I have built a ROM but the WLANSettings.exe application won't start. I have tried various versions of the file and its associated language file (WLANSettings.exe.0409.mui) but it never runs. This makes me suspect that something else is missing from my ROM. Does anyone know what the dependencies are of the WLANSettings.exe file? When building a ROM the file is in the OEMApps folder and the language file (WLANSettings.exe.0409.mui) is in the OEM_Lang_0409 folder.
First off what program do you use to modify dsm files? Also in my OEM_Lang_0409, OEMAPPS and OEMDrivers folders after I make changes (delete unwanted files and folders) when I push the COOK buttom it goes through the buildOS program file and creates a bunch of dsm files in these folders above. My problem is when I look at the dsm files in each folder they contain all of the programs and files I have deleted and also some other files I dont want. When I try to modify the dsm files I get an error message when running buildOS program and It wont let me flash the rom. How can I modify these dsm files to get rid of the things that are no longer in the folder? What exactly does a dsm file control? Will getting rid of the names in the dsm files that are no longer in the system help me at all? When I look at other peoples cooked roms the dsm files that I am talking about match what files and programs are in the above folders. I hope this makes sence. Thanks for the help.
To link a gl app I need the respective .lib's for
I know how to turn these into libs once I've extracted the files, but here lies the problem.
when I try to copy them from the windows directory I get the message
"access is denied"
Anyone know how to grab these files from the device?
they are modules. so not easy to get out of a live rom..
it is easier to extract them from a dumped rom
Thanks for your reply. I dumped the ROM, extracted the .dll's and turned them into libs. I wanted to post them here so other dev's can use them.
headers are available from khronos group.
I've dumped the openVG as this is part of the EGL package.
dumping the rom
Hi dattrax,
can you describe how you dumped the rom and extracted the dll's.
I need to do the same thing.
Hi guys, I have a problem, I want to add external packages to a TG01 ROM but all the files that I need to use are sorted like:
-Register Keys
-Files Directory
-Language Directory
-Files inside language directory.
I need to build a setup of 2 directories from this ones. One with the name of the package that would contain the Register Keys, DSM and Files.
And another one that would contain the Language Directory files.
That's an easy thing, but I need to do this to over 200 directories, so, do you understand how many time that kills from my life? :'(
Does anyone know how to solve it with batch files?
I did a search for static strings localization in Android and found the development documents talking about res/values/strings.xml for default values. The documents also talk about res/values-<qualifiers>/strings.xml for localized text. The strange thing is that non of the 2.1 apps I have use these files for text! They do have 'res' folder, but non of them have 'values' or 'values-xx'!
On the other hand, some sources talk about localizing the Android OS itself through classes.dex file in system/framework folder. When I decompiled this file, I only found long list of .smali files with no indication of string values. So, the question is how Android and its apps can be localized?
values*/*.xml files are compiled into binary resources.arsc file. Use apktool or Apk Manager to decompile them.
Thanks Brut.all! I got them
What about the localization of the Android OS itself? Any idea how can it be done?
<html> said:
Thanks Brut.all! I got them
What about the localization of the Android OS itself? Any idea how can it be done?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can change the Android localization under Language & Keyboard Settings.
The localization strings for the Android OS itself reside in framework-res.apk file. I successfully edited the strings there but still having great difficulties pushing the the revised framework-res.apk back to the file system. I rooted the device and tried to replace the old one with a new one from SD card. The device halted and refused to boot again! The same behaviour with adb push command. Any help please?
Hello xda-developers!
I'm new to Android hacking, but I have a general background in programming...
I've been modding an application recently, unpacked the .apk file, done my changes and repacked it, signed it and everything works well...But when I run the program, and the program wants to play an mp3 file, which was located in res/raw before packing the .apk file, it gives an error: "Can't load audio file."...What is the possible cause of this problem and how to solve it? Are the IDs of the raw resource files changed everytime I unpack and repack the .apk file or what?
Thanks in advance...
Edit: Issue fixed by unpacking and repacking using Apktool instead of WinZip.