Is there an application like Palm Desktop? - General Topics

Hello to everyone in this magnificent site!
I was wondering if there is an application for WM that is similar to Palm Desktop. I've already done some searching in the forum but didn't find anything that suited me.
Is there any new program that I'm missing?


Windows Mobile 6.1 Best Apps

hey everyone
first of all i would like to congratulate Dr. Martin Gonzo for his amazing ROM.
now, since i've seen that many people have already tried and are currently using his rom, you definitely have some of your other apps instaled
what i would like to know is:
wich apps do you think work best with the Windows Mobile 6.1 version
or that you find them practical or indespensable
if you can, put a thumbnail of you 6.1 screen
would like to see come cool backgrounds with the 6.1
please share the links if possible
cheers everyone
there is a best apps thread here for wm6.0.
i guess it should be pretty much the same applications for wm6.1 also.
Check out the CHome Configurator. It'll let you customize your sliding panel home screen easily. Here's the link to the excalibur thread:
Total Commander, Its got to be the best Freeware File Manager for Windows Mobile. It allows you to work with files in ROM unlike File Explorer, allows you to edit the registry and even has an ftp client built in.

titanium/chome for winmo 6.1

ok, I searched and hunted and didn't find the info I was looking for, so I'll ask in here. I've got a fuze, and I'm getting a bit tired of tf3d/manila and I was wondering if anyone had a functional chome/titanium plugin that would work with winmo6.1 NOT 6.5. I don't run 6.5 I found a lot of chome for smartphones, but none for PPC's. anyone have anything before I try to blow my phone to bits installing old software for a different phone?

Due Yesterday for Windows Mobile?

I dont know if any of you have heard of the program called Due Yesterday for Palm OS, but its a program that allows you to keep track of classroom assignments and schedules. I used this program extensively untill i upgraded to a windows mobile HTC Raphael. Now im stuck without this program and i was hoping someone knew of a similar program.
Ill let the link speak for itself about the program:
don't know of such an app, but you can run palm os apps on windows mobile with this
I tried it a while back and it worked fine.
hope this helps
This seems like a really neat application but is there anything for free?
Or how about an actual program that i can use? thanks.
As with ISiCK, I also used Due Yesterday on my Palm(s) before getting a Raphael and am interested in an equivalent application for Windows Mobile.
In short: *bump!*
I know this is an older thread but has anyone found anything close to Due Yesterday for Windows Mobile? I have it running with styletap but I'd like to be able to sync the information with my PC.

Searching magnifier application like the one introduced with WinMo 6.5.3

Hi all, i'm looking for a magnifier application like the one wich was introduced with WinMo 6.5.3 (in the TitleBarList) by Microsoft. For certain reasons i don't like WinMo 6.5.3 images at all. But i like this little helper a lot. Is there something similar for none 6.5.3 images available? I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you

[Q] OS Question

Greetings All,
I am a newbie to any sort of forum and I wish to express my thanks in advance for your help.
I have been a WM (HTC Tilt WM 6.1) user for 4 years. Just recently I have been having issues with my phone and I need to purchase a new phone, but I totally confused on what to purchase.
My Tilt has the following programs installed, that I use on a daily basis:
Voice Command, Note2Self, SPB Wallet, SK Tools, Skype, Handy Shopper, in addition to the WM Office suite.
These are the programs that work well for me and I am comfortable with.
My question is this>
Can a widows 7 Phone do all the above or do I find a used WM 6.1 or 6.5 phone…will I like WM 6.5 better?
Or dare I say it…an Android?
Since your a windows mobile user and I'm guessing your most familiar with that os I suggest the touch pro 2 or the HD2. The touch pro 2 because it's a user friendly device, nice sized keyboard and purely reliable. The hd2 is also a nice pick it has a 4.3in screen an extremely fast processor and the touch is pretty sensitive/similar to the iPhone. You can go to to check the specs and see what you like best.
These are both 6.5 wm capable phones and the HD2 can flash wp7. I personally like winmo over android because of office suite but android is not bad either.
thanks for the info...what does "flash wp7" mean?
The HD2 has a very active dev community and one of the things they have accomplished is to port other operating systems to the device. So you have a choice now between keeping it on the stock WM6.5, or 'flashing' an alternative OS like WP7 or Android.
If you bought one yourself you would have the added bonus of being able to use the apps that you are familiar with.
Thanks for your thoughts.
What about the new HTC Inspire...any thoughts?

