[Security Advisory] Manufacturers leave device open for WAP-Push based attacks - General Topics

Windows Mobile Security Advisory: Manufacturers leave device open for WAP-Push based attacks
WAP Push SI (Service Indication) and SL (Service Load) are so called "Service SMS". These messages are used by operators to notify about software updates or to deploy them directly. Microsoft implemented a security policy to ensure that these messages are accepted only from trusted orginators. This policy is defined in the device registry. If improper settings are applied to this policy attackers can send malicious content to the device which then displays or executes the content immediately. This leaves the device open for further attack scenarios.
Workaround / Fixes:
Open your device registry and navigate to:
Check the values of the following DWORDs:
Microsofts recommends the following values for these:
0x0000100c : 0x800
0x0000100d : 0xc00
If they are for example 0x840 and 0xc40 your device is wide open and vulnerable. Change the keys to
the Microsoft recommendation. They are effective immediately.
Proof of concept:
For testing purposes check the above registry keys and set them to a faulty value (like the above
0x840 and 0xc40). Then use a program like PDUSpy or HushSMS to do some testings.
HushSMS is able to send these kind of messages from windows mobile based devices.
Get HushSMS from http://www.silentservices.de/HushSMS.html
Download the latest version (currently v0.6beta) and install it on your device.
Execute HushSMS and type in the number of the receipient windows mobile phone.
In the message body field type in the following (note without a leading HTTP://!!!):
Click Send->Send WAPSL
Watch your target device. If it starts connecting via GPRS it will then download the above sample
program and executes it immediatly without user interaction.
If you want to test your target device with PDUSpy use the follwing sample message:
UDH: 05040b8423f0
Edit: Added a youtube video in post #4
EDIT 19.09.2008: Some clarifications
Well, I received my brand new raphael two weeks ago and guess what, the values set by HTC by default are even more worse.
They set 4108 (0x100c) to 0x840
and set 4109 (0x100d) to 0x40
These means in detail:
Accept WAP Push Service Load Messages orgination from authenticated and trusted PPGs (Push Proxy Getways) AND any.
Accept WAP Push Service Indication Messages origination from any.
Hell, I informed HTC a long while ago about these issues, I wrote them several mails but all I got was some standard response like "Thank you, we will look into it".
However some may say:"Hey that's not that worse, I have opera set as my default browser and opera asks me each time what I want to do with this automagically downloaded file, so I'm safe as I always click on drop or simply close my opera window."
Well, since this is fine for people who "know what they are doing", but is is not for or these other people around there taht are using these devices and even don't have clue about what WAP Push is or what a security policy is or simply don't mind on clicking "accept" each time a message pops up ( and trust me when I say there are more people like this out there as you may guess).
Imagine the following scenario:
A malicious freak sets up a domain which is called www.htcupdateservice.com and hosts dangerous files on that domain. Now he sends out WAP Push SL messages to normal users of Windows Mobile phones with these faulty settings with the text:"HTC has to inform you about a critical security update. Donwload ist at http://www.htcupdateservice.com/Update3.6.9.exe"
What do you guess what enough people out there will do? Do you really think that most people that are not trained about security won't click on execute or download in their opera browser?
And what about people that dont have opera set as their default browser? You guessed right, the file will be downloaded and executed without user interaction. BOOM...
Here's another scenario:
Imagine a security vunlerability in opera mobile is discovered that can be exploited if the user visits a malicious webpages. You can guess how someone can force the user to visit this infectious webpage, can't you? ;-)
Or, let's say a malicious freak on the net sets up a webpages that utilizes CSRF attacks, or XSS, or whatever web based attack you may know. Using WAP Push SL messages he can force your browser to become the attacker and the victim with only one message.
It's up to you to care about this or not since HTC doesn't seem to care.

This is good info, though I don't see it as a huge hole since there is still opportunity to block the file by the end-user...which ultimately is required in both settings scenarios to stop the file executing.
From where are you getting these alerts, MSDN? I'd like to get in on receiving them.

tmknight said:
This is good info, though I don't see it as a huge hole since there is still opportunity to block the file by the end-user...which ultimately is required in both settings scenarios to stop the file executing.
From where are you getting these alerts, MSDN? I'd like to get in on receiving them.
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For SI you are right since the user only gets notified with an URL, but I would call it a huge whole for the SL things. SL messages get executed by the device immediately without the user having a way to block or stop this (if the message is set up accordingly; there are 3 message options as per standard and I refer to the silent execution flag).
If you are watching your device while the messages comes in you can see that a gprs connection is beeing made (if you are connected the whole time with an unlimited data plan for example you wouldnt even notice this).
Just give it try with the method I posted in the advisory with HushSMS (not advertising my program here, just giving a proof of concept).
Both advisories are made by me since I dicovered both flaws.

I just made a youtube video to demonstrate what this vulnerability means.
Watch it here: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=QhJ5SgD-bdQ

I did try it before I posted and my results in each instance (default and with suggested fix) incurred a user prompt. Albeit the default setting did not prompt for the executable to run, but still was prompted to download via IE - recommeded setting prompts at download and execution (see signature for my setup).
Like I said it is good info and indeed a security risk.
Will you share from where this info came?

tmknight said:
I did try it before I posted and my results in each instance (default and with suggested fix) incurred a user prompt. Albeit the default setting did not prompt for the executable to run, but still was prompted to download via IE - recommeded setting prompts at download and execution (see signature for my setup).
Like I said it is good info and indeed a security risk.
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Well this is interesting. So you say you had the same faulty registry keys like the new kaiser wm 6.1 rom had? (100c and 100d set to 840 and c40)
As you may have seen in the video my IE simply did not ask to open the file. It just gets executed...
Well, then at least your IE settings saved you from getting r00ted
tmknight said:
Will you share from where this info came?
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This vulnerability was researched by me about 1 year ago. But the default settings for SL and SI messages was always set correct in the last ROM versions for the devices I had. I just looked at the default settings on this new kaiser rom and found that they left it open for whatever reason and so I published this advisory. I already contacted HTC and am waiting for a response.

hi, i've got htc raphael and values are
0x0000100c : 0x800
0x0000100d : 0x40
0x0000100c : 0x800
0x0000100d : 0xc00
but still flaw works. luckly i have opera as default browser but i wanted to findout how can achive download only option.
also by changing to those suggested values do i disable my phones wappush message receive capability?

Good day, I would like to thank you for this post about Wap Push Messages. I have a straing problem with my HTC Kaiser Windows Mobil 6.1. My device don't notify me about any WAP Push Messages. I have the 800 & c00 vales in my registry, I changed them to 840 & c40 and send a test message as you suggest and it's started downloading after a period of time without asking me.
I changed it back to Microsoft recommends and send a new message again but it didn't appear in inbox message and my cell didn't notify me about new WAP PUSH message.
I'm going crazy with this, what's the problem, can you help me ?

Desigen said:
... I changed them to 840 & c40 and send a test message as you suggest and it's started downloading after a period of time without asking me.
I changed it back to Microsoft recommends and send a new messeage again but it didn't appear in inbox message and my cell didn't notifcate me about new WAP PUSH message.
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I don't understand what exactly your promblem is with. If you set the Microsoft recommended values it simply tell the device which security policy to apply to wich kind of messages. In the case of the two values the settings say that WAP-Push SL & SI messages have to come from trusted push proxy gateways. If you set them to the faulty values (840&c40) the device accepts these kind of messages coming from any. If the correct (or recommended) values are set the device simply drops or discards the messages without any user notification. So your described behaviour looks normal to me.
(Note: for those who are familiar with device roles and policies, I'm not going into deep here to avoid confusion)

Thanks for fast replay,
My problem is that I don't get notification from my mobile about new WAP-Push Messagess. I think when I receive an new one it must be in the inbox. My problem is, WAP-Push Messagess doesn't appear in the SMS/inbox folder.

nolovelust said:
hi, i've got htc raphael and values are
0x0000100c : 0x800
0x0000100d : 0x40
0x0000100c : 0x800
0x0000100d : 0xc00
but still flaw works. luckly i have opera as default browser but i wanted to findout how can achive download only option.
also by changing to those suggested values do i disable my phones wappush message receive capability?
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Well 0x800 for 0x100c is fine but 0x40 for 0x100d is not.
Policy 4108 (0x100c) handles WAP Push Service Load (SL) Messages
Policy 4109 (0x100d) handles WAP Push Service Indication (SI) Messages
So if policy 4109 (0x100d) is set to 40 this means that the device will accept messages from any instead of trusted push proxy gateways only.
So the settings you wrote above mean the following:
4108 (0x100c) = 0x800 : Accept WAP Push Service Load (SL) messages only from trusted and authenticated push proxy gateways
4109 (0x100d) = 0x40 : Accept WAP Push Service Indication messages from any originator and no authentication is needed
While Service Indication messages are not as harmful as Service Load messages, they still can try to fool people into clicking the download now option. Since the orginator is hidden and you only see network message as the sender, this kind of attack can be used to spoof valid operator messages.
I suggest you set 4109 (0x100d) to a value of 0xc40.
These settings do not prevent your device from receiving these kind of messages, but they have to come from an authenticated and trusted push proxy gateway or source.

Desigen said:
Thanks for fast replay,
My problem is that I don't get notification from my mobile about new WAP-Push Messagess. I think when I receive an new one it must be in the inbox. My problem is, WAP-Push Messagess doesn't appear in the SMS/inbox folder.
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Which kind of wap push message are you talking about?

For those that would like to read more about security policies and roles on windows mobile google for:
"Security Model For Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6"

c0rnholio said:
Which kind of wap push message are you talking about?
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Dear c0rnholio,
I think it's SL, I talking about the one you receive an option to download the content for Internet. Because my mobile provider send a WAP-Push to download ringtone over GPRS. So, they told me you need to do some modification in your mobile to receive this kind of messages. My mobile don't save the WAP-Push in the inbox folder. But when I put my SIM in Nokia phone I receive those WAP-Push.
As A test. I sent a WAPSL message using HushSMS to my phone it done not do anything. I sent one to Nokia Device it's reading it and give me an option to download the content.

Desigen said:
As A test. I sent a WAPSL message using HushSMS to my phone it done not do anything. I sent one to Nokia Device it's reading it and give me an option to download the content...
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Ah, OK, now I got you. Well, if the policy is set right your device will discard the message you sent with HushSMS because it is not coming from a trusted and authenticated source. But you should still be able to receive these messages from your service provider if your device is properly provisioned.
The fact that you can receive them on your nokia just indicates that nokia also has lazy security settings for these kind of messages.
If you cannot receive your ringtone from your provider when the correct policy settings are applied it seems that your device is not provisioned to trust your service provider. I suggest you enable it temporary by setting the unsecure values and after receiption of your ringtones reset them to the secure values.

Some clarifications
Well, I received my brand new raphael two weeks ago and guess what, the values set by HTC by default are even more worse.
They set 4108 (0x100c) to 0x840
and set 4109 (0x100d) to 0x40
These means in detail:
Accept WAP Push Service Load Messages orgination from authenticated and trusted PPGs (Push Proxy Getways) AND any.
Accept WAP Push Service Indication Messages origination from any.
Hell, I informed HTC a long while ago about these issues, I wrote them several mails but all I got was some standard response like "Thank you, we will look into it".
However some may say:"Hey that's not that worse, I have opera set as my default browser and opera asks me each time what I want to do with this automagically downloaded file, so I'm safe as I always click on drop or simply close my opera window."
Well, since this is fine for people who "know what they are doing", but is is not for or these other people around there taht are using these devices and even don't have clue about what WAP Push is or what a security policy is or simply don't mind on clicking "accept" each time a message pops up ( and trust me when I say there are more people like this out there as you may guess).
Imagine the following scenario:
A malicious freak sets up a domain which is called www.htcupdateservice.com and hosts dangerous files on that domain. Now he sends out WAP Push SL messages to normal users of Windows Mobile phones with these faulty settings with the text:"HTC has to inform you about a critical security update. Download it at http://www.htcupdateservice.com/Update3.6.9.exe"
What do you guess what enough people out there will do? Do you really think that most people that are not trained about security won't click on execute or download in their opera browser?
And what about people that dont have opera set as their default browser? You guessed right, the file will be downloaded and executed without user interaction. BOOM...
Here's another scenario:
Imagine a security vunlerability in opera mobile is discovered that can be exploited if the user visits a malicious webpages. You can guess how someone can force the user to visit this infectious webpage, can't you? ;-)
Or, let's say a malicious freak on the net sets up a webpages that utilizes CSRF attacks, or XSS, or whatever web based attack you may know. Using WAP Push SL messages he can force your browser to become the attacker and the victim with only one message.
It's up to you to care about this or not since HTC doesn't seem to care.

It seems that the value 0x40 for 0x100d working well for me I received notification and the message stored in the inbox, any idea !!
But I don't know who changed the both value to be 0x480 & 0xc00
Something to mention, two weeks ago I received my first WAP-Push but it was sent from unauthorized source !

Desigen said:
It seems that the value 0x40 for 0x100d working well for me I received notification and the message stored in the inbox, any idea !!
But I don't know who changed the both value to be 0x480 & 0xc00
Something to mention, two weeks ago I received my first WAP-Push but it was sent from unauthorized source !
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It seems you misunderstood me, or I'm simply not getting your point here.
Yes, with a value of 0x40 for 0x100d you can receive WAP Push SI messages from anyone. This might become a risk. The secure setting for this policy is 0xc00. This will save you from unwanted SI messages but may block your providers ringtone messages.
The default values you had where set from HTC (or whatever ROM you migth have installed) with the delivery of the ROM that is installed on the device. That's the final point of the advisory. The ROM manufacturer has left the device open for these kind of attacks.
However a final word in our little discussion:
If you want to be able to receive WAP Push messages from an untrusted and unauthenticated source then leave the settings as they were at the beginning. Be warned as this may be a security risk.
If you don't want to receive WAP Push messages from untrusted and unsauthenticated origins, then change the values as described in the first post.
As a rule of thumb: If you want to receive these messages, even if they come from untrusted and unauthenticated sources, but only want this temporary (for example if you know that your provider will send you a ringtone in the next minutes) then set the values to 0x40 each and after you received what you want reset them to the recommended values on the first post.
I'm out...

Thanks for sharing this usfull information with us.

I don't understand the value '0xc00' -- does that mean just change it to zero's? That's what I did using the registry editor... there were both 'hex' and 'dec' settings, with the 'hex' dword value appearing to be the one that needed fixing -- so I changed 0000100c to 800 and 100d to 0 -- is this right, or have I inadvertently instructed orbiting alien spacecraft to open fire upon earth?
Maybe screenshots, or a little more explanation on exactly what registry changes need to be made, I'm not used to ones with both hex and dec entries...


Any software for only 4,99$ !!!

Wasssup All,
Don't miss our great offer!
We write PocketPC software for you and it will cost only 4,99$
We write, you try and only then pay!
Just try and you won't be disappointed. We care of our customers' needs & wants
Contact us at: [email protected]
or leave your requests here!
Special Production Factory
[Mod Edit Still Researching]
Online application form
Get your software as fast as you want!
Just fill in our online application request at http://sp4ppc.land.ru
would be nice to have some names and details of products
I may be wrong - but my impression is that this is a specialized code shop. That is, tell them what you want to do and they will write the app. When you are satisfied, pay them $4.99. I assume they will make their money by offering that, and all other apps they write, for sale for that same amount.
Am I correct? What's the prize for sleuthing the intent of this (somewhat cryptic) thread?
BRosenow said:
I may be wrong - but my impression is that this is a specialized code shop.
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You're absolutely right!
Please be extremely specific
Hello Dear Friends,
We would like you to be more specific when describing your software request
Thank You!
I am interested.
Please code for me a pocketPc software that will do GPS navigation without an external device.
You say it will cost only 4.99$. I take your word.
Please ship me the software within 2 weeks as told on your web site.
Re: Please be extremely specific
SP said:
Hello Dear Friends,
We would like you to be more specific when describing your software request
Thank You!
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OK, here is what I need:
I need a software that can do the following:
1. Schedule automated textmessages on certain dates and time (Text Happy birthday or schedules based on Calendar and Contacts)
2. Personalized tones for a person or group of people
3. T9 dialer
I guess that's it for now
Please PM me if it is ready
JGUI. said:
I am interested.
Please code for me a pocketPc software that will do GPS navigation without an external device.
You say it will cost only 4.99$. I take your word.
Please ship me the software within 2 weeks as told on your web site.
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It is impossible to have gps navigation without gps. It is possible to have a location based system using the gsm repeaters but this is not as accurate as a gps sytem.
cruisin-thru said:
JGUI. said:
I am interested.
Please code for me a pocketPc software that will do GPS navigation without an external device.
You say it will cost only 4.99$. I take your word.
Please ship me the software within 2 weeks as told on your web site.
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It is impossible to have gps navigation without gps. It is possible to have a location based system using the gsm repeaters but this is not as accurate as a gps sytem.
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I think he was being sarcastic..
But the consept is cool!
But will all of these apps have the same interface?
Macros Player
SPMacroMagic is a software to play recorded earlier keystroke macros
If you need to fill-in enormous number of on-line or off-line business forms then this software is for you! It records your key strokes once and then repeats your input as much times as you want! Very good for filling-in customized databases via terminal server connections, online WS forms and for other personal purposes
How to use it:
1) Install enhanced keyboard driver from optima.zip
2) Install 'SPMacroMagic' from MacroMagic_PPC.ARMV4.CAB
3) Run 'MacroRecorder' from your start menu and record your macros
4) !!! Select 'Leng Keyboard' !!!
5) Run 'MacroPlayer' and play corresponding macros with "CONTROL + MacroNumber" key sequence in any PocketPC application (Pocket Excel, Word, Explorer and etc)
6) To quit from MacroPlayer press "Control + 0" (zero)
This software is for those who don't have a GPS unit and want to fake their friends! It emulates the radar screen with randomly placed targets. Number of targets can be specified by the user, as well as size of targets and radar bar. When a target is detected the default detection sound is played. Default map and sound can be replaced with custom files.
How to use:
1) Install 'Radar' from "Radar_PPC.ARMV4.zip"
2) Run "Radar" from 'Start Menu' and enjoy!
Hi SP,
Is it for any type of software that runs on PPC? eg. maybe I want to have WarCraft on my XDA2, does it still cost the same?
Do I get bug fixes before I pay up? How about enhancement request?
How do one pay up? Over PayPal?
well ok here is a request...
I would like a today plugin that will show the following:
1. operator (possibility to subsititute the thew name with a pic.
2. An icon that will change when there is a missed call showing the number of misse call and pressing the icon will take you to the missed call list.
3. an icon that will change when there is an unread message (showing the number of unread messages and again clicking the icon will take you to the sms inbox
icon shoud be large enough to be thumb operated
counters should reset properly whenever the missed calls or inbox are opened...
optional features:
a press and hold on the icons will take you to the dialed numbers and write new message dialogue respectively
PS please do not mention the jgui myphone!
i like...
1) a new dialer skin that has a switch for auto-answer after # rings
2) either enhance turjah 2 or build me a new space arcade shooter that utilizes the vibration (as a rumble pack on nintendo)
3) build a text to speach program ( like that SAYIT program that no one seem to be able to download)
oh, and can u fix my sipix printer driver to work on 2003?
I would like some software that can send all sound either out of the bottom connector when pin 20 is pulled low, or over bluetooth.
Is it for any type of software that runs on PPC? eg. maybe I want to have WarCraft on my XDA2, does it still cost the same?
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Unfortunately, I don't have WarCraft source codes and I have no desire for re-writing the WC. I can propose you the terminal services client enhancement tool that will allow you to run your WC over the PPC device.
Regarding the type of software, it can be any software (even web-services, drivers and etc). Such big projects as games and other will have more reasonable prices and terms. Make your order first and then you will get the more exact conditions explained
Do I get bug fixes before I pay up?
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Bugs-free software is guaranteed by 99,9%! On the other hand, you will receive two versions of the software. One is a preliminary test version to get your feedback on implementation and to amend your recommendations. The other one is a final version after which you shall make the payment. But if you found a bug, then the free fix is on the way to you!
How about enhancement request?
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It's up to the technical demands. If your request requires to re-code the entire software, then you will be notified about such re-coding and it will cost the same sum. But if it is only couple of design or small functionality changes, then there is no fee charged. This provision is in effect prior to final version.
How do one pay up? Over PayPal?
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It depends on your preferences. If you prefer to deal with PayPal, then let's it be PayPal. You can use WM, EP, bank transfers (SWIFT/WU) or credit card remittance
SMS checker with source codes available
[Software archive UPDATE]
If you need a software that will listen for a custom incoming SMS and perform a certain action then you need our SMSWaiter.
SMS waiter is a software which looks for your custom SMS and performs different actions (writes sms data to the registry, launches your software and etc)
attention .NET developers: source codes of integration with IMailRule are also available!!!
Dear Friends,
I regret to say that due to the lack of time I can't check this message board on a daily basis. Thus, I can't take your orders from this board anymore. Please proceed with your requests via our online request form at http://sp4ppc.land.ru
You can also post your requests about software for other operating systems there. Currently we can handle programming under Windows and Unix operating systems. Our extra offers are: databases (design and db-software), web-services (.net), web-scripts (asp/php/perl), web-design (dynamic) and cryptography (design of algs, testing & cracking). After receiving such order we will let you know about the terms and conditions of your request as fast as we can.
Thank You!
If there are people that are in real need of a software but they can't afford it. They are welcome to request it. Implementation in this case depends on free time of developers and their interest in the software requested.
SP, here's y request
OK, here is what I need:
I need a software that can do the following:
1. Schedule automated textmessages on certain dates and time (Text Happy birthday or schedules based on Calendar and Contacts)
2. Personalized tones for a person or group of people
3. T9 dialer
I've written what I need in pm message, but no response.

A new HTC TouchPro Hotfix today

HTC has uploaded a new Hot fix Today
HTC says on their support site:
"Hot Fix to enhance WAP security for HTC Touch Pro" and follows up with this info:
"When users access the Internet via wireless, some websites may present security concerns. This hot fix enhances the URL filter function in WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) security to prevent access to those web sites which are insecure."
Please - may anyone find out if this hot fix is an important update
This is the Hot Fix
Here is the Hot Fix from HTC.com
looks to me like all it is is a way to block websites that may not work right on your phone or may cause security problems. personally i like the full access and dont want to be limited on which sites i can visit even if they do "think" they are a "security" issue.
Where ist he link on the HTC site about this.. i cant find it anywhere
Here the reg changes :
Original cab attached.
EDIT: original link here.
monx® said:
Here the reg changes :
Original cab attached.
EDIT: original link here.
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Pardon my ignorance but what is this reg edit actually doing?
It's obviously not a simple website blacklist. Does it restrict you from entering data on non-HTTPS websites while on wireless or something?
Those 2 security policies control that. The dword value is the role mask.
More info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa455966.aspx
This page has a list of security roles that fit the role mask at the bottom: http://www.xs4all.nl/~itsme/projects/xda/smartphone-policies.html
100c is set to:
SECROLE_PPG_TRUSTED 2048 Trusted Push Proxy Gateway role.
Messages assigned this role indicate that the content sent by the Push Initiator is trusted by the Push Proxy Gateway. This role implies that the device trusts the Push Proxy Gateway (SECROLE_TRUSTED_PPG).
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100d is set to:
SECROLE_PPG_TRUSTED 2048 Trusted Push Proxy Gateway role.
SECROLE_PPG_AUTH 1024 Push Initiator Authenticated role.
Messages assigned this role indicate that the Push Initiator is authenticated by the Push Proxy Gateway. This role implies that the device trusts the Push Proxy Gateway (SECROLE_TRUSTED_PPG).
SECROLE_USER_UNAUTH 64 User Unauthenticated role.
This role is assigned to unsigned WAP push messages, and to unsigned .cab files. This role provides permissions to install a Home screen or ring tones.
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The change from default is allowing SECROLE_USER_UNAUTH in 100d.
I use Mac computers... So i cant install it with an .exe extension.
Are there someone with this file in .cab?

[Q] Remote Administration of Multiple Android Handsets

My situation:
In my company we have about 30+ handsets currently running Android (standard and custom ROMs from XDA). The handsets include HTC Desire HD, HD2, Desire S and Desire Z. The users cannot be trusted not to brick the phones if they are allowed to download apps and modify them in anyway (not to mention they are business phones so shouldn't have facebook etc on them any way).
I've heard about admin tools which allow control of handsets remotely.
So, if possible, what i would like does something along the lines of...:
1: Blocks further apps from being added to the handset without a password
2: A lock to keep as many of the settings as is originally provided (wallpaper etc)
3: A master admin tool which i can remotely manage all the handsets from (download requested and approved apps, wipe, lock, locate and reset the phones if lost...etc)
What i have done before to stop the users adding further apps is register my email address to Android Market on all the phones, then changed the password using my desktop). While this stops new apps from being downloaded from the market, it does mean i cannot remotely roll out approved apps as they are no longer signed in to the account.
Is there anything out there which does any/all/some of the above?
Is there one tool which can manage all these tasks? Or will it have to be seperate apps like Norton Mobile Security (such as) etc?
Can anyone get their heads around this?
The market lets you download apps to a phone.
Lookout Security does all of the security tasks you want.
Thanks, that would take care of the remote wiping, locating and locking.
Does Android provide any corporate setup for administration of lots of handsets? Surely this is a niche in the market for some devs to jump on if there isn't something like that already.
And i know Android Market allows you to remotely download apps to multiple phones but i want to make it impossible to download through the phone itself. (so i can add apps but the user can't)
Something that performs like MFormation Enterprise Manager but avoiding the $20k price tag! (a tall order i know)
Sonic_Sonar said:
Something that performs like MFormation Enterprise Manager but avoiding the $20k price tag! (a tall order i know)
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Have you found any apps that fit your needs? Do you use them? If no, is your organization still interesting in mobile device management service?
I'm asking because I'm working for http://bloove.com (personal phone management service) and we're going to expand our offer to small and medium companies.
This new service will combine existing contact, sms, phone log and bookmark backup for personal phone with MDM features like centralized app management, location and wipe service etc.
We're looking for early adopters who will have a chance to add their custom requirements to the service and get this service for free for up to six months.
Please let me know if you're interested and want to discuss this further.
Thank you,
[email protected]
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
I did something like this ...
I first installed openssh server, plus a script that checks a specific URL for remote access needs (had to do it that way since my carrier blocks connections on all ports).
The server side is a simple php script that you call like this: check.php?deviceid=[ID]. The script checks a DB to see if there is anything new for that device ID and acts accordingly. I implemented three features: Tunnel, Script, Install APK. So, If I want to install an APK to all devices, I just upload it on our webserver, and on the MySQL DB I add devices id = all, action=install, file=/apks/whatever.apk. If, for instance, I want to do something more complex on certain devices, I add: id = all, action=script, file=/apks/whatever.sh. I write the script, then all phones check for updates on this check.php every 5 minutes, if they find a script, they'll download and execute. If it's an APK, they'll download and install. If I insert a line with deviceID=[deviceid], action=tunnel, file=[PORT NUMBER], then the phone will SSH into a remote server and do a reverse port forward, on [PORT NUMBER]. Then I can just SSH into localhost:[PORTNUMBER] on the server, and I'll have a terminal inside the phone to do whatever I need.
This doesn't address the restrictions issue, but it does allow you to control the phones however you want.

RemoteTracker for Android -Antitheft software

Hi there,
This software is an Antitheft and you can use it to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS/EMail sent from any phone/computer and then receiving useful informations back.
You can use it to others objectives, like keep your eye in your child. Use your imagination!
You can set up to four emergengy contacts to receive SMS if the thief change your SIM card and you still can track your device.
The RemoteTracker for Android is an evolution from an old project for Windows Mobile 6 (If you want to see the entire history, please click here).
I'm justing starting this project. There are much more to come.
To send a command to RemoteTracker, send a SMS with the syntax: RT#(command)#(phone or e-mail)#(password). Example: RT#EGP#[email protected]#1234. This version answer the commands below:
help - send to you a list of commands available in Android platform;
ehelp - same as 'HELP', but send the list by e-mail;
fhelp - same as 'HELP', but send the list to your FTP server;
gp - try to get GPS coordinates and send back to cel number passed as parameter;
egp - same as 'GP', but send the list by e-mail;
fgp - same as 'GP', but send a file to your FTP server;
gi - Send informations about your phone: IMSI, IMEI and ICCID;
egi - Same as 'GI' but the answer goes by e-mail;
fgi - Same as 'GI' but the answer goes to your FTP server;
cb - your phone will make a Call Back to you. Just make a call and let the microphone open;
cellid - Retrieve informations (CELLID, LAC, MNC and MCC codes) about the tower your phone are connected. Send to you by SMS;
ecellid - same as 'CELLID', but the answer goes by e-mail;
fcellid - same as 'CELLID', but the answer goes to your FTP server;
secret - if you forget your password you can use this command to receive by SMS your personal secret question;
lostpass - used to receive your password if you forgot it. You must send the answer for your secret question, so, you can use the secret command to help you;
Commands available only in PRO version:
PICSON - Makes RemoteTracker (only PRO version) watch for new photos and send them to Default EMail Address;
PICSOFF - Makes RemoteTracker (only PRO version) stop to watch for new photos;
EPICSON - Same as PICSON, but send an E-Mail back;
EPICSOFF - Same as PICSOFF, but send an E-Mail back;
FPICSON - Same as PICSON, but send the answer to FTP server;
FPICSOFF - Same as PICSOFF, but send the answer to FTP server;
PCALLSON - Makes RemoteTracker (only PRO version) takes a photo on a call is receive or made and send it to Default EMail Address;
PCALLSOFF - Makes RemoteTracker (only PRO version) stop to take photos on calls;
EPCALLSON - Same as PCALLSON, but send an E-Mail back;
EPCALLSOFF - Same as PCALLSOFF, but send an E-Mail back;
FPCALLSON - Same as PCALLSON, but send the answer to FTP server;
FPCALLSOFF - Same as PCALLSOFF, but send the answer to FTP server;
WIPEDATA - This command will return your device to factory default and format your SD Card.
There are another features inside RemoteTracker, like:
- SIM CARD change observer;
- Automatically restore your preferences if you reinstall it. This feature is particular useful if you have a custom ROM with RemoteTracker inside. Once configured, everytime your devices boots up, your preferences will be restored;
- Works as Device Admin, so it can't be uninstalled if you don't know the password;
- And more...
This project can be multi-language. In this version there is only English (sorry about it, my english is very bad because this is not my mother language). If you want to make your own translate, I can tell how. Very simple.
If you decide to try RemoteTracker, I would like to read reviews, comments and suggestions. Remember this is a beta version and may contain bugs. Use at your own risk and with caution.
--> It is a work in progress. In future versions I will make a lot more.
Support this project
You can support this project making a donation clicking here or clicking the banners in the project website: http://remotetracker.sourceforge.net
All the best,
Joubert Vasconcelos
Hello friends!
To test RemoteTracker please download it from here:
Before your tests, please turn on the Debug option. It will make RemoteTracker write the remotetracker.txt file in the root of your memory card.
All the best,
I just released the second beta!!!
Now, RemoteTracker can automatically turn on the Mobile and WiFi network to try get location and send EMails!
For older phones RemoteTracker also will automatically turn on the GPS! Unfortunately this is impossible if you are using new Android versions (2.3.x or so).
A few minor bugs was fixed.
All the best,
joubertvasc said:
For older phones RemoteTracker also will automatically turn on the GPS! Unfortunately this is impossible if you are using new Android versions (2.3.x or so).
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GPS can be enabled in 2.3+ - but only if device is rooted. That's what it says in the Cerberus entry in "AppStore" [edit: AndroidMarket].
Yes, if you have a rooted device is very easy to enable GPS remotely. But I do not recommend in any way for users to root the phones for security reasons.
I think you are talking about Market, not AppStore We are talking about Android not Apple
All the best,
New beta 0.3!!!
Hello again,
I just released version 0.3. Now we got FTP answers back!
In Configurations I added a session to input your FTP server details. The example commands GI and GP now works with FGI and FGP as well.
Once again minor bugs was fixed. If you want to try please download the APK here: http://remotetracker.sourceforge.net/RemoteTracker.apk
As soon as possible I'll make a TODO list and a Road Map.
All the best,
Copying my post form the old thread so I can subscribe to this one:
Wow, nice to see this make it to Android.
Some suggestions,
1: Name it something that isn't obvious in the market. Don't want a thief easily finding it in the installed apps list. Going to the market and then buying "my apps" shows you exactly what's installed. So you should name it something totally different that nobody would suspect or want to remove. Like "memory maximizer" or something like that. Probably want to keep it in the middle of the alphabet so it's not at the top or bottom of the list.
2: Maybe make a way to remotely monitor the front/rear camera. Then you could get the thief on video (and also see if it's a crowd, or some huge guy you don't want to mess with, lol).
I'll try to help test when I get another phone and more time. Right now I don't have a lot of time to work out bugs. And more importantly I only have the 1 phone, and I can't afford to have it malfunctioning (I need it for work). I'll buy a used extra phone for testing and then I'll help test.
Be sure I'm worry about the Name I'll post on Market. Not now. I'm trying to make it working and I'll see what I can do later.
About cameras, yes, I think we can control them. At least take pictures and send to an e-mail account. To remotely monitor the cameras, may be I need a server to receive/transmit stream. Of course this is in my todo list
All the best,
joubertvasc said:
Be sure I'm worry about the Name I'll post on Market. Not now. I'm trying to make it working and I'll see what I can do later.
About cameras, yes, I think we can control them. At least take pictures and send to an e-mail account. To remotely monitor the cameras, may be I need a server to receive/transmit stream. Of course this is in my todo list
All the best,
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I would rather set up my own server (or even directly stream peer to peer from the device). That way you don't get stuck with hosting fees and the app doesn't die if you decide to stop supporting it someday (not that you would).
There are many possibilities. I'll try all of them.
All the best
Another beta
Hi all,
I release another beta. Once again, if you decide to try it, please download from http://remotetracker.sourceforge.net/RemoteTracker.apk.
I edited the first post to add new features. And I have a notice...
I created a free and pro versions. The free version will have the most common commands we had in Windows Mobile. Only specific commands for Windows Mobile I can't write for Android. Pro version will have new features to come (I don't know yet).
But I don't want to charge my friends, so, if you are a beta tester or help me with anything, I'll give the PRO version for free. But it's for future now I'm engaged to finish RemoteTracker free as best as I can do.
All the best,
Possible Bugs
Hi Joubert,
Thank you for have been developing so useful application. I believe everyone here is excited about what you are doing.
I tried your better version and here what I have to say:
1) You stated that the command format is RT#EGP#[email protected]#1234, but what if I want to use command to upload that info to FTP? Then,theoretically, I don't need to indicate my email or phone in the command. At the same time commands like "RT#FGP#1234{this is a password}", "RT#FGP##1234{this is a password}" are not recognized as valid RT commands or even failed with fatal exception. How can I upload this info to FTP, what should be the format of the command in this case?Indicating an email inside the command or phone number when sending to FTP seems a kind of redundancy.
2) Once an Fatal error appeared, it started appearing for each further VALID command which were working before. Error states the following:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on non-object in /celerra/webstor/root.dev/usr/sms core.php on line 234, most likely there it has some null reference there.
3) In the log file I see that its trying to send messages to invalid address substituting "@" at "?". Does it mean it sends to correct address but it writes to the logs incorrectly or is it really a bug? Because I don't receive any emails at all.For example, when sending RT#EGI#[email protected]#De41Be02AF in the logs I see that it mentioned it sent the message to "test?test.ru" instead of "[email protected]"
This is it for now. I can try to help you out with programming. I have no experience in Android development but have been developing in C# for 7+ years.
Again thanks for you effort.
ser-j said:
Hi Joubert,
Thank you for have been developing so useful application. I believe everyone here is excited about what you are doing.
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I'm stuck right now. I can not go ahead because I'm not finding some answers. But soon I return to search. Very good to know there are people wainting my work to be done, because there are lots of good programs in Google Market (now Google Play).
ser-j said:
I tried your better version and here what I have to say:
1) You stated that the command format is RT#EGP#[email protected]#1234, but what if I want to use command to upload that info to FTP? Then,theoretically, I don't need to indicate my email or phone in the command. At the same time commands like "RT#FGP#1234{this is a password}", "RT#FGP##1234{this is a password}" are not recognized as valid RT commands or even failed with fatal exception. How can I upload this info to FTP, what should be the format of the command in this case?Indicating an email inside the command or phone number when sending to FTP seems a kind of redundancy.
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You should use: rt#fgp##1234 The double # are still necessary. I'm working on a simpler syntax to be used in final version.
I'm worried about fatal errors. That's why I released beta versions. Please use Configurations Menu and check the Debug Options. After that you will see in the root of your memory card a file named remotetracker.txt. Send that file to me please.
ser-j said:
2) Once an Fatal error appeared, it started appearing for each further VALID command which were working before. Error states the following:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on non-object in /celerra/webstor/root.dev/usr/sms core.php on line 234, most likely there it has some null reference there.
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I really don't know what is this. Please send the log file to me. I wrote RemoteTracker for Android in Java, not PHP!!!
ser-j said:
3) In the log file I see that its trying to send messages to invalid address substituting "@" at "?". Does it mean it sends to correct address but it writes to the logs incorrectly or is it really a bug? Because I don't receive any emails at all.For example, when sending RT#EGI#[email protected]#De41Be02AF in the logs I see that it mentioned it sent the message to "test?test.ru" instead of "[email protected]"
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Are you sending the command using another phone, the same phone or using some WEB service (like your carrier website)? There is no code to change '@' to '?'.
ser-j said:
This is it for now. I can try to help you out with programming. I have no experience in Android development but have been developing in C# for 7+ years.
Again thanks for you effort.
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Thank you very much for your tests. I need that! There are lots of Androids around the world and make something secure for everyone will be a journey.
All the best,
I almost finished writing the commands that existed in RemoteTracker for Windows Mobile (at least the ones Android can execute).
But I'm still trying to make the security of RemoteTracker to be more robust. I had Features in Windows I can't write for Android yet:
- Prompt for password when uninstalling;
- Lock / Unlock the unit with the LOCK / UNLOCK commands;
I'm not able to use the camera without the need to provide a preview to the user. According to the source code of Android that is impossible, but I saw some programs doing that, so there is a way to do that and I'm looking for this information.
If anyone knows how please help me
All the best,
Answers to the questions
Hi Joubert,
Sorry for being silent for so long.
joubertvasc said:
Are you sending the command using another phone, the same phone or using some WEB service (like your carrier website)? There is no code to change '@' to '?'.
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I am using Web service of my sim provider to send SMS. Didn't have a chance to try with sending SMS from the phone.
joubertvasc said:
Thank you very much for your tests. I need that! There are lots of Androids around the world and make something secure for everyone will be a journey.
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Yes, you are right.
As to the log file I will send it to you shortly.
Thank you. I'll wait for your log to see details. You can send it directly to my e-mail.
All the best,
Hide Remote Tracker Application
Hi Joubertvasc:
Are you planing to make a feature to hide the Remote Tracker from the drawer and from any place of the phone. Like with the Theft Aware; you can access the application by dialing from the Phone Dialer. You enter your four code number then hit call. This will open the apllication without calling the number.
Sounds good. I will take a look about how to do that.
Thank you.
After a long time I'm back with a new version. This one has lots of bug fixes:
My problem now is Android 3.1 and later, because they don't intercept messages all the time. They need human access the configuration module once to work. Security issue Google said... I'm trying to find an exit.
Best regards,
G'day mate.
Long time no see. Great work on this app so far.
I've finally gotten around to installing it and play around with it a little.
I'm testing this on HTC One X with Revolution HD ROM
Here are a few ideas and tips for you to incorporate into your next version.
1. Include an option that allows users to set how many replies to get back from your software.
For Example. If I were to use #RT#GPS#1234, it currently only sends 1 reply. The problem with this is that most GPS units are accurate withing 5 - 10 meters. I tested it on myself where I am and it picks me up as being 2 houses down. If there was an option to send me 3 replies, in 60 second intervals, at least I would get the average GPS location of the phone. If your phone is stolen, it would also be a good idea to have unlimited SMS replies with 60 second intervals so I can get real time minute by minute location on where my phone is. Maybe this might be an idea for your Pro version. Have the option for how many replies to get and also an option for interval time between each reply.
2. Another idea for Pro version. Hide the RemoteTracker Icon from the Apps menu, or disguise it as a useless setting so if a thief were to look in the Apps menu, they wouldn't see it straight away, so wouldn't be forced to reset the ROM. Most thieves aren't smart enough to reset the phone as soon as they steal it, They normally wait till they get home..... but if he saw a tracking program, it would make them either turn the phone off right away, or reset the ROM right away.
3. I dont know much about Android programming, but an idea for capturing the Camera is to embed the photo into an MMS, or as an attachment in an email. Trying to muck around with FTP would be a waste of time because the average user wont have an FTP server, and you dont want to set up a central one because it would give every noob hacker a target to try and get into.
I will keep playing around and get back to you with any other problems or ideas for you.
Keep up the great work.
Loved the software on WinMo and looks like the Android version will be just as great.

"USNC" file download

I logged into the forum today from my win10 laptop and everytime I open a page in the forum, an executable file called USNC is downloaded. Any other members facing this?
What is this? Is it a bug? A virous? Or should I install it so as to be able to surf the forum better?
Any advise will be appreciated.
Even the same thing happens to me. Every time I open a XDA forum page I will see a window where you plan to save a "USNC" file from the web address https://cs.ffbtas.com
This happens either with a Windows 10 PC or MAC.
What is it about? virus? malware?
Happens here also on my phone. Latest Chrome for Android.
I'm getting the same result. @svetius can you look into it?
Same here. It's piss annoying
Same here. I've like 6 downloads!
Yep just logged on and happening to me everytime a page opens on xda... dont think its a virus most likely a bug.. annoying and laggy though
I'm facing the same problem very annoying
Same here. Windows7
It's a broken targeted advert link
They are broken advertising links from a company called Feature Forward. You know those ad videos that play on all sorts of different websites, including this one? Ever wonder how they work? A targeted ad gets sent to your browser. Somehow these are broken, and all you get is an empty file with no extension. But if you check the packet data its an active link to a file traceable to a domain in Washington. Registered under Feature Forward.
Don´t know what this have to do with xda ? is there any mod admin or someone else who can declare whats happend ? maybe is a secure problem on xda ?
Whois & Quick Stats
Registrant Org Feature Forward Ltd. is associated with ~1 other domains
Registrar Status clientDeleteProhibited, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited
Dates Created on 2016-03-03 - Expires on 2018-03-03 - Updated on 2016-03-03
Name Server(s) NS1.P20.DYNECT.NET (has 252,892 domains)
NS2.P20.DYNECT.NET (has 252,892 domains)
NS3.P20.DYNECT.NET (has 252,892 domains)
NS4.P20.DYNECT.NET (has 252,892 domains)
IP Address - 1 other site is hosted on this server
IP Location United States - District Of Columbia - Washington - Ofer Zinger
ASN United States AS36351 SOFTLAYER - SoftLayer Technologies Inc., US (registered Dec 12, 2005)
Domain Status Registered And Active Website
Whois History 17 records have been archived since 2016-03-03
IP History 1 change on 2 unique IP addresses over 1 years
Registrar History 1 registrar
Hosting History 1 change on 2 unique name servers over 1 year
Whois Server whois.godaddy.com
Website Title Feature Forward
Server Type nginx/1.8.0
Response Code 200
SEO Score 73%
Terms 1912 (Unique: 588, Linked: 5)
Images 4 (Alt tags missing: 2)
Links 6 (Internal: 0, Outbound: 1)
Whois Record ( last updated on 2017-05-18 )
Domain Name: ffbtas.com
Registrar URL: http://www.godaddy.com
Registrant Name: Ohad Gliksman
Registrant Organization: Feature Forward Ltd.
Name Server: NS1.P20.DYNECT.NET
Name Server: NS2.P20.DYNECT.NET
Name Server: NS3.P20.DYNECT.NET
Name Server: NS4.P20.DYNECT.NET
DNSSEC: unsigned
You must Register or Log in to view the Whois record for this domain name
madvinegar said:
I logged into the forum today from my win10 laptop and everytime I open a page in the forum, an executable file called USNC is downloaded. Any other members facing this?
What is this? Is it a bug? A virous? Or should I install it so as to be able to surf the forum better?
Any advise will be appreciated.
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Yes I do!
However the XDA site is affected only. But I don't have any idea to get rid of it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just found out on Virus Total that it may be a clean site: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...e6c5e0d40ee7ea3296d52373/analysis/1492037740/
It's good to know this doesn't seem like a cause for concern.
Same here
Same for me!
Same here. I was about to start a new thread and find many guys facing same issue.
Its annoying. Any thread / forum i click, this file gets downloaded automatically.
The same thing happens on anandtech and other sites. Hard to say if it was 100% legit to begin with or if it was a drive by download operation that has just been shut down.
i m also facing same issue and this file keep downloading automatically in my android as well as pc both running on same wifi network and i found that a new folder named file is formed in my download path which is not deleting if i try to delete then comes back in next second and its occupiying my storage it is behaving like some sort of virus how to get rid of this
Those using chrome i just installed Adblock & Adblock Plus and its gotten rid of the downloads
getting the annoying USNC file thing too. and confirm it's on anandtech as well. if it's a broken advert, then guessing removing the rogue advert from the site would sort it no?
i also used internet explorer just to check if its chrome problem and it said "Do you want to open or save usnc from cs.ffbtas.com?"
Anybody any idea?

