Can anybody make a list of ROMs with data such as radio version, based on T-Mobile ROM etc? I am looking for best and most stable stabile version but also a newest one if that brings any performance increase and bugs removed. Looking for ROM but I am lost in threads, version updates, missing version informations, bug reports ... A simple table can make life simpler .
TX and keep the good work with ROMs .
PupiPupsi said:
Can anybody make a list of ROMs with data such as radio version, based on T-Mobile ROM etc? I am looking for best and most stable stabile version but also a newest one if that brings any performance increase and bugs removed. Looking for ROM but I am lost in threads, version updates, missing version informations, bug reports ... A simple table can make life simpler .
TX and keep the good work with ROMs .
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Sure I will !!!
lol... why dont you do it yourself!! ohh this n00bs
PupiPupsi said:
Can anybody make a list of ROMs with data such as radio version, based on T-Mobile ROM etc? I am looking for best and most stable stabile version but also a newest one if that brings any performance increase and bugs removed. Looking for ROM but I am lost in threads, version updates, missing version informations, bug reports ... A simple table can make life simpler .
TX and keep the good work with ROMs .
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hope this helps a bit...
That is what I was looking for. Sorry if it seems that I am asking to do a big job instead of me, it was just that there were no all informations available for all ROMs.
TX again
Hi guys.
I there a 1.6 ROM for 32A that is stable and without glitches?
I have a Magic with orig. 1.5 ROM and I want to use Google Nav.
I just want a 1.6 ROM where everything works (Camera, BT, GPS etz) as in my original.
I read this forums a alot but Im a litle confused, in almost every rom there is someone saying he has problem with this and with that. Dont want no Betas or WIP ROMS, just a straight, working 1.6. If there is any.
Thx in advance!
chaval said:
Hi guys.
I there a 1.6 ROM for 32A that is stable and without glitches?
I have a Magic with orig. 1.5 ROM and I want to use Google Nav.
I just want a 1.6 ROM where everything works (Camera, BT, GPS etz) as in my original.
I read this forums a alot but Im a litle confused, in almost every rom there is someone saying he has problem with this and with that. Dont want no Betas or WIP ROMS, just a straight, working 1.6. If there is any.
Thx in advance!
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Sorry but if you want stable, fast, you need Amon_RA's ROM.
Cyanogen Roms rocks but this one is more trouble free
chaval said:
In almost every rom there is someone saying he has problem with this and with that. Dont want no Betas or WIP ROMS, just a straight, working 1.6.
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Not to sound like a smartass, but don't forget that there will ALWAYS be people having problems with this or that and every ROM, including the official ones, is essentialy just a work in progress.
Hey dude, try this:
Its really stable and fast ROM, and all works fine
Case_ said:
Not to sound like a smartass, but don't forget that there will ALWAYS be people having problems with this or that and every ROM, including the official ones, is essentialy just a work in progress.
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Im with you on that.
Maxqc- Thx for the link, some ppl having issues with this rom too, I guess that I will have to test it too see how it goes.
Donut with exchange does that exist for magic?
I allow myself to follow up on the request in this thread. I have searched a bit around - what I am looking for is a donut for magic 32A with exchange abilities. I need corporate mail as well as calendar. Does that exist - do I overlook something? I want to go beyond 1.5 because of the ability of using new programs. I could wait for Eclair, but it seems not to be near stability at the moment, and maybe the problem with camera will not be solved? I don't need sense..
Hey guys greets to all I'am new in this forum and my english is not so good and i have not many experience on HTC Phones and ROM's
I bought a used HTC Touch Pro and ever time when i turn on the Phone there is a picture with text and there stand TPC Elite Rom Series and after a while in the right corner there come up three Letter D, R, G and next to the letters there aer some numbers they look like a version number and now is my question is this original or not ?
i hope any one can understand my question
i put a screenshot as soon as possible
greets and thanks to all answers
Not original, that is a custom rom.
do a search for: TPC Elite ROM
Is your question for the Unit itself or for the TOM ?
If the ROM, it is already a custom ROM
It seems that you have a custom ROM flashed on your device, most likely is something from the old Elite Project.
So, most definitly you dont have the original ROM installed but a custom one... this is nothing bad thow.
And about the numbers please post whats the number on the row with "R", this should be the radio rom version. This will tell you if the Radio ROM was also flashed with something else.
thanks for the fast answers
by R stands
i think the phone is open from factory because there is no branding and my next question is is it better to keep the ROM that is on the phone go back to original or is there a newer version ?
Dan1993 said:
thanks for the fast answers
by R stands
i think the phone is open from factory because there is no branding and my next question is is it better to keep the ROM that is on the phone go back to original or is there a newer version ?
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Hi I would suggest you to flash a new rom with manila 2.5 on it.
On my PERSONAL experience Energy and Tael roms are the best. I think TAEL is more stable and maybe less tweaked. Energy is faster but from time to time you can meet some strange behaviour... If you go to Energy I would suggest you to choose the 21911 kind because is more stable and gives less problems. I actually use this.
Good luck.
PS: don't feel frustrated cos you do not have the stock rom. They are far less perfomant and poor than the custom made ones ;-)
ok tahnks were i can get tael roms ?
Moved as not ROM Development.
can i use the latest Tael rom and is it aviable in german ?
tanks for the many and fast answers this forum is amazing thanks to all !!
How do i choose a suited ROM for my desire S ?
There are so many.
It depends on the IMEI or something else ?
Also , whats a "prerooted" ROM ( different from "normal" ROM ? )
Answer to your last question: a pre-rooted ROM is a custom ROM which already provide root access. If you're unfamiliar to the term root, you should do a little more reading before flashing a custom rom to your device.
Just ensure that you've read through many of the threads available to anyone on this forum, and you'll have a smooth sailing through the seas of custom ROMs.
Your IMEI number doesn't matter.
Try Endymion, it's probably the best (personal opinion) Sense based ROM in the development section.
Loving my Desire S since rooting and flashing a custom ROM, like a new phone
Flinnys CM 11 alpha 3. Very fast and stable after my opinion. There are just some bugs with the camera(video) and bluetooth but check it out anyways.
Hello guys i didnt want to create a new thread.
My mother has a Desire S and is absolutely casual user, the only thing that is important is long battery life and that all features work (No ROMs with Camera bugs and so on pls)
She does not need Tablet Features and whatsoever.
Currently her phone runs MIUI 2.### which is a battery eater and quiet strange.
Do you have any ROM to suggest? Just a very stable, reliable Android with much battery life?
Thx for your help !
erichbitch said:
Hello guys i didnt want to create a new thread.
My mother has a Desire S and is absolutely casual user, the only thing that is important is long battery life and that all features work (No ROMs with Camera bugs and so on pls)
She does not need Tablet Features and whatsoever.
Currently her phone runs MIUI 2.### which is a battery eater and quiet strange.
Do you have any ROM to suggest? Just a very stable, reliable Android with much battery life?
Thx for your help !
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Its not the most up to date as far as android versions goes but its rock solid and will be perfect for ur mam.
and if u wanna go for ICS use this.. from the same Developer.... much stable.....
zeus.lny said:
and if u wanna go for ICS use this.. from the same Developer.... much stable.....
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Haha was gona post that 1 once i got a reply about the sense 3.5, if he wanted something more up to date :thumbup:
this is always my fall back Rom once i test a diff rom and not satisfied with it..... the best of the lot....
Hey guys!
Just got a second-hand Desire S.
I am looking for am advice about a custom ROM with Sense.
What is the highest version of Android with the highest version of Sense available? The best would be: Sense 5.5 with Kit-kat I think.
Any suggestions? Would like a "stable" version if possible.
Have a look here:
Hello, i didn't find any answer so here's my question :
What's the differences between 2 customs ROM ?
I mean, i have seen like 10 different ROM based on the same android version but i don't see any difference.
Why shouldn't I stay on Cyanogen ? I don't get it.
Kernel :
I think i kind of understand the benefit on a custom kernel (overclock, maybe better battery life ?) but isn't it too risky ?
How does kernel compatibility work ? Is it based on an Android version ? Do 5.0.0 kernel will be compatible with a 5.1.1 version ?
Do you really feel the difference compared to the stock cyanogen one ?
And my last question will be : does cyanogen 12 (and 12.1) have OTA update or do i have to flash new zip every day ?
Thanks !!
GinjiBan said:
Hello, i didn't find any answer so here's my question :
What's the differences between 2 customs ROM ?
I mean, i have seen like 10 different ROM based on the same android version but i don't see any difference.
Why shouldn't I stay on Cyanogen ? I don't get it.
Kernel :
I think i kind of understand the benefit on a custom kernel (overclock, maybe better battery life ?) but isn't it too risky ?
How does kernel compatibility work ? Is it based on an Android version ? Do 5.0.0 kernel will be compatible with a 5.1.1 version ?
Do you really feel the difference compared to the stock cyanogen one ?
And my last question will be : does cyanogen 12 (and 12.1) have OTA update or do i have to flash new zip every day ?
Thanks !!
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The ROMs might look the same but they're not. Features are implemented in different ways, plus there's a lot of unique code that you don't see which can affect many things, like speed and battery life. Also, you'll find that different ROMs have different feature sets. All in all it's up to you to decide which one is best for you, so have a look through them and pick one to test out. If you don't like it you can always flash another.
Custom kernels can offer extra features like overclocking, undervolting, fast charge while connected to a usb power source. There are risks involved, like if you overclock it can reduce the long term life of your CPU, undervolting too much will lead to instability.
CM12 (and 12.1) are nightlies which means there's a new build every day to update to (if you choose). You can either flash them manually or download via the OTA system. Not all ROMs have the OTA system.
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Thank you very much !!
Maybe i should dig more into the ROM's topic because their customs features are not listed anywhere.. That's too bad ^^
Do you know if all the gestures are implemented on CM 12 / 12.1 (not only double tap but all of them) ?
GinjiBan said:
Thank you very much !!
Maybe i should dig more into the ROM's topic because their customs features are not listed anywhere.. That's too bad ^^
Do you know if all the gestures are implemented on CM 12 / 12.1 (not only double tap but all of them) ?
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Yes, as far as I know the gestures are implemented, they have been on all ROMs that I've tried anyway.
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timmaaa said:
Yes, as far as I know the gestures are implemented, they have been on all ROMs that I've tried anyway.
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Thanks again !
How come custom kernel like Franco's one can improve your battery life ? I've seen everyone talking about it ..
GinjiBan said:
Thanks again !
How come custom kernel like Franco's one can improve your battery life ? I've seen everyone talking about it ..
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There are various differences between stock CM kernel and custom kernels, far too many for me to go into. Honestly though, the difference in battery life really isn't all that much. I never use a custom kernel and I still get great battery life.
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Hii there,
I have create this thread for peoples who are confused for having regards the best roms and kernel for there device(i9500).
This is not possible to say this is 100% accurate but it can be useful.
Our developers are make there best affords to create the best possible roms and kernels which are not offered in stock rom and kernel too, so this is my effort for making availability to choose what is best.
NOTE:1.peoples are feel free to share there thoughts too,it will be helpful to us only.
2.I'm new here so plz cooperate.
3.I will try to update every possible build/update that takes place in these roms and kernels.
Basically now i'm only write down the roms and kernels tested by me on my i9500.(Android lollipop)
------------->1st all kernels which are very best,
1.VoLTaqe Kernel:-thanks to @VoLTaqe. best possible kenel for touchwiz stock rom/touchwiz based rom.
this kernel OP link:-LINK
2.L I G H T - W E I G H T - K E R N E L:-thanks to @asad007. it's available for tw and aosp both.
this kernel OP link:-LINK
------------->2nd the roms which are very best and stable too till latest bulid,(Android lollipop)(CM/AOSP)
1.Mokee rom for i9500:-Best available cm based rom till now,works perfectly,stable,no heating and best for daily threads here on XDA,except for kitkat,it provides delta ota's too. Thanks to mokeedev team.
Link for dwld:-LINK
2.Exodus rom for i9500:-its available on XDA in original android based rom. Good too for daily use thx to @Raja.M and team exodus for this Rom.
OP link:-LINK
3.GearCM Optimized CyanogenMod 12.1 for Samsung Galaxy S4:-thanks to @Alberto96 for giving us the best possible stable version of rom for our device. and with features too. stability at it's best.(i'm using it as my daily driver seens last 2-3 weeks).(it's based on cm with optimizations).
4.Resurrection Remix ROM:-thanks to @UchihaKakarot. this rom is under development phase but highly recomended to those who are like not to be siimple, many features are there to explore.
this rom page link:-LINK
5.tesla rom:-beautifully crafted,material Ui of android lollipop touches one more success. With rro layers best beautiful available rom for i9500,with stability,smoothness. Thanks to @UchihaKakarot for this beauty.
OP link:-LINK
------------->3rd the roms which are very best and stable too till latest bulid,(Android lollipop)(TW based)
1.Aurora S6/S6E Port V2.0:- if u r willing to buy s6 or s6e,before that just check this out. U will get carboncopy of ui to apps to smoothness to ported rom right now available based on tw. Many tnx to @alemtro95 to give more than what its expected and also to aurora team.
OP link:-LINK
2.Halcyon ROM For I9500:-thanks to @HAYLCION for providing this most promising stable touchwiz based rom with full features of sgs6 note3 note4 devices.very very much features with best stable performance and battery life.
OP link:-LINK
3.prism barebone rom:- yes its discontinued,but its very stable,bcz of deodexed and fully debloated it has many features to customize. If u love stock TW u should try it. Thanks @AL_IRAQI.
OP link:-LINK
4. Will update soon....
Thanks for the reviews. I'm going to try the GearCM Optimized CyanogenMod 12.1
boniboniboni said:
Thanks for the reviews. I'm going to try the GearCM Optimized CyanogenMod 12.1
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Have try and review it too. Don't be hurry bcz latest build of gearcm is coming soon, if you have no problem with internet plan then u can.
shethfaiyaz2 said:
Have try and review it too. Don't be hurry bcz latest build of gearcm is coming soon, if you have no problem with internet plan then u can.
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Have try it's updated now gearcm
I'm a bit confused,
thank you for your post, but i'm a bit confused, i just want the best battery life there is, which one should i go for?
thank you.