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My TC will download the weather info on WiFi but not on a normal 3G connection...
Any Help?

More than likely, your 3G isn't setup quite right with your ISP/Phone provider. If your on AT&T, I'd recommend going to their support site and setup your data connection using the instructions provided for the "tilt" or similar WM6 device. If your with another carrier, hopefully they'll have similar instructions.
Maybe that's not it, but I had a TON of trouble accessing certain info and data on my Touch Cruise just letting the "wizard" setup my connections. In the end, I redid my connections. One I setup with MEdiaNet and it uses their Proxy Server. Another, I setup similarly but without the proxy, and THAT is the one I use daily.
Now, I'll just mention that I could NEVER customize the file with the city list in the "default" HTC Touch Cruise weather app. In the end, I uninstalled that app, installed another one listed for the "hermes" device, but once loaded I had the same configuration as the Cruise one, but could edit my weather file and add local locations. I also had all 6 tabs on the home screen instead of the default 4, and everything works great.
Hope some of this was some help for you!

Right on bud....
Proxy settings and now its all good...
Thanks a lot


internet/data issues with flashed tilt

I flashed my tilt to an htc rom and I'm now having problems getting on the internet. Is there some place where i could find a cab file with at&t settings or anywhere I could find the settings and enter them by hand. thanks
still looking. thought I found a solution but it was for hermes.
try this network config...
thanks a lot. that seems to have done the trick.
turns out it didnt fix the problem. i can connect to the web via PIE but for some reason I can't get either gmail or windows live to connect. I don't know why it would work for some but not others.
Same problem
I am having the same issues too. IE and outlook mailbox can connect without any problem to the internet. Gmap too.
However, I am having problem with fring and skype applications. Anyone experiencing this issue?
I have flashed my Tilt with the original HTC Kaiser rom.
i think i might have the solution for ya...change the isp.cingular to wap.cingular
I'm having all sorts of problems, too. Very odd. I don't understand how it can work one minute, then not the next.
One thing that has seemed to help is to use the advanced configuration tool to keep the connection active all the time.
It's under Connections > Connection Always On.
Keep in mind, I had to choose MEdia Net. When I chose "My ISP GPRS", I couldn't connect at all....
I'm having the same issue. I didnt notice it until now with Fring. Over WIFI it works, over 3g it says cannot find internet.
I checked and my settings are already on the wap.
So other ideas?
I've also been having intermittent luck with the settings on my TILT flashed to HTC ROM.
One way I got around it for a while, was to connect to Pocket Internet Explorer to get the connection setup, then hop on Google Maps/MS Live Search/etc.
I also had this problem with MiniMo and Opera for a while. Eventually it all just worked itself out I guess. Also, make sure your 'proxy' settings don't get messed up. Sometimes I'll go into the connection settings and the "This connection uses a proxy" is checked... I'll go back in later, and it won't be. Not sure what the conflict is.
skola28 said:
I've also been having intermittent luck with the settings on my TILT flashed to HTC ROM.
One way I got around it for a while, was to connect to Pocket Internet Explorer to get the connection setup, then hop on Google Maps/MS Live Search/etc.
I also had this problem with MiniMo and Opera for a while. Eventually it all just worked itself out I guess. Also, make sure your 'proxy' settings don't get messed up. Sometimes I'll go into the connection settings and the "This connection uses a proxy" is checked... I'll go back in later, and it won't be. Not sure what the conflict is.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is a solution.
When you create settings using the Wizard it puts 2 connections. 1 MY ISP and the other MEdia Net.
GO to Settings -- Connections -- Connections -- Advanced -- Select Networks -- First drop down box make sure that My ISP is selected then click ok up top.
Try it and see if it works now.
If it doesnt select MEdia Net as the default connection and edit it, remove proxy and see if it works now. If still no luck remove MEdia Net from one of the connections, by managing existing connections tap and hold and then click delete. Then set MY ISP as the default connection in advance --select networks.
Good Luck.
That took care of it..
Actually what took care of it was going into the media net settings and unclicking the proxy settings..
It was using a proxy to connect but no server in the box. I clicked and whammo works now!
same issue
Just wanted to mention had the same issue (particularly with skype) and made the change mentioned further up in the post about changing the connection setting from isp. to wap. and now skype works like a charm, thanks!
please help me aswel
i had my tytn ii , unlocked from orange and am now using o2, gprs aint workin, dno wots up, iv spent hours surfin the web and entered tonnes of variations of the manual grps settings ie access point name = ... username password . neway these didnt work! phoned o2 they said they dont have the settings to send me. can ne1 help?

AT&T Restore Proxy cab not working w/HTC ROM on AT&T Tilt

Yes I searched extensively, and didn't find an answer, okay, now that that's out of the way...
I am running V.4 of Laurentius26's ROM, and downloaded the Restore and Disable Proxy Cabs. Well, if i run the Restore Proxy no pages will load in IE or Opera Mini, everything works fine again though when I run the disable proxy cab. Is there a reason why this is happening? I am wondering if there is some issue with the AT&T cabs and the HTC ROM's. I don't normally need to Proxy, but I would like to turn it on once in a while to access the MEdia Net home page and Cellular Video, thanks for the help guys!
76 views and no ideas at all?
I think all these cabs do is change some registry settings, have you tried to make these changes manually and see if that works?
Yeah, I have gone into the registry and done it manually, but it still does the same thing. I think it must have something to do with the way HTC's ROM's work that doesn't work well with AT&T's Proxy.
Edit-You can set the MEdia net connection to use the Proxy all of the time, but certain things don't work with it, like Telenav and TomTom (the program works fine, but trying to update or use the Plus services, like Traffic Updates, fails with the proxy). That's why I am hoping I can find a way to use the enable/disable proxy cabs again.
I think i might know what your problem is, the restore and disable proxy cabs will only work if the proxy is hardcoded into the registry. It is like that on the official AT&T roms. If you just let connection setup run or install a few of the cabs floating around here for AT&T settings the proxy will be listed in the connections, like if you go look at the media net connection and you should see a tab with proxy settings and they will be configured. The AT&T ROMS don't do that anymore, they place them in the registry and the enable and disable proxy cabs will turn it on and off. The reason for that is to make it easier to surf on your phone with a wifi connection. If you want the connections set up in such a way that you can use the enable and disable proxy cabs then you will need a cab with those settings, i used to have one but i can't seem to find it. You could search the forum and i am sure you could turn something up. RF9 has an excellent post that goes more into detail on this matter.
Depending on what you want to do though you could just change the My ISP conection to be wap.cingular and leave the MEdia Net one as is and use the My ISP anytime you want to connect without a proxy. Happy Modding
Do it manually. Just open the cab on the PC and view the file. Oddly I think the one I tried first a few weeks ago was backward in naming convention. The remove seemed to enable and viceversa.

HTC Touch Cruise config problems

Hi, I just bought a HTC Touch Cruise on ebay and I'm using on AT&T US (Minnesota). There's so many things I CAN'T do with the phone right now...
I have an unlimited data plan with AT&T, but for some reason I can't connect to gmail to download my messages. I also can't download weather forecast for my city or any other city. The weird thing is that I can access the internet with internet explorer and the Opera browser with no problems (Except the opera does not open google sites).
On top of all, everything I described above works perfectly with my WI-FI home network. I assume it's a problem with my AT&T configuration.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance
It would help if you tell us what the config settings you have in your Cruise are right now. Did you use the connection setup wizard?
I did use de wizard for the AT&T connection. I also used the wizard for my e-mail account. I tried diferent settings with my mail too. Nothing that uses my data plan works besides the internet, but everything works fine with wi-fi. I'm really sad that I have this amazing phone and most of the features does not work. Please anyone help!!
i am from australia and I do not know alot about US carriers but, maybe they use proxies? maybe they block some sites. I think either your setting in the phone are wrong or the block sites. maybe give them a call and get there settings the could even be on there website.
Oh my God, I feel so stupid...
I fixed the date and time and everything works now.
What an idiot mistake to make. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
Now I can enjoy my phone!

Enable Bluetooth DUN on Sprint Touch Pro2!

This took me a while, but I finally figured it out through trial and error. I know there are a few options out there for tethering, but this has always been the preferred way to tether when I was using the Diamond. It's wireless, you can initiate the connection from the PC, and it gives you better battery life than WMWiFiRouter or HTC Wifi Sharing. Best of all, you DO NOT need to initiate a DATA connection on the phone before connecting to your PC! Just fire up the BT DUN connection on your PC, click Dial, then browse the web!
Here's how we do this:
Install DotFred's TaskManager
Click select Menu, Tab Options, Select Tab, Services. Find "CM Guardian", click and hold until menu pop up and select "Set Manual".
Make the following changes on your TP2 with a Registry editor:
1. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing]
Extension="" Delete the "isext.dll"
2. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings]
3. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\Wmodem]
Check Profile=0
4. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WIDCOMM\Plugin\DUNServ er\ControlPanel]
That's it! Re-pair your TP2 to your PC and BT DUN should be available as one of the services. Create a new DUN profile on your PC, leave username and password blank, and set dial number as #777. Click dial and you should be able to connect... just like old times.
Thank you so much for posting this. I have been ripping my hair out over this. However, I am on Verizon and thus my HTC Touch Pro2 has somewhat different entries in the registry than Sprint does. Does anyone know how to get DUN working with the HTC Touch Pro2 on Verizon? I bought a laptop specifically with Bluetooth just to use my phone as the modem but cannot get it working for my life.
After I did all the registry edits I could that you mentioned (even though all of them were not available since I'm on a different provider) I noticed when I try to dial out for a SPLIT second I will see "Dial Up Networking" listed under Bluetooth services. Windows promptly gives me a dialing error and that service on my phone disappears.
Anyone can give any pointers?
I don't have a Service called "CM Guardian". I have a custom ROM, would that make a difference?
foldog22 said:
I don't have a Service called "CM Guardian". I have a custom ROM, would that make a difference?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, some Rom chefs may have eliminated this service. I know MightyMike left it in his Rom, but I have not tested others on the TP2.
Would this service be in WM6.5? If I download MightyMike's ROM would it be in there or is it only in WM6.1?
Thanks for this.
foldog22 said:
Would this service be in WM6.5? If I download MightyMike's ROM would it be in there or is it only in WM6.1?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
MightyMike's Rom does indeed have CMGaurdian. I cannot speak for other TP2 Roms, but his does.
Can anyone give any pointers on getting this to work on the Verizon version of the phone? Been searching high and low!
There is no "CMGaurdian" on my phone. I did a full search for it and it's nowhere to be found. I have the stock Windows Mobile 6.5 rom. But it looks like without being able to set that as manual, I have to change the registry everytime I end up having to restart my phone. But even when I do that, it still goes back to phone as modem after a few minutes instead of staying on Sprint.
Thanks for the info. The connection sharing wasn't working for me anyway.
Just an FYI, you can optionally edit the registery to set the CMGuardian to Manual.
Open a reg editor and navigate to [HKLM\Services\CMGuardian]
Locate the Index key and change the value from 2 (default) to 1.
So anyone on Sprint TP2 with 6.5 stock rom actually got Wmodem to work? I've spent about 24 hr trying just about everything with no luck so far.
I made all the above reg changes, have WModem v02 installed on my TP2. Activate the wmodem prog, connect to computer with usb cable. When i try to connect on my computer, it stucked on verifying user name and pass. There is some sort of data connection going on on the phone itself, but the computer connected to the phone couldn't seem to go pass that "verifying user name and pass"
Much appreciated any help or comment. Thanks
Just wanted to add that I found this thread useful, got the registry entries and made a cab for it. This is for Sprint only! Download, install, and go, no need for registry editing!
Problem tethering via Bluetooth DUN to pspgo
Ok, I am pulling MY hair out on my ATT tilt 2. I am trying to use my fone as a bluetooth modem for my pspgo.
It seems that my Tilt 2 receives the data from the pspgo, but its not sending any data to the pspgo, when I test the connection the tilt2 receives about 9-16 bytes, but it says sent: 0 bytes.
I have energyROM july 16 2010 WWE winmo 6.5
Manilla 2.5.20161332.0
Build: 23563.5.5.0
I have seen vids of people doing this on the Raphael (FUZE) and other phones
I keep getting this connection error on my psp: (8030000B) I have tried so many dial #'s, changing settings, PDAnet,
I think the problem has something to do with:
it being WinMo 6.5 or
The custom ROM has disabled something in the Bluetooth or
Since the ROM is custom, the psp wont recognize this for some reason because just like the WIFI router; the carrier doesn't know I'm tethering. or
I have the wrong Dial-up # or
Authentication settings or Initialization command is wrong or
I need to use a Proxy network
Some other reason ( The ROMS BT stack) whatever that is lol
Does anyone have this or similar problem? Or know whats happening here?
Any help would be awesome!
Thank you
Worked Perfectly
After making the changes you suggested, this worked perfectly on my TP2. It's so funny, after I initially got my TP2 and tried it, I instantly gave up. Now that I'm a month away from going to a new carrier, and most likely a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, I got really interested in getting this working. It was a breeze using the Resco Explorer Demo with included Registry Editor.
TP2 Stock WM6.5
Doesnt work for me. I dont have CMGuardian.
I went ahead and edited the registry anyway and still didnt work even after rebooting.
I'm hoping someone can help figure this out... Trying to tether with my new Xoom!
Thanks a lot defcon6, I was looking for this some time ago, but no look, but know, looking for some other thing i found it, thanks again
Same here, stock 6.5 rom and no CMGuardian. Did you ever figure this out?
Never mind, I did run the cab from pengc99 and it worked fine. After soft reset of the phone, it never got out of the "modem negotiating" state but running the cab again fixed it. Now if I just could find the equivalent to CMGuradian I would be all set but this is at least working.
Bluetooth setting to ALWAYS ON?
Thanks to this thread and the pengc99 file, I successfully (quite some time ago) paired my TP2 via the bluetooth to a Nexus 7 tablet as well as an android phone, but each time I turn on the phone, I have to go through the following steps:
1. Select Communication Manager
2. Turn ON the Data Connection
2. Click on Bluetooth
3. Select one of my paired devices, such as the Nexus 7 by clicking the large "+" icon
4. Select Bluetooth Networking
5. Select the "Share Internet Connection" option
6. Click Continue on the bottom
I tried various registry edit searches here and on google, but cant' find any way to lessen these steps or preferably have the Bluetooth sharing set to ON at all times. If anyone knows how to simplify this process, please post the stops or file that will help us all.
Thanks in advance

[REQ] Wi-Fi Router cab

Does anyone have the cab file for the HTC Wi-Fi Router app that's installed on most HD2's? I got mine from O2 and they don't include this on their ROM version.
What about that
It's not the one from the Leo, but seems to be interesting too.
Have fun
Seem to have found the files, for them i have the (from the official rom dump)
and mui
now would i be right in just putting these in \windows and creating the reg entry for the icon and a shortcut for start menu and be done
How would i add the entry for the comm manager?
Wireless Router Cab
Change Wi-fi router apn
when I start Wi-fi router, it always use wap apn. Is there any way how to change it to internet apn? Thanks for any help
the cab was upped months ago in dev and hacking.
May well have been l3v35y that upped it
Thanks guys.
I've downloaded it and installed it and it seems to run OK, unfortunately I cannot fully test it at the mo because my data connection is screwed until Monday.
Will let you know if it works OK next week.
Added security
Only thing I dont like about the Wifi Router is the low security on it, I understand WPA2 may demand too much form the phone, but a simple config file in which you could add the MAC adresses allowed to connect to the Router would be great.. anyone know who wrote it? I love the Wifi router feature, but a simple if-not-on-the-MAC-list-no-connection feature would make it a LOT better.
htc hd2 wifi router
can anyone help me find the site in english?
thx, but the most custom roms have a good integrated wifi router
Does this program store any log file information or internet history on the phone itself? I do a lot of sensitive financial transactions on my laptop and want to make sure it's not being stored on the phone as well.

