So my HTC Wizard is getting a little old. And it's poor old CPU isn't standing up to Windows Mobile 6 ROM's very well. And it doesn't support anyhting past EDGE. And I'm thinking it's time for an upgrade. And my sweet BT SouthWing headset sucks on my HTC as soon as I do more than one thing. At the same time, my camera is busted. My girlfriend has a 6 megapixel camera we use for anything important, but I want a decent camera that's always on me.
I think I see a chance to combine some electronics. I'm looking for a beasty WM 6 based PDA. The current PDA I'm most interested in is the HTC Advantage X7510.
GSM w / solid band support
3.1 MP camera w / flash
BT 2.0
624 Mhz CPU AND ATI gfx chip (<3 cell phone emulators)
16 gig internal flash for my tunes
detachable keyboard
Surprisingly sexy for a powerful PDA with a keyboard
This looks like the best one I've found overall. I've heard that HTC has been pretty lousy on implementing the ATI GFX chips, but as far as I can tell that's only on the TyTn II's. It's a little more than I want to spend on a phone, but if it gets the camera in there too then it's sold.
I'm pretty much sold on this guy, only holdup is the cost. I really haven't seen anything that can compete with it, although I found a lot of new companies today poking about. Anybody know of any brands I should look at, or have anything negative to say about this guy?
fatheadpi said:
So my HTC Wizard is getting a little old. And it's poor old CPU isn't standing up to Windows Mobile 6 ROM's very well. And it doesn't support anyhting past EDGE. And I'm thinking it's time for an upgrade. And my sweet BT SouthWing headset sucks on my HTC as soon as I do more than one thing. At the same time, my camera is busted. My girlfriend has a 6 megapixel camera we use for anything important, but I want a decent camera that's always on me.
I think I see a chance to combine some electronics. I'm looking for a beasty WM 6 based PDA. The current PDA I'm most interested in is the HTC Advantage X7510.
GSM w / solid band support
3.1 MP camera w / flash
BT 2.0
624 Mhz CPU AND ATI gfx chip (<3 cell phone emulators)
16 gig internal flash for my tunes
detachable keyboard
Surprisingly sexy for a powerful PDA with a keyboard
This looks like the best one I've found overall. I've heard that HTC has been pretty lousy on implementing the ATI GFX chips, but as far as I can tell that's only on the TyTn II's. It's a little more than I want to spend on a phone, but if it gets the camera in there too then it's sold.
I'm pretty much sold on this guy, only holdup is the cost. I really haven't seen anything that can compete with it, although I found a lot of new companies today poking about. Anybody know of any brands I should look at, or have anything negative to say about this guy?
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well if you really want the x7510 then you should buy an x7500 and put ap4 on there. than its like having the best of both worlds plus you get all the buttons that you dont get with the 7510
7510 is a good choice only if you intend to use it notebook style. If you use it tablet style, then 7500 or 7501 are better. 7510 does not have the a few of the hardware buttons that the older models have, and this is extremely limiting for table style users. Many users find it more convenient, more portable, and easier when using it table style.
BTW, 7500 and 7501 are lighter and cheaper too. The only drawback is the microdrive instead of SSD, but not a serious drawback. Capacity itself is not an issue for most of us, I believe. I only use about 1 GB out of the 8GB with all my programs installed there. All my large consuming files are on microSDHC, which can be swapped in and out at will so there is no practical limit on the effective capacity. Microdrive is a lot faster than microSDHC, although it consumes more power.
The answer is also in the new product cathegories from HTC marketing department ( ) :
They have :
TOUCH phones (From TOUCH to DIAMOND)
PDA phones (From P3300 to TyTN II)
Smartphones (From S310 to S730)
Mobile Computers (Advantage>Shift)
The strategy seems clear: WHAT DO YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ? :
Trendy and WOW effect PDA PHONE? (Play device with phone?) TOUCH product Line
A Powerfull Companion in your PHONE? (Biz device with phone?) PDA Phones Product Line
Lightweight but powerfull PHONE? (Phone for yor Digital Lifestyle?) Smartphones product line
Mobile computing (Mobile PC always on with SOME phone capabilities?) Mobile Computers product line
I agree with you we would like to have them ALL in a single device but....
I have PDA, SMartphone and Mobile computer, and I fully agree with this scenario. A clear idea (or a good help) and you will be really happy of the chosen device. Chose the wrong category for your purpose and you will sell it in few weeks (losing money )
HTC is out from a dark age now, time to buy stock quotes IMHO!
I'd go for an X7500 unless you can get a 7510 susidised. I use about 6Gb of my Microdrive and about 3Gb on my card but you can always expand with bigger cards.
Good luck!
[Edit]Just seen - might be of interest?[/Edit]
Interesting comments, really appreciate the feedback. So, a few things.
1. I haven't really found a good comparison or general video yet of any of the advantage models. I'll keep the keyboard difference in mind. As for the keyboard usage, how is it for texting? I've been pretty happy with the keyboard on my Wizard, but I'm open to something new. I just refuse to go back to not having a QWERTY keyboard. I'd buy the Diamond, but HTC doesn't get how awesome QWERTY texting is appearantly.
2. Looking at the Advantage, I don't see any buttons on it that would be especially good for gaming, especially anything like the pad on a Wizard / TyTn II. Am I missing something, or can I expect to have my PocketNesterness hampered by an Advantage?
3. Thanks for the info on the 7500/1 vs 7510. Looking at the specs page, I noticed the 7500 lists two cameras while the 7501 only has one. Is this the case? I'd just be giving up the VGA camera for voice calls, which I've never used anyways, but I guess it could be nice if I get to an area with better than EDGE service. Also, is the X7510's camera much / any better?
4. I've done a good bit of flashing / light bit of cooking with my Wizard. About how much harder is an advantage to reflash?
5. 8 gigs would be a considerable upgrade for me, I've been getting by on a 4 gig MiniSD that my Wizard only picks up about 3.7 gig of. Assuming I used a gig internally for pics, GPS, etc, I'd still have twice the capacity on HD alone vs my card.
Glad to get some input, got ignored at HowardForums.
Hmm... actually, saw some better pics of the Advantage. There is clearly no "D-Pad" like the PDA-style phones get. LAME.
Back to the drawing board. Kaiser's in the lead, AT&T owes me a discount phone since I bought my own hardware to the table. Too bad it doesn't have a flash.
Ooooooh... Do Want!
fatheadpi said:
Interesting comments, really appreciate the feedback. So, a few things.
1. ... how is it for texting? ...
2. ... can I expect to have my PocketNesterness hampered by an Advantage?
3. ... the 7500 lists two cameras while the 7501 only has one. Is this the case? Also, is the X7510's camera much / any better?...
4. ...About how much harder is an advantage to reflash?...
5. ...8 gigs ... ignored at HowardForums.
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We play soccer here, 2-1 is the score, and the winners are ...HERMES-KAISER!
1) ATHENA's kb haven't any backlight, hard to use without a stable surface. Big screen means BIG on screen Kb too, but for texting ATHENA Kb isn't really good in standing situation, in the car, on the bus.... WORST comparing it with the HERMES or KAISER
2) Many games aren't usable in a VGA device. I don't know about emulators but less buttons mean less control! WORST comparing it with the HERMES or KAISER
3) Yes, it is. No, don't.
4) Just the same complexity and risks as Kaiser or Hermes
5) Yes, but are built IN. I prefer to have DATA on SD, to manage with the PC utilities, to share data with friends... but, yes BETTER than HERMES or KAISER
Believe me: for a "texter" and "gamer" ATHENA is a nightmare!
Yeah, that's what I'm seeing so far. I might settle on a Kaiser, looks like those are pretty well hacked, and I can get one for like $100 refurb'd through AT&T. I'm gonna see if I can scrounge up a deal on that I-Mate tho, no flash on the camera has repeatedly pissed me off with my Wizard.
On a different note, how is WM6 on a 400 Mhz processor? I'm using a Wizard OC'd to 216Mhz on a custom WM6 rom, and alot of stuff is SLOOOOW. Granted, even a Kaiser would more than double my phone power, but just curious.
Hey guys, I think it's getting obvious the Athena isn't for me. I'm gonna head over to the Kaiser forum and see what I can see. Thanks for the help.
Hello all:
I've been trying to do my homework dilligently to decide whether I buy a x7510 or not. To me, the lack of vibrate is a showstopper.
However, in one review posted on, I read that the vibrate function is enabled when the keyboard is attached.
Is this accurate or not?
What does "keyborad is attached" mean exactly; does it mean "attached" as in "covering the screen", or "attached as in "typing mode"?
Thanks all for any hints here.
That review/opinion is not correct.
The X7510 does not have a phone vibrate function- these are generally built into the battery pack or on the motherboard.
The keyboard 'vibrate' feature refers to the 'haptic feedback' enabled on the X7510's hardware keyboard, which gives a small vibration and sound 'pulse' when any key is pressed, as the keys have no physical travel.
Thank you very much for the clarification !
It's still a good device!
Yes, I am sure it is a great device.
I am somewhat concerned though since I've used vibrate functions forever, and if I were to go with the X7510, I'd like to use it as a phone as well (with BT headset, something I've used for what it seems forever as well .
I have read about some workarounds (like recording a vibrating phone and use it as a ringtone), so I am still thinking about it. But the review at pocketpcthoughts threw me off a bit; I am glad you clarified.
My problem is that I am absolutely against ringing phones; they are so disruptive :-(
Do you use it as a phone? Do you have another workaround?
Thanks again...
The xda universal is still the best pda on the market. I would never recommend purchasing this device (x7510). The phone features is 'average' at best.
Just me 2 cents
orinoco said:
Do you use it as a phone? Do you have another workaround?
Thanks again...
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The short answer is no- I don't use it as a phone unless in emergencies. I use mine mainly as a reference, research and media device, and my Diamond as my primary phone.
When I do use it as a phone, I use it with a BT headset. My Plantronics earpiece does have a 'beep' or 'vibrate' function so I simply have the ringer sound on the X7510 muted.
@youmeus: Granted, the XDA Exec/ HTC Universal was good in its day, but is very long in the tooth now. The processor and memory are both low and the GPS and 3G performance was pretty poor.
OK, it wasn't such a brick as a phone, but you do look a bit of a wally holding it to your ear, so it still really needs a BT headset. I used mine for a few months before changing to a Wizard/ XDA MiniS.
It's all in the eye of the beholder though
What do you need from the CD?
There's nothing on there that can't be downloaded from Microsoft .
to orinoco :- use the phone recorded vibrating buzz sound as advised by steve eagle post , it works pretty good , you can hear it for sure but u will feel the sound a bit if u are touching your device - only a bit though , dont expect the same as ordinary phone vibration .
to neilm :- yes u r right - it's a damn great device
to youmeus :- u r dead wrong , no way in this world this device will lose to your xda universal , x7510 of athena family is the king of pda , period ...
and please go back to your universal forum
thanks for reading , cheers to all athena owners - jimmunsw
My View
Hi Guys
I have a Universal and an Ameo (Athena) and using them both I would have to say that the ONLY place the Universal wins, is as a phone and its great keyboard. Dont get me wrong, the universal as a 4-5 year old phone is superb and some of the uni roms are as good as stock. It will do most of what you ask, but it lacks up to date hardware. The Athena as a laptop type replacement is exactly what it was made for, the phone is like a secondary item. HOWEVER if you use a styleI as a blue tooth addon the problem is gone If you switch the sound off then the styleI has a very quiet discreet ring. you answer the phone as you would a normal phone and the Athena stays in its case. I still look a bit of a prat using the Uni as a phone coz it is BIG, the Athena is only 15mm wider thats all. I only have both now coz the Uni is only making small bucks now, and you know how it is when its sitting on the shelf looking at you saying use me
Hi Jay- good to see you over here
I agree with your comments- the Ameo with BT headset is a good combination . Will you be getting an Ameo 16GB/X7510 then?
NeilM said:
Hi Jay- good to see you over here
I agree with your comments- the Ameo with BT headset is a good combination . Will you be getting an Ameo 16GB/X7510 then?
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Its all about cost against what extra enhancements you get, so yes I would love to but the cost at the moment is a put off. apart from the extra 8gb, what would you say is better than the Ameo?
P.S dont tell the X7500 guys, I may get banned, talking to the X7510 lot and admitting to owning a Uni
responderman said:
P.S dont tell the X7500 guys, I may get banned, talking to the X7510 lot and admitting to owning a Uni
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We all have our little secrets
TBH if I hadn't got an X7510 (XDA Flint) free from O2, I would probably not consider upgrading from the X7500 apart from the fact that it's newer and less battered
The extra 8GB is nice but not essential for me, and there is always the miniSD for expansion.
In some ways the X7510 is a retrograde step- the lack of a joystick is a total PITA as there is no way to manually navigate some programs without executing a screen click.
The keyboard is a big improvement, but TouchPal is so good that I very rarely use the physical keyboard. The X7500 ROMs by Michy et all are every bit as good as the X7510 ROMs- no surprise I suppose as the hardware is identical in most respects.
I'd second all the good reviews of the XDA Shift (HTC Advantage X7510 with an O2 case). I've had two, yes count them, two XDA Execs (HTC universal with O2 case) because I couldn't find a device which was as universally adaptable as the Exec for several years. (did you see what I did there?)
With the addition of an external bluetooth GPS receiver and a bluetooth headset I had everything I needed. A decent size screen, hardware QWERTY keyboard (which is a must for me as I'm a writer, in fact my last novel was written almost exclusively on the Execs) Sat Nav (via tomtom nav 6) games, phone, browser, media player, and all-round super gadget in a clam shell with tablet mode swivel screen! Then my second Exec broke (from extreme over-use) and I had no option of a replacement as O2 no longer stocked them :-(
Then I discovered the Flint...
It has all of the benefits of the Exec but with more memory, bigger screen, built in GPS, and funky magnetics to boot! Admittedly it has no vibrate function, and O2 de-activate the G-sensor in their ROM (both of which I'm certain are functions that can be re-activated with cooked ROMS -at least I'm sure I've read on this here forum of such things being achieved- am I right?), but the benefits really outweigh these small issues for me.
So as a user who sang the praises of the XDA Exec for several years, I can say that the XDA Flint is a superb progression and excellent replacement device, well worth the £50/month contract to get it free (which includes unlimited data and texts, and 950 mins! -no, I don't work for O2).
(HTC and O2-you can pay me later
Hi Thintin- glad you like your Flint.
The G-sensor thing with O2 is odd. Some examples have a working hardware even with the O2 ROM though it needs G-Sen or similar to activate it. But some examples need a new, cooked ROM to get the G-sensor working and a small number seem to have it physically removed.
As one of a small group of pre-release testers for O2 we had a number of discussions about this- O2's line was that they requested NO G sensor in the hardware build, but HTC only did that with a small number. My 1st one definitely didn't have it, not did it have a working sub display. A replacement had both working with the O2 ROM, though a colleague never got subdisplay working, and another colleague never got the Gsensor working.
O2's Flint ROM is actually pretty good. It's very basic, but all the better for that. However, Michy's Lite WM6.1 is so much better
NeilM said:
...O2's Flint ROM is actually pretty good. It's very basic, but all the better for that. However, Michy's Lite WM6.1 is so much better
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I'm hoping my device falls into the category of having the g-sensor, my sub-display works fine (I'm assuming this is the display that can be seen through the keyboard's letterbox shaped portal when the device is closed?). Glad to hear that Mitchy's lite ROM is better than the O2 one because I'm planning on flashing it soon.
Great vibrate ringtone
This works like a charm...
A while back I bought a Samsung SCH-I760 off Ebay for $100. I chose it because, at the time, it was the best phone that could be activated on Verizon without a data plan. However, by the time I got around to activating it, Verizon changed the rule from all phones after October '08 to all smartphones period. Now I am stuck with a Wi-fi PDA instead of a phone as I can't justify paying for a data plan. I have become unsatisfied with my I760 because of its lack of GPS, low ram, and most of all, its lack of a rom cooking scene. I am now looking for a phone for $50-$100 with the following features in decreasing importance:
1. Wifi (necessary as I won't be activating the phone)
2. An active rom cooking scene
3. Hardware keyboard
4. GPS
5. VGA or WVGA screen
6. 128+ MB ram
7. Faster processor than 400 mhz
8. Bigger screen than 2.5 in
9. Multitouch lol can't think of much else
The phone doesn't need to be unlocked, as I wn't be activating it. However a GSM phone would be nice, as I might be able to eventually use a normal phone plan's sim card in it, but far from a dealbreaker. Probably my dream phone(in this pricerange at least) would be a Touch Pro/Fuze but I've seen those are more expensive than $100 here. I couldn't post this in the marketplace forum because of my low post count. I'll probably start doing stuff here now to get it up. I only signed up for downloads originally.
you must be kidding searching for HTC <100$ with these features, LOL.
more - say thx to HTC for killing other companies, ideas and devices that will never be.
Welcome to forums
have a look on marketplace, perhaps you can find something around your budget
Good luck,
You could prob get a used diamond / raphael quite cheap from forum marketplace, but for 50 - 100 $, i am unsure
I think diamond or fuze will be your best bet...but need to increase your budget slightly I guess
Get a used HTC Hermes Tytn (but not GPS on it). The more features the more the price
Thanks guys; that's pretty much what I was thinking. I'll just have to keep checking the marketplace for a deal on a fuze/touch pro. I saw that Tytn. It did look pretty interesting for the price. I really want to put WM 6.5 on it and to a lesser extent, android though. I saw the tytn II has some pretty active hacking; it has ports of both oses. What about that? A quick search of the forums didn't show many sales. How does that match up to the Fuze? From what I see it looks to be just generally less powerful. However, I've been reading about the performance problems on the touch pro. Is it really as bad as the sticky thread makes it sound? Have there been any advances in drivers for the gpu? Lastly, since I won't be activating this phone, does it require a data connection to start? I heard Android won't boot if it isn't connected; is that true for WM?
And Pupakota, if you didn't figure it out from the others, my list was in decreasing order of importance, aka not all the features. I don't think a single WM phone exists with all those features; HD2 is the only one with multitouch AFAIK.
Oh yeah, I would love to put a Leo rom on it.
I have been very happy with the HTC Universal over the last 5 years.
Unfortunately it is beginning to get a little loose and worn.
I have already replaced the screen on the poor thing after one accident.
Could someone help with advice on a suitable upgrade? I don't appear to see one on the HTC website which fits my likes (or any on other sites).
I have been looking through the HTC website, and thought the Athena/x7500 would be suitable, but then realised that this appears to be EOL already.
Items I like on the Universal, is the hi-res 640x480 screen. Better would be nice. It appears to be ~4" or so
I like the size of the keys on the keyboard, it is just about right for me. (it is a must, to be able to hide the keyboard). I like the way that the keys are rounded, and I can use it without light. Unfortunately, I do not like the way that the keyboard can be slid in on the HTC touch pro, I think I will hit the top screen with my fingers?
I like the way that I can attach a bluetooth GPS device and use it as a navigator for the car.
Quad band would be extremely useful, although I have an alternative quad-band phone for when it is required, it would be very useful to have it in the main phone.
Internet browser is a must (but is there any phone nowadays which doesn't have one?). Hi-speed internet is not a requirement.
Touchscreen is a must. (as is a stylus hide-hole)
I doubt it makes any real difference, but I am currently on T-Mobile UK.
An SD slot (or CF alternatively), would be good for storage. It would be useful if the phone had Excel and Word, or compatibles, as I do often use these.
Thanks in advance,
A good question!
I have Universal also and have found very hard to get a real replacement for great Uni!
I have now Rhodium, which to my opinion is the closer to an upgrade but I have to be honest there are some things still miss...
Better keyboard (Uni has the best hardware keyboard to this date)
From factor (unbeatable)
But we have to face the fact that HTC made Universal so good, so advanced to it´s time that hardly they will make something on the same line (I really hope I´m wrong)
Rhodium can make you feel good in the meantime
orb3000 said:
But we have to face the fact that HTC made Universal so good, so advanced to it´s time that hardly they will make something on the same line (I really hope I´m wrong)
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Thanks for the response. I suppose i can take some solace that there are others that think the same!
Of course!
We are several people thinking that way, just have a look on Universal section and you´ll see how in love members are with great Uni!
Hi folks, you know the drill, my current phone (an HTC Mogul) is getting past it's usefulness and once more I find myself on a hunt to find a phone that has the most of what I do want and the least of what I don't, in other words the best compremise between the device of my dreams and what's actually avaliable.
Further to this I am limited in funds so not only can I not go out and purchase a brand new top of the line model, the device I do end up getting will hopefully last me for a long time (or at least longer then the 1yr I got out of my Mogul).
Perhaps I should start by looking at why my current phone just doesn't do it for me anymore?
1) No wireless - Ever since I flashed it to 6.5 I have had no wifi.
2) No 3.5mm plug - The HTC proprieity adapter hardly works half the time either.
3) OS - 6.5 WiMo flashed is pretty unstable, I regularly have to reset the device because it locks up or just won't work.
4) QVGA - probably the best I can afford, but I do a lot of reading on this and a higher res would be better for my eyes.
5) CDMA - I really need a quadband simcard capable phone.
So what do I want?
1) Wifi, bluetooth, GPS
2) 2mp camera or better
3) 6.5 Wimo native, preferably with duel boot capibility
4) 3.5 or 2.5mm audio output, or HTCusb that actually works!
5) Keyboard if possible (I really like the qwerty thumboard on my Mogul)
6) WVGA or VGA would be nice, but it might be out of my price point.
Any reccomendations of models would be nice, thankyou
Go for Rhodium!
Definitely the best hardware device out there
If want to spent less money you can try Rapahel or even less (if you find someone who want to sell) Universal
Thanks for the recc, I will check those two out
I agree with ORB you should go for a Rapahel because it has so many roms to flash and it is cheap compared to the latest devices .
DannyFenton said:
I agree with ORB you should go for a
Rapahel because it has so many roms to flash and it is cheap compared to the latest devices .
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Hmm, looking at ebay, the Rhod looks like its about $100 more then the Raph
or $300 for the Touch2 and $210 for the Raph.
At those prices it seems like it would be better just to pay the difference?
Also no one will ship to New Zealand
Yes on that case better go for Rhodium
I have seen ebay sellers who ships to almost any part of the world.
Also have a look on marketplace section, you can find very good deals
Good luck,
UPDATE: I bought myself a HTC Rhodium, very happy with it.
Now, I want to buy my GF a new phone for her birthday. Currenty she is using my ****ty old Blue Angel with WiMo 6.1
She uses the phone everyday (carries it around in her bag), but the only thing she does on it is read. She sometimes sends text messages, but usually not. She hasn't really used any of its other features or installed her own programs or anything (she is a programmer, so she does have the skills to do so).
At the moment I'm tossing up between a HTC Diamond, Diamond 2, Touch HD and another Rhodium. I'm leaning more toward the Diamond1 though. We generally try to avoid spending lots and she's more then happy with the PDA2k so even the diamond is a big upgrade and isn't too expensive.
I use my Rhodium to read alot of comics, but at 480x640 the screen should be highres enough to be an improvement. The other reason I'm leaning toward the Diamond is because of it's small size, and easier for her to carry around.
So, my question: Is there anything wrong with the Diamond that I should consider, and are there any other devices with VGA or better resolution in a similar price range that I should take a look?
Also what is the difference between the Touch Pro and the Diamond (besides the keyboard)?
If you need keyboard go for Raphael, if you don´t need it go for Diamond 2, I buyed one in marketplace for 180US a few months ago.
Or take another Rhodium
Why the recommendations for Rapheal? I am ready to put mine through a wall. The keyboard has gone flaky in the last three months...(delete requires holding down, not just press, P has started to not work, space now triple spaces)
In addition the screen started to separate over the 'x' button about two months back, now I hve that leaky black spot you get when screens break. The control pad at bottom has started to have the plastic cover start to come up.
In the last month the phone has decided to start dropping calls and even losing towers completely. (I have not changed anything on phone in over 6 months) I have rebooted the phone at least 10 times in last three weeks because of screen starting lock up, non-responsive push buttons, and complete lost of tower without attempting to reaquire.
This phone is going tits-up recently and I have had it locked to Edge forever because it will not hold a 3G signal in a very large city.
Not a recommend from me.
Thanks for the reccomendatiom - and the non recccomendation ^_^;
(silly extra text because my message was too short)
Ok, at this stage I am leaning toward the HTC Touch. The touch is fatter, but it looks like it has a lot more memory which has surely got to result in a better user experiance. It's about the same price as a diamond as well - I just have to find someone on here to sell a raphael to me.
I have a moderately worn Tmo Touch Pro 2 I'm selling off on ebay later today. Only doing a 3 day auction starting at $0.99. If interested I'll post a link. Pics are great of the scratches so you can probably grab it for $125-$150.
a link sounds good
Willuknight said:
Ok, at this stage I am leaning toward the HTC Touch. The touch is fatter, but it looks like it has a lot more memory which has surely got to result in a better user experiance. It's about the same price as a diamond as well - I just have to find someone on here to sell a raphael to me.
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Oh how I remember my HTC Touch days. That phone & the Mogul were a nightmare for many of us & we couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Willuknight said:
a link sounds good
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ScandaLeX said:
Oh how I remember my HTC Touch days. That phone & the Mogul were a nightmare for many of us & we couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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What where the main issues you had with it?
I've just upgraded from my mogul to the touch2, and the main issue I had with the mogul was the low res and slow processor compared to the touch 2, but overall it was a good phone.
I'm looking for a new phone to replace my aging G1 but I dont want to give up the real keyboard. The mytouch slide is nice but it's hardware isn't on par with nexus one or htc incredible. The new Samsung Galaxy S Pro with sprint seems promising but not so sure about community support. I love how with my G1 I have so many options, so many great ROMs from Cyanogen and others on XDA. I'm worried that If I go with a samsung I will have better hardware but very few choices when it comes to moded roms. Is there an alternative phone out there with hardware on par with the latest HTC phones that have a slide out keyboard. Any one care to offer thier opinions??
whats your budget?
android or wimo?