Developing Ideas for a Noob - General Topics

I am very new at developing anything what so ever. I want to take on the task of developing a small app for my HTC/xv6900.
I make visits to peoples homes on a regular basis. I would like to have a program that I can add these people in. It will work pretty similar to the contacts system already on the windows Mobile. But there are a few things that it lacks that I need. So i decided to try to develop my own.
I found a very cheap copy of the .net 2005 and download the Windows Mobile Professional from Microsoft.
But of course I am unsure of what I am doing. I figure I could try to build the GUI first and then get some help with the coding. But now I am stuck on the GUI.
The main reason for this post is to get help and get some direction to some good tutorials that would help in building a small app for a WM6 Professional device.


Cooking WM6 kernel

Hi Everyone,
first of all, english is not my language, so please be patient.
In my line of work, i usually have to develop some sort of embedded sytem, using small microcontrollers. Nevertheless somethimes this systems gets too big and i need to end using a Pc with Linux or paying windows xp licenses.
I found that CE is really cheaper.
How can i build my own WM6 OS for a mini-itx computer?.
I know this is out of topic, but i also would like to know how can this be built for the Wizard too.
Can i download somehow a Platform Builder for WM6 and build the OS?
I know that there was something like that on WM5, but i never tried it.
Thanks for making awsome roms.
I think with something like this you'd be better off contacting microsoft directly.
Drivers would be your biggest issue.and i believe only microsoft would have the manpower to develope these for you.
Post your question here. You may get more answers.

getting started in programing for WM6. pls advise

hi folks,
i love my phone and will like to contribute...
i studied years ago turbo pascal but i figured that programing languages basically have similar flows?
i will like to seek advise from pros on how do i get started?
can i
1) know what programing language or tools do i need?
2) know what are the usual errors or problems so that my climb will be easier?
i am really sincere and i hope the pros can take some time to advise me...
I would say, the easiest way to do some application pgrogramming, is to use the Visual Studio 2008(Tool) and C#(language). The platform is .Net framework 3.5.
You can download the latest Windows Mobile emulators, and use it along with Visual studio to test and debug your programs. Once you are satisfied with the program, you can build the cab using Visual Studio(which you can install on the real windows mobile device).
Please post specifics if you need more info. I am sure most of the poeple here are willing to help!
Please try the search function before posting even though this is the Q&A section
This question was just asked:
sorry bro . . .
its fine, just figured you might find a little information quicker there
ok specific Q can i rely solely on "WYSIWYG" interface? rather than hardcode like C etc?
Nope. Solely WYSIWYG won't get you anywhere.
But you can use it. For example the CompactFramework.Net (CF.Net) has a WYSIWYG interface, but the underlying functionality you'll have to write yourself.
If that is what you meant...

Requesting Info for Foraying into Smart Device Development

I've been a bit of a PC Programmer for a long time, and I'm wanting to get into creating applications for windows mobile (6.1 preferrably).
I've been looking and looking and have been getting quite a lot of conflicting views and suggestions.
I'm asking if anyone knows exactly what they're on about with creating applications (I'm thinking VB 2k8 with .net compact framework - though I'm not sure there's any other?)
If they could give me pointers on how to get started, or maybe a walkthrough (minus the actual programming) of what programs to use, how to compile and test..
My mental image of what I'm looking for is similar to how you used to do it with Visual Basic (6 is the last one I messed with) where you publish the program to an exe file? But yeah...
Any info is MUCH appreciated.
mod edit: Thread moved
Ah sorry mate, I thought that post was in the bounds of instigating a development discussion.
Would you be please able to then move this topic to the correct thread?
There are other programs out there to write software for ppc, but that is one of the best.
You will need the wm6 sdk to develope programs for wm 6.
Here is a link on developer resources so you can get a complete overview

Can anyone help me develop a more finger friendly Bible application for windows mobil

I started to work on one using but I feel as thought im taking the long way to go about it. In short, all of the windows mobile Bible Applications are just so out dated can anyone help or recommend a program that is out there already that I may have missed. I used olive tree but interface was just not very finger friendly. Any help or suggestions.
Here's the components of what i added to the upvise client
This is a great idea. But for now, I'll stick with Pocket E-Sword.
Keep up the good work.

What is the most suitable language to program in for Windows Phone?

I know some Visual Basic which I started learning at College and then developed slightly further at a snails pace over time, but I find its not too great for making windows mobile apps.
Im at the point where I want to learn a new language, mainly so I can make better apps for windows mobile than the basic things Ive made so far.
So, what would you guys think is the best language for programing with when making stuff for windows mobile?
I know its a question, but maybe it should be moved to "Development & Hacking" as the people viewing that section would know the answer I seek
Well, Ive decided upon C++

