Can anyone advise me which is the fastest Wm6 rom to use.
I am looking for a rom to run on my XDA Mini s, i don't really want a rom with 40 apps included that slows down the device, i just want something that works and is stable and is fast. which would you advise me to try ?
PM Anichillus to create custom ROM just for you...I did, and am I happy or what!
hi, i've test eos 4.888 rom ... faster, stable ... best ram and memory ever, everysoft run ok!
Everything is better than other rom (it's my opinion) exected Office mobile and the software keyboard so poor (3 lignes caracters against 4 for tnt rom for exemple).
So my question how can I disable the installation of office mobile and change this bored keyboard software ?
sorry for the eos 4.888 author !
You might get better response in the ROM thread about the issues. I dont have that ROM, but I am guessing! If Office is cooked in, you wont be able to remove it. Also I am guessing you are talking about the default keyboard in the ROM, if you dont like it, just install the one you like via cab. Search this forum for the kind of keyboard you like.
Please post in his rom thread this question instead of creating a new thread.
everything deleted.
hey thanks flashing right away....
please give feedback soon samy
waiting for new rom anyway
please upload in another site...cant download frm megaupload...thanx in advance........
can you provide some more details about this rom. the build is fine. just some details abt what applications are included and what OEM application have been included or excluded.
Hi,this rom is functioning good.
Though one problem i find is, there is no task manager included in the rom.
Other than this is a very base rom no sip included, no phone canvas, etc.
I like this rom, for a new version just include htc taskmanager and microsoft's task manager.
for those who want a good task manager use e-Natives Showcase 1.1.0 - Finger Friendly Task Switcher
what about the display is it same as that of the previous build or betters???
the idea was to build a more or less clean WM 6.5 ROM. so anybody can install his own stuff.
mannmannmann said:
the idea was to build a more or less clean WM 6.5 ROM. so anybody can install his own stuff.
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yes ofcource thats a good idea
a very nice rom i must say
can you tell me about the battery life of this new ROM? thanks
Please upload somewhere else
The download link is not working. Please upload some where else.
link is not upload in another site.hurry up..cant wait....
Very nice and fast ROM, no problems for now...
Some suggestions for next releases: remove windows marketplace, getting started and 3 or 4 default themes(are really ugly...)
new download location added.
battery-life seems to be good....
thanks for the new link
Thanks a lot. Good ROM, keep up the good work.
seriously good rom, even on my ELF it runs pretty nice.. of course memory issues.. but i am more satissfied with this compared to some others.
Ok, there is a new and at least last version until MS will release a new build. see first page for details....
I tried 4 times to create the rom and have failed miserably. I am not even sure if the ROM I have is the right build or if I am even using the right rom files. I snagged it from another forum here at XDA, but it seems to not be right. Maybe someone can rip it from the SDK? I would like this ROM cause it is the official shipping 6.5.3 rom and have heard it is very stable and very fast.
thanks for anyone who can help. I will keep working on it on my end, but I doubt I'll be successful...
23518 is excellent and has some additional features like threaded email, so if you haven't already, give that a try (jjblaster3 has a great ROM).
chambo622 said:
23518 is excellent and has some additional features like threaded email, so if you haven't already, give that a try (jjblaster3 has a great ROM).
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That is the ROM I am currently running. His ROM's are good, but I would love a light or clean rom. Once a program is added VIA the ROM image you cannot simply remove it, and with that I have 10 programs on my phone taking up space that I will never use. I think a 518 ROM would be nice, if it where a light ROM.
maybe you can try this lite rom build 23518
Hi guys. I tried a lot of ROM.. but i have always some problem. The last one have no phone call ring tone (radio and rom are not in conflict), other were to slowly.....
So , someone can link here a 3d with a rom & radio safe???
I only can see a lot of thread with rom... but i'm busy to try to install rom x, rom y, etc.... i want a stable too!!
I need a stable phone.... with if possibile tomtom navigator like the original!!!
I don't use the forum so much.... so , this post will be delete or i can make this 3d???
miami2verona said:
Hi guys. I tried a lot of ROM.. but i have always some problem. The last one have no phone call ring tone (radio and rom are not in conflict), other were to slowly.....
So , someone can link here a 3d with a rom & radio safe???
I only can see a lot of thread with rom... but i'm busy to try to install rom x, rom y, etc.... i want a stable too!!
I need a stable phone.... with if possibile tomtom navigator like the original!!!
I don't use the forum so much.... so , this post will be delete or i can make this 3d???
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I only know two with 3d...have you tried pcarvalho´s and kostas rom...both make a version with 3d....
i think all roms here are stable.....
But for what you need 3d...the 3d rom´s have only 85 mb total ram (instead of 100mb) and free about 25-30 i think your problem´s with unstable come from the low ram...(have read much about this problem...and also tried myself)
3d is a bit faster but the low ram is why it´s unstable
and best radio i think is and
Mine have no 3d...but i think it´s very stable....and you can decide if you want m2d or ram about 50 mb....look in my signature...also in is a steps post (for safe flash)
with kind regards..Alex
How do i choose a suited ROM for my desire S ?
There are so many.
It depends on the IMEI or something else ?
Also , whats a "prerooted" ROM ( different from "normal" ROM ? )
Answer to your last question: a pre-rooted ROM is a custom ROM which already provide root access. If you're unfamiliar to the term root, you should do a little more reading before flashing a custom rom to your device.
Just ensure that you've read through many of the threads available to anyone on this forum, and you'll have a smooth sailing through the seas of custom ROMs.
Your IMEI number doesn't matter.
Try Endymion, it's probably the best (personal opinion) Sense based ROM in the development section.
Loving my Desire S since rooting and flashing a custom ROM, like a new phone
Flinnys CM 11 alpha 3. Very fast and stable after my opinion. There are just some bugs with the camera(video) and bluetooth but check it out anyways.
Hello guys i didnt want to create a new thread.
My mother has a Desire S and is absolutely casual user, the only thing that is important is long battery life and that all features work (No ROMs with Camera bugs and so on pls)
She does not need Tablet Features and whatsoever.
Currently her phone runs MIUI 2.### which is a battery eater and quiet strange.
Do you have any ROM to suggest? Just a very stable, reliable Android with much battery life?
Thx for your help !
erichbitch said:
Hello guys i didnt want to create a new thread.
My mother has a Desire S and is absolutely casual user, the only thing that is important is long battery life and that all features work (No ROMs with Camera bugs and so on pls)
She does not need Tablet Features and whatsoever.
Currently her phone runs MIUI 2.### which is a battery eater and quiet strange.
Do you have any ROM to suggest? Just a very stable, reliable Android with much battery life?
Thx for your help !
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Its not the most up to date as far as android versions goes but its rock solid and will be perfect for ur mam.
and if u wanna go for ICS use this.. from the same Developer.... much stable.....
zeus.lny said:
and if u wanna go for ICS use this.. from the same Developer.... much stable.....
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Haha was gona post that 1 once i got a reply about the sense 3.5, if he wanted something more up to date :thumbup:
this is always my fall back Rom once i test a diff rom and not satisfied with it..... the best of the lot....
Hey guys!
Just got a second-hand Desire S.
I am looking for am advice about a custom ROM with Sense.
What is the highest version of Android with the highest version of Sense available? The best would be: Sense 5.5 with Kit-kat I think.
Any suggestions? Would like a "stable" version if possible.
Have a look here: