Mobile mail beta - General Topics

Within the next weeks we launch a new service for pda and smartphone owners, named mobile mail beta. Mobile mail beta is a hosted email solutions with direct push technology.
At this moment we are busy setting things up and can use some beta testers the profile we are looking for is:
- People who use their pda with email and agenda synchronisation.
- People willing to test a hosted groupware solution.
We offer:
- A mail account for testing our push service.
- 250 MB diskspace
- public folders
- Contact list
Anti-virus protection
WE have implemented Mcafee antivirus control
Anti-spam protection
A combination of content-based SpamAssassin and also sender id, will limit the Spam in your mailbox.
WebMail & WebMail express
Two different web-based email clients, one with the look and feel of Microsoft Outlook and the other optimized for viewing email on PDA devices, provide users with both comfort and speed while working from most modern web browsers, including Safari and Firefox.
As an alternative for Microsoft Exchange, we provide access to shared calendars, shared contacts and email from Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft Entourage, and WebMail.
Mobile Device Access
Direct email, calendar, contact, and task with Treo™ and Windows Mobile® devices that support over the air synchronization. Smart Wipe technology remotely deletes company data when the device is lost of stolen.
After all of this: we will support in an future version up to 5 pop3 email account to be included in our service, this will include also httpmail providers like hotmail. at this moment we are not offering httpmail synchronisation.
A feature that is ready to work is our outlook connector, so you can also use our service in your home office situation whitout going to the webmail interface.
For the time being we will provide test accounts to users on this board, just apply by sending a mail to me with the domainname which you wanna use on the services we will reply with a email in 24 hrs on how to setup and your login data
please send the application to [email protected]


Free Outlook Push email

This may be old news to some but new news to others.
As you may know your WM5 and WM6 device can do a wireless sync with Exchange and offers blackberry style 'push' email.
To do this you need a configured Exchange server and for most this can be expensive or impossible to do yourself.
But there is hope, and its free. offers FREE hosted exchange email. The only thing is you get a little add banner along the top but apart from that its corporate style exchange for free. Whats more it comes with OWA enabled also free of charge.
You can even set it to pull email from other POP3 email accounts.
You can access your mail via the web or POP3/IMAP4 clients.
For around 80p a month you can upgrade to their Plus service, this allows you to have the outgoing FROM: address to be your own. For me I use it to send mail from my personal domain.
So the upgrade is well worth it given the other extra features you get.
But take a look at the free service. I first switched a while ago as has really crap webmail. So got a free account and just forwarded it all to for full outlook wonder.
I think this is a useful tip as I couldnt find anyone else offering free push enabed services.
Since this service is goint to cost next month, does anyone have a alternative?
I tried windows live, but it doesnt push emails instantly nor does ita have calender and contacts synchronisation :/
I've been trying to find a good new solution as well.
I'm currently trying out emoze, which is an app that allows you to configure push email (with certain service providers). It WORKS, but it doesn't allow full folder sync with gmail, so it's not quite as useful as true push from my IMAP gmail account would be.
seven is another.
I tried mail2web and was unimpressed though all our domains are there now. It wouldn't push html email.
I'd search out a provider that offers IMAP idle but Flexmail is the only app on the WM side to support it.

Emoze Enables Push Email for Everybody's ISP Account

Email anywhere, anytime on any mobile device, regardless of which Internet mail service
Emoze just launched a free software at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, that enables everyone with a personal email account from their Internet Service Provider to have emails pushed to their mobile phone or PDA.
It’s a free download that delivers faster, cheaper and more secure email anytime, anywhere to hundreds of millions of email subscribers. It also incorporates a high level of security as data is not duplicated nor stored on any external server. You can get emoze at
Email users can access their messages on the go, without the need of buying a special handset or service package. You just need your regular mobile device. Its available for Gmail and other email services as well. For Nokia Nseries users, emoze is conveniently located in the Download! folder.
Anyone who subscribes to personal and business accounts through their internet provider can download emoze for free at the emoze website. Emoze has launched this application using a Post Office Protocol (POP) interface, allowing any user to get their email from any ISP, providing free push email service to a global audience for any standard mobile device.
It's definitely worth checking out!

Best email, contact & calendar provider online for PocketPC users ?

I am a PocketPC user, and I want to completely reorganize the way I am using my private emails, contact & calendar !
I would like to manipulate my data (email, contact & calendar), on the PocketPC AND online on the Web.
Which solution email/contact/calendar solution do you recommend me ?
I have listed these solutions (do you know other possibilities ?):
- Google and Zoho PIM suite: The good, it is online and free. The bad is that there is no way to sync them with the PocketPC.
- Microsoft Exchange: The good, it is on the Pocket PC. The bad, it is costs money.
I use Yahoo. Sync device with Outlook; Outlook and device always the same. Outlook syncs with Yahoo contacts, calendar, etc via Intellisync. So I have a nice backup of everything on Yahoo, can still access things on Yahoo mobile or Yahoo full web.
Outlook on Desktop.
pOutlook on Device.
Yahoo Intellisync to sync Yahoo and Outlook.
Sync Device to Outlook, Outlook to Yahoo.
However this takes mental energy to remember which will be the home to the 'correct' info. So if you edit things in Yahoo, on your phone and in Outlook without first syncing everythign, you can run into issues.
I recently moved to a Service Desk software for my business. It is a served application and I just go to the WWW address to get all the info. Interent dependent though...and web browsing is slow when under the gun...
I also know that if you use the Yahoo mobile plugin system that you pretty much just work from within that shell. Its good for some. I guess it is called Y! Go. I had it on my 8125 and it worked well, a bit slow on the 8125.
I didn't know about this Yahoo sync system. I will have a look at it.
If I understand your feedback, what you are missing is: the need to sync your contacts/calendar directly online from your PocketPC. That's right ?
I do agree with you, the best solution would be to be able to sync online all your applications, that ís the application on the PocketPC (POutlook) and the application on the PC (Outlook).
As far as I know, only Microsoft Exchange is offering this possibility. But it costs quite a lot..
Google Apps and mail2web
I really like googlemail, and actually use google apps for domains to manage a couple of domain names. I've set up Outlook using IMAP to connect to these accounts but do not schedule mail download. This allows me to easily send emails from my account.
I've then set up mail forwarding within googlemail to a free mail2web account, that is in effect Exchange. This is set up as a push account within Outlook(works really well). Within googlemail I have a rule setup to archive mails once they are forwarded, this gives me a clean inbox should I wish to bring up the IMAP connection to view archived mail.
Could anyone using MS Exchange, give a feedback about this solution ?
Nick, why don't you just use your MS Exchange account (mail2web) ? it seems to me that you don't need to have a gmail account.
With Mail2web I can only reply and send mails as [email protected]
If I want to send an email from my own domain I need to do it through my Google Apps for Domains setup.
If mail2web could handle personal domains it would be fine. Google do a really good job of this with regard to MX records and reverse dns lookups.
Hosted Exchange would be a nice solution: admitted it costs a few euros per month (6 here) but you get a mailbox which WinMo directly syncs with (without any dirty hacks, plugins and stuff) plus a quite nice webmail/calendaring/collaboration environment (Outlook Web Access).
According to your post, it seems that MS Exchange is actually the only "clean" (=acceptable) way to have the possibility to have your email/contact/calendar on your PocketPC and online.
So, I definitely need to have a look at the offers to see how much it is. Do you know a comparison table of the different companies offering Exchange hosting ?
Nick, i understand now why you still use Google. I do think you can use your own domain with Exchange thought. Maybe not with , but other competitors probably offer this.
How much do you pay for your hosted Exchange ?
spone1, I agree with your conclusion. Which Exchange hosting provider do you use ?
Mail2web is free!! You may as well sign-up just to see how Push/Active Sync works.
So 95% of the benefits of Exchange (active sync, Outlook Web access etc.) but just no domain hosting. I don't have that many mails that I need to reply to from my domain when I am out and about, so it's really not that big a deal for me to quickly switch accounts when I need to. I'm sure I could get hosted Exchange including a domain or two, but I'd expect it would be between £50 and £100 pounds a year, and wouldn't really give me that much benefit.
But the benefit of having push email is great. ActiveSync does seem to occassional have trouble connecting if my connection type changes through the day. Eg, I connect via WIFI at home, then in the car the phone will pick up 3G, thn by the time I'm at work I'm down to GPRS, at some locations in work I can pick up WIFI again and then for the return journey etc. It can be fixed be manually synchronising to get things running again, but that does kind of defeats the object of push email.
Another alternative is to run your own mail server. It doesn't have to be MS Exchange, there are other that are compatible. But this seems a little like too much hard work without much benefit.
Don't forget that you can use Google with any domain by using Google Apps.
They currently handle MX records for my Domain.
Yeah, Google apps is great, and would be perfect for me if it could handle push email. IMAP isn't the end of the World, just not as slick.
Google apps is my primary mail handler. In effect all mail2web is doing for me is adding push capability
Cloud winmo now
I have a setup that works great for me.
I use a beta (free) service mobipush for push gmail.
I use remember the milk for tasks that can be a plugin in google calendar and sync wirelessly with your outlook mobile tasks.
(there is a gadget to add RTM to your gmail screen and intergrated into google calendar.)
I use ogg sync for syncing contacts and calendar.
Something extra!!!
I also us Jott to add via voice tasks and calendar events to remember the milk and google calendar when I can't type. i.e. when driving.
This system gives me the cloud experiance of a google phone with the power of a winmo device
I used hosted Exchange and before that I'd been using Intellisync for over-the-air sync with Lotus Domino. Intellisync solution was a good one as it provided rather comprehensive sync options. However, I'd been using it few years ago, so I don't really know whether this solution is still available (looks like Nokia had bought Intellisync).
Exchange solution is great for its native support, but lacks few features (like separate folders support and OTA sync for notes).
I think that hosted Exchange 2007 is the preferred option.
Nick-- said:
With Mail2web I can only reply and send mails as [email protected]
If I want to send an email from my own domain I need to do it through my Google Apps for Domains setup.
If mail2web could handle personal domains it would be fine. Google do a really good job of this with regard to MX records and reverse dns lookups.
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I have my personal domain pointing to my account and I love it. Works superbly. I can edit calender/contacts and it changes automaticaly on the mail2web server. Also saves a bucketload of time should you decide to flash your phone - you simply give it your email address and it goes away and autoconfigures the exchange settings and then pulls all your contacts/schedule data down. All my mail comes into [email protected] and goes out from [email protected] .... frickin sweet.
I will never live again without an exchange solution.
edit: dont know if it makes a diference but i have a paid mail2web account
Has anybody tried It is an open source project that I recently found. I haven't tested it with the exception of email but it does have contacts and calendar components. I hope it works for you!
Sprint Touch w/ WM 6.1
windows live mail
windows live mail works just like exchange, syncing calendar, mail, contacts...etc
Push mail works easily and without any setup. Usually it comes with wm6 phones, but you can also install the cab found on the forum.
Xilicon said:
windows live mail works just like exchange, syncing calendar, mail, contacts...etc
Push mail works easily and without any setup. Usually it comes with wm6 phones, but you can also install the cab found on the forum.
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Okay my age is probably getting in the way, but don't you have to use Outlook to synch calendar? Has there been an upgrade to Windows Live Mail or something else I may be missing?
Sprint Touch w/ WM 6.1
gottago said:
Has anybody tried It is an open source project that I recently found. I haven't tested it with the exception of email but it does have contacts and calendar components. I hope it works for you!
Sprint Touch w/ WM 6.1
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Further on and to the original poster's request. Funambol has it's own web site that will serve to pull/push email and contacts with GMail. I don't use the calendar on Gmail so I can not address that but Funambol provides you a myfunambol web page that will consolidate your email/contacts as well as any calendar/tasks/notes/briefcase on your PPC. So, in effect, you can go to your myfunambol page and see your email, contacts, calendar, etc. all in one place on the web as well as on your PPC. Funambol provides flexibility as to what it actually synchs so you remain in control. While you can schedule your synch times, it also has the option of synching on a 'push' basis. I will admit that this capability is not necessarily perfect at this point but it is clearly being worked on.
This is a great solution for me as I do not use Outlook (too cheap to buy) or Internet Explorer on my PC. I use Thunderbird/Lightning and Firefox. There is a Funambol plugin for Thunderbird that works well.
NOTE: I have no affiliation with Funambol other than as a user of this one product.
Sprint Touch w/WM 6.1

10 Best Email Client Apps For Your Android Phone To Fullfil all your needs

Did you ever want to manage all of your emails right from your Android smartphone like professionals?
We know that even in this world of ongoing communication where most of the people opt for social media platforms to communicate with each other quickly. But there are a lot of professionals as well as authorities who still prefer to use emailing as their primary method of conversation.
And to keep up with all the emails and to be able to find and respond to the important ones that matter most to us, we need some unified emailing apps that make the whole emailing system smoother.
To help you out finding these useful email apps, here are the twenty best emailing apps for Android that will make your email organization and email responding task easier than ever.
#01 – Aqua Mail
Aqua Mail has made it to the list because of its versatility and ability to support multiple email services. So if you are one of those Android users who find it hard to manage multiple email accounts in different email apps, then Aqua Mail is for you.
The app user interface is highly configurable and works flawlessly on most of the Android phones. And if you are one of those advanced users who love to tinker with different apps and looking to automate Aqua Mail then you can even integrate it easily with Tasker app.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, Apple email (Cloud/ME), FastMail, AOL, GMX and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
#02 – Blue Mail
Are you looking for an email client app for your Android phone that has a unified user interface for all of your email boxes? If yes, then Blue Mail would be the best app for you as it provides all of your emails in one place.
Blue Mail’s universal emailing system, the ultimate ability to manage a virtually unlimited number of mailing accounts, highly configurable, various personalization options for each account, and intelligent push notifications system is what makes it the perfect replacement for the stock mail app.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, Office 365 and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, SMTP, Exchange and POP3 auto configuration.
#03 – Nine – Exchange Emailing
Nine brings the Exchange ActiveSync to the Android and provides direct push synchronization. It is the simplest and the fastest emailing app for your smartphone that connects you directly to the server.
The user interface is very powerful and provides you with several message filtrations. The app supports left and right swipe gestures that allow you to perform quick actions like deleting or moving a message.
The app comes with a free 14-days/2-weeks trial period, after which you can purchase the full version right from the Google Play for $9.99.
Supported Servers: Exchange Server 2003, Office 365, Outlook, Hotmail, Google Apps, and other services that support Exchange ActiveSync.
#04 – Alto
Alto is the emailing client app designed by AOL for Android smartphones and tablets. And it is one of the great alternatives for the native mobile email client that comes preinstalled on your mobile.
The app provides several features to improve your overall emailing experience. Some of those include multiple emails management, threaded email conversation view, active push notifications (with added personalization option), and the ability to organize all of your emails by category neatly.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail (Outlook), Apple Mail (iCloud), AOL, Office 365, and any other IMAP email account.
#05 – TypeApp
TypeApp is a universal emailing client that has a material design and provides instant push notifications with customizable options (like quite hours and custom notification alerts) that will make sure to keep you updated with all of your emails and messages.
Unlike other apps mentioned in the list, TypeApp is efficient and allows you easily manage all of your email accounts within one app. You can perform bulk actions to categorize or mark multiple email messages at once.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, Apple email (iCloud/ME), AOL, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, Exchange ActiveSync, POP3, and SMTP.
#06 – K-9 Mail
K-9 Mail is an open-source and community developed mobile mailing app. It supports a large number of email services and protocols along with lots of easy-to-customize options that can improve your overall email management experience.
The interface may look a little bit undeveloped to you, but I believe that you will admire the way it is going to handle all of your emails because it has been precisely designed to make it easier and less confusing for you to manage multiple mailing accounts.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and Microsoft Exchange.
#07 – myMail
myMail is one of the most flexible and user-friendly emailing apps for Android. It provides you with hugely customizable push notifications for all of the email accounts along with support for multiple email account management that are added into the app.
You will also get the ability to filter notifications and emails you are receiving, based on the filters and folders you have created within the app. The app also gives you a “silent mode” that you can customize according to your work-life schedule.
Moreover, the search feature enables you to search through the contacts that are stored in your local storage as well as those stored in your email accounts.
Supported Email Providers: Google Mail, Microsoft Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, AOL, GMX, Apple iCloud, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: Automatic setup and configuration for IMAP, SMTP, Microsoft Exchange and POP.
#08 – WeMail
WeMail is an intelligently designed email app that provides you with a unified inbox where all of your email accounts are nicely grouped by the sender’s name automatically. That is what makes your email management easy and clutter free, and reduces the overall length of your inbox by up to fifty percent.
Supported Email Providers: Google Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and AOL.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP. Support for the Exchange ActiveSync will be added shortly.
#09 – Microsoft Outlook
[appbox googleplay]
Microsoft Outlook is a fully featured mobile version of its desktop Outlook program and shares the same user experience as well as the user interface. The email client is very powerful and is well integrated with contacts and calendar.
The app is specifically designed to support Exchange ActiveSync account, but it also allows you to add IMAP and webmail accounts like Apple iCloud, Yahoo Mail, and Gmail.
#10 – Gmail
Gmail is an official Android emailing app and has been developed by Google itself, which is the reason why it comes preinstalled in every Android smartphone and tablet as a default email app.
Initially, the app was limited to the Gmail accounts only. However, the recent updates have officially added the support for various non-Gmail emailing services and protocols. And the developers have managed to improve it with every new release.
We all are very well aware of the Google’s idea of simplicity and material UI/UX. So the same has been implemented in the Gmail app, making the emailing experience clean and clutter free.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, and several other email services as well as hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP, and SMTP.
Which Email App Is Your Favorite?
Do you have any favorite email apps that I forgot to mention in the list? Please let me know down below, I would love to hear about them!
Please don't create duplicate threads.
Thread closed.

10 Best Email Client Apps For Your Android Phone With Everything you Need

Did you ever want to manage all of your emails right from your Android smartphone like professionals?
We know that even in this world of ongoing communication where most of the people opt for social media platforms to communicate with each other quickly. But there are a lot of professionals as well as authorities who still prefer to use emailing as their primary method of conversation.
And to keep up with all the emails and to be able to find and respond to the important ones that matter most to us, we need some unified emailing apps that make the whole emailing system smoother.
To help you out finding these useful email apps, here are the ten best emailing apps for Android that will make your email organization and email responding task easier than ever.

#01 – Aqua Mail
Aqua Mail has made it to the list because of its versatility and ability to support multiple email services. So if you are one of those Android users who find it hard to manage multiple email accounts in different email apps, then Aqua Mail is for you.
The app user interface is highly configurable and works flawlessly on most of the Android phones. And if you are one of those advanced users who love to tinker with different apps and looking to automate Aqua Mail then you can even integrate it easily with Tasker app.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, Apple email (Cloud/ME), FastMail, AOL, GMX and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
#02 – Blue Mail
Are you looking for an email client app for your Android phone that has a unified user interface for all of your email boxes? If yes, then Blue Mail would be the best app for you as it provides all of your emails in one place.
Blue Mail’s universal emailing system, the ultimate ability to manage a virtually unlimited number of mailing accounts, highly configurable, various personalization options for each account, and intelligent push notifications system is what makes it the perfect replacement for the stock mail app.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, Office 365 and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, SMTP, Exchange and POP3 auto configuration.

#03 – Nine – Exchange Emailing
Nine brings the Exchange ActiveSync to the Android and provides direct push synchronization. It is the simplest and the fastest emailing app for your smartphone that connects you directly to the server.
The user interface is very powerful and provides you with several message filtrations. The app supports left and right swipe gestures that allow you to perform quick actions like deleting or moving a message.
The app comes with a free 14-days/2-weeks trial period, after which you can purchase the full version right from the Google Play for $9.99.
Supported Servers: Exchange Server 2003, Office 365, Outlook, Hotmail, Google Apps, and other services that support Exchange ActiveSync.

#04 – Alto
Alto is the emailing client app designed by AOL for Android smartphones and tablets. And it is one of the great alternatives for the native mobile email client that comes preinstalled on your mobile.
The app provides several features to improve your overall emailing experience. Some of those include multiple emails management, threaded email conversation view, active push notifications (with added personalization option), and the ability to organize all of your emails by category neatly.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail (Outlook), Apple Mail (iCloud), AOL, Office 365, and any other IMAP email account.

#05 – TypeApp
]TypeApp is a universal emailing client that has a material design and provides instant push notifications with customizable options (like quite hours and custom notification alerts) that will make sure to keep you updated with all of your emails and messages.
Unlike other apps mentioned in the list, TypeApp is efficient and allows you easily manage all of your email accounts within one app. You can perform bulk actions to categorize or mark multiple email messages at once.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, Apple email (iCloud/ME), AOL, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, Exchange ActiveSync, POP3, and SMTP.

#06 – K-9 Mail
K-9 Mail is an open-source and community developed mobile mailing app. It supports a large number of email services and protocols along with lots of easy-to-customize options that can improve your overall email management experience.
The interface may look a little bit undeveloped to you, but I believe that you will admire the way it is going to handle all of your emails because it has been precisely designed to make it easier and less confusing for you to manage multiple mailing accounts.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and Microsoft Exchange.
#07 – myMail
myMail is one of the most flexible and user-friendly emailing apps for Android. It provides you with hugely customizable push notifications for all of the email accounts along with support for multiple email account management that are added into the app.
You will also get the ability to filter notifications and emails you are receiving, based on the filters and folders you have created within the app. The app also gives you a “silent mode” that you can customize according to your work-life schedule.
Moreover, the search feature enables you to search through the contacts that are stored in your local storage as well as those stored in your email accounts.
Supported Email Providers: Google Mail, Microsoft Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, AOL, GMX, Apple iCloud, and several other email services as well as some hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: Automatic setup and configuration for IMAP, SMTP, Microsoft Exchange and POP.

#08 – WeMail
WeMail is an intelligently designed email app that provides you with a unified inbox where all of your email accounts are nicely grouped by the sender’s name automatically. That is what makes your email management easy and clutter free, and reduces the overall length of your inbox by up to fifty percent.
Supported Email Providers: Google Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and AOL.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP. Support for the Exchange ActiveSync will be added shortly.

#09 – Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook is a fully featured mobile version of its desktop Outlook program and shares the same user experience as well as the user interface. The email client is very powerful and is well integrated with contacts and calendar.
The app is specifically designed to support Exchange ActiveSync account, but it also allows you to add IMAP and webmail accounts like Apple iCloud, Yahoo Mail, and Gmail.
#10 – Gmail
Gmail is an official Android emailing app and has been developed by Google itself, which is the reason why it comes preinstalled in every Android smartphone and tablet as a default email app.
Initially, the app was limited to the Gmail accounts only. However, the recent updates have officially added the support for various non-Gmail emailing services and protocols. And the developers have managed to improve it with every new release.
We all are very well aware of the Google’s idea of simplicity and material UI/UX. So the same has been implemented in the Gmail app, making the emailing experience clean and clutter free.
Supported Email Providers: Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, and several other email services as well as hosted email accounts.
Supported Email Protocols: IMAP, POP, and SMTP.
im using aqua
newton is really the best email app aver, it's very simple, great design, lightweight, and free. You can subscribe to a premium features, but even without them the app is just amazing. It's used to be called cloudmagic.
Just remember this when choosing an email app:
Btw: Newton = Cloud Magic
I'm using Alto. Tried almost all app in the list (except Nine which is not free) but my heart is with Alto. Want to vote but no Alto in the list, only Gmail and Aqua?
You can add a poll to the first post?
Sorry for my bad English.
Wysłane z mojego LG-H815 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Tatsch said:
Just remember this when choosing an email app:
Btw: Newton = Cloud Magic
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Read it. My favorite (Alto) is not secure!
K9 mail is not good enough. Aqua mail is limited to 2 accounts in free version. Mail Droid contains ads. What's left is [email protected] mail which is new to my ear. Tried it and [email protected] mail seems fantastic. A lot of features and customization. And secure too.
I'll use it side by side with Alto for next few days before I decide which one is better.
janolucero said:
newton is really the best email app aver, it's very simple, great design, lightweight, and free. You can subscribe to a premium features, but even without them the app is just amazing. It's used to be called cloudmagic.
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It's a good mail app but now it forces pay premium to use, unless it is not load new emails! 50$ for 1 year, too expensive to use with premium feature. I must uninstall it after 2 year using. It's a stupid Newton Mail development team.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I always prefer Gmail and recommend to others. It is free and very easy to use. One of the best things is to login to multiple accounts on a single browser at a time.
salmanfarisy said:
K9 mail is not good enough. .
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Could you please explain what you mean by this?
If you don't like the user interface: There's a forke with material design style, see
M.Twain said:
I always prefer Gmail and recommend to others. It is free and very easy to use. One of the best things is to login to multiple accounts on a single browser at a time.
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Apart from that, you can also use NoxApp+, which can not only run multiple accounts for emails but also for many other apps like whatsapp. facebook, or even games, without even switching or quitting!!
#10 – Gmail, the only one I'm using.
markS991 said:
#10 – Gmail, the only one I'm using.
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Cuz i have to switch work and personal accounts, not only mails, so I found it useful.
bonisoul said:
Cuz i have to switch work and personal accounts, not only mails, so I found it useful.
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In some europ. countries using g-mail is not permitted without written permission of your partners: E-mail addresses and the mails itself are sensitive personal data and must not be stored on servers outside the EU without permissions of all who it may concern...
Now there are advertisements even in pro key versions. Not ad-free anymore... See comments in play store.
FairEmail as an alternative has an more honest developer.
Last version of AquaMail without popup advertisements, when opening an attachment, see below. To use only with legal pro key of AquaMail.
This apk is signed with ZipSigner, so there won't be a request to update anymore.
Although many users complain, the Aquamail company does not want to remove this advertisement mentioned above from the paid and ad-free called version of Aquamail.
It is now installed from version 1.17 onwards.
Good Share! Using a Lockdown Solution to run these Apps would be great!
When it comes to enterprise, using a kiosk lockdown solution that allows managers or IT admin to control and manage devices by selecting apps, websites & content leads in improving.
thanks for the list.
I'm currently using Spike (formerly Hopmail) for my Gmail(s) and Swing Mail for my Outlook. Both have very good conversation UI and reliable push notifications. Swing Mail has another plus : it can handle Twitter DM with push notifications

