Overclocking WM6/CPU Scalar - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario ROM Development

I installed BatteryStatus 0.04.203, and I can't find CPUScalar anywhere in the preferences for it. I think I've had a version before that had the options for CPUScalar with min~max and a boost, does anyone know if that stuff is in a different version or something?

u have to set a new cpu speed for the scalar to function. its the next window after cpu speed. if u go to http://www.chi-tai.info/cs_BatteryStatus_XDA_Neo_WM5_iM_cs.htm u can get the latest battery status

0.04.203 is the latest version, and that's what I have. The next tab to the right of the Omap settings is just CallTimes.

i can never set my wizard to a clock speed of over 223 without it freezing.....any ideas why? im pretty sure its not fixable

Ayou sure your reading the version number right? If you are then you're a little behind because the newest version it 1.04.203. Anyway, just download the newest version from here- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=270751, uninstall the old one and install this one and see if the settings you're looking for are included.

Well, yeah I'm definitely reading the version number right, and from the site, I was under the impression that anything 1.0 and above is just beta; and I'm pretty sure the version I was using was far below 1.0.

CPU scaler is only in the extended version of BatteryStatus. That's the Beta.
Are you using the standard or extended version?

Ahh, that's probably it, I didn't know there was an extended version. I'll grab the beta. Thanks.


perfect cpu clock

i set cpu clock (with overclock widget) as follow:
when screen is off : 128mhz constant
when screen is on : 128mhz to 528 mhz on demand
with this setting 24h of idle consume 10% of battery...
the question is: why modder dont use this clock as standard clock for coocked rom? there is a problem using this clock?
i seen a guy who was able to clock his cpu to 768Mhz in Windows Mobile though. I need an o/cing clockgen not downclocking
QuadDamage said:
i seen a guy who was able to clock his cpu to 768Mhz in Windows Mobile though. I need an o/cing clockgen not downclocking
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I this possible on android? I would love to see a hero rom running at 768 Mhz!
This has been tried on android, however it didn't work right. There is a post somewhere in the Dream forums about it & I know that it was done thru some kernel tweaks but it was majorly unstable & it usually just made the phone reboot or lockup.
xan.scale said:
i set cpu clock (with overclock widget) as follow:
when screen is off : 128mhz constant
when screen is on : 128mhz to 528 mhz on demand
with this setting 24h of idle consume 10% of battery...
the question is: why modder dont use this clock as standard clock for coocked rom? there is a problem using this clock?
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Running with the same clock setting and it works like a charm with myHero but would be interesting to know the answer to these 2 questions!
If I remember correctly, a lot of users reported that their blurry screen issue got fixed when they stopped downclocking, so I think it does cause some issues. Moreover I've encountered a few lockups with 128MHz when trying to wake my phone.
If the phone is at 128MHz when the screen is off, and you're using your phone as an MP3 player, there are not enough CPU cycles to both decode the MP3 and post to last.fm via Scrobble Droid. This results in the song skipping every time you progress to a new track.
I suspect the same would happen if you got an SMS or a phonecall too, waking to full CPU cycles is definitely not an instant process on Android.
ROM cookers release what they think is a good speed. For everyone else there is SetCPU and OverclockWidget. Feel free to release your own ROM if you think you can do it better.
Super Jamie said:
If the phone is at 128MHz when the screen is off, and you're using your phone as an MP3 player, there are not enough CPU cycles to both decode the MP3 and post to last.fm via Scrobble Droid. This results in the song skipping every time you progress to a new track.
I suspect the same would happen if you got an SMS or a phonecall too, waking to full CPU cycles is definitely not an instant process on Android.
ROM cookers release what they think is a good speed. For everyone else there is SetCPU and OverclockWidget. Feel free to release your own ROM if you think you can do it better.
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First of all: no one talked about doing better but asked a question how come!?!
And most hero roms used to have the clock set to 528 all the time and didn't include any overclockwidget.
I think we all appreciate the answer you give.
But i don't think anyone appreciate your smart ass comment "Feel free to release your own ROM if you think you can do it better."!
The first part of your message actually made you look clever enough but the last part pulled that down. People who try to look more clever by trying to make others look stupid is worth nada in my eyes specially when you didn't understand that xan.scale was actually questioning these settings himself since the developers didn't use these settings!
Geniusdog254 said:
This has been tried on android, however it didn't work right. There is a post somewhere in the Dream forums about it & I know that it was done thru some kernel tweaks but it was majorly unstable & it usually just made the phone reboot or lockup.
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Yeah but i'm pretty sure stability wouldn't be an issue if you overclocked your CPU to say, 650-700Mhz instead of running it at the absolute max ie 768Mhz. Someone should start making a decent o/cing app/clockgen for Android, IMO.
where can i change these settings?
cosmique said:
where can i change these settings?
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Search for overclockwidget in the android market!
ronni.rasmussen said:
Search for overclockwidget in the android market!
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i know, but this is not running on this rom:
[ROM](32A / 32B / G1) Magic3G UnI Official Magic Sense UI 10/31/09
when i add this widget to the desktop and then start it, it crashes.
so i need to set these cpu clock manually.
but how ....?
Using the same rom and it's working great !
Feel free to release your own ROM if you think you can do it better.
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not, because i'm nooooob, so i cant make better than cyanogen (for example)
so if this setting are not used on any rom, i have supposed that there are problems
sorry for the question....
tomorrow i try to play mp3 tracks when sceen is off , and make a call, for test my cpu setting
This utitlity is useless anyway so don't bother trying to fix it. It crashes sometimes on my phone and i'm running the official taiwanese rom. It can only downclcok your cpu and who in the hell would wanna downclock??! Bring on a util that can actually overclock our cpu past 528Mhz.
QuadDamage said:
This utitlity is useless anyway so don't bother trying to fix it. It crashes sometimes on my phone and i'm running the official taiwanese rom. It can only downclcok your cpu and who in the hell would wanna downclock??! Bring on a util that can actually overclock our cpu past 528Mhz.
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A lot of users like to downclock the Hero roms there is set to run 528 all the time. Downclocking is a battery saver that's why its a good tool so you can set it low when screen is off
xan.scale said:
i set cpu clock (with overclock widget) as follow:
when screen is off : 128mhz constant
when screen is on : 128mhz to 528 mhz on demand
with this setting 24h of idle consume 10% of battery...
the question is: why modder dont use this clock as standard clock for coocked rom? there is a problem using this clock?
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When using bfs 128 causes black screen issues. mine were cooked with it until i noticed this nasty side affect
i also downclock. maybe rethink your attitude....
i dont need 500+Mhz. I am fine with the 384.
when screen is off : 128mhz to 245 mhz
when screen is on : 128mhz to 528 mhz
are the best configuration?
Samar_Djo said:
Using the same rom and it's working great !
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hmmmm crazy ...
this widget needs root, but the:
[ROM](32A / 32B / G1) Magic3G UnI Official Magic Sense UI 10/31/09
gives root, correct?
or did you change the root settings?
I am always getting:
"We are sorry, the widget OverClockWidget does not react - close - or wait"

[CDMA KERNEL ROM]Gumbo Kernel beta project + RAM hack

People asked why I don't have dev threads here, so here's one. I'm friendly, just try to read the dev chatter and tweak stuff.
Quick and dirty version of a kernel 100% working with setcpu for throttling. No overclock yet.
Also has MemKiller configured fairly aggressively.
More info:
or full details:
New info:
I've created a ROM Cooker dev pack. This includes the full boot image from Gumbo 1.5c (assembled as boot.img and the unassembled individual files), the kernel zImage and wlan.ko, example scripts and the tools and instructions to edit and reassemble the boot image. Feel free to PM me for my email address for quicker contact if you're using this to develop.
I'm leaving everything up below, but I'm leaving changes to work with other ROMs to the respective devs. I'm still happy to discuss though. Devs note - the kernel and memory killer is very easy to incorporate into your ROM. The above should be all you need, but I'm happy to assist. We're all in this together
Please keep this thread about the kernel. Questions/comments about Gumbo ROM 1.5c should be directed here:
Download a version with less agressive settings Thanks PikkonX
Download for AOSP builds:
Download for 2.1 Heroc ROM
Built using MCR 2.x inits (for dirty hack of ram managment changes, plan to build universal init to work for all popular ROMs).
Kernel built with debugging and HTC performance lock stripped for full wake ramp up support. i.e. works 100% with setcpu.
No compcache, as I think there may be issues with our kernel and compcache as is, and I think the performance lock may have been causing it. Only fight one bug at a time.
If you need a great how to thread to get started building a kernel there's one here, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=622916
This kernel is in update.zip format, flash like any ROM.
Work's 100% with Gumbo ROM and MCR 2.x provided MoDaCo custom kernel was not flashed.
Expected to work with stock.
Would love a FRESH ROM tester to try, so any bugs and source can get to flipz for his kernel project, as well as my init in this project.
Reported working:
Fresh ROM 1.1
Fresh ROM 1.1 (no wipe)
Fresh ROM 1.1 with MCK (no wipe)
TTG 1.6
TTG 1.6 (no wipe)
TTG 1.6 + MCK (no wipe)
MCR 2.x (from kitchen) (no wipe)
MoDaCO 1.2
AOSP 1.6 *
AOSP 2.0.1 *
2.1v1.8_heroc *
*be sure to DL the correct version
david279 has found great battery life using the msm7k governor. See his post HERE. Thanks David!
Usual applies. Be sure to backup. Wipe may be needed, YMMV. Myself and several other testers have went through all dev versions with no wipe, as well as a final wipe and reflash and saw no difference.
Credit to coolbho3000 here on xda for advice with HTC throttling. He's also the dev of SetCPU and his app is indispensable with this kernel IMO. Best buck I've spent at the Market for the donate version. SEE POST 82 BEFORE ASKING SETCPU QUESTIONS PLEASE
Let's roll our own community kernel.
Note to devs - there are no kernel source changes. It's all in the build options, and the .config is available. I included the full source in the tar because as much as I *****ed about HTC holding it back I had better comply 110%. I've made an alternate zip of just the .config, the built kernel, the wlan.ko, and the disassembled ROM available HERE
How to configure Android's internal memory killer:
Full Details @ Android Dev
Download Gumbo Kernel Beta: http://www.4shared.com/file/211795037/24ce727/GK-031-signed.html
intx's super awesome hosted mirror: http://brandsaturate.com/android/GK-031-signed.zip
Gumbo Kernel Source(includes boot image and ramdisk): http://www.4shared.com/file/21188278...es-031tar.html
ill test it im running fresh 1.1
edit:HERE is the link to it
Thanks for the links guys!
Good luck with the tests.
Downloaded and flashed over gumbo 1.5b ... could tell a differance right away... going to use it for a day or so and report back
Good deal. Running it as is out of the box should have you as fast as it gets without overclocking. Let's hope the battery likes it
so far looks like its playing nice with Fresh 1.1 I did it with a fresh flash of 1.1 as I already had MoDaCo's kernel on there.
Need some free RAM numbers and some setcpu testers.
My experiences
~45 Mb increase in free RAM as reported by systray (free in market)
Setcpu changes the governor, enforces the min and max of the sliders, and cpu correctly ramps back up when using on demand. Don't enable setcpu to run at boot. Like most other widgets the widget needs reset at boot.
So far so good with fresh.1.1
Testing under Fresh 1.1 that had Modacos kernel, and it seems faster to me
using Systray It says 81mb free... is that much? I have not checked before this.
just wanted to see if it would flash over MoDaCo 1.2 and seems to have flashed over it flawlessly with fresh 1.1
So, I already had systray installed and I can tell you that with this kernel it is dramatically better. I just went through my app drawer and literally opened EVERYTHING and couldn't get it to dip below 79. That is freakin awesome.
I just installed setcpu , so ill get back to you on that one.
so using the command "free" in ADB the numbers are as follows
stock Fresh 1.1 2460
after kernel update 4188
in the free column
Source up in second post.
Also, gbhil, love the kernel. Prefer it over MCK
What sort of data do you need from setpcu? I have it installed, set to performance and I can tell an immediate difference. I obviously can't comment on battery yet, but this bad boy is freakin fast.
By the way... since you've implemented the low memory thing....does that mean we don't need to use any task killers ? That would be pointless and redundant, right? Loving the kernel so far.
gomorrah said:
What sort of data do you need from setpcu? I have it installed, set to performance and I can tell an immediate difference. I obviously can't comment on battery yet, but this bad boy is freakin fast.
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That's the first thing I wanted to hear, as thats going to be the thing people want most lol.
Set your sliders to 480 max 245 min
select performance and refresh, cpu speed should be 480
select powersave or msm7k and refresh, cpu speed should be 245 (ewww) lol
Select ondemand and refresh, cpu should be 480. It will ramp down to 245 when sleeping, and now it will ramp back to 480 when you wake it up.
I've been using ondemand @528 max 245 min, without tweaking the ondemand parameters in setcpu. It's nice to finally have a working way to scale the cpu to your own prefs.
@everybody - thanks for the reports.
alexthearmo said:
By the way... since you've implemented the low memory thing....does that mean we don't need to use any task killers ? That would be pointless and redundant, right? Loving the kernel so far.
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Correct. No longer a need for task killers.
Woohoo I can post links now.
wow def a major difference in speed with setcpu great job ghbil
Would it work with TTG Rom?

[APP] NovaFreq v1.2.1 (For Novatek Panels Only) [ Updated 07/18/10 ]

Evo Switch v1.1.1 NovaFreq v1.2.1
This is an Android application developed to change the panel frequency for Novatek Panels for the Sprint HTC EVO 4G, in conjunction with ffolkes' Novatek Kernel and netarchy's Kernel,
and any kernel that has maejrep's T2 Interface built in. Every device is different, and with that, those specified kernel's default settings may or may not be optimized with your device.
With this application, you can change those settings on the fly and find the best setting for your device.
[ Please use this application with extreme caution! I am not responsible for any damage this may cause to your device. ]
-Android 2.1 +
-Any custom kernel that is built off of toastcfh's htc source
-Novatek Panel
-Root Access
-Use as an fps frequency turbo switch for when you need extra fps.
-Use as a debugging tool to test frequencies.
-Use to keep frequency settings even beyond reboots. (new)
-340 [Stock] is how HTC intended the EVO to be. This frequency works out to 61hz, but we are capped at 30hz.
-370 [Kernel Default] sets the panel frequency lower than stock, yet provides most around 55fps.
-250 [Stable High Freq] sets the panel frequency higher than stock, which usually gives around 40fps.
-400 [Stable Low Freq] - V2's setting.
-Favorite Setting - Find the most stable setting, and if it's not one of the listed, then "Set Favorite".
-Sticky Settings - Now you can reboot and not have to re-apply your settings!
Custom Setting:
You can put arbitrary settings here, but be warned this may mess up your screen, but usually you can reboot your phone
to change it back to default. Minimum Recommended: 250 Maximum Recommended: 999.
Please do not go lower then the minimum recommended of 250, nor higher than the maximum recommended 999.
To Do:
-Favorite Setting - So you can save the best setting for your device. 07/04/10 - Done!
Change Log:
-Changed app name from Evo Switch to NovaFreq (Novatek Frequency / Freek)
-Totally redid code, should be more optimized.
-Frequencies stick beyond a reboot
-Changed a few of the defaults
-Changed back sleep time to 500ms so the current displayed setting can update (v1.2.1)
Don't be alarmed if you see NovaFreq running in the background. To be able to sticky settings beyond a reboot, NovaFreq has to be run at boot up.
After that you can kill NovaFreq if you want, android will kill it when needed so don't worry.
Thanks To:
ffolkes, netarchy, maejrep, toastcfh, halfline, Cicitrize, geyes30, kpkimmel, joeykrim, and many others involved in trying to uncap the EVO.
Reserved again.
woah, this is badass. I will check it out soon
works great! Whats the number I set it at to equal the V2 setting of ffolkes kernel? I think its 400, is that correct?
Awesome!! This is the first time I've been able to break 30 fps! (thanks to your app!)
I'm on Froyo and the v4 had never worked, but now v4 + high frequency with your app = 40 fps.
I love you.
this may a silly question... but would this fix camera when i have it disabled as to if i switch it on the camera is now broke? or just the kernel itself breaks the camera??
Great little app, I would recommend users experiment with the values just ever so slightly for optimum performance. Using the default value of 361 netted me about 50-51 fps, whereas using 365 nets me about 54-55. Not a huge bump, but even a little bit is nice
Great application. May I suggest adding maybe a quick cycle to move between frequencies so users can go through a number of settings at once? Kinda like the Scan feature in most radios to pick the best frequencies.
timgt said:
works great! Whats the number I set it at to equal the V2 setting of ffolkes kernel? I think its 400, is that correct?
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Yes, I think V2 was 400.
madunix said:
this may a silly question... but would this fix camera when i have it disabled as to if i switch it on the camera is now broke? or just the kernel itself breaks the camera??
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Every custom kernel does not have a working camera, because we do not have the source code for it. When HTC finally releases the source code, then we will be able to fix the camera.
antiphon said:
Great application. May I suggest adding maybe a quick cycle to move between frequencies so users can go through a number of settings at once? Kinda like the Scan feature in most radios to pick the best frequencies.
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This sounds like something to think about. Only problem is, while scanning, no one will know what the fps is unless they have their favorite fps app running, but then we wouldn't know what the frequency setting is since the fps app is running in focus. Might be a bit difficult to pull off without building an fps test into the app.
Well done!! Thanks
AssassinsLament said:
This sounds like something to think about. Only problem is, while scanning, no one will know what the fps is unless they have their favorite fps app running, but then we wouldn't know what the frequency setting is since the fps app is running in focus. Might be a bit difficult to pull off without building an fps test into the app.
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Yeah I agree it would be difficult to implement without a built in fps counter. I was thinking more along the lines of something that would flag or eliminate the frequencies that are really bad (ie the ones which make your screen go haywire). So maybe the user could, for example, pick frequencies 300-310 and then the app would cycle through them 1 second at a time. From there the user would be able to run FPS2D or whatever to test out those frequencies that didn't make their screen all blotchy.
Anyways, just something to think about. Great work nonetheless!
antiphon said:
Yeah I agree it would be difficult to implement without a built in fps counter. I was thinking more along the lines of something that would flag or eliminate the frequencies that are really bad (ie the ones which make your screen go haywire). So maybe the user could, for example, pick frequencies 300-310 and then the app would cycle through them 1 second at a time. From there the user would be able to run FPS2D or whatever to test out those frequencies that didn't make their screen all blotchy.
Anyways, just something to think about. Great work nonetheless!
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This won't work, because the interface that is used to write these settings to the panel cannot handle both full-speed graphics, and setting panel registers. I tried this when I first created the sysfs attr file, and if fps2d is running, it seems impossible to set or query the current T2 value. the display pretty much has to be idle for this to work.
Using a mutex lock might help, but I didn't look into it any further.
maejrep said:
This won't work, because the interface that is used to write these settings to the panel cannot handle both full-speed graphics, and setting panel registers. I tried this when I first created the sysfs attr file, and if fps2d is running, it seems impossible to set or query the current T2 value. the display pretty much has to be idle for this to work.
Using a mutex lock might help, but I didn't look into it any further.
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Yep, that's why I had to put in a "sleep" command in my app so that the system could process the change and update the app on if the register changed or not. Thanks for the interface maejrep!
Where is the link to the switch app?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Yeah? Where is version 1.1.1? 1.1.0 is the only available for download? Or am I a special needs kid?
Force close only.
apollooff320 said:
Where is the link to the switch app?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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VoXHTC said:
Yeah? Where is version 1.1.1? 1.1.0 is the only available for download? Or am I a special needs kid?
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Sorry, maybe I forgot to change the version in the app, 1.1.1 should be the only one linked in the original post.
Sprockethead said:
Force close only.
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Do you meet the minimal requirements on the original post? Because you have to be running a custom kernel with the T2 interface in it.
wont recognize
im not sure whats wrong, i downloaded this on my phone and it says it dosent recognize the file i downloaded

V6 Supercharger

Does anyone know which settings to use on the Charge with ep4d? Also, does imo's kernel support sticking the settings or do you have to do something else?
I used option 7 and 11 I believe along with KAK but not the I/O option as I boot looped. I also used the 3g script and it worked fine with EP4D and the kernel. You use script manager to get the settings to take at boot.
This is the older thread that talks about install.
Is this the version you are using?
When I installed as you go through the process you will see all the options but when installing I just used the build.prop option and was fine.
On V6_SuperCharger_for_Android-update9_beta_6.3, I used options 5 and 11 as well as 6 and 11.
I didn't notice a difference between the two, although both improved the phone.
It's more of a personal preference kind of thing. It depends on whether you want it to be more aggressive for more free RAM or less aggressive for better multitasking.
Any problems on 6 with it shutting down background processes such as music?
5 is the absolute highest I go. Anything higher and it kills things too quickly.

[Q] Cpu/Kernel Manager Suggestions?

Hey guys. First off, Apologies if this has been created or discussed before. I have searched before this posting; as I am not big on creating new threads, and the stigma related.
Anyway, On my HTC EVO 3D, I used Kernel Manager, as it had a great layout, allowed cpu/gpu adjustments, AMAZING widget, mpdecision support, ThermalD suppport (I do know the support comes from the kernel, Im saying the app allowed me to customize it), set vsync, color depth, whole nine yards. Im looking for something like it that would work well with the Infinity. Ive noticed kernel manager and ROM Toolbox are both finnicky with the tablet and it doesnt do as well. Kernel tuner works best, still it seems to not get along with the extra 2 CPUS. their governors always revert, it wont display CPU temp properly, no GPU settings, The battery drain is always +/-errmA (i guess error Milliamps) and the widget only displays two of the four CPUS. Anybody have any suggestions, or a solution to make kernel tuner work? Anything is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks in advance.

