Windows Mobile Email(Messaging) - General Topics

Does any any one how to send email that has advanced function for example Bold , Itallic , and fonts size.
another thing that i use yahoo go to get yahoo emails but some emails that has special Function cant be displayed on my ppc (Universal Aku3.5). it displayes things like#12332 #2133#6544
Do you know how to work this out.

Windows Mobile 5 does not speak HTML email. Upcoming Windows Mobile 6 will support it, but your machine likely will not receive a free upgrade. So your best bet at the moment will be to revert to commercial email packages like for example Profimail for WM5 or
But keep in mind that in HTML hackers and spammers can easily hide code to verify your email address and other details. Plain text emails from unknown senders are safer

both off them are not free .isnt there any other way?

onlineemails said:
both off them are not free .isnt there any other way?
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Qmail and nPop3 are both HTML-capable (albeit the latter with some restrictions). Please follow my articles / forum posts, I've published a lot of info on both apps.
Start with the Mailer Bible at


Desktop software to send/receive SMS' via cradle/activesync?

I haven't been able to find anything like this.
My old Nokia 6610 used to have software that let me send and receive SMS's when the phone was connected to my PC. I found it to be a very handy tool.
Is there something like this available?.. Maybe via Outlook?...
Obviously the freeware tools get first choice 8)
not a 100% solution but ms have a free program which let you remote control your pda from windows
so using that program you could send sms's
Thanks for the tip.. do you have a link or a name I can search for?
Thank you !
Theres a program called Jayo mobile extender that adds functionality to Microsoft outlook to send / read etc
Its really good because you can use it like your sending normal E-Mail
Checkout the free 15 day trial ..

Auto-delete emails?

Hello Everyone,
I have a T-Mobile USA SDA and had a problem with emails on the device.
Not sure if it is working as designed or if there was a blug, so I thought I would float it by you guys.
Mail client on T-Mobile USA SDA
Configured manually to check pop and send smtp with my gmail account. It is set such that the message headers are downloaded first.
I connect WIFI and send/recieve
I receive a header I had sent myself for testing
I click on it and select to download the message body.
I go back to the inbox.
I do send and receive.
I receive the message body.
I read it.
I go back to the inbox.
I do send and recieve.
The message is removed without a trace. it is not put into deleted items folder, nor does it remain in the inbox folder.
Is this expected behavior? I am not allowed to store mail on my device? Is there a registry setting to change this behavior? There is no options within the application. Is there a registry setting to change wheremails are stored in general? thanks for seeing the barrage of questions!
Yes I got the same result with you. Mine is a Dopod 577w (Tornado in Taiwan). This behaviour also happens to other mail servers.
ni hao,
I had searched a bit about it and found some places explain it. The explanation sounds weak, but it looks like something we will have to live with until either gmail or ms changes their server or client software.
Sat, Mar 4 2006 7:24 am
The problem is with the default behaviour of Gmail - it will "hide" all the
already-downloaded mail. Unfortunately, it seems not even now that the beta
phase is long over can you effectively override this behaviour - the POP3
radio buttons just don't stick in the Settings window.
Therefore, the best solution IMHO is switching to an alternative e-mail
client that doesn't remove the messages that are not available online any
more from the local view. The alternative mailer clients FlexMail and Qmail
are like so - see the row "Does it only display mail that is still on the
server? " in the comparison chart of my mailer client roundup at . Of the two,
FlexMail offers scheduling capabilities.
PocketPC MAG:
Does it only display mail that is still on the server? : one of the most-criticized problems with Messaging is that it does not show older messages (messages that have been deleted in the meantime) in the Inbox unless you explicitly (mass-)move them to a separate folder. As can be seen, it's, in addition to Messaging, only nPOPw that deletes the messages from the local view that don't exist on the server any more. The other mailer applications don't.
I might just write a pop/smtp client software myself. Much easier to tweak it to do what I need it to do, and in my previous job I worked for an email client so I know those protocols well. I probably won't add advanced functionality or IMAP/Exchange, because I have no individual use for those.
Very Useful info.
My current solution to this issue is Outlook & ActiveSync. Just download your mail to PC and sync. Mail in mobile Outlook account will not disappear unless you delete them.
By the way, I think Gmail mobile website is also okay for mail browsing & composing.
(it is not a good experience posting reply here using Pocket IE)
I'd like to write a mail client using .NET CF just for fun if I have time. I'm not a C++ guy.

Just want a reliable Pop client!

Oh at this time of fun and joy, how little i'm having
It all started a few weeks ago when I had to dump my Yahoo mail account as I was getting way too much junk mail - my poor Homer Simpson "The mail is here... woooohoooo" was seriously overworked!
So off I Googled and after a few hours found Inbox.Com. Awesome! 5 gig free and pop access.. yay! So I set it all up on Outlook on my PC and it rocked. Great!
Now time to setup on my TyTN. So I plugged all the details into the standard Smartmobile client and encountered my first problem. Aparently, and I ain't too hot on this stuff, does something odd with the content also being part of the subject? Anyways, this stopped the Smartmobile software downloading any messages, all it would do is tell me there are x number of mails present
So I tried a few more 3rd party apps and finaly came across Flexmail. This *at first* rocked! It downloaded emails and replaced the standard "Today screen" menu option and seemed to work great. A well rounded bit of software.
Then this morning, my second day of using flexmail, I woke up and noticed no new emails. Fired up my laptop (Outlook) and checked - oh look 2 new mails
After some experimentation, it appears that Flexmail does not autoconnect (a least reliably - unlike the standard MS client which does but don't download) and just ignores some email messages! (Unable to find out why/common factor)
So, I'm now after a reliable, well rounded and polished, SMS(?) and Email client for my TyTN. It must autoconnect every x mins, use system address book/contacts and above all, be reliable and not ignore messages! It must also run "invisibly" for want of a better way of describing it and not need me to constantly start it up etc.
I have tried nPOP and QMail, neither of which seem "nice n pretty" enough for me.
I am happy to pay for a client, as long as I can get a demo/trial first and i'm not too bothered about cost either.
I beg you, please point me in the right direction and I will be forever in your debt!
Very many thanks in advance and a have a tip top holiday period!
edit: Ps No matter what I try I also can't get flexmail to play my "The mail is here ...." even though its programmed in Sounds And Notifications/Flexmail.
somebody has experience with Profimail? On a Czech PDA-forum people were quite enthousiastic about it.
wpmulder said:
somebody has experience with Profimail? On a Czech PDA-forum people were quite enthousiastic about it.
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1. welcome to XDA-Dev
2. while ProfiMail is stable, I'd choose something else. There are MUCH better mailer clients: Qmail and FlexMail 2007. They are MUCH better. Please do read the Mailer Bible at for more in-depth info.
If you're not too bothered about cost, then why not use Gmail, and forward that to a free account.
The only cost will be data on your phone plan, but it means you get true push mail, so you don't have to check every x minutes, it just notifies you when you get new mail like a blackberry, and all of this with pocket outlook.
Also means all of your contacts and calendar are backed up online too.
Menneisyys said:
..... Qmail and FlexMail 2007. They are MUCH better. Please do read the Mailer Bible at for more in-depth info.
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We are both coming from a diferent forum looking for the same answer We've both used QMail - which seems complicated and ugly - and Flexmail, nice looking but, well "misses" emails and won't autoconnect, despite the options.
Will however check out your link, thanks!
AlanJC said:
If you're not too bothered about cost, then why not use Gmail, and forward that to a free account.
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'coz this aint a "" issue. Its rubbish clients on the smartphones. Yahoo was brilliant but got blitzed with junk mail, although it did take 7 years to reach too bad a level for me
Why is it so dificult to get a "good" client on smartphones?
p.s. I don't want to have to change x gazilion email subscriptions/forums addresses again. Specialy when its not the email servers fault.
Menneisyys said:
... There are MUCH better mailer clients: Qmail and FlexMail 2007. They are MUCH better. Please do read the Mailer Bible at for more in-depth info.
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Having now checked out that link i'm none too impressed. All they seem to say is that Flexmail is the best out there and well, if thats the best then the market has a big hole in it.
Flexmail DOES have a lot on pluses however, its simple lack of ability to reliably connect (no, this is not a signal thing etc) and it's just plain ignorance of playing my "The mail is here..." tune combined with it not listing all my mails, sucks.
I'd like to think i'm doing something wrong, maybe I am, but I can get pocket outlook to connect everytime (just not download) and I can get the other mail clients (including pocket outlook) to play the tune....
This really does reinforce to me that Smartmobile is lacking and wanting in a market where it pushes convergence as its major "daddy".
P.s I downloaded the client from the publishers website about 3 maybe 4 days ago so it shouldn't be a version issue. But then, why should I need a 3rd party app to do what Outlook desktop will do anyway!?!?!?
Again, why mess about with trying to pull email at set intervals which you know is buggy, when you can use push mail?
Simply forward your existing email account to your mail2web account.
I don't see the issue here.
Menneisyys said:
1. welcome to XDA-Dev
2. while ProfiMail is stable, I'd choose something else. There are MUCH better mailer clients: Qmail and FlexMail 2007. They are MUCH better. Please do read the Mailer Bible at for more in-depth info.
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I can't agree with this (too) negative statement. In your blog, you have tested Version 2.37. It's 2.60 now !
I had (before finding ProfiMail) Qmail, Flexmail2007 (on my StrTrk and my 2 PDA's). BIG problems e.g. with IMAP, BIG footprint.
Overall, ProfiMail is now my definite first choice (speed, ease of use, auto update, configuration possibilities, etc.) on my smartphone and PDA's.
Therefore, I can really recommend ProfiMail, despite the expert's statements.
Menneisyys said:
1. welcome to XDA-Dev
2. while ProfiMail is stable, I'd choose something else. There are MUCH better mailer clients: Qmail and FlexMail 2007. They are MUCH better. Please do read the Mailer Bible at for more in-depth info.
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I can't agree with this (too) negative statement. In your blog, you mention that you have tested Version 2.37. It's 2.60 now !
I had (before finding ProfiMail) Qmail, Flexmail2007 (on my StrTrk and my 2 PDA's). BIG problems e.g. with IMAP, BIG footprint.
Overall, ProfiMail is now my definite first choice (speed, ease of use, auto update, configuration possibilities, etc.) on my smartphone and PDA's.
Therefore, I can really recommend ProfiMail, despite the expert's statements.
Downloaded and installed. Won't recognise any screen taps of any sort on my TyTN. All input has to be done by keyboard and onscreen keyboard. Oh and some screens don't have a "back" or "finish" option meaning that I have to kill the program from the memory applet and start again - avoiding the offending screen for the rest of my life.
Thanks for the recommendation but my verdict "Rubbish".
So, I stand by my previous post, anyone know a GOOD pop client for smartphones?
AlanJC said:
Again, why mess about with trying to pull email at set intervals which you know is buggy, when you can use push mail?
Simply forward your existing email account to your mail2web account.
I don't see the issue here.
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'coz I have to sign in to it using a browser or wap session? Unless there is an option I can't see
I want the mail transfer to be out of my hands, I just want to be alerted when there is new mail (15 minutes delay is perfectly adequate for me) and it to be in my "inbox" rather than have to go and check a webpage. If wanted to check a webpage, why would I use Mail2Web as has a web interface already?
I would like to say that I do appreciate everyones input, maybe we will come across the perfect client for me (and others) if we keep plugging away.
Thankyou to all!!
Merry Christmas All!!
You know... I have just recently entered the world of push email and I have to say it's pretty awesome to get my email on my 8525 after only a few seconds.
I had the hardest time getting email to work reliably for me as well. I had the XDA IIs for 2 years and tried Flexmail, Profimail, npop, pocket outlook and none of them would just work reliably.
After much research on this whole push email thing I found mail2web live (based on recommendations from various sources, including this one). All I did was sign up for a mail2web live account and created an email address with them. From there I just set up my gmail account to forward all incoming emails to my mail2web account. And it worked. I have a second gmail account forwarded to them as well... and now I get them both in real time on my phone. Also... the days of email disappearing in pocket outlook are gone thanks to this system.
Here is the link to sign up for mail2webs live service with push email:
I went into active sync and set up the server details to create a push email system. Now I use pocket outlook for my email and I get my notifications when email come in just like I do with SMS.
Server settins for activesync on your pocket pc:
Activesync > Menu > Configure Server...
Server address:
Check the SSL box for encryption.
Username: [email protected]
Password: yourpassword
Domain: ad2
Check save password.
I would go to advanced settings and change it to "Keep the item on your device" as well that way you don't lose anything while syncronizing your information.
The only problems that people have been mentioning are mail2web's lack of free aliasing of your email address. So any email you straight respond to will show up as coming from I have tried changing gmails settings for this and also activesync's option for your email address, but mail2web still overrides this.
Searching for a solution I have found I have signed up for an account based on feedback I have read and anticipate that I will have my account set up with them soon (the main advantage I can see is that they offer the aliasing that I would need). I have not actually used their service as of yet, but I am eager to.
Here is the discussion on here on xda-developers:
Here is the link to the sign up page:
Hope this helps people out. I know one thing... I will NOT go back to pulling email... not after I have experienced this push email thing Finally my pocket pc has reliable email... just as reliable as my SMS now.
Message me if you have any questions.
Hi Caswell,
thanks very much for the detailed response but sadly I have now learn't I cannot use this method. I can only have one Exchange "server". This phone also sync's with my laptop which is also connected to my office Outlook/Exchange server.
Do I understand this right? news
I do not know if you got any further with your search - but maybe it will be soon possible to normally use the WM5 mail-client (or any other one) with our mail-account. I saw this announcement recently on the that they will anyble access from mobile devies - see attached screenshot.

Email client with READ request

The stock standard email client on my TYTN doesnt have an option to request a read request.
Can anyone suggest a client i could download which has this option
thats would be an usefull feature.
they have a program for this feature on windows xp and vista.
when u sent a email, and that person read it, it sends a email back telling u message been read.
TytnJ said:
The stock standard email client on my TYTN doesnt have an option to request a read request.
Can anyone suggest a client i could download which has this option
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let me know when you find this... this is one feature i wish that outlook mobile had... how freaking hard could it be to implement a read receipt request...
Always read ALL my articles & Bibles; I've explained this too, in my Mailer Bible: Definitive Pocket PC Mail Client Roundup ; the "Request receipt?" in the chart ( )
FlexMail does, not a bad app either, supprts HTML and push.
Menneisyys said:
Always read ALL my articles & Bibles; I've explained this too, in my Mailer Bible: Definitive Pocket PC Mail Client Roundup ; the "Request receipt?" in the chart ( )
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dude, i dont know how to explain what you do for windows mobile!! ever since i switched to windows mobile (end of '02 beg of '03) your bibles have helped me so much!!
Thank you for everything you've done.. just wanted to let you know that..
Menneisyys said:
Always read ALL my articles & Bibles; I've explained this too, in my Mailer Bible: Definitive Pocket PC Mail Client Roundup ; the "Request receipt?" in the chart ( )
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your bibles are good.. my rant was more for an added feature to outlook mobile...

mail : not enough competitors !!

Hi everybody.
I juste want to say that I'm not able to find a mail client for my HTC.
There is almoust no competitors on this market :
Built-in app : no backup. each hard reset = reconfigure every account
FlexMail : too slow
Profimail : not that easy to configure
QMail : Old
and that's alll.
Does someone here can tell me if there is somewhere a valuable mail client for windows mobile ?
Thank you
Hmmm .... how did you manage to miss With these you can use the built-in Outlook and it works a treat.
They are not free but they are cheap and its a full Exchange client (if you wish it to be). I use them through my own domain and think they are excellent. My sent mails even get sent out as *
And as I access them through my own domain (* i can even get to its web front end through many restricted corporate firewalls!
Thank you.
I'm afraid not to have completly undersood you ...
I know Mail2web, I used to use it as a web client when I couldn't use Pocket Outlook in my phone (because no pop or imap data plan).
Now, I can use my multiple imap account in whatever mail client (built in pocket outlook, flexmail, etc.).
But I often Hard reset or flash my rom, and the Poicket outlook doesn't allow a simple settings export : each time, I have to configure my 5 accounts and its tedious.
The other ones allow a setting export, but they are tedious to USE.
so, I wonder why there is not other mail client : I think the market is here ; isn't it?
ps : sorry for my english, I'm french ;-)
Pocket Outlook is built into ALL WinMob devices afaik.
Click -
Start menu
- Messaging
then inside messaging click
- Setup E-Mail
now enter your details and WinMob should auto-detect all the Mail2Web settings for you
If you need to re-enter all your details every time you reboot then it sounds like you have a more serious issue that someone else might be able to help you with?
- I have, say, 5 imap accounts : 3 gmail, 2 other provider mail.
- I know, and use, Pocket Outlook. and for the momentt, I think it's the most intuitive mail client.
BUT : when I do a Hard Reset, my 5 accounts are no more here, an that's normal : I have done a Hard Reset.
In FlexMail, for exemple, I can easilly recall my settings because there is a backup solution. I just have to reinstall FlexMail, end recover all my 5 accounts without a tedious stylus manual configuration for each.
In the buit-in Pocket Outlook, Ihave to re-configure each account manually. That's why I'd prefer to use a third party app, or find a way to backup my mail account.
I dont see the interest of use mail2web as I can access my mails without ... Bt perhaps I miss someting ?
Tnah you for your help.
robisme said:
BUT : when I do a Hard Reset, my 5 accounts are no more here, an that's normal : I have done a Hard Reset.
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Thats the real problem here. If this didn't happen I suspect you would be happy with Outlook. It might be better to start a new thread or change the tittle of this one to "Reboot wipes mail settings" and hopefully someone can help you fix this?
Reboot wipes mail settings
Yes that's the real problem.
At the same time, my comment about the lack of competition in this area remains.
Why QMAIL3 (last release May 13 2009) is old ?
i was just thinking about this same thing the other day.... there are replacements for just about every aspect of the phone... explorer, browser, multimedia, contact management, but mail is the least touched... i was thinking i would prefer a more finger friendly version would be nice... something along the lines of icontact for email
i have multiple accounts too and its a pain setting up after each new ROM
Can somebody just send an email to MS to request them to add the 'export settings' feature on poutlook. I think it's the best solution say that in the future release of WM65 this become a 'build-in' function. And, seems much easier for them to do it, I just remember eversince the earliest 'outlook express', MS has this feature built-in their desktop mail client.
I'm just afraid of my English not good enough to express this in a convincible way to those guys in MS.
Update: I just have sent the link of this page to MS Outlook Mobile Team, Hope they can pay some attention to this 'customer feedback'.

