Is there a way to view recieved date and time for sms mms and emails - HTC Vox

is there a way to have the vox display the date and time messages were received? Either a setting on the phone or a programme I can install?
Cheers S

A friend of mine who used to have a SE phone asked me the same question.
Unfortunately couldn't find an answer. Doesn't seem to be a built in functionality. I found also references in forums with people asking how this could be done (by developing an addin)... Guess someone willing to develop it has some future ahead

Thanks for the reply. It just seems like such a basic thing i don't understand why MS would leave it out.
Cheers S

While in messages applications. Go to options. There should be something to check if you want to see the date and time of message arrivals. If that doesnt work, try the other way: when you read the specific message, click up on joystick one or two times. There should be all necessary info.

Try FlexMail 2007 from WebIS ( It isn't that cheap, at $30, but it is much better than the supplied applications. I was introduced to it because I found that deleting on the Vox also deletes on my IMAP server even when it shouldn't!
Hope this helps!

Select Text Messages or an e-mail account. Go to Menu->Tools->Options->Display and Check Show date and time in the message list

The option _is_ there.
Open an SMS message and press on the UP button.

I was talking about "Received by the recipient", actually the delivered timestamp.
I send a message, I have the delivered notification. Ok. Now I would like being able to open the Sent message and see on it when the recipient has received it or still pending delivery. I can do it checking everytime if I have a Delivered note but would be better having everything at the same place.

what about call history, any ideas?

activate the delivery report.
When you recieve it, open it and go up with with you jojstick to se the time. the sent time of the report is the recieving time of the sms at the reciepent.


Sending SMS to a group

Is there a SW available on the XDA II that allows me to send a SMS msg to a group? I used to be available to do it on my ipaq using simple SMS.
I select category say "personal" from my contacts and viola, the msg will be sent.
AFAIK you can either select multiple recipients from you contacts list or you could set up a contact named "my-group" or so and put all the phone numbers in the mobile field, seperated by semicolons. It works here, but I have not yet tried more than a dozen at once.
martin kopplow said:
AFAIK you can either select multiple recipients from you contacts list or you could set up a contact named "my-group" or so and put all the phone numbers in the mobile field, seperated by semicolons. It works here, but I have not yet tried more than a dozen at once.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How did you do it Martin? I created a new contact and put multiple of mobile phone numbers saparated by semicolons, but the semicolons don't appear on the SMS program. In other words, the SMS program removes all semicolons and appends all the numbers.
tried this, but when i send a message I get the error:
"You cannot send this message as both an SMS and an e-mail message. Please remove either the SMS or the e-mail address and send again"
Needless to say, I created a new contact with two telephone numbers in the mobile phone section seperated with one ;
group sms
hi guys
i tried to do this as well but it didnt work i had a nokia comunicator and i was able to do this with no problems.
regards kevin b :lol:
Thanks guys for the replies. I guess I have to live with sending SMS messages manually
It is really strange that an expensive pda+phone with a powerful operating system doesn't have this simple functionality.
I might sound strange, but this function is very important to me coz I send an average of 8 SMS messages to a group of people on daily basis.
I miss my T610
gropu sms
i agree kufi these phones arent cheap.
when i do into my sms box and say new i can add more contacts and seperate them with ; without any problem
havent tried sending it though so i'm not sure if it would fail but i can add more then one contact thats for sure
Yes this is how I do it too; the manual way which is time consuming and annoying. The optimal way is to assign a group of contacts under one name, but as you can see, it is not possible.
Hoping an application will be avaialable soon, coz this is driving me crazy.
group sms
I got this software, I think it works great. you have to first creat a group list, when saving the number, you have to save it in the group. I don't have any link for it, but its group sms ver1.1 by shailesh ashar, google it, or find the cab laying around here. hope it helped.
Did you search?
^ search for "group sms", see first hit
please help me....
i am using O2 XDA Flame model, i need to know if there is any application for forwarding sms from inbox to group contacts by selecting the group name. i have used software for sending new sms to group contacts but have not seen any application helping to forward inbox sms to group contacts... hope i have clearly mentioned my query.
thank you.
If you are sending the same group of people text messages I send the message in the normal way - this requires you adding each of the recipients one at a time.
When you are finished and you send the mail - go back into your messages and select the 'sent' option form the drop down. You can now highlight the recipients and use the 'copy' option.
Then, go to the 'NOTES' section of your XDA and paste in the list and save it using whatever title you want.
Every time you want to send a message to these recipients, open your 'NOTES' and copy/paste the list into your message - it is not perfect...but it does work and does save time.
I have only just joined the forum. Anyone still having problems sending texts to multiple contacts on you htc tp2 try this I think it may help you.
Create a new contact any name and type the contacts numbers in as laid out below.
12345678999>; <12345678999>; <12345678999>; and so on. You need six spaces between each number, no left side arrow in front of the first number as the phone puts that in by default and no right side arrow after the last number. I have tried it with upto ten numbers no probs it might work with more.
Also if if one of the contacts in your group sent you the original message you wont wanna send it back to him so if you hit menu then hit check names hey presto it will put all the contact names in relevant to the numbers, touch on the one you want to delete and then hit your back space key and its gone. Good luck.
chk out my signature for group sms app that I made

Email Inbox View..

I am wondering.. i recieve quite a few emails throughout the day and at some point i like to go back to specific mail i recieved earlier and re-read it.. when i open the inbox to show all my mail, i am wondering if there was a way to change the way i view the actual inbox on my device? I am looking for something similar to the blackberry look where it only takes up one line instead of a few that way i can see more emails in the inbox without having to scroll down?
Thanks for any help.
i just looked through the menus and didn't see anything :\
Yeah unfortunately theres no option to change it.. I thought there may be some kind of tweak or hack that you can you perform to change it to some kind of list format
Email Inbox View
I heard there are alternative e-mail programs you can run on your device that will give you more of a " outlook feel ", with pre-view pane, etc
Anybody know what they are called and where to find them, I think something like that would solve everybodies problem
profimail and flexmail are 2 mail-clients i know. both are commercial but worth their price
my friend has a diamond on sprint and i saw his message box was sort of zoomed out and smaller. any idea on how to get something like that?
EDIT: FOUND IT! Go to start, settings, system, screen, text size and change the text size to make more emails show up in your inbox not a fix for the issue at hand but it made me happy

App for sending a batch text?

I need to send batch texts occasionally/frequently. I run a business which most people send me a text to set up an appointment. By the nature of the business, most are not return customers, I fix a problem that they have and they hope to never have to use my services again and so I don't save them to my contacts. I do however like to send a follow up type message a few days later.
Currently I use Handcent SMS. I have the follow up text saved as a quick text and I go through and search all of the people that I have done business with during the week. I then one by one send them the text. This can take a while since I may need to send the message to 30 or more people. I want to be able to search all of my texts and just check box the ones that I want to send the message to and then select the quick text and send it.
Batch mode with handcent currently is just really batch delete mode. There are a few multi-text programs out there that can send one text to a group or you can select from your contacts, but none that I have found that you can look at your inbox and just check box the ones you want to reply to.
Wow. Crickets. That all I can hear.
Is there really nothing that can do what I need?

[Q] Is their a way to delay the sending of a text?

Hi guys!
I was just wondering if their is a tweak/hack/app/way to set a timer for a SMS.
Like telling your phone to send a specific text to a specific person on a specific time.
Could anyone help me?
In theory, such an app could be written. The official SDK doesn't support automatically sending SMS, but the APIs exist and a homebrew app could use them. I don't think anybody has ever bothered to write such an app, though.
That's sad/
Anyway, thanks for clearing this one up.
I'd like that ability too. Unfortunately (using the official routes) Microsoft only make available to developers the ability to create a text message, and then launch the phone's sms application - leaving it for the user to press send. The code isn't able to do the sending so an app wouldn't be able to do it via the phone's own SMS at a scheduled time. You would also have the problem that if you set it to be sent more than two weeks in advance, and didn't go back into the app during that time, the scheduling 'agent' that runs in the background on the phone would expire after two weeks (so the sms would never be sent).
There are however some web sites that do it - e.g.
You might be better using a web site anyway due to them being always on (whereas a phone might be off or out of signal at the scheduled time).
It would be possible, however, to write an app that uploads the text to an on-line service (such as the one mentioned as it has a developer API) so that a web server could reliably take care of the scheduled send - and then perhaps sending a push notification to the phone to confirm it has been sent.
Hey, I think here is one app for that, I didnt have time to look it totally through...
Did any1 try the app?

Stop this forum from sending gmail to me can I prevent this forum from sending me email? Every time someone quotes one of my posts, gmail receives an email. I have turned off all email notifications in the settings for this website. If I set gmail to not notify me then I receive NO notifications on my phone that my gmail inbox has received an email...obviously I don't want that...since friends email me etc. I thought it might be a Chrome thing...but I have set everything there to never notify me of anything.
The only way I can stop this forum from emailing me when someone quotes my post is to disable notifications in gmail...since I can't handpick websites I don't want to receive email from...that just cancels ALL notifications as I said before.
By the way, I am NOT 'subscribing' to any threads that's not the problem.
So what am I doing wrong?
Have you tried this:
1 - Click on Settings on the top right, next to your username.
2 - From the options on the left, choose the last one titled "Settings" under "Mention System"
3 - Check the last option, titled "Quote Emails" which has the description "Check this box if you do not wish to receive an email whenever you are quoted in a post."
4 - Save changes
Should work. Else, use filters in gmail to auto delete such emails...
Wow thanks a lot
'Mentions'...the only thing I didn't check. That'll teach me!

