"Storage Card" as "My Documents" causes doubled files - General Topics

I have a Blue Angel with WM5 and I did a Registry Hack to use my SD Card as "My Documents" (not in a subfolder!).
Now, when I open a programm like TomeRaider or Word, in the file list I see every file twice. I think the system looks at"My Documents and Storage Card separately, despite the renaming. Does anybody know how to fix it?

The difficulty in working with files and directories on Pocket PCs has bugged me since their inception. I am hoping that WM6 will improve on that. We'll see.
In the meantime I've found that if I create a My Documents folder on my Storage Card I can get WM5 to at least see inside the storage card, and also one directory under My Documents there. I hope that helps, but it's really not a good answer. It won't get any better until windows mobile and the pocket apps are improved enough to allow them to read the filesystem to a greater depth.
It is really hard to understand how M$ has continued to sell and profit from such a sub-par solution that could likely be so easily fixed. Especially on devices that commonly utilize gigabytes of storage in today's working world.


"Hiding" My Documents

The rubbish way that MS implemented the file system in things like Pocket Word is beginning to irritate me. I have "My Documents" in the main memory and I have one on my SD Card. I put everything onto the SD card, but loads of apps have installed stuff like setting files and so on, into the main memory.
Now when I open Pocket Word, I get a huge list of everything in all directories.....how do I make things like Pocket Word/Excel NOT look in the My Documents directory in main memory, but only look in the one on the SD card?
Any hints would be really great.
As far as I know, it's not possible...or, at least, fiendishly difficult for ordinary mortals not working for MS or its preferred partners.
I did hours of googling, but had to accept that you need two "My Documents" folders, the MS one and one on your SD card.
Also, you need to reflect the same subfolders on your SD card, such as "My Library" for the least inconvenience.
Not the answer you're looking for, I know. If you find a better one, do fill the rest of us in, please.

Virus? memory card won't read... [u][b]"ignore_my_docs

Virus? memory card won't read...I have no anti-virus software in my XDA2 (silly me? is it important nowadays to have anti virus programms in pocket pcs?) - suddenly my nearly full 1 GB sd apacer memory card wont read any more -
the only thing on it is this: "ignore_my_docs" (when I try to delete this message - it comes back again).
In the device's memory, it shows the memory card as STILL BEING FULL!
1) Is this a virus? Does anyone Know what this is about?
2) should I put an anti virus, firewall type thing into my xda?
3) if so, which is the best one?
4)will it get rid of this virus, (if it is a virus)?
5)will it give me all the information back off my my sd card? Is there a way I can get this information back?
thanks people...
there are only about 5 pocketpc virus's or there about
doubt you have one of them
some walaby roms have been reported to delete the sd card for no reason
normal pc undelete programs can undelete your sd card if placed in a sd card reader
you can use search in this forum for many many many posts about the delete issue
sinse you have a walaby device you can narrow your search down to that forum
Ignore_my_docs - very frustrating
By Ed Hansberry on Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Has anyone noticed an "ignore_my_docs" zero byte file on their storage card or ROM file store? I think this was done in the Pocket PC 2002 OS because people had trouble finding data on their storage card unless they had specifically created a \My Documents\ folder.
So, the Pocket PC 2002 now looks at the storage card when you insert it. If \My Documents\ doesn't exist, it puts a hidden file called "ignore_my_docs" on the card. It also has done this to the HP Safe Store or iPAQ File Store. So, what does it do? Well, Pocket PC 2002 apps see this hidden file and look at the root of the storage card for everything. This can be very annoying if you have a large card with hundreds of files on it in other subfolders. For example, my storage cards always look like this:
\My Documents\
Don't get me started on apps being installed in the root versus under a \Program Files\ folder. That is another rant. Ok, if ignore_my_docs exists, apps like Excel and Word will scan the entire card looking for their files. Prepare to wait if it is a 1GB microdrive that is full. The solution is to create \My Documents\ on the card and delete the hidden ignore_my_docs file. To delete it, either dock your device and use Explorer on the desktop, assuming it is configured to see hidden files, or tap-and-hold in File Explorer on your Pocket PC in the white area below a file listing and select "View All Files." The beauty of this is that Windows Media Player on the Pocket PC 2002 doesn't require music to be in \My Documents\ any longer as it did under the Pocket PC 2000 OS, so all of your music is still readily available.
Edit: The above also applies to Pocket PC 2003 and 2003 SE devices as well as all ROM file stores on any device that allows you to store data there.
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yes i have that as well ,but never really knew what it was about
just cleared it up for me as well, as I found this file today and wonderd what it was. Thanks.

Install TomTom 6 on Storage card as much as possible

Even if you said to TomTom 6 to be installed on the Storage Card, it will install itself on the MAIN memory !
Has someone managed to move the 2 biggest files:
- Tomtom navigator.exe (~2MB)
- data.chk (~2MB)
to the storage card to save (4MB here!!) the precious main memory ?
I have found nothing except this but it is for TomTom 5:
Yes, I moved the whole Tom Tom directory that is installed to the Main Memory, to the Storage Card and run the Navigator exe from there.
Another thing is if you do a Hard Reset you dont after reinstall it again, it will run directly from the Storage Card, you just have to create a shortcut.
The difficulty with copying everything across to the SD card is that TomTom Home then can't find the installation on the pocket PC. Have you found any way around this?
Yes, what are the consequences of moving the folder to the storage card ?
chris247 said:
Yes, what are the consequences of moving the folder to the storage card ?
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Well, the only problem is that it is a little slower to startup and get going, but once thats done Ive never noticed any difference.
The only thing is you cannot use the Today plugin (but I never did anyway), I just created a new shortcut in the Start Menu, that does it for me.
I agree with coercri (although I don't find it is any slower to start from my SD card, probably because I stuck in a relatively fast card ). But that still doesn't get around the problem of not being able to update the POIs using TomTom Home (which is much more convenient than copying the individual files to a number of map sub-directories). Maybe the answer is a Registry hack to point the installation directory to the card. I will try it.
I don't use the Home application so this is why it has never bothered me, I donwload the Camera Updates and just copy them to the GBMAP directory.
Thanks for you advice. I moved my TomTom folder in Program Files from main memory to the SD card. It works great !
The speed is the same as on the main memory and the application load is as fast as on the main memory. Maybe this is due to the fact that I took a fast SD card.
I am not using TomTom Home so I don't have this problem. I suggest you use Resco Explorer Registry editing tool and make a search for '\Program Files\Navigator' you should find so occurrences, change them to '\<name of your storage card>\Program Files\Navigator'
Thanks for that. In the end, I simply went back to copying the OV2 files across.
Incidentally, I have now moved TomTom to the Extended ROM and it is faster than running from the SD Card.

FlexMail store: Internal or SD?

I know that FlexMail 4 supports storage on SD card, but the manual raises some warnings about how WM grabs file handles when entering hibernation, therefore delays in mounting before read access can possibly cause corruption.
Two questions, please:
1) Is storing messages to SD on a TyTNII truly a potential problem, or are they just covering their butts? I'm using a SanDisk SDHC.
2) Would you place the stores in the /SD/MyDocuments folder or place them in the FlexMail program directory (I also have FlexMail installed to the card)? Not sure what the implications for going either way might be.
Just curious to know what ramifications I might have by going one way or the other.

wm6.5 micro sd weirdness

I have an HTC touch Dual, windows mobile 6.5. I have a 16gb micro sd inside of it and everything was going pretty well. then today after taking some pictures and messing around with windows media player mobile, things went strange on my memory card. first i noticed none of my songs on windows media player would work. then i looked for them using total comander or whatever, and thats when i saw the strange files and folders. they are mostly system folders appearently, and i cannot delete them. All my programs installed on the card still work, and pictures i have on the card are still there (not the ones i took with the camera), in fact, the only thing that seems to be missing is my roms folder with all my emulator roms, and my music folder with all my music. this is a list of what i have on the card now:
6 empty "file folders" named "." (just a period, guessing they call it a "file folder because they are unsure what it is, but it does have the folder icon) they are all 0 bytes
a "file folder" called "┘kφ$╥M╞.¬√½", 0 bytes
another "file folder" called "║h88Ω*.***" also 0 bytes
another one called "î┤I¬U¡R.┼Xπ" 0 bytes
Then i have my images folder with all my images uploaded for backgrounds (not my camera pictures), program files, DCIM (which is now empty but i used to have all the pictures and videos from my camera), movies folder, pleco folder (chinese dictionary), and "my voices" which are the recordings i've done.
Now the best parts
a ╥¼ File called "╥/ê≤}. ╥¼" which is 2.85GB (Must be the roms)
a JQ File called "╝µc0.Jq" which is 3.60GB (must be all my music because this is how much i uploaded to the card)
and a ∩ File called "▓φα¡d≥c.∩" which is 2.71GB (and this one might be all my videos and pictures from my camera, but that seems like a lot and i don't remember having that many pictures)
So obviously my data is still here, but its just crammed into these unknown files. It's not like i really care about all the music and that stuff, I would have just deleted these files if it would have let me, but it won't let me at all. I really would hate to reformat my entire card because of all the programs i've installed and i don't want to go through all of that again... unless now that i'm thinking about it, i could just backup my program files then reformat my card. i'll probably try this. anyway, i don't have anywhere else i can put my micro sd card, just my phone, so if anybody has any idea whats happened to this darn thing, please let me know! thank you very much!
Your sd card is corrupt. Try to scan it (either on the device w/ pocket mechanic, sk tools or something similar), or connect in disk drive mode to a pc and scan it that way (right click on the drive-F: or whatever-then select properties-tools-fix errors). If scanning doesn't work (do it several times if it does), then you're screwed. Copy every file you can to your pc (one folder @ a time), then format the card. It will probably be fine after the format.
Next: change the save path on the camera, and pretty much every thing else, to main memory. Having crap written quickly to the card all the time can cause corruption. Scan frequently, at least once a week, if not more. Do not have temp folders located on the card. Really, really do not have a custom SIP on the card. Just try to use the card for storage, but not as main memory.

