Since there is so much floating around on this subject here, I'm wondering if a mod or whomever might be able to get it all in one place for folks like me (formerly) who were about to cry because they couldn't sync?
As my little contribution, allow me to tell you my fix... I had no firewall issue, my drivers were all up to date, everything *should* have been synching correctly, but for one thing...
I needed to enable the DHCP Client service on my computer. Without this being on, the PC can't grab the network ID the device so desperatly wants to provide. Once I got this started, everything syncs like a breeze.
Hopefully this might help somebody out there who's about to pull their hair out. Good luck y'all, and add my name to the list of folks that thinks this site is just the coolest thing. Kickass!
I'd like to get Splashblog, which I think is the only photoblogger for the smartphone platform working on my Qtek 8300 (Tornado).
The software is designed for WM5 but when I try to connect to the network I get a connection error immediately.
I can only guess that it either results of a localization problem or the AKU2 firmware uses a different way to setup connectivity (don't know if the software has been tested on WM5 AKU2).
So I'd like to ask anyone having a Tornado and the AKU2 firmware, maybe also a non-WWE (i.e. localized firmware) to share his experience with me or maybe trying out now this software and check if he can get connectivity.
I'd really like to use my Smartphone for mobile photoblogging, but it doesn't work out for me currently and no idea why.
Also in case more of you find it doesn't we could approach the manufacturer and ask for a fix (did already, they said it should work).
Btw: of course I have network connection (GPRS and EDGE) and using it with the IE works flawlessly.
Could anyone give me feedback on his findings with a Tornado please ???
Thanks so much!
The same company also offers TypePad, which is not free, but I get same error message for the trial version :-(
I've been a visitor of this sight for years, but never felt the need to post before. The reason I'm posting now is because there has been a flood of different wm6 roms that have been released. I have tried a couple and for the past week have been unsuccessful in getting them to work with BBconnect.
I have tried diffrenet mods like typhoonnbfdecode to get bbconnect to work but with no success. I've seen others have had luck but I'm not as fortunate. Browsing other devices' forums, I've seen much more support for the Hermes and the Universal. Some of the new roms that have come out for those devices have BBConnect support built in! It seems that the Wizard is not getting the same level of support.
This brings us to why I'm posting this thread. Those that have new wm6 Wizard roms under development, please be kind enough to include bbconnect support in that rom. If a rom already exists that has this included, please feel free to post it here. I've tried 3 different versions of bbconnect and have settled on BBConnect as being the newest and most stable.
If anyone has a simple hack that works with the new WM6 Business Edition rom, please feel free to give detailed steps on how to make BBconnect work with it. That is the rom currently on my phone, but I have no problem trying a different rom if it supports BBConnect upon installation.
Thanks in advance.
Luckout said:
I've been a visitor of this sight for years, but never felt the need to post before. The reason I'm posting now is because there has been a flood of different wm6 roms that have been released. I have tried a couple and for the past week have been unsuccessful in getting them to work with BBconnect.
I have tried diffrenet mods like typhoonnbfdecode to get bbconnect to work but with no success. I've seen others have had luck but I'm not as fortunate. Browsing other devices' forums, I've seen much more support for the Hermes and the Universal. Some of the new roms that have come out for those devices have BBConnect support built in! It seems that the Wizard is not getting the same level of support.
This brings us to why I'm posting this thread. Those that have new wm6 Wizard roms under development, please be kind enough to include bbconnect support in that rom. If a rom already exists that has this included, please feel free to post it here. I've tried 3 different versions of bbconnect and have settled on BBConnect as being the newest and most stable.
If anyone has a simple hack that works with the new WM6 Business Edition rom, please feel free to give detailed steps on how to make BBconnect work with it. That is the rom currently on my phone, but I have no problem trying a different rom if it supports BBConnect upon installation.
Thanks in advance.
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I have mention it to anichillus's about making his explorer BB connect enable .....like few wm6 Hermes rom that comes with it. I already send him the needed steps to do it, he said he may dunno if he will go with it.
g0dblissyou said:
I have mention it to anichillus's about making his explorer BB connect enable .....like few wm6 Hermes rom that comes with it. I already send him the needed steps to do it, he said he may dunno if he will go with it.
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With all the rush, I almoust forgot about it. I will try this man, but after the core is ready and all problems are gone. That's my first concern right now.
Also. has anyonw tryed this in a Wizard ? If so, don't be shy, let's talk. I always enjoy knowing more.
g0dblissyou, don't leave the forum, because I will hunt you for this request. You will test it because I cannot. I don't use that and for now, I have no idea what it is. Be a little pacient, BlackBerry Connect will be integrated.
It's good to know that someone is planning to implement this in their rom. I am anxious to put a stable wm6 rom with bbconnect on my wizard. Thanks for everyone's involvelment on this issue. Looking forward to this.
USA T-Mobile
Will this work on USA T-Mobile?
Hopefully, it will work on T-Mobile USA. That's the service I use. I have read on other forums that there has been success using bbconnect on T-Mobile with the wizard. But the roms were edited to get a complete connection.
Maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in to shed light on their experience.
If you guys want it so bad, then do the following.
Search and find all settings, and send me a "how to". I couldn't possibly know all this , I'm just human.
Stick to the point, for example :
"Do this and that, make that change...."
I'm over my head right now, I promissed a rock solid, ultra fast and ultra clean base rom and I want to keep my promiss...so work work work...
If you could provide the right "how to" I could include it in the base, so you'll have 2 base roms, 1 with BB Connect and one simple.
I'll search around and find out what exactly needs to be done. Then, I'll forward the info to you, anichillus.
g0dblissyou said in his post that he was sending you the steps to include bbconnect, but I'll search around and get the info for you.
Luckout said:
I'll search around and find out what exactly needs to be done. Then, I'll forward the info to you, anichillus.
g0dblissyou said in his post that he was sending you the steps to include bbconnect, but I'll search around and get the info for you.
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He did send me a link but I am waay to busy right now for reading, sorry... that's why I was asking for a full how to....
Hope you understand g0dblissyou, If you said you did it, I would need you to tell me exactly how ... step by step, I think there's no noob bigger than me in bbconnect
I think this was the link
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=298936 ...didn't had time to read though
I wasn't successful in getting to work with any roms I had. I read post after post of others saying they got it to work. Yet, there was no comprehensive step by step guide on how to edit the rom for bbconnect. General steps were covered but I didn't see any posts that gave great details.
After hours of frustration and aggravation, I decided to start this thread asking for someone to add it to their rom. Hopefully, g0dblissyou will send you the details needed, because I'm not sure I'll be successful in getting all the steps right.
BB Conect working on wm6.
I compiled a new nbf file, flashed the phone, changed the AKU (if you don't do this, BB will connect but not pull any emails).
In the log it used the same data as with my previous rom (5.1.195, bb version 2.2.16 and AKU
All thanks to c0rnholio. Everybody else with a wizard (and rom WM6...):
1. Use typhoonnbfdecode_v5 to extract the 800310000-os.nb
In the command prompt:typhoonnbfdecode_v5 -x nk.nbf (to extract the nk.nbf file)
2. Then use HEXEDIT to change:
05 20 A0 E3 02 10 A0 E3 A5 EF A0 E3
05 20 A0 E3 01 10 A0 E3 C3 E0 A0 E3
3. Then use nb2nbf_tornado to recreate the nk.nbf. Put in:
Language: WWE
OEM: empty
Version: empty
CID: Empty (very important)!
Select File 1 the changed 8... .nb file.
Yes, once you enter that it is OS and put the cursor in the START field, it will default to 82040000. You have to change this to 80040000 and then press enter to start the process. The guide is correct in stating that you have to change it manually.
then flash the nk.nbf to your phone, change the AKU and that's it!!!
The AKU is like a core of the system (that's how I explain it to myself). The new AKU will be .0.0.0 You'll have to change this to .2.0.0 in the registry.
Use TotalCommander (free download), go to the REgistry, HKLM\system\version and then double click on AKU. There you can change the version. Then Swich off the phone (don't press Reset, otherwise the registry entry will not be saved) and restart.
Oh you also need the software ...BBConnect_PocketPC_BB_2[1][1].1.2.31
Just curious as to what BlackBerry Connect actully does for an Windows Mobile device? Is this like an alternative to using an Exchange server for push with WM devices? If that's the case, would I have to switch from my unlimited data with T-Mobile to an blackberry data service? Will T-Mobile do this switch?
You guys are awesome
I don't have a clue how to go about doing this. Every time I try to research it, I get completely hopelessly lost. It is something I've been wanting for some time though. Thanks much for working on it.
BBconnect would make your device emulate a Blackberry Device. You would need to get the Blackberry service from your provider and have your account configured for it.
My employer refuses to use wizard devices to access our microsoft exchange server. They tell me to buy a Blackberry, and they are perfectly willing to pay to get me connected. I just can't stand the d*(^(m things.
Anichillus if you put BB Connect in your next rom you will be my biggest herO! i have tried to do typhoon thing but i just dont have the ability enough to edit myself.
Thank you for all your hard work!!!
g0dblissyou said:
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Does this software needs to be integrated ? Or it's provider specific...
Post a link pls
I can do that...I'm sooo tired that I was searching like a mad man for what aku I should put in there
anichillus said:
Does this software needs to be integrated ? Or it's provider specific...
Post a link pls
I can do that...I'm sooo tired that I was searching like a mad man for what aku I should put in there
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The later versions of bbconnet(.52 and .54) aren't specific to any carrier. I would suggest putting one of those later versions in the rom. That way, they'll work for various devices on different networks. Also, including it in the rom ensures that it's working properly for all those who eagerly want this.
Luckout said:
The later versions of bbconnet(.52 and .54) aren't specific to any carrier. I would suggest putting one of those later versions in the rom. That way, they'll work for various devices on different networks. Also, including it in the rom ensures that it's working properly for all those who eagerly want this.
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PM me a link or something
pm sent.
core 2.0
I didn't see anything about it in the listing... Is the BBconnect in the Core 2.0n rom?
bandersnatch said:
I didn't see anything about it in the listing... Is the BBconnect in the Core 2.0n rom?
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No, it isn't because i asked for somebody to test BB connect and nobody answered...
I cannot work on that now...mabe the day after tomorrow. I will rebuild the
Core 2.0n with BB connect and you can test it then
Hi Guys
After trawling countless forums and google searches i have finally found a Ventrilo client for PPC and smartphones.
The programs is called CEntrilo http://www.g3gg0.de/wordpress/projects/centrilo
Now I installed this and was like "Hell YEAH!", it connected perfectly and I was able to use all the features that I love in normal ventrilo.
Then I hit a snag....when i unhooked from ActiveSync i lost connection and no matter what i did i could not get connected through WiFi or GPRS..Dammit! All i kept getting was the error "host name not found"
Once again I trawled google to find a solution. BINGO! I found that if you redirect a host to the IP (such as signing upto no-ip.org and creating a host) and then used that as the IP it works.
So anyways I hope this is usefull to all u hardcore gamers and Voip ppl
Peace Out
pld sir
thanx dude almost gave up on this one... cheers
no problemo
I hear u have asked the guy for the source code? are u a programmer?
nah.just like to see how stuff works and maybe tinker a bit.
What if there is already a Server established and you can't access it? Or do you still go to the No-IP.org site?? Cuz the site makes it sound like your signing up for a server or something along those lines.... sorry I'm not really understanding how it all works.
Hey, since I can't access his website ( http://www.g3gg0.de/wordpress/projects/centrilo ) I would like to ask you guys for a favoure ... Would anyone could be so nice and post program binaries here? Ofcourse any help would be appreciated .
yeah i'd also like to obtain the binaries.
packetloss said:
yeah i'd also like to obtain the binaries.
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Count me in also!
Just to inform you guys ... http://www.g3gg0.de/wordpress/projects/centrilo is now accessible!
centrilo dosnt work with new vent servers
all new vent servers do not support centrilo (as far a i can tell, would love to be wrong)
if some one wans o work on i i have an old vent-server app.
Could you please tell me what version of ventrilo server do I need to connect on with centrilo. Thanks!
my centrilo was working fine up 2 Version 2.3.0 get hat and you'll be fine. 3.0 stops centrilo working. not had time to work out why but there you go
i might upload server file on the weekend.o0(thats if i can find it in all the junk iv downloaded )
That's weird ... I can't connect to server version 2.1.4. You probably don't know if there is any bug.
I miss this program so much it hurts. There must be alternative. Perhaps some handy programmer would like to take a crack at this?
Yeah, updated the server to 3.0.2 and Centrilo is hosed.
Geggo is considering upgrading his software to work with the new version of ventrilo. Visit his site here and post a message letting him know how much you appreciate his work and how much you would like to see an update.
eldersoul said:
Geggo is considering upgrading his software to work with the new version of ventrilo. Visit his site here and post a message letting him know how much you appreciate his work and how much you would like to see an update.
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The developer refuses to update his client to work with the 3.0 Vent servers. The new vent clients talk to the official servers and the CEtrilo developer hates the "we want to control everything" mindset.
So we are out of luck. Is there anyone else out there tackling this project?
Ok, I just found you guys while searching for a Vent program for my Blackberry Curve. Sorry if this is a dead topic and sorry in advance because I know nothing about this stuff.
I was looking at the Centrilo program but it didn't seem that the site was too user friendly so I was hoping someone here could help me out. Does Centrilo still work at all? And how do I install it, do I need to do it from my laptop or can I just install straight to the BB?
Thanks for any help you can give me. As you can see I'm very new to this but I'm desperate.
Looks like he may of released the code for CEntrillo.
Anyone wanna take a shot at updating this for Vent 3.0 servers, and Windows Mobile 6.1?
Yes someone please update this
I just obtained a new AT&T Tilt (8925) (HTC Kaiser) and I want to use it on the Rogers wireless system in Canada. I can use the phone and text but cannot access the internet and MMS. I spent an hour on with the Rogers Techs and still couldn't get it going. Does anyone have an idea as to the settings I need for the internet and MMS? Also this phone has the AT&T "today" page. How can I change it to reflect the "today" page that I have seen on the HTC "Touch" as I like the big clock and weather aspects.
hello, and welcome to the forum.
check out the wiki's,
and the tilt specific wiki...
should answer all your questions..
1st result at google !!!
not sure how things have changed ( or not ) ... but I'd previously used this fine with my HTC S621 ... now I'm a TyTN II owner but swear against a data plan in Canada ... now that rogers also announced they will carry the "iPuke" ... owners will be charge through the roof to really benefit the multimedia plan needed to enjoy it !
if this work or not for you, update the result so that someone else can benefit, will ya ?
ljotr1 said:
I just obtained a new AT&T Tilt (8925) (HTC Kaiser) and I want to use it on the Rogers wireless system in Canada. I can use the phone and text but cannot access the internet and MMS. I spent an hour on with the Rogers Techs and still couldn't get it going. Does anyone have an idea as to the settings I need for the internet and MMS? Also this phone has the AT&T "today" page. How can I change it to reflect the "today" page that I have seen on the HTC "Touch" as I like the big clock and weather aspects.
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I have the AT&T tilt and found that the proxy on the phone is the problem. It is a hidden proxy and you will not see one set in the network options. To turn it off there are 2 proxy files in a folder in the programs menu. One to enable and one to disable. You must use the one taged "ProxyDisable".
Another way is to delete all the network settings and run an updated Connection Wizard file. I tried to attached the one I'm using but the upload keeps failing. The one I use will see the network header from your SIM card and set up all the proper settings for you. I have downloaded several and none seemed to have Canada in the list. The one I tried to attach will prompt if you want to setup on Rogers right away! Surf until your heart's content
Google for "HTCConnectionSetup 1_0_30726_1.cab" and run it directly from your phone.
As for the Kaiser default look you are refering to (also seen on the Touch), you can flash your phone with a cooked rom or the official HTC Kaiser rom. The Tilt is actualy a TyTN II (codename: Kaiser). The only difference with the Tilt is the missing front facing camera and the AT&T boot intro and software. I did not like seeing the AT&T logo on startup as I'm on Rogers so I flashed it with the original Kaiser rom. I have tried many other but currently have Dutty's latest rom and it works well and is feature packed. Another way is to unzip and run the HTC Home file (I could attach the file this time!) from your phone to get the Weather and clock.
I perfer the cooked rom method as they can be much faster and have all the "bloatwere" and trial software removed. Many of them have tools and apps that are very usefull. Check out the rest of the posts in this forum and you will find everything you need to know on flashing your rom, even how to flash back if you need to get the phone serviced.
they just jumped in & asked for help ... then we provided possible solutions for a small consideration ( feedback of what works & not so others could benefit ..etc ) ... and they can't even return the favour !!!
some people !!!
UnicornKaz said:
they just jumped in & asked for help ... then we provided possible solutions for a small consideration ( feedback of what works & not so others could benefit ..etc ) ... and they can't even return the favour !!!
some people !!!
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I was thnking the same thing!
New AT&T Tilt (8925) can't send SMS
I just bought a new AT&T Tilt (8925) i can phone and connect to the wireless network but i can not send sms text message. I am provider is Rogers. Can someone help?
Your question is already answered!!!
namrose said:
I just bought a new AT&T Tilt (8925) i can phone and connect to the wireless network but i can not send sms text message. I am provider is Rogers. Can someone help?
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Um... read 3 posts up (my first post on this thread)???? I had answered the first person's question and it will answer yours
My pet peeves:
1. People who do not use the search feature or Google
2. People who do not read the thread they posted to
3. Answering questions that have already been answered by another person asking the same question in the same forum
ur not the only one with those peeves...i'm sure a lot of us have them..especially ones that are really active and helpful