, if anyone of you knows how to configure your outlook or XDA wherein auto-generation of birthday entries from Contacts to Calendar will have a non-FREE status, please let me know so we could all see birthday indicator in our calendars. Then everybody's happy
I had them all changed in outlook to Tentative, so they would display an empty square.
two things happened :
- installing Pocket Informant & de-installing
- a hard reset
and then I noticed they were all set to free again & synced to outlook, so I had to change them all manually again.
if you shell out for a program such as KitaraGenesis, you can have a today screen plugin showing all kinds of different events / birthdays etc. It works through the Cal database so anything you put in Outlook's calendar will show through in KG. I bought it a year ago and I think it's great. It even links tasks.
Make sure that you sync the past 4 weeks of appointments and don't have any category filters on.
I use PI myself, I can recommend that for your needs too.

Reminder doesn't sync...

When I create an apointment in outlook on the PC, whatever reminder time i use (15min,30min,etc), when i sync it with the pocket pc, on the pocket side the reminder time on the appointment is allways the same (the default for new appointments created on the pocket pc).
Workin with WM5 on a TyTN.

Windows Mobile 2003 SE - contacts birthday in calendar?

Hello everybody and a Happy New Year,
I would like to know if it's possible to automatically transfer (take over) the birthday dates of my contacts in the calendar as recurring events (reminders), to be able to display them on the "Today" screen. I would like to do this without additional software, if it's possible. I have the english version of Windows 2003 SE on my Dell Axim X30i PDA (firmware A05).
Thank you very much in advance for each advice!
I know there is a program todo it, i'll have to find it tonight.... The main problem would be that i don't know if it supports wm 2003.....
Thank you for your reply. So you mean is not possible without an additional software? So in WM2003 the contacts birthday datas will not be automatically transfered in Calender as reccuring events?
There is a program called "darkannifalert" That says it will add alerts for contacts birthdays (i have never tried it but i imagine it does what it says ) No wm does not natively support adding birthdays to your calender. You can give the program a shot but it probably was made for wm5 and later (you're 3 versions of wm behind, so it will be a little harder to find 3rd party apps )
As far as I know, when you sync your PPC with Outlook, Outlook will create the Birthdays in Calendar and sync them back to your phone
"As far as I know, when you sync your PPC with Outlook, Outlook will create the Birthdays in Calendar and sync them back to your phone"
but...when I go to phone's calender ..view by month ...that day would not be highlighted ..but when i click into taht day ..the word who birthday appeal ..is normal to wm?

Windows Live and Outlook Sync

So I’m using Outlook 2007 (set up with my hotmail account via outlook connector) syncing with my Touch Pro. On my Pro, I also have Windows Live, with my hotmail account syncing with the hotmail server. I have this set up so I will recive my hotmail e-mail and contacts when I’m away from my computer. However, I notice that there are two entries (and sometimes three) for every contact, the Outlook contact, the Live contact, and then sometimes a non-live contact. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Am I just stuck with choosing between my Outlook contacts and Hotmail contacts?
I hope this isn’t too confusing.
In the Windows Live options on your device, where you choose to sync your Live contacts, you can select 'merge dublicate contacts'. Have you checked this option?

WinMo Calendar and Colored Appointments? Is it Possible?

I have been trying to get appointments on my TP2 CDMA (Verizon) WinMo 6.1 Calendar to show up with color based on the category.
Couple people stated that if you do the appointments in Outlook (on PC) and then sync the appointments to your phone then the appointments will be colored according to what the were in Outlook.
If that is the case, is it possible that some guru here could figure out how to mod the appointments on the phone to get the colors?
I don't sync my phone to Outlook so all my appointments are done via the Phone. Don't want to sync to outlook just to get colors.

