EVERYTHING you need to know about internation. issues. MUST for webadmins & -authors! - General Topics

EVERYTHING you need to know about internation. issues. MUST for webadmins & -authors!
Web authors, -masters and Pocket PC Web browser users attention: everything you need to know about internationalization and "special character" issues in current PPC Web browsers
Over at the AximSite forums, I've been presented an interesting bug in famous Pocket PC Web browser NetFront, which made me experiment with the internationalization (i18n for short) issues of all Pocket PC Web browsers (and, for that matter, all the three most important desktop Windows ones). I've long been planning a test like this to see how Pocket PC Web browsers compare to desktop browsers in terms of i18n issues.
Elaborating on these issues is not just an über-geek, useless waste of time but can prove very useful if you, for example, speak a non-Western language and would like to read pages written in them or post messages on Web boards in the given language using your Pocket PC.
You can run into these problems even if you don't plan to post in any non-Western language or non-English forum / pages as can be seen in the above-linked AximSite example. All it takes a poster to use Word to compose his or her posts or articles and you end up seeing square characters (or simply nothing) instead of apostrophes and other, special, but otherwise Western characters if you use NetFront as a client. (Note that earlier, Minimo also had very similar problems with UTF-8-encoded pages I've elaborated on in here. These have been in the meantime, thanks to my bug reports, fixed. Also, very early versions of Minimo couldn't render non-Western characters on any page encoded in 8-bit as you can also see in my well-known Web Browser Bible. Those problems have long been fixed.)
Note that my inability to speak / write / read any Middle-East language (Arabic, Hebrew) and write/read Far-East languages like Chinese or Korean, I could only check non-Western, but still left-to-right languages like Russian. That is, in here, I'm unable to elaborate on the issues of these Web browsers outside the Western / Central / Eastern-European language groups. Sorry for this - not even I can speak more than 7-8 (European ones / Japanese) languages
1. URLs with accents
My first test was finding out whether you can enter URL's with accents in them into a given browser. (I recommend for example this article on the subject for more info. It's its test URL that I've used.)
Note that it's highly unlikely you'll ever see any URL's with accents in them (that is, this problem is pretty much non-existent); still, it's nice to know which browsers are able to render these pages. Yes, being able to use the built-in PIE as a "fallback" browser in these cases is highly advantageous.
The results (+ means compatible, - means not compatible):
Click here for the chart
As can be seen, only PIE supports this (as opposed to the desktop version) and Minimo (which I've expected, given that Minimo is the closest to its desktop version of all the Pocket PC browsers available).
(Note that, on he desktop Windows, Desktop IE7 RC1 and Opera 9.02 don't support this by default without explicit reconfiguration (see the above article on this); Mozilla / Firefox does.)
2. Displaying non-standard Western and non-Western characters
The second set of compliance tests is way more interesting and important than the first.
Note that this explanation will be a bit on the technical side; without some knowledge of HTTP and the HTML meta tags, you should skip the explanation and move straight to the summary column of the final chart (and the section following the chart). That is, don't read the following section if you don't know what HTTP is! Web browser developers (particularly those from Access!), website administrators and Web authors, on the other hand, should definitely read it in order to be absolutely sure the non-standard characters (again, it can be "plain" punctuation created by Word, not just non-Western languages!) contained in their documents are correctly rendered by all the browsers.
2.1 Test method
This test shows
whether the given browser takes into account the value of the
"Content-Type" HTTP response header
http-equiv meta tag
what the browser assumes (what it defaults to) when neither of them are defined (which is very often the case)
on the other hand, if there are both of them with different values, does the metatag-based override the HTTP response header.
For the test, I've written a custom HTTP server emulator accessed from all the tested Web browser applications. As usual, I'm making the source available so that you can freely test it if you prefer.

2.1.1 How my custom server emulator should be used?
The application listens to incoming HTTP requests at port 82. It requires a custom parameter (as extra path info - that is, you don't need to use the ? but / instead) in the following form:
(change to the Internet address of your desktop PC's address if you want to access it from your PDA)
x tells the server emulator to set the ‘charset' attribute of the HTTP response header Content-Type. (Doesn't set it at all if you pass a ‘N' instead.)
y tells the program emulator to set the ‘charset' attribute of the "Content-Type" http-equiv meta tag. (Doesn't set it at all if you pass a ‘N' instead.) This is the only way for a plain user (not having access to the Web server configuration) to set a charset for a given page.
z tells the server what character encoding to use internally. In most cases, you can safely keep it as ‘2' for the test.
All values are one-digit numerals; I've tested the browsers with value ‘1' (Western charset) and ‘2' (Central-European charset). As has already been mentioned, with the first two digits, you can also supply ‘N' (which stands for ‘No', ‘Doesn't exist' or ‘Not known'); then, the given HTTP header / HTTP-Equiv tag won't be set / returned. If you set something other than ‘1' or ‘2' for the ‘z' digit, it'll default back to ‘1'.
For example, if you enter in your Internet Explorer browser running on the same machine as the server emulator, you'll see this.
In here, there are three rows of special interest (the fourth, the date row is only included so that you can be absolutely sure the browser doesn't just returning a cached document):
"8-bit 8859-1-only punctuation marks" contains strictly 8859-1 punctuation marks. You should see real punctuation marks (if you render the page as a 8859-1 page) after this introduction: no squares, no question marks, no nothing.
"Central-European chars (will ONLY work with the third parameter being 2):" contains two Central-European characters. You'll see them rendered in three ways: as question marks (if you pass anything but ‘2' as the third, ‘z' parameter), as
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(the closest Western rendering of these characters) and, finally, as
, which is how they should be rendered. (Finally, as a - mark (hyphen) in Thunderhawk because it doesn't contain any non-Western character in its custom character set.)
Finally, the third row will be always displayed the same way because it explicitly uses HTML Unicode character entities, which aren't affected by the language setting. That is, it'll be always rendered as
2.2 The chart
In the following chart, I've (keeping ‘z' as ‘2' in all the cases - again, it doesn't have direct affect on any HTTP header or HTML meta-tag, only the way Java encodes the returned contents) tested all the available combinations. This way, I was able to see
whether the HTTP-Equiv meta tag overrides the "Content-Type" HTTP response header (nope, only in NetFront - this is a big difference in NetFront and any other Web browser and should be modified by the NetFront people! Other browsers only take into account the meta tag if there is absolutely no charset parameter in the HTTP Content-Type response header)
if none of the two alternates are used, what charset the browser defaults to (fortunately, Western charset in all cases)
Click here for the chart
2.2.1 Explanation for the chart NetFront and Content-Type (charset) overriding: different from the approach of all other browsers!
Again and again, NetFront works differently from all other browsers, header overriding-wise. That is, something that works on a desktop browser or any other Pocket PC browser will not necessarily work on NetFront if the HTML document contains a Content-Type metatag. Again, NetFront will override the encoding of the page with the value found in this metatag, unlike any other browser. This seems to be the reason why several people have reported char encoding problems with NetFront.
It should also be pointed out that the overriding being non-standards-compliance aside (which should be fixed by the Access folks - the developers of NetFront - as soon as possible), NetFront isn't able to display any extended punctuation mark contained in the 8859-1 codepage if you don't use the default (and ugly) Courier New font but switch to a proportional font. No matter what language info you return from the Web server, these characters will just not be displayed. A quick fix for this problem (before the Access folks fix this bug) is forcing the browser to, say, use the Central European (windows-1250 as opposed to 8859-2), Baltic or Greek encoding (but not to UTF-8, which hides all these chars) encoding as can be seen in here (note that now the punctuation is displayed in the background, on the Web page). How Web administrators should treat NetFront clients?
This also means if you're a Web hoster / Web author and would like to allow your NetFront users to be able to browse your otherwise Western (8859-1) pages and there aren't any, say, French and Spanish names / texts on the website (with all those funny accented characters), you should consider marking these pages as, say, Central-European (windows-1250) or Baltic if and only if your client using NetFront (you can easily see this by checking for the User-Agent HTTP request header as has already been explained in several of my User-Agent header-related articles; for example, this one). How Web administrators should treat Thunderhawk clients?
Incidentally, speaking of server-side User-Agent checking, if you operate a, say, Web site offering content in a Central-European language (that is, a language sufficiently close to Western languages, alphabet-wise; that is, in where using Western characters instead of some special, local characters - for example, using
instead of the "official"
), then, upon sensing the client's using Thunderhawk, you may want to force the content encoding back to 8859-1. That is, return the content as plain 8859-1 (Western) document. This will make sure non-Western characters will be converted back to their closest Western equivalent, resulting in a far better user experience. Generic advice for Webadmins of web hosters: NEVER set the charset attribute in the Content-Type HTTP response header!
Also, the results clearly show if you're providing Web hosting service to customers, you should never set the character set the ‘charset' attribute in the Content-Type HTTP response because your customers won't be able to override it with their own encodings. For example, if you're a Central-European Webspace provider and use the local, non-Western language as default charset returned straight in the HTTP header, you'll make all your customers unable to provide content in the Western-European charset.
The situation is the same in the opposite direction: if you set the Western-European charset and you still have for example Russian customers that would like to publish their Russian pages on your server, most Web browsers won't be able to render these, not even if these folks explicitly try to override your encoding settings.
A real-world example: earlier, this all has been a huge problem with my current webspace provider. Due to cost considerations (I didn't want to pay big bucks to host a webpage I don't use for commercial stuff, just as a database back-end for my articles, images and other downloads), I've chosen a (compared to, for example, the Finnish Web hosting fees) very cheap Central-European webspace provider. It, however, before July 2006, also set the above-mentioned ‘charset' attribute to Central-European encoding, which made it impossible to put Word-generated/-exported English language pages on my page without first changing all the non-standard (extended) punctuation marks to their non-extended (and, therefore, less spectacular) counterparts. That is, when I, for example, posted a comparison chart HTML file there (I can't include comparison charts in Pocket PC discussion forums because of the forum restrictions and wide charts in my Smartphone and Pocket PC Magazine Blog - in these cases, I must link them from my back-end), I always had to change (with a generic search-replace in, say, Notepad) these characters back to the non-extended version.
Note that you can avoid all this hassle in Microsoft Word before starting to write your article / post by disabling the two checkboxes ("Straight quotes" with "Smart quotes" and Hyphens (--) with dash (-)) in Tools / Autocorrect Options / Autoformat As You Type. If you find it necessary and want to avoid problems with, for example, your NetFront or non-Western readers, make sure you do this (that is, disable the two checkboxes).
Now that, during a recent Web server update, this annoyance has been removed, I can post anything without mass-replacing 'special' characters (or disabling autocorrection in Word).
All in all: the inability to override (in everything but NetFront) the HTTP response header means a decent web hoster should never return the language / character encoding parameter in his / her Web pages if there is chance users would want to return pages in different encoding. This is, fortunately, the case with the majority of current web hosters.
3. Form Posting
The second main problem area is not displaying non-Western characters but posting such contents to Web servers via Web forms. In these tests, I've tested the same; with exactly the same input (punctuation, non-Western characters) and I've also added Western accented characters like ä and ö: I've posted these characters to the Web server and checked what they have become.
I've used two sites for this purpose: my PPCMag blog, which is 8859-1 (Western charset) by default and a Central-European server using the Windows-1250 (Central-European) encoding on all its pages. (The page encoding setting has direct effect on what is uploaded back to the server from a form.)
Click here for the chart
As can clearly be seen, the situation isn't at all bad with the three desktop browsers (I've encountered no compatibility issues at all - all special and even Central-European characters were visible in their original - unconverted! - form after posting, even when posted to an 8859-1 server).
With Pocket PC-based browsers, on the other hand, posting special / non-Western characters turned out to be much more problematic, particularly - as opposed to the desktop posting case - when posting to a 8859-1 (Western) server. Then, it was only Thunderhawk that was able to upload these characters; all the other clients either don't upload these characters at all or converted them.
An explicitly windows-1250 server was a bit better as far as NetFront is concerned: now, it was able to upload non-standard Western punctuation and non-Western accents.
Unfortunately, Opera Mobile has never been able to upload any kind of extended Western punctuation. This is a real bug that really should be fixed.
4. Non-8-bit file formats
In addition to 8-bit file formats (ISO-8859-1, Windows-1250 etc), there are some other, non-8-bit file formats. One of them is Unicode, of which a test page is here. Another is UTF-8 (test page here; OK, I know this is, technically, a 8-bit file format, using 2 or 3 bytes for extended 8859-1 or Unicode characters. I didn't want to create a different category for it.)
The former is almost never used on the Web (albeit it's possible some, say, Chinese or Japanese site will use it); the latter pretty extensively in the non-Western language areas. Its penetration in Central-Europe (excluding languages using cyrillic characters) may be 10-20% (because the special characters of these languages are easy to map into a 8-bit chartable); in China/Japan or other languages using alphabets containing Kanjis and other special (and numerous) characters, around 100%.
In this test, I've tested whether the Pocket PC web browsers are able to read these pages (see the above two links if you want to give them a try). As can be seen, the situation is pretty good: the common UTF-8 is read by all browsers. IEM and Minimo fail to render Unicode files, though.
This is, again, not a big problem at all - I've yet to see a Web page that uses Unicode instead of UTF-8. Note that this is one of the very slight differences between Minimo and its desktop big brother, Mozilla / Firefox. The latter, as with the desktop Opera and Internet Explorer, is able to render Unicode files too.
Click here for the chart


TUTORIAL:Changing the language Web pages're requested by PIE

I’ve just received a question from one of my blog readers about how the built-in Web browser in the Pocket PC / Windows Mobile operating system, Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) / Internet Explorer Mobile (IEM) can be configured to request pages in different language than US English if you use an English language Windows Mobile operating system.
As this question is a very interesting one and very few people have the necessary HTTP- and actual programming (let alone offering a proxy server for free that does the trick!)-level knowledge to answer this question, I’ve decided to write a complete article on it.
What's the point? When can this be useful?
There are a lot of Web sites that offer their content not only in English but also in several other languages. The most important example is Google or, for example, many blogging engines. For example, b2evolution(the engine used in the Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine Expert Blogs) returns English pages by default. However, if you configure your local Web browser to request Web pages in another language, you'll receive Web content in that language.
For example, if you set your referred language to, say, Finnish, you'll get this (Finnish language) page instead of this (English original) when you try to log in. And, the list continues - there are a LOT of other pages, frameworks, content management systems that do take into account what language the client prefers and return their Web content accordingly.
Making use of this capability can be of enormous advantage for people that don’t really have a good command of English and would like to prefer content or, at least, menus and dialogs in their native tongue.
How can you instruct desktop Web browsers to request Web pages in the language of my choice?
With Internet Explorer, go to Tools/Internet Options/ General and click Languages in the Appearance group. Then, just click the Add button and choose the language you prefer from the list. Make sure you move it up the list (with the Move Up button) so that it'll be your primary language.
As far as the desktop Opera browser is concerned, I'll elaborate on it later.
The desktop Mozilla/Firefox must be configured in exactly the same way as the Pocket PC version (screenshot) - see below.
OK; now, how I configure my Pocket PC Web browsers to do the same?
It's, unfortunately, a bit more complicated. Read on!
A bit geeky stuff: HTTP and Accept-Language
(Note that understanding this section is not needed if you aren't a tech / geek type of person. However, trying to digest it can be very useful to understand my HTTP request header screenshots and to understand how, for example, my proxy servers work.)
First, to understand how the HTTP servers (that is, Web servers) are able to decide in which language they should return the requested Web page, it's very important to know that the HTTP protocol (the protocol used in communicating between a Web server and a browser) uses so-called 'HTTP request headers'. These requests tell the Web server what resource to get, whether it's cached on the client (so that the server only needs to return the resource again if it's been changed in the meantime), whether the client has 'cookies' stored about the server to maintain Web sessions and so on.
One of these headers is called 'Accept-Language' and tells the Web server what language the client prefers (with, optionally, an additional country code and/or quality setting when there is a list of preferred languages). For example, if you'd prefer pages in Finnish instead of the default English, this header looks like the following:
Accept-Language: fi (or, Accept-Language: fi-FI - both are valid and can be used. The first, lowercase 'fi' stands for Finnish, the second, uppercase 'FI' stands for Finland. Note that, in general, the country code can also be lowercase; from now, on, I use lowercase letters to denote the country.)
If you'd prefer your preferred language to be Canadian French, you can use the following request header:
Accept-Language: fr-ca
And, as far as strictly US English is concerned, you'll often see this header:
Accept-Language: en-us
In order to be able to return a Web page tailored for your language preferences, the Web server MUST receive every HTTP request (Web page download) containing the Accept-Language header. If it doesn't receive it, it will in no way know what is your preferred language and will, in almost all cases, return the default one (English in most cases).
Does the system-wide Regional Settings have any effect on the preferred language?
Unfortunately, modifying the regional setting in Settings/System/Regional Settings doesn’t change the “Accept-Language” HTTP header sent out to the Web server (it’s based on this HTTP request header that most HTTP servers – except for Google, which uses a bit more sophisticated algorithm, which I’ll elaborate on later –, if they have content in more than one language, decide what language they should return their content in) – not even in the latest WM5 AKU2, as can also be seen in this screenshot. I took the screenshot on a Dell Axim x51v with the latest, AKU2 A12 ROM, after setting the regional setting to Germany (and rebooting). It certainly shows IEM sends out requests telling the Web server that it prefers U.S. English pages, no matter what the operating system setting is.
PIE AcceptLanguage in the Registry
Fortunately, WM2003SE+ IEM/PIE does store the language code in the Registry (and it, even more importantly, does use it) under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage. How it is accessed under different operating systems, however, is varying.
First, under Pocket PC 2000 (the first Pocket PC operating system version), there is no International key at all as can also be seen in here. That is, it’s futile to create the above value in the Registry – it just won’t work.
Under Pocket PC 2002 and WM2003, this value does exist with the value “en-us” for devices with the (American) English ROM. These operating systems, however, do not take this value into account and don’t send out any Accept-Language header as can also be seen in this and this screenshots for PPC2k2/WM2003, respectively.
It’s only with WM2003SE+ operating systems (WM2003SE and WM5) that PIE copies the value of this string value to the HTTP request. However, interestingly, on English devices, the value, by default, doesn’t exist (unlike on Pocket PC 2002 / WM2003 devices, where, much as it does exist, its value isn’t used in the communication with HTTP servers in any way) – this is why I, at first, didn’t realize it’s there and usable. (I've tested this on four different WM5 devices (x51v, hx4700, Wizard, Universal) and on the WM2003SE PL720. None of them had this value, unlike, again, my Pocket PC 2002 Compaq iPAQ 3660 / WM2003 HP iPAQ 2210.)
(Note that there are two other places of the registry having PIE/IEM-related information: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Internet Settings and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer. There, however, is no language-specific information in there.)
All in all, if you have a WM2003SE+ Pocket PC, you can just create a String value named “AcceptLanguage” under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International key with the correct language code (with, when needed, also the country code if it’s necessary).
If you don’t want to create the value by hand, I’ve created a registry import file to do the job for you. It’s available HERE. All you’ll need to do is importing it with a Regedit5-compatible registry editor like Resco Registry Editor (please also see this roundup of registry editors for alternates / converting the file to REGEDIT4 format to be able to import with REGEDIT4-only registry editors like Kilmist and Tascal.) Don’t forget to change ‘en-us’ to your language first (for example, ‘ru’, ‘fi’, ‘fr’ etc.) Also, you may want to use some kind of associated quality value as is defined in section 14.4 of the official HTTP 1.1 header specification. (For example, to express "I prefer Danish the most, but will accept (preferably) British English and, finally, other types of English", use the string “da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7”)
Do PIE/IEM plug-ins let for changing the language?
Unfortunately, PIE/IEM plug-ins like PIEPlus, MultiIE or Spb Pocket Plus (click the links for the latest reviews!) don’t let the user directly supply this vaue – ypu’ll need to directly modify the Registry in order to configure this value.
What about NetFront?
As far as alternate browsers are concerned, NetFront 3.3 sends out the ‘en’ language code by default . While it is supposed to have support for changing the request language, it, as with many other NetFront features, is buggy.
In order to test this yourself, you'll need to create a new User-Agent entry in (Menu/)Tools / Browser Settings / Misc (as the default entry can’t be modified). There, choose an empty (or, if you've already defined an alternate User-Agent setting, anything different from the default "NetFront v3.3 Standard" custom setting. In this screenshot, I show an example of selecting an empty entry - you'll see this before creating any new User-Agent record. After this, just click the Edit button on the right, give the new setting a new name (in the top "Title" textfield; in this example screenshot, I've called it "Finnish NetFront") and, in the bottom-most "language" input field, enter the language code (in this screenshot, "fi"). Now, click OK; the new entry will be selected as can be seen in here. Now, you can give the new settings a try; as can be seen in here, the language code sent out is still the default 'en'. (Note that in this example I've also changed the User-Agent to 'My custom Accept-Language tester User-Agent to show what U-A is sent out' from the default 'Mozilla/4.08 (PDA; NF33PPC3AR/1.0) NetFront/3.3' so that we can see Netfront indeed sends out the modified header.)
Note that NetFront has a “Base language” setting in View/Advanced Setting. The setting (which can’t be fine-tuned; for example, North-European languages are only a group and not individual languages), has no effect on anything (it only tells the browser the default encoding it should use when trying to render the page brought back) either.
What about Opera Mobile?
Opera 8.6 doesn’t send out any Accept-Language header at all (click the links to see the screenshots showing this!).
Note that, on the desktop, Opera supports this and it can even be freely redefined in the GUI. I’ve checked the desktop INI files to see whether it’s there that this information is stored (many desktop-based configuration options are also accepted and interpreted by the Pocket PC version of Opera Mobile). Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
NetFront and Opera Mobile – a summary
All in all,
unfortunately, as of their current versions (8.6 of Opera and 3.3 for NetFront) neither of these browsers look up/use the value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage
you can’t configure them either to do so: the built-in request language feature in NetFront doesn't work
In a later section, I'll elaborate on how you can still add/modify an/the Accept-Language header when using these two apps.
What about Thunderhawk?
Thunderhawk also sends out the english-by-default header. Unfortunately, it can't be modified in the Settings dialog, it doesn't take into account the PIE/IEM registry setting and, as Thunderhawk doesn't let you use proxy servers, you can't use external proxy servers either to modify this header. This means it's fully impossible to change the language preferences using Thunderhawk, as opposed to all the other browsers.
What about Minimo?
The (as of writing) latest (08-27-2006) Minimo nighly build offers seamless Accept-Language definition capabilities.
While it doesn't use the PIE/IEM registry value for overriding its setting, you can easily modify the header. To do this, enter the “about:config” URL in the address bar. You’ll be taken into the preference list screen. There, just enter ‘lang’ in the Filter field and, then, you’ll be taken right away to the intl.accept_languages property as can also be seen in this screenshot. Double-click intl.accept_languages and edit the value as you find it OK and press Enter. Then, in the config list, “default” will change to ‘user’ and the headers will indeed be correctly sent out.
Paragon Language Extender
Paragon Language Extender is a well-known language changer application (including HTTP request modifying capabilities) for all Pocket PC (and Handheld / Palm-size) operating systems prior to WM5 (there is no WM5 version and never ever try to install the Language Extender on a WM5 device – I’ve tested it on the WM5 Dell Axim x51v; I had to hard reset).
Among other things, WM2003+ versions of the Paragon Language Extender also support dynamic language change as can be seen for example in here:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
In this case, ‘de’ denotes I’ve installed the German extender; the screenshot also shows it has its own German-language dictionary.
Interestingly, the Paragon Extender doesn’t create HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage. It does “sit on” the operating system and inserts its own Accept-Language header into the outgoing PIE requests. (Note that if you do create HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage by hand, it’ll override that of Paragon).
Note that there are two major versions of Paragon Lang. Extender: and old, PPC2k/PPC2k2-compatible, 4.23 version still available for non-major languages (that is, not available for, say, German or French but available for, say, Finnish, Bulgarian or Arabic) and a new, WM2003/WM2003SE version (the latter is build 4710 for for example Finnish). Unfortunately, the former does NOT make the PPC2k2 PIE send out the correct header. That is, it’s not possible to make the Pocket PC 2002 PIE to send out the correct request with either using Paragon Lang. Extender or, as we’ve already seen, by directly overwriting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage.
Finally, in WM2003SE, the Paragon app is not recommended over the “traditional” way of overwriting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage – it's an overkill and I only recommend it for “plain” request language modification if you need its other capabilities too.
Note that if you don’t need your device to be fully translated, you won’t need to install the full version – the second, Compact setup (as can also be seen in here) will do just fine. The results after the setup will be as follows:
What can I do if I want to browse the Web with a Pocket PC 2002 / WM2003 PIE or with Opera Mobile / NetFront?
You have two choices.
if you have the capability of running a proxy server somewhere (even on your Pocket PC PDA with a suitable Java Virtual Machine (please read this article and search my blog for the word 'Java' for more info) - after all, it's multiplatform); for example, on a 24/7 online desktop PC,
with a client that can be configured to use an external HTTP proxy (in this regard, Thunderhawk is disqualified) and does send out the Accept-Language header (in this case, NetFront), you'll need to use an external proxy server to change the language code sent out to another one before sending the request further, to the target Web server. If you have a Java Virtual Machine (easily downloadable from here - select 'Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update X'), I’ve written an easily modifiable, open-source (source here) HTTP proxy server available here. You will only need to start it with the command
java HTTPProxyAcceptsLangHeaderRewrite portnumber languagecode
if you have a JRE (I’ve compiled the class with JDK 1.3, so, any JRE will do) installed on your PC (again, you can get it at the above-linked Sun page).
For example, the command
java HTTPProxyAcceptsLangHeaderRewrite 8080 cool-eh
will result in the following response from http://www.proxydetect.com/ (after you correctly set up your Pocket Internet Explorer / NetFront browser to use the proxy - please see for example this article on doing so):
This shows that indeed the (of course non-existing) ‘cool-eh’ language code was sent to the server.
If you, on the other hand, have a proxy-configurable client that does not send out the Accept-Language header (the case with PPC2k2 PIE and Opera Mobile), you’ll need to explicitly add the header to the headers relayed to the HTTP server. To do so, you'll need this Java class file (source here). Its usage is exactly the same as with the previous bullet.
The results of using this header-adding proxy server can be seen for example here (showing Opera Mobile).
Mail the webmaster of the given webpage to do a dynamic country lookup depending on the client’s IP (internet) address instead of the Accept-Language header. Say, if you have a Thai client IP address, you would receive a page with Thai content even if your Web client sent out an Accept-Language header of ‘en-us’ (or no language code at all). Many Web sites do so – for example, even Google. Google, if it doesn't receive an Accept-Language header or the header (if it does exist) is the standard one requesting English pages, then, just looks up the country of the client and returns the content accordingly, in the local language of the country. If the Accept-Language header exists and it's set to something other than English, it'll return the page in that local(ized) language. This is what Web server administrators should strive for.
What about devices with non-English ROM's? If I, say, dump / sell my English Pocket PC and get a German one, will I get German pages instead of English ones?
Note that I wasn’t able to reliably test how and what Accept-Language headers the Web browsers on a Pocket PC with a non-English ROM send out. I don’t think the built-in PIE would request English pages on a Pocket PC with a German language ROM, but I may be mistaken (after all, PIE / IEM isn't the most sophisticated Web browser). The same (I don't know how it behaves on devices with non-English ROM's) stands for NetFront, which does send out the language header. Finally, as far as Opera Mobile is concerned, I seriously doubt it’d send out the correct header on any (non-English) Pocket PC – after all, it doesn’t seem to be sending out any kind of language header. (Incidentally, it has the ‘Accept-Language’ string once in opera.dll but there doesn’t seem to be any parameter to it.)
My blog reader ‘Begemot’ from Russia to point out the never-anywhere (give for example searching for “AcceptLanguage” a try on major PPC boards like PPCT, Brighthand, AximSite, XDA-Developers (and on Google) etc. Note that, on the latter, there will be some (false) hits because of the MMS handler app on WM PE devices) discussed (this is why I didn’t know of it before either – and, as the given AcceptLanguage value only exist under PPC2k2 / WM2003, I haven’t run into it in the Registry either) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ International\ AcceptLanguage. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to write this tutorial in its present form. Thumbs up
The Netfront-related part of the article updated – along with a new Netfront bug I’ve just found. I’ve also slightly modified the PIE-related part with new, WM2003-related info.

Windows Mobile Web Browsing Bible

The Web browsing scene has been completely changed since I published the previous version of the Windows Mobile Web Browsing Bible, the well-known (it has been frontpaged by Pocket PC Thoughts and made sticky by MobilitySite; the AximSite, BrightHand and the FirstLoox copy is also worth checking out for more reader feedback) source for the (then) all Web browsing-related information. Even though I've posted on all major (and, most of the time, even minor) releases at least one article / review ever since them, there still remained a huge demand for an all-in-one article / Bible that discusses the current state of Web browsing on the platform and thoroughly compares the available solutions, while also including mostly WM5 / WM6-related compatibility information. This means I had to retest almost everything, along with greatly enlargening the scope of the roundup.
A quick notice: you don’t need to even read the previous version of this Bible. It’s only at very few areas of discussion (most importantly, the MultiIE / PIEPlus macros and the Thunderhawk cookie bug) that the reader is referred back to it. I, however, recommend it if you’d like to find out more (comparative) information on ftxPBrowser, the only browser not present in the current Bible (along with my article “Do you know ftxPBrowser?").
First and foremost, do you need Web browsing at all? Why don't you want to prefer offline web browsing via, for example, RSS readers or Web extractor tools like my old Mobipocket Companion Suite for Java programmers? The answer is very simple: lately, Internet access has become really cheap and - with the models released in the last two years and given that mobile operators also very aggressively extend their fast (EDGE / 3G / HSDPA, as opposed to plain GPRS) Internet coverage - traditional Pocket PC's not containing a built-in phone have almost entirely been phased out. This all mean it's much more feasible to browse the Web through an (online) Web browser than a(n offline) news aggregator.
First, let's take a bird's view on the current state of Windows Mobile-based Web browsing.
Fortunately, since the publication of the previous version of this Bible, the available Web browsers have really been enhanced. There are no Web browsers (except for the pretty expensive Thunderhawk and the long-abandoned ftxPBrowser) without major upgrades. The current versions of ALL (other) Web browsers are orders of magnitude better than back in 2005. Furthermore, there are two brand new players on the scene: Opera (with no less than two excellent browsers) and Microsoft Live (with DeepFish, a currently still pretty incapable but still promising browser with probably bright future).
Let us list and quickly evaluate the currently available Windows Mobile (WM for short) Web browsers. Note that in here I don't elaborate on all the (missing) features of all the listed applications; it's in the feature / benchmark / comparison chart (and its explanation) that I do this. I need to point out that, should I have chosen a non-chart-based roundup, the results would be far less comparable. That is, let's assume you look for a browser that allows for direct image saving. Should I have refrained from including the Image in the Context menus and the Save Image As in the Images group, I would have ended up having to elaborate on the image saving capabilities of each and every Web browser in this very article. It would not only have resulted in an article at least ten times longer, but also results that are far harder to compare. You would end up having to make some extensive text searching taking a LOT of time to see how, say, Minimo, Thunderhawk and PIE compare in the area of image saving. With the chart, you just scroll down to the given row and you see at once which of them supports image saving. See the advantage of using feature charts?
1.1 Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) / Internet Explorer Mobile (IEM) (current version: WM6)
(Note that, while the name “Pocket Internet Explorer” has been changed to Internet Explorer Mobile in Windows Mobile 5 (WM5), I generally refer to this browser as PIE for clarity and simplicity.)
This is the browser you everyone may know. While it’s still lacking some basic functionality (for example, quality scripting and style support and, of course, multitabs), it has really been enhanced in the last two years.
First, it has become MUCH more stable. Before WM5, PIE was widely known for crashes upon encountering certain style sheet (CSS) / HTML structures, of which I've also frequently published reports (example here). Recently, with WM5 versions of PIE, I have never run into similar situations.
Second, it's, now, much faster than before the WM5 (or, more precisely, the WM5 AKU2 - see this and this for some benchmarks in order to be able to compare the speeds of the pre-AKU2 and post-AKU2 browsers; as can clearly be seen, AKU2 brought approximately 50% speed increase on exactly the same WM device, under exactly the same circumstances) times. It's not as fast as the best and fastest Web browsers around (Opera Mobile being the one that is in every respect faster than PIE; so are server-based solutions like Opera Mini) but is already very good, speed-wise, particularly if you relocate the cache to a fast medium (for example, a RAMdisk; more on this later). This particularly applies to the case of navigating back to a page by using the Back button. Rendering just-visited pages will be done almost instantly, as opposed to previous versions.
Third, a lot of other, new nice additions have been made to PIE. Most important of them is the ability to disable pixel doubling and the introduction of Iframe support in Windows Mobile 6 (WM6 or Crossbow).
Unfortunately, however, it still suffers from some severe problems. The most important of these is the lack of being multi-tabbed; that is, support for browsing the Web in more than one windows (tabs). Furthermore, it still lacks proper (!) JavaScript support (let alone AJAX, which it doesn't support at all).
Note that while, per se, it doesn't support Macromedia (Adobe) Flash and Java applets "out of the box", it’s still the best browser in that it lets for using so-called "plug-ins" that add Flash and Java support. In this regard, it's unmatched - only the latest (8.65) version of Opera Mobile offers the same functionality - and for Flash "only", meaning no support for Java applets at all.
1.2 Opera Mobile (current version: 8.65)
Opera, which is, in many respects (for example, CSS compliance and support for really flawless zoom-in, which is particularly important on high-resolution (for example, UXGA) notebook screens - not even the latest version (version 7) of Internet Explorer is capable of the same), hands down the best browser on the desktop Windows, has been ported to Windows Mobile.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
While the first beta, particularly on WM2003 and WM2003SE, was pretty useless (for example, it received really bad reviews from me - you, therefore, can't say I'm biased towards Opera ), the excellent folks at Opera have fixed almost all of these issues for the first commercial version (8.60) released June 2006 and the rest for the second major version bump (8.65) in April 2007. (I'd like to point out that I've also worked for them as a betatester during the development. That is, you can also thank me for Opera Mobile's being so darn good now ;-) ). Now, Opera Mobile is hands down the best Web browser in terms of pure speed, approach to caching, memory usage and standards compliance.
Note that while the desktop version has long been using the 9.x kernel, the WM port based on the new and even better (for example, it has FULL CSS2 compliance!) 9.x kernel will "only" be released later this year and will only be compatible with WM5 and later.
1.3 Opera Mini (current version: 3.1.7196)
The free, but still very capable Opera Mini, the little brother of the above-introduced Opera Mobile, is unique in that it's a Java midlet. This means it's not a native Windows Mobile application but it requires a midlet manager to run.
If you have a Windows Mobile device with a built-in phone (that is, in the pre-WM6 parlance, a "Phone Edition" device), then, you most probably have a midlet manager on your device, which, with most HTC models (ones that are rebranded by HP - for example, the hw6915 - have a different midlet manager), will be that of Intent. The Intent Midlet Manager is a very capable and nice application you won't want to get rid of. Note that if you have a WM5 Phone Edition (or WM6 "Professional", which means the same) device, you can separately download the Intent Midlet Manager here.
If you can't (because you have a pre-WM65 (Pocket PC 2002 or WM2003(SE)) model or, for some reason (for example, the lack of WM5+ softkey support) don't want to use Intent Midlet Manager, your best choice will be the J9 midlet manager by IBM, of which version 6 is pretty capable and highly recommended.
There are a lot of major differences between the midlet-based Opera Mini and fully-fledged, "native" Web browsers. First, the good.
Opera Mini is free (!) and offers unbeatable advantages over almost all of its competitors. For example, it runs on even memory- and CPU-constrained devices without ever consuming your memory. Just an example: a large(r) Web page can take up Megabytes of the already pretty meager RAM of your WM device. Current WM5 devices have, in general, less than 30 Mbyte and 12M available with models originally having 64M and 32Mbyte of RAM, respectively; 32Mbyte RAM devices inlude the well-known Treo 700w and the HP iPAQ rx1950. This also means you can have dozens (!) of even large Web pages open at the same time, you will still not run into resource problems. You can't do the same with "native" Web browsers - not even with the, in this respect (too) best Web browser, Opera Mobile.
Also, in addition to using little memory to render (and store) your pages on, it also excels at minimizing the communications overhead. The central proxy server Opera Mini uses makes a great job at stripping "unnecessary" contents (HTML page layout, dynamic JavaScript scripts, CSS style sheets etc.) off Web pages; this also results in heavily reduced bandwidth usage, which may be of paramount importance if you either have a slow (say, GPRS only) connection or you need to minimize data usage.
Now, the bad. It certainly lacks a number of very important features; for example, you can't select any text on a Web page and just copy it to the clipboard of your device. Furthermore, should you have a volume slider on your WM phone (earlier WM5 models almost all had; it has been, later, changed to a scroll wheel by HTC), you can't use the excellent tool SmartSKey to scroll a page up/down. Also, while the one column-based rendering mode is very useful particularly on low-resolution (QVGA (240*320) or square-screen (240*240)) devices, the inability to switch to a view more closely modeling the original page layout may become problematic with some kinds of Web pages (for example, the RedHotPawn online chess application or the Web-based Google Maps). It has no access to the standard Web favorites of PIE either. The text / address input method of the Intent Midlet Manager can also be a problem, along with the lack of WM5 softkeys (in this respect, IBM J9 is certainly better). Finally, it has some other, minor problems and shortcomings; for example, the lack of file upload support, which is supported by most of the other "native" browsers.
All in all, I really recommend this browser. For a free one, it's certainly worth a try and/or leaving it on your WM device installed. Also make sure you periodically check back to the homepage of the Windows Mobile-compliant (advanced) version because it's updated very frequently, introducing new features all the time.
Note that, as far as IBM J9 is concerned, it's in the above-linked article that I've explained how Opera Mini should be deployed under it. With the Intent Midlet Manager, it's even easier to deploy the file: you
Download the JAR file (you won't need the JAD file!) from here and transfer it to your PDA
You fire up File Explorer on your PDA and click the just-downloaded JAR file. It'll be auto-deployed to the Intent Midlet Manager.
1.4 NetFront (current version: 3.3; future version with already available demos: 3.4)
NetFront is also a well-known Web browser for the WM platform. While back in the Pocket PC 2002 / WM2003 / WM2003SE days it was the king of all WM browsers, the currently available, non-demo state version of it, 3.3 (released slightly less than a year ago) does pale in comparison to the alternatives in most respects. For example, its built-in Flash support is definitely inferior to that of PIE and Opera Mobile and it's highly unlikely Access, the developer of NetFront, will ever fix these issues. (For example, I've reported on a very bad DST bug in NetFront almost two years ago. Access still hasn't fixed it. No comment.) Furthermore, its JavaScript (and AJAX) support and rendering speed are much weaker / worse than that of Opera Mobile and the list continues.
Fortunately, the forthcoming, WM5+-only version 3.4 has some really decent features (for example, slightly enhanced loading/rendering speed, some brand new & nice features like thumbnail view & quick navigation; drastically enhanced JavaScript compliance), which, depending on when the final, official, commercial version of 3.4 is released, may give NetFront back of the old fame.
For the time being, however, I'd prefer checking out the alternative solutions first. Both Opera Mobile and, particularly, WM5 AKU2+ PIE (preferably with a decent PIE plug-in like the current version of PIEPlus or MultiIE) are much faster and cleaner and, as with Opera Mobile, more standards-compliant. It's only at niche areas that the currently, officially available version of NetFront, that is, 3.3, is better. The currently available demos of the forthcoming 3.4, while technically far superior to 3.3 are not really usable in real-world situations because of the severe demo limitations (10 favorites and two tabs at most, no Flash / Java plug-in etc.) - that is, it can't really be used for serious browsing until 3.4 is finally released, which, knowing how slow Access is to release new versions of their browsers, will take, in my opinion, at least half a year.
Finally, don’t forget to switch to proportional font in [Menu / ] Tools / Browser Setting / Font / Use proportional font – this problem hasn’t been fixed in even the latest 3.4 version.
1.5 Minimo (Mini Mozilla) 0.2
Minimo is another well-known, free browser for the platform. It has recently received a major version bump to 0.2, with greatly enhanced compatibility to some WM5+ models that were pretty slow when running previous versions of the browser. Unfortunately, the new version has also introduced some new bugs; most importantly, the VAST RAM memory usage. I'm pretty sure this will really soon be fixed; for the time being, you won't want to upgrade to version 0.2 unless you can guarantee you have at least 20 Mbytes of free RAM memory before starting Minimo. (Otherwise, it will just crash at either loading itself or loading large(r) pages.) Note that I'll definitely announce when the bug is fixed - just make sure you check out the updates to this Bible from time to time (or, alternatively, subscribe to the thread / article).
Minimo shares the CSS, JavaScript, frame etc. engine with the desktop version. This, in itself, is really cool and means it has excellent support for CSS and JavaScript (AJAX too!). It, however, isn't really feature-packed. While it does support multiple tabs, it doesn't support any kind of Flash / Java plug-ins, it sports no image saving, link copying etc. capabilities. Furthermore, it isn't the fastest Web browser around to load pages - even the latest, 0.2 version (which according to my benchmarks, is about 25% faster than the last 0.1x series Minimo, to load pages) is significantly slower than most other browsers, let alone the at least 3 times faster Opera Mobile. The speed difference is especially visible with pages linking in several sources - then, it might prove even five-six times slower than even PIE!
All in all, while this browser certainly has the potential, it's still not really ready for prime time particularly now that Opera Mobile 8.65 also has excellent support for most Web standards. While Opera Mobile is a commercial product, I think the major speed advantage, the support for Flash, the stability, the support for PIE favorites etc. all make it a much better alternative. If you're an advocate of free and/or open source software, however, make sure you check out the project.
1.6 ThunderHawk 2.10304
ThunderHawk, a decent, fast but pretty outdated browser recommended for QVGA users (but not for VGA or square-screen ones - ThunderHawk doesn't at all support the latter!), hasn't really received any upgrade lately either - except for a minor upgrade targeting Windows Mobile phones with a clamshell or slide-out keyboard (that is, left-handed landscape mode) and some (server-side) AJAX support in 2006. Otherwise, it's still the same browser as was in 2005. This means for example no high-resolution mode on VGA devices (I do NOT recommend this application to VGA users at all - images are too low-res and butt-ugly!), no text selection / copying, no even basic functionalities like image saving or link copying.
Its major strengths are as follows:
without any kind of “One Column”-type modes, it’s capable of displaying even multicolumn tables without problems
the server it uses strips all unnecessary HTML markup from the HTML files it sends, resulting in sometimes major bandwidth usage savings.
its memory consumption and speed is very good
It also has major flaws:
on VGA devices, it still uses QVGA resolution, which is particularly annoying with images/applets
it is only able to display Western characters – no Chinese, no Japanese, no Arabic, no Hebrew, not even East-European characters.
its persistent cookie handling is buggy
it doesn’t have a multi-tabbed mode – that is, you can only browse/load one HTML page a time
its monthly/yearly fee may be a bit on the steep side ($5.95/month or $50/year).
it doesn’t use any kind of local cache, which may result in far higher bandwidth usage than with browsers that have
it can’t use HTTP proxies – that is, you can’t use any further GZIP compression, unlike with all the other browsers (except Minimo). This may also be a big problem – see my bandwith consume-benchmarks here
it has absolutely no features like image saving, link copy, HTML page save; not even page content copying works
it no longer has a free 30-day trial. You need to shell out at least $5.95 (a month's subscription) to be able to give it a test ride.
much as its Java VM (a welcome addition to version 2.1) is pretty capable, it uses a special client/server model that makes a lot of applets very hard to use or even useless. (See for example this article on the Radar applet – using TH, not only map dragging/GUI handling are almost impossible, but also the labels are impossible to read.)
Please see the first version of this Bible for more information on the buggy cookie handling.
1.7 DeepFish
Microsoft's latest, some-days-old technology is pretty promising. It's based on the same principles as Nokia's S60 OSS browser, NetFront 3.4 and Opera's announced 9.x series for Windows Mobile: it lets for dynamically zooming in/out of a certain page section to make it easier-to-read.
You can sign up for the beta HERE; note that you’ll only get on a betatester list to be granted rights only later when Microsoft actually gets able to provide the thousands of would-be betatesters the necessary proxy server throughput capabilities.
As no client-side markup-based rendering takes place with DeepFish, it's vastly different from the two other proxy-based solutions (Opera Mini and Thunderhawk). The latter two render client-side Web markup code and, therefore, have, essentially, much lower bandwidth requirements and better responsiveness than DeepFish. They, however, can't really make use of the other advantages of local Web markup rendering due to the simplicity of both clients; that is, while a decent, fully-fledged Web browser has for example page saving, copy-to-clipboard etc. capabilities, these don't.
Unfortunately, currently, DeepFish not the fastest similar browser in this respect. Both Nokia's OSS and NetFront 3.4 are FAR faster at on-page navigation and zooming in / out. For example, it only takes a fraction of a second to completely zoom out in the latter to the page thumbnail view and, after quickly moving the page outline, it zooms back in also a second. Of course the two browsers use an entirely different architecture (NetFront has a full HTML renderer engine, while DeepFish "only" displays images of pages pre-rendered by the internal DeepFish server); still, usability and speed-wise, NetFront is still much more usable.
Note that DeepFish being really new, under development and lacking even basic support for JavaScript, Flash, AJAX, Java and similar Web technologies, I haven't included it in the comparison chart. Now, DeepFish is no more than a simple, Compact Framework 2-based (this, unfortunately, also has some speed-related consequences) clever image zooming-based client/server solution with minimal client-side tools (highlighting and clicking links). That is, I would have needed to put a "not supported" (-) almost everywhere in the chart regarding DeepFish.
I'll report on any news regarding this question in the future. Also, when DeepFish does mature and does receive additional functionalities common with most other browsing solutions, I'll include it in the chart.
2. PIE plug-ins
So far, I've elaborated on fully-fledged Web browsers not depending on any other Web content rendering engine. There is, however, a second group of WM browsing solutions: applications that enhance the functionality of the already built-in PIE using its engine instead of providing a brand new browser. They are common in that they at least (!) provide multi-window, page, image saving and full screen support; these (not considering the last two under WM5, where PIE has received built-in support for them) are really worthy.
The "let's not throw away the already built-in PIE, but build on it" approach has both advantages and disadvantages. The clear advantage is that PIE itself, particularly as of WM6, is pretty mature, definitely bugfree, dependable and comparatively fast. It's not very easy to write a HTML engine even matching (let alone surpassing) the sheer compatibility and stability of this engine - actually, only the authors or direct porters of already-established Web browser engines (most importantly, Opera and, to a lesser degree, Mozilla) can really compete with the engine, quality-wise, not a start-up developer with a new HTML renderer engine.
The disadvantage is that relying on the PIE engine means having to put up with some of the inherent problems and shortcomings of PIE. For example, not any PIE plug-in is able to provide in-page text search capabilities or some kind of better JavaScript / AJAX / CSS / frame / Iframe support. The same stands for getting rid of pixel doubling on VGA devices on VGA WM devices prior to WM6 (remember that it was only in WM6 that "Use High Resolution" was added to PIE). Finally, a plug-in just can't enhance the inherent characteristics of page loading and memory usage. That is, as they need to rely on the same Web page parser and renderer engine, they can't provide a much faster one.
2.1 PIEPlus 2.2
It was during 2006, with the debut of the brand new 2.x series, that this plug-in was seriously enhanced. The original 1.x series paled in comparison to the, then, definitely better MultiIE (an alternative PIE plug-in) and its only real strength was providing Pocket View (that is, built-in one column mode) for pre-WM2003SE models.
Now, with the new, 2.x series, the situation has radically changed; now, I'd say it's PIEPlus that is the better of the two PIE plug-ins and it's only at few areas (for example, direct GPS and keep-backlight-on support) that MultiIE is decidedly better.
This plug-in offers a lot of goodies: in addition to the standard multitabs, page / image saving, link copying, it allows for in-program scroll mode switching, a lot of advanced URL builder capabilities (macros, domain completion etc), advanced tab history and so on. Furthermore, it's unique in that it offers "Pocket View", a really welcome one column view mode addition for all pre-WM2003SE devices. No other PIE plug-ins are capable of this (all they may offer is support for background usage of an external Web compression / content stripping sevice like Skweezer, with all their problems and shortcomings; for example, the stripping of dynamic contents).
All in all, this should be the first plug-in to check out, should you want to stay with the built-in PIE engine and not long for something inherently better and more advanced (for example, Opera Mobile).
2.2 MultiIE 4 D72
This plug-in hasn't received so many updates as PIEPlus during the 3.x - 4.x major version change; actually, some of its old functionality (for example, viewing image texts, making a given image a Today wallpaper or some of the old button associations) have been taken away in the new series. However, it’s still a very sound and highly recommended alternative, particularly when you look for a browser (or browser plug-in) that disables shutting down the screen backlight while running or when you plan to use your browser in conjunction with your GPS unit to quickly look up location-dependent information on the Web.
It should also be pointed out that some of the inherent problems with the 3.0 version have been fixed; most importantly, the HUGE additional memory usage upon creating a new browser tab. With the 3.0 version, on a VGA device, creating a new tab easily resulted in an additional 2 Mbytes of memory wasted; with the new series, "only" 800-900k is used for each new tab. This is definitely an improvement, which lets open far more parallel tabs even on (more) memory-constrained devices.
Note that I've thoroughly elaborated on the macroing capabilities of MultiIE in the first version of this Bible (links at the start of this article). Please consult the MultiIE section in there for more information - it'll explain a lot and you'll be able to use that information with both the new MultiIE and PIEPlus. As MultiIE severely lacks any kind of documentation, it'll be the only place where you find a very thorough tutorial on all these questions.
2.3 Spb Pocket Plus 3.2.0
Spb Pocket Plus (SPP) is a long-established multipurpose application for the Pocket PC. It not only has a PIE plug-in, but also several other goodies like an excellent (!) Safe Mode (see the Safe Mode Bible for more information), a good (but, in my opinion, not excellent - the comparable iLauncher 3.0, which is also a full set of tools like these - except for a PIE plug-in - has an, in my opinion, better one) Today plug-in, a Close button, a battery meter, ZIP compression support for pre-WM5 devices etc.
In addition to a sound set of all kinds of utilities, it also has a big advantage over almost all the other PIE plug-ins: along with the highly recommended PIEPlus, it uses the least memory overhead upon opening new tabs. While the, in this respect, worst MultiIE uses some 0.6…0.9 Mbytes (depending on whether it’s a QVGA or a VGA device), PIEPlus / SPP "only" consume about half of it. The same stands for the initial memory needs of the three apps: while PIEPlus / SPP only need about 50-100 kbytes of RAM, MultiIE needs about 300-500k. Also, along with PIEPlus, it's the only current application that still supports the Pocket PC 2002 operating system.
Unfortunately, the PIE plug-in module is as simple as was in previous versions (except for it having received the "Open link in a background tab" functionality during the 2.x -> 3.0 version jump). This means it offers no special features at all, particularly not for WM5 users, where image saving and full screen switching is already supported. Actually, it doesn't even have on-screen tabs to let the user quickly (with only one screen tap) switch between Web pages, quickly close them etc.
Also note that, currently, SPP may have compatibility problems with WM6 devices in general. (See the remarks in the chart!)
2.4 Webby
This Compact Framework 2-based application has become pretty usable during its maturation. Now that there are some (not many) external plug-ins for it and the initial, major speed problems have (mostly) been fixed, it became a serious contender to the other solutions, particularly if you look for an entirely free solution. (Except for Minimo, everything else is commercial.)
It's a hybrid application meaning it's not strictly a plug-in (unlike PIEPlus, MultiIE and SPP) but more of a front-end for the underlying PIE engine. This, in this case, results in some problems:
It doesn't let for accessing the WM2003SE+ "One column" and the WM6+ "Use High Resolution" menu items of PIE, while all the other PIE plug-ins - except for ftxPBrowser - do. This results in some severe usage restrictions, particularly if you don't want to use Skweezer and similar content stripping / one column-converter services and/or you have a WM6-based VGA device.
It, as the downloaded Web content must go through an additional layer of programming code, is definitely (albeit, as of now, not much) slower at downloading and rendering Web pages than PIE itself. This was a major problem in earlier versions (see my older reviews); now, fortunately, the additional speed hit it introduces is only 20%
It can't add menu items like "Save image", "Save target as", "Open in new tab" to the original link / page / image context menus of PIE; rather, it needs to provide the same functionality through much slower-to-use menus
In addition, while the additional widget plug-in architecture of Webby is pretty nice, it has several related problems; for example, it can't hide for example the tab bar and the address bar plug-ins in full screen mode (which isn't what you will necessarily want), unlike almost all other solutions (except for for example Opera Mobile and its address /icon bar or NetFront and its tab bar). Also, some of the additional widgets are buggy (see my remarks on, for example, the bugs of the Tab bar widget).
However, as has been pointed out, if you don't plan to pay for your Web browser (plug-in) at all, the free (or the registered free) version of Webby can prove pretty useful. I, however, don't see much point in shelling out $20 for the Pro version - for the same amount (or a little more) of money, you can get much better & faster functionality (PIEPlus, Opera Mobile etc.)
3. Not included: ftxPBrowser
While I've (still) reviewed ftxPBrowser in the previous Web Browsing Bible, I don't see the point in doing the same in here as, unfortunately, ftxPBrowser
hasn't received any updates (let alone enhancements) in the meantime and seems to be a pretty much abandoned project
has severe compatibility problems with WM5+ (please see this and this for more information on this).
This means I do NOT recommend it for WM5 / WM6 users at all. If you have a model with an operating system prior to WM5, you may want to give it a try, though.
3.1 Disqualified: Maximus
Maximus, a CF2-based hybrid PIE add-on is very poor and isn't at all recommended. Please see this review for more info.
4. Comparison / feature chart
It's available HERE. It also contains some 360 screenshots, almost all taken on a WM6 VGA HTC Universal (don’t forget to click the links to see them if interested)!
As with all my feature charts (and roundups), I’ve paid special attention to provide you with mini-tutorials when discussing a particular question. For example, when I elaborate on the “One column” mode (see the “One (single) column view?” row in the chart), with, say, Minimo, I also show how you can actually switch to this mode by showing a screenshot of the menu item taking you there. This means the chart contains hundreds of small, but, in cases, very useful quick tips & mini-tutorials you won’t find anywhere else. All in a very compact form: just imagine how much I would have ended up having to type upon trying to convey the SAME deal of information in a non-tabular form – yeah, dozens if not hundreds of kilobytes.
Of course, I have tried to be as verbose and clear as possible when explaining the different test cases. I’ve also paid special effort to linking in my previous, related articles on the different tests I’ve conducted. For example, when I provide a link along with the Internationalization support group, it means you may want to follow the link to find out what the tests in this group are all about.
4.1 Explanation for the Comparison / feature chart
(Note that all browsers support SSL (secure connections); therefore, I haven’t included this in the chart, as opposed to the previous version of this Bible (at that time, Minimo still didn't support SSL). Note that Opera Mini has only recently, with the 3.x series, received support for SSL.)
Platform compliance? group: in here, I've elaborated on the operating system compliance of each and every browser. I've grouped together the platforms that, compliance-wise, behave the same way. That is, a WM2003-compatible program will surely run on WM2003SE; a WM5-compatible program on WM6. I've also noted the exceptions or some problems; for example, with SPP. Also noted is the lack of support for newly introduced PIE features like One column in WM2003SE, Save images / Full Screen in WM5 and Use High Resolution in WM6 VGA.
It's no news older platforms are all phased out - and this, unfortunately, already means completely losing support for relatively new operating system versions like WM2003SE. NetFront 3.4, Minimo 0.2 and DeepFish are all WM5+-only; so will be the forthcoming Opera 9. However, older versions of these browsers (except for, of course, DeepFish) do/did support WM2003(SE); in the chart, I've mentioned the actual version number that still did this. Support for the now-ancient Pocket PC 2002 operating system is even more scarce; of the new releases, only PIEPlus and SPP support it. Finally, non-ARM-based Pocket PC (2000) devices are completely abandoned.
Screen group: in here, I've elaborated on the different screen resolutions (QVGA, VGA, square) and orientations (Portrait and the two Landscape modes). Fortunately (except for the complete lack of support for square screens in Thunderhawk), current Pocket PC browsers are all VGA (including native (non-SE) VGA modes) and Landscape-compliant, where the latter also includes left-hand landscape modes used on WM models with built-in slide-out / clamshell keyboards.
Screen estate utilization group: everything related to how browsers are able to make use of the available screen estate.
Full screen mode?: can you switch to full-screen mode, hiding the taskbar at the top and the command bar at the bottom? I’ve also noted the way to switch back to normal mode; it’s, for example, a little icon as with all the three (real) PIE plug-ins, which is the best and least space-consuming.
As can clearly be seen, Opera Mobile, Minimo and NetFront all display the tab bar (and, with Opera Mobile, the address/icon bar) even in full screen mode. This is certainly a drawback.
Address bar hiding?: in pre-WM5 PIE's (as with several other browsers), you could hide the address bar to free up some screen estate. In here, I've scrutinized whether you can do the same in the reviewed browsers. Note that Opera Mobile displays the combined address bar / command bar even in Full Screen mode, which should be addressed in a later version.
Scrollbar (may be) hidden in full screen mode?: better browsers and browser plug-ins may be configured to hide the horizontal/vertical scrollbars in full screen mode. Unfortunately, only MultiIE and PIEPlus support this; Opera Mobile, Minimo, NetFront and PIE (without either PIEPlus or MultiIE) don't.
Context menus group: while I've also dedicated separate rows to elaborating on mostly context menu-based functionality like opening a link in a new tab (instead of the current one), saving an image or copying a link target address to the clipboard, I've also chosen to collect screenshots and a quick list of the additional, new context menu items available with all the three different entities in a Web page (not counting in special entities like Flash animations, Java applets or frames; with the first two, there are no context menus; the latter is scrutinized in the Frames group): images, links and generally non-image/non-link content.
Advanced address bar features (macros, completion) group: this section lists the different types of macros and address bar (auto)completion. The rows and screenshots in this section are pretty self-explanatory; therefore, I don't explain them in here.
Rendering modes group: the screen resolution of a Windows Mobile device is inherently smaller than those of desktop / notebook computers. Even the largest WM screens (800*480 in, for example, the new Toshiba G900) are still smaller than the XGA (1024*768) screens used in even basic notebook models, let alone higher-resolution ones (for example, I'm writing this article on my UXGA (1600*1200) Thinkpad.) Low-resolution WM devices with either a QVGA or a square screen are even worse.
With these low-resolution screens, it's pretty understandable a Web page can't be correctly rendered in its original layout. A layout designed for a horizontal resolution of at least 800 pixels just can't be correctly rendered on a screen with a width of 240 pixels. This results in (mainly) three approaches:
render the page as is, in its original layout - that is, make the user scroll horizontally. This is the worst approach as you will end up having to scroll horizontally to read each and every row.
while trying to keep the original horizontal layout, try to resize every horizontal page entity so that they fit in the screen horizontally. This approach, in general, works OK on VGA devices, particularly when used in Landscape orientation (that is, with 640 active pixels, even when you subtract the width of the vertical scrollbar). On the other hand, with QVGA screens (and particularly with square ones with a meager 240 pixels), this approach wont really work because, in some cases, each column will only have space for 3-4 letters at most. (See the examples in the first row of the group showing this in practice; or, the NetFront Just-fit example showing a QVGA screenshot in the earlier version of the Web Browsing Bible!)
finally, try to render all cells in a row of a table or all frames vertically; that is, one cell or one frame a row.
Note that there may be combinations of the latter two approaches; NetFront's Smart-fit rendering is a perfect example of this (using the most recommended Full Rendering mode). It, when it notices that there simply are too many for example table cells in a row, makes sure it renders all of them vertically. When, however, it notices somewhere else on the same page there isn’t enough screen estate, it will render the cells in separate rows. The PPCMag test example, used throughout the entire chart for testing, is a perfect example of this. At the top of the page, where there are only two text input fields and some text, these are shown in the same row (unlike with "real" One column solutions). However, with much more information / text in a row (the case with the body chart itself), most of the cells are aligned vertically. This approach unifies the good sides of both approaches and should be implemented by at least the Opera Mobile folks as, say, a fourth way of content display.
The first two rows in this group compare the applications' ability to fit the contents of a Web page (horizontally) on the screen and to render the page in the One column mode, if possible.
Fit-to-screen (tested with the PPCMag test)?:
As can clearly be seen, PIE has always delivered pretty bad results, unlike with all the comparable and fit-to-screen-capable alternatives (except for Minimo, where SSR doesn't always work). Both NetFront's "Just-fit rendering" and Opera Mobile's "Default" mode are far better at really crunching the horizontal contents of a Web page to the available screen estate and, in most of the cases, are perfectly usable on especially VGA devices.
Minimo's SSR mode (whish is enabled by default) is a different animal - it doesn't work with many sites (see the RedHotPawn example). When it does work, however, it also delivers good results.
Opera Mini doesn't have a comparable rendering mode at all (as it's solely using an One column mode). Finally, Thunderhawk renders the page using the original layout, which is pretty much OK in most cases.
One (single) column view?:
As can be seen, the reviewed apps use vastly different approaches. The best approach is, without doubt, that of NetFront for the reasons outlined above. It's closely followed by all native One column-capable browsers: PIE in WM2003SE+, Opera Mobile (particularly now that, with the brand new, 8.65 version, the old bug with the limited horizontal column width has been fixed) and Opera Mini (incidentally, the latter doesn't have other rendering modes at all).
As has been pointed out, it's only with WM2003SE and later WM operating system versions that the built-in PIE supports the One Column mode. In earlier operating system versions, should you really want to have One column rendering and still want to stick with PIE (while, of course, Opera Mobile is far better a choice on WM2003), you will want to take a closer look at PIEPlus, the only PIE plug-in to force the incoming Web content into one column.
Note that you can achieve the same effect with ANY browser using external one-columnizer services like Skweezer, MobileLeap and the like. However, they may result in some problems (for example, because they also get rid of JavaScript code); therefore, you may still want to go for something else.
Rendering mode (does it show the start of the document even when it’s not entirely downloaded?): this test elaborates on how the given browser loads a new document: does it start rendering it only some 2-3 seconds before fully finishing the download (that is, does the user face an empty screen for, say, 90% of the download), or, does it try to render the page as soon as possible?
As can clearly be seen, there are two types of browsers: one set of them (PIE, Opera Mobile) will start rendering the page as soon as possible, while some wait until the download & parsing is almost entirely done (Minimo and the proxy server-based solutions). NetFront is a strange animal because in the normal Full Rendering mode it sometimes delivered very good (starting to render right at the beginning), while, at other times, pretty bad (starting to render only later) results.
Note that NetFront also offers a "Rapid-Render" mode, which guarantees the content will be rendered during page fetching. I can't at all recommend this mode, however, because of the HUGE time overhead, which is particularly an issue in the new, 3.4 version, where the difference in time needed for page fetching can easily be fivefold. Furthermore, the rendered contents you're presented aren't the final ones; they will only be presented later, after a really distracting full screen clear. This may be pretty annoying for the user because he or she may even forget where he/she was and/or will have to scroll around a lot to find it.
Multiple page operation (multitabs) group: in this group, I've elaborated on how the application handles multiple pages; is it, for example, possible to open a link in a background page for background download, and, then, get notified when it's downloaded. All this in order to avoid having to waste time on waiting for the page to be downloaded, which is especially important with slow connections.
Feedback on page loading events (sound effects / bringing to the foreground)?: A decent browser should notify the user when a page has completely been downloaded and rendered in the background. For example, the desktop Opera browser turns the color of the text on the tab where download has ended to blue, which is very easy to notice, even with disabled sounds. In here, I've listed how the tested browsers behave in this respect. Unfortunately, the Windows Mobile version of Opera doesn't do the same trick as the desktop one (and not any sound notification either). This is the case with all the other browsers too. Actually, it's only PIEPlus and MultiIE that lets for configuring what should happen in these cases. Kudos to their developers!
Opening links in…-support, particularly as opening something in a background tab is concerned: in here, I've listed whether it's possible to open a link in a new and, particularly, in a background new tab in order to avoid having to manually switch back to the current one to continue reading it while the requested page is loading in the background.
As can clearly be seen, some browsers don't let for background link opening at all; unfortunately, Opera Mobile, NetFront and Minimo also belong to this group. Actually, it's only the three "real" PIE plug-ins that offer background link opening capabilities.
Max. number of tabs open at a time?: die-hard Web browser users may want to prefer having as many pages open as possible. Most browsers and PIE plug-ins do let the user do so; the most important exception is NetFront, which only lets for opening up to five tabs. This is far from perfect and you'll run into this restriction pretty easily if you often open a link in a new tab.
Something should also be emphasized. The Windows Mobile operating system, as of now (the WindowsCE 5.2-based WM6; it's only the brand new WindowsCE 6 and the forthcoming WM version based on it that (will) have got rid of this restriction), doesn't let for more concurrent processes than 32. Most of the reviewed applications (except for, for example, Opera Mini), however, create a separate process for each tab. This means, depending on the operating system used and the number of other programs you run, in general, you can't have more than 20-28 tabs opened with a browser before these start to be terminated (which, in cases, may result in terminating all the browser processes at once). Again, this restriction doesn't apply to Opera Mini - with it, I had 30 pages opened several times without any problems.
Note that, as both opening new tabs (at least with PIE plug-ins; with non-PIE-based browsers, the memory consumption in these cases isn't at all bad) and rendering Web pages (which is an issue with several Web browsers; most importantly, with PIE) may be memory-intensive operations, it's highly possible you fill up your dynamic RAM program memory much faster than reaching the process limit of the operating system. With the least memory-hungry application, Opera Mobile, I've had no problems in browsing some 27-28 tabs at a time, however - that is, you can make a good use of your dynamic memory very easily.
Tabs constantly on the screen, their taking up screen estate etc. group: while the previous group didn't concentrate on the visual representations of the multiple browser document windows, this one does. In here, I elaborate on whether you can alter the tabs' size (and their taking up valuable screen estate), whether they're displayed in full screen mode, whether you can configure the system to open the new tabs next to the current one, or, strictly at the end of the tab list; whether the tabs have context menus (in this respect, Minimo is clearly the best) and, finally, whether the tabs can easily be closed with, say, only one screen tap.
Misc. group: the tests in this group speak for themselves. Please make sure you consult the screenshots, should you still not get the point what they are all about. I only elaborate on the Access to standard PIE favorites? group, which elaborates on whether the given browser is able to access the PIE favorites for either reading or writing, or both.
As can clearly be seen, while the traditional file system representation of favorites is very simple to handle, only three browsers have support for it: Thunderhawk, Opera Mobile and NetFront; neither Minimo nor Opera Mini have support for them. (The latter is, of course, understandable, taken the restricted “sandbox” midlets are provided, file access-wise.) Furthermore, Opera Mobile isn’t able to create PIE-compliant favorites (not even when you create these favorites explicitly in the Internet Explorer Favorites folder); this means favorites added in Opera Mobile will not be visible to other browsers and you can’t synchronize them back to your desktop computer(s) either.
Note that the WM operating system also stores favorites in the Registry; both NetFront and Opera Mobile were able to read these Registry-based favorites.
Standards compliance groups: in the five groups here, I examine the following four areas (and a miscellaneous area with some "not suitable for bigger groups" tests):
JavaScript, scripting, Java (Part I) : in here, I've run several tests to find out the compatibility of all the browsers with some well-known pages having very strong and complicated scripting. As can clearly be seen, Opera Mobile and Minimo have by far the best JavaScript and AJAX support. PIE has always had a very bad JavaScript support and, even as of WM6, non-existing AJAX support. (Frankly, I don't understand why Microsoft states PIE in WM5 AKU3 / WM6 is AJAX-compliant, when it just isn't. Its JavaScript compliance isn't a tad better than in older versions either.) NetFront had mediocre JavaScript support in 3.3 and good in 3.4; as far as its AJAX compliance is concerned, 3.4 was indeed a BIG step ahead (albeit it's still worse than that of Minimo or Opera Mobile).
Finally, it's in here that I also elaborate on the Java applet compliance of the Web browsers. Unfortunately, Minimo and the two Operas have absolutely no Java support. This isn't that big a problem, however, because very few sites do actively use Java applets - it's mostly Flash that everything is based on (see Flash compatibility later).
Thunderhawk and NetFront both have their custom Java support, which can't be swapped to something else. With PIE, however, you have some choices when choosing a JVM: CrEme and the no longer sold / supported JEODE, which, back in 2001-2003, was shipped on iPAQ CD's. Of the two, I'd prefer CrEme because of the vastly superior speed and generally better compliance. The reader is kindly referred to my other, related articles (just look for "CrEme" in my articles) for more information on CrEme.
HTML Frames: these test concentrate on the frame support of the Web browsers. You may have already heard of PIE's only supporting few parallel or embedded frames and absolutely not supporting so-called "Iframes". In here, I elaborate on all these issues. If you know a bit about HTML and would you find out how I've did the tests, don't forget to check out the HTML test pages I've created for these tests: I've linked in them all. They're pretty instructive.
As can clearly be seen, Opera Mobile has the best frame support when it comes to the maximal number of parallel / embedded frames. Its only problem is the lack of "go to a frame" functionality (to maximize a given frame to the entire screen), which, otherwise, would be REALLY important, particularly when you really wouldn't need the contents of the other frames. The Opera folks will want to address this issue. PIE, on the other hand, is at the other end of the spectrum: its frame support is the worst of all, frame number-wise.
Finally, some really good news for PIE freaks: in WM6, Iframes support has finally been added. It's not really flawless (see my comments and the screenshot), but, at least, it's already there.
Internationalization support (Part IV): please see this article for a complete description of what this all means.
Finally, the fifth subgroup, Misc, dives into a lot of disjunctive compatibility areas: file uploading, Flash, YouTube etc. Please do read the linked-in articles for more info if interested - here, I won't waste any time on telling the same stuff again. As can clearly be seen, Opera Mobile is the best of all in this group, particularly YouTube video-wise.
Speed, dynamic RAM memory usage benchmarks group: on Windows Mobile devices with, typically, heavily restricted CPU and memory resources, it’s very important Web browsers don’t tax neither the CPU nor the memory much. That is, they load the requested Web page as quickly as possible and try to radically reduce their memory consumption. As there are really radically differences between the different browsers, a Web browsing-related roundup MUST elaborate on these quantitive results.
Overall rendering speed: PPCMag test loading speed: in this test, I’ve measured how much time it did take to completely download and render the linked test page. Note that I’ve repeated the tests in different rendering modes to see what their effect on the overall rendering speed is. In general, I’ve made the tests on two current devices: the WM5 VGA 624 MHz Dell Axim x51v (running the A12 ROM) and the WM6 520 MHz VGA HTC Universal. In every case, I’ve noted which of the two I’ve measured a result on (the x51v is slightly faster, which is also reflected in the results).
Overall memory usage: program itself with a blank page (important particularly for HP iPAQ rx1950 / Palm Treo 700w users with ~11Mbytes of free RAM at most). Note that the PIE plug-ins show additional RAM usage, in addition to the "base" PIE RAM usage. : in this test, I’ve measured the memory usage of the applications without displaying any Web page (as displaying pages may dramatically increase the memory usage.) Note that, as with the next benchmarks, I’ve done separate QVGA and VGA tests; I used the HTC Wizard running WM5 as the QVGA test device. The reason for this is pretty simple: on VGA devices, Web browsers have the tendency of taking up more memory. As can be seen, Opera Mini and PIE are the most memory-friendly, followed by Thunderhawk and, then, Opera Mobile. Then follow the other browsers: NetFront and, finally, Minimo.
Note that, with PIE plug-ins (except for the hybrid Webby), I’ve measured the additional memory usage. That is, don’t think Spb Pocket Plus / PIEPlus only require 56k / 90k RAM memory; that is, that they greatly reduce memory load. It’s the additional memory usage, added to memory usage the “base” PIE.
An opened, new tab: unfortunately, not only the Web browsers themselves take up memory, but also the individual windows you open in them. This is especially true of PIE plug-ins, which, in effect, need to load a brand new instance of PIE into memory. This is why they, in general, consume at least an order of magnitude more memory (per window) than non-plugin-based, multiwindow-capable solutions (NetFront, Minimo, Opera Mobile, Opera Mini).
PPCMag test memory consumption: totally independent of the above-mentioned cases (how much memory the program itself / an additional tab take) is the memory taken up by the in-memory representation by actual Web pages you visit. This, in general, in cases, may be even an order of magnitude larger than the original size of the page – for example, (in this respect) worse browsers (most importantly, PIE) may take 7-8 Mbytes of the meager RAM to load a 600 kbyte Web page with some icons in there.
In this test, I’ve measured the memory consumption of all the tested browsers upon loading the above-introduced, 590 kbyte-big PPCMag test page. As can clearly be seen , there may be even two orders of magnitude differences in the results: while Opera Mini takes very little memory, PIE (the, in this respect, worst-behaving browser) takes between 7.5 and 9Mbytes.
Network connectivity group: in here, I’ve elaborated on generic network connectivity questions / issues.
Proxy support? If it does support proxies, does it require the proxy settings entered locally, or, does it get from the system-wide Connectivity framework?: Is the given app able to use proxy servers?
Proxy servers can be very handy in a lot of respects. Please see this article (also linked from this PPCMag article) on the usage of proxy servers. Also, you may want to read this article for more information on configuring proxies on the PPC/switching between them.
Opera Mobile and Minimo both support locally-set proxy servers.
As you can see, PIE, starting with Pocket PC 2002, uses the system-level proxy server setting. PIE plug-ins also use them as they have access to all the PIE resources. NetFront is also able to do the same, but you can also supply a different proxy server to it locally (which is the preferred and easiest solution in most cases). Thunderhawk and Minimo have no proxy support at all.
Proxy-based anonymity?:
If you use proxies, you can also anonymously surf the Web (please see this and this article on anonymity). This is why PIE (with all its plug-ins), Minimo, Opera Mobile and NetFront are preferred for anonymous surfing. TH, while it doesn’t support proxies, doesn’t pass anything client-related (no IP, no ThunderHawk username) to the HTTP server, so, it can safely be used for anonymous Web surfing too. Opera Mini, unfortunately, does pass the client IP in an extended HTTP header.
Does use the PPC2k2+ Connections framework to diff. between The Internet/Work connections?: You may have already run into the The Internet/Work distinction, which effectively plagues the life of a lot of people. PIE is based on this paradigm; this is why you run into a lot of ‘can’t connect’ messages because of just using the opposite type of connection of what’s needed.
Non-PIE browsers aren’t based on this framework, which is a big plus with them, at least for people that don’t understand the The Internet/Work distinction ( it’s not an easy stuff; furthermore, it’s not really documented either).
Bandwidth reduction: GZIP/Compress support? Does it really work?: HTTP browsers that support GZIP compression (please read this article on this subject) and support working through proxies (the case of Toonel – more on this later) may deliver a big win in bandwidth usage.
Toonel-compatibility?: Toonel is a great and, even better, free online HTTP compression service, a great friend of everybody not having unliminted (or very fast) Internet access. It requires explicit proxy support (and manual configuration) in the Web browser. In this row, I’ve noted the compliance of PPC Web browsers with Toonel. As can be seen, all of the "big" titles support Toonel because of the proxy support. It's only client-server solutions like Opera Mini, Thunderhawk (and DeepFish) that don't support Toonel.
Saving, downloading group:
Saving the current (Web) page (also see this)? (Note that it can even be a, say, as textual "rendered" CAB file too!): This shows if the browser is able to explicitly save Web pages. As can be seen, most of them do, Minimo, the two Operas and Thunderhawk being the exceptions. Some of the browsers (NetFront, PIEPlus, MultiIE) can even make a full save, downloading all the resources as the desktop IE in File/Save As - see the default Web Page, complete option in the Save as type: drop-down list.
Please note that the inability to explicitly save pages shouldn’t be a showstopper: you can get the Web pages from the cache of browsers that have local caches. It requires some manual work and searching, though. Consult the Download Bible for more information.
Save link directly to file, w/o opening? (""Save Target As...") (also see this): should you save something without actually peeking into it, you will want to look for browsers that do support this kind of functionality. (Please, as with the other rows in this group, do consult the Download Bible for more information on this subject - it's way more complicated than it seems!)
Co-working with HandyGet : Currently, HandyGet is the best Windows Mobile downloader tool/accelerator. In here, I’ve elaborated on whether it’s able to automatically “capture” the binary URL’s clicked in the browsers in order to download the file inside itself.
File download (NOT "Save Link Target"!)?: without relying on features like the above-mentioned "Save Link Target", is it possible to download files if they are offered for download (that is, if they are of binary content); is it possible to select a destination to store the downloaded file at. (Again, check the Download Bible for what this implies.)
Caching; cache benchmarks group: most Web browsers use local file stores called “caches” to quickly speed up transfers and lower data usage. These caches, as they are stored in the file system, may result in a variety of problems, particularly when you visit pages with more than a handful linked resources (for example, images). In these cases, the sometimes vastly reduced file creation speed of non-RAM (read: flash ROM) media – for example, the built-in, default storage in all WM5+ devices. Please also see the related article What do you need to know about optimizing storage card speed? for more info on the speed issues caused by trying to write dozens of files to a flash ROM-based file system.
In here, in addition to elaborating on whether its size is settable, I’ve also elaborated (see Relocatable?) on whether the cache can be relocated to a storage card / RAMdisk etc. Note that, should you relocate it to an even slower medium (as are most of today’s non-high-end memory cards), the page loading times may become even worse with browsers (particularly sensitive to this problem is PIE), particularly when there are many files to store in the cache. In these cases, you will REALLY want to consider disabling caching entirely or using an area, RAMdisk, in the fast dynamic RAM (the program memory) to store the files. RAMdisks, however, have their share of problems (see the linked RAMdisk article).
I’ve benchmarked all the caching-enabled applications in separate scenarios. First, I’ve benchmarked them in my WM6 HTC Universal, using its built-in storage memory for the cache. Second, using a RAMdisk; third, using a VERY slow-to-write to, cheap SanDisk 1Gbyte SD card. As can be seen, with the latter card, PIE’s results are much worse than in the default or the RAMdisk one. Note that the results starting with + mean additional time needed for caching – in addition to the non-cached or the default case.
In Explicit cache navigation?, I’ve elaborated on whether it’s possible to examine the contents of the cache from inside the browser itself, as is the case with NetFront.
Finally, in Offline mode: Highlighting favorites present in cache (like on desktop browsers?) Loading cached pages without a connection? , I've elaborated on whether the browser supports showing what's available in the cache and what not. In the Favorites list, highlighting available pages is a pretty nice feature of all PIE’s except for WM5 (where, for some reason, it was removed). The second part of the test concerns cases of browsing without an internet connection, just from the file system cache. As can clearly be seen, this is not always possible.
Images group: in here, I've elaborated on image saving, (alternative) image text inquiring and wallpaper setting capabilities. As the latter (wallpaper setting) no longer works in any current Web browser or plug-in, you'll want to consult my well-known (Please read the "Today Wallpaper Bible" (alternatives: iPAQ HQ, AximSite, PPC Magazine, FirstLoox, BrightHand)) for more information on reusing downloaded / saved images as Today wallpapers, should you ever want to reuse an image on the Web as your wallpaper.
Copy/paste support group: I've elaborated on whether it's possible to directly copy a link to the clipboard and whether the browser supports arbitrary text selection from the given page.
As far as link copying is concerned, should it be missing with a particular Web browser / PIE plug-in, you can still do the same with just clicking the link and, then, when it's displayed in the Address bar, just stopping the loading (if you don't need to see it) of the page and copying the address from the Address bar to the clipboard.
As far as the second (text copying) is conerned, all browsers support it, except for Thunderhawk and Opera Mini (and the forthcoming DeepFish).
Hardware buttons not related to scrolling group: here, I've elaborated on hardware button assignment capabilities, which is REALLY useful and supported by some Web browsers (and PIE plug-ins). Assigned buttons can make operation (for example, the Back button) much easier, particularly if you don't like / can't use the touchscreen on a non-Smartphone (non-WM Standard) device. I've also elaborated on the WM5+ softkey support, which, traditionally, hasn’t been the strongest point of some browsers.
Scrolling group: you may want to prefer scrolling down/up the page (OR, select a link) using hardware keys (or the redefined volume slider / scroll wheel / jog dial, when available) instead of using the scrollbar (or, screen dragging) on the touch screen (if your device has a touchscreen at all). In these cases, you will most probably want to know what scrolling capabilities the given browser supports and whether it's possible to override / change them.
In a nutshell, there are two traditional ways of scrolling: the "scroll one page at a time when you press the Up/Down arrows" ("page" scrolling) and "highlight the next link above/below/on the left/on the right when you press a directional key and scroll the screen contents when there's no visible link in the given direction" ("link" scrolling). In addition, some browsers also offer the capability for "line" scrolling, which scrolls the screen line by line.
Traditionally, PIE in operating systems prior to WM5 utilized page scrolling and, starting with WM5, link scrolling by default. The switch to the new paradigm took place to make it possible for non-touchscreen-enabled smartphones to select (click) links to follow (and to let for one-handed operation even with touchscreen-enabled devices). However, the change to link scrolling wasn't really welcome by many users because it meant, sometimes, multiple keypresses to scroll down the screen contents.
There are a lot of different solutions to the problem, all of them explained / shown example screenshots of in the chart. Of them, hybrid solutions are the best and most usable. This is particularly true if you occasionally would like to use your otherwise touchscreen-enabled WM device in one-handed mode. Then, while still having the ability to both quickly scroll up/down the contents ("page" scroll), you also have the chance to do some link scrolling. This can happen with either the same keys (not) used with press-and-hold also used for page scrolling, or with different hardware facilities (either a scrolling wheel/jog dial or a redefined volume slider) to do the link scrolling.
As far as the first group (doing page/link scrolling with the same hardware facilities) is concerned, NetFront has an interesting scrolling behavior; with the brand new, 3.4 version of NetFront, you can fine-tune how the Up / Down keys behave; then, if you, otherwise, use link scrolling with the D-pad, you can still instruct NetFront to scroll through several pages up / down when you long-press (press and hold) the Up / Down key. (Note that the default behavior is immediately switching to the PagePilot mode for quick navigation.)
Also the scrolling model of Webby is of special interest: when you press the Down key, a page scroll will take; when you press Up, line scrolling. With this, you can still quickly scroll through a document without having to suffer from the disadvantages of link-only scrolling and, when you do need to access a link, you can scroll down one page and, then, gradually up (and left/right when there are several links in row) to get to a link. This is a very clever approach more closely modeling user behavior.
Note that you are very lucky if you have a WM5 device with a real volume slider (for example, a HTC Universal, Wizard etc.); then, you can use one of the best, free tool meant for these kinds of devices, SmartSKey. With a redefined volume slider, you will always have page up/down scrolling in PIE (including all its plug-ins), (the new) Opera Mobile and NetFront (but, unfortunately, not in the other browsers); then, you can safely leave the D-pad in the default Line scrolling mode.
User-Agent group: the ability to redefine the so-called "User-Agent" can prove very useful because many Web sites check this information and act differently on mobile and desktop Web browsers. The ability to redefine this information can be very important because
many sites may refuse to provide (usable) content for a mobile browser introducing itself a mobile browser to the server, even when the client would be able to meaningfully render the contents. Just an example: while Opera Mobile's JavaScript and Iframe support is so darn good that it’s even able to make use of the very useful Gmail address autocomplete, Gmail switches to PDA view NOT offering autocomplete when it sees a mobile browser (including, by default, Opera Mobile too).
many other sites rely on for example authentication requiring a browser to identify itself as a desktop, while they aren't really using the advanced scripting or ActiveX capabilities of them.
In these both cases, redefining the User-Agent can prove very useful.
Note that you won't always want to redefine the User-Agent. There are many Web sites that, upon recognizing a mobile browser, provide mobile-/bandwidth-friendlier content. Just a few examples: the Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine blogs, Pocket PC Thoughts, AximSite, FirstLoox etc. With these sites, it can prove very useful to be able to dynamically switch the browser identification (User-Agent) to the default (mobile) setting to get the mobile content.
Built-in browser identification change : in here, I've elaborated on whether the given browser / plug-in is able to change the User-Agent from inside the application.
On-the-fly external browser identification change visible without PIE restart in tabs opened after change? (Everything is +, also showing that all reviewed PIE plug-ins load a full copy of PIE into memory for each and every tab, unlike the old ftxPBrowser, which does require a full restart.) : As has already been pointed out, most PIE-based apps (except for ftxPBrowser) load an almost new copy of PIE into memory when a new browser tab is opened. This, on the other hand, also means that registry changes, which PIE only notices when it’s started, will also be visible after opening a new window (because PIE also reloads the registry), without even exiting PIE.
This can be of tremendous help. Let’s assume you prefer visiting a banking site pretending to be desktop browser (because the page just doesn’t let you in say, non-desktop-IE browsers), while you would like to access the, say, the PPCMag blog or Pocket PC Thoughts pretending to be a Pocket PC client so that you receive lightweight-formatted content. And, you would prefer doing this at the same time: in one window you browse online banking pages, in another one you browse the Pocket PC-optimized pages of the above-mentioned sites. It’s indeed possible if you always remember which tabs you opened after toggling the User-Agent.
This is really great and informative. I've been wondering if I made the right decision (IEM WM6 until Minimo is good enough) and now I think I did. Thanks!
Original article updated at http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1828&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 - sorry, I don't have the time to repost it in <10k chunks here.
r3bel said:
This is really great and informative. I've been wondering if I made the right decision (IEM WM6 until Minimo is good enough) and now I think I did. Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are welcome
UPDATE (04/05/2007): Added a new row on Address bar (history / deletion / autocomplete), with a lot of screenshots; other minor changes in the chart.
In addition to yesterday's cleaning up the English & additional proofreading and today's adding a new row on the Address Bar history (deletion) / autocompletion, I've slightly modified the Opera Mobile-related information in the chart of the article, based on ResearchWizard's excellent feedback. (BTW, his Opera Mobile guide is just excellent and really worth checking out (alternative, direct link here)).
BTW, many have asked why there's neither "Verdict" nor "Most recommended" section in the Bible. The answer is very simple: while I, personally, consider Opera Mobile 8.65 the best browser closely followed by the WM6 (or, at least, WM5 AKU2+ - previous versions were 50% slower to load pages and, therefore, I wouldn't really be able to return to using them) IEM equipped with PIEPlus 2.2 if the bad JavaScript / non-existing AJAX support and the relatively high memory usage aren't a problem.
However, as you may have drastically different requirements, the above may not be the right solution for you. For example, you can ONLY use free software because, for example, you need the cheapest solution for enterprise-wide deployment, which means you'll need to cast a glance at Webby, Minimo or, probably the best free alternative, Opera Mini. Or, alternatively, you want to keep the original page layout on your low-resolution QVGA model; then, the first browser you should check out is Thunderhawk (not taking DeepFish into account).
That is, there was a reason I didn't (and still don't) provide a quick recommendation. There are a LOT of factors you need to consider when selecting your browser of your choice. You WILL want to thoroughly examine the feature / comparison chart, thoroughly compare each feature and consider whether the lack of a given feature is a showstopper for you or not. Providing a some-sentence-recommendation like ""go for Minimo if you need a free and, therefore, easily mass-deployable browser and memory consumption isn't an issue", "go for Opera Mini if you need minimal memory consumption, speed and also being free" or "stay with PIE if you don't need strong JavaScript / AJAX / CSS support and multitabs but want a free, dependable browser"" would have been an oversimplification.
I felt it useless to try to even replicate the information available in the comparison / feature chart in a Verdict section - there's simply too much information, I would have ended up pages on this "simple" subject. This is why I’ve left it out altogether – you’ll need to consult the chart so that you can make an educated, informed decision..
Updated the chart with Thunderhawk-related information. This means there are no question marks in the Thunderhawk-specific column any more. I've also provided several screenshots of Thunderhawk in action. Thanks to the Bitstream folks for providing me access to their service!
BTW, the article has been frontpaged by Pocket PC Thoughts in the meantime.
I had a really good read on this, very detail, and very useful information.
I’ve just posted a brand new Radar article, with a lot of new screenshots, to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1209974
PPCT frontpage; Just Another Mobile Monday frontpage
Finally, I can not stress and emphasize enough: if you have a specific need but lack the time to fully scrutinize the chart, use in-page searching (Ctrl-F) to quickly find the compatibility information you need. For example, if you want to know Flash, AJAX or JavaScript compliance, just use the word in question (for example "Flash") as the search expression and you'll really quickly find out which chart row discusses the given question.
Thanks to HowardForums user diadjika, I had the opportunity to thoroughly test Picsel’s famous Web (and document) browser for Windows Mobile and accordingly update the Windows Mobile Web Browser Bible (which, BTW, has just been frontpaged at AximSite).
The browser is WM5+ only (no WM2003(SE) support, sorry) and is NOT available for download officially; it’s shipped with some Windows Mobile models as is the case on other mobile platforms (for example, Palm OS).
It’s a direct (non central server-based) Web browser with REALLY excellent dynamic zooming / panning capabilities (regarding them, it’s the best of all Windows Mobile browsers) and built-in PDF, MS Excel / MS Word / MS PowerPoint and text reader. That is, it’s pretty much understandable why Palm OS users praise it so much.
Unfortunately, it also has its shortcomings; for example, the lack of a multi-tabbed architecture (as is the case with DeepFish / Thunderhawk and, of course, PIE without a third-party add-on), lack of file up/download capabilities, total lack of local caching, Ajax / Flash / Java / decent JavaScript support etc. In addition, sometimes it’s just painfully slow to download stuff, particularly with Yahoo Mail and for example the AximSite forums. That is, if you can’t stand its lack of speed (with some pages – with other pages, it has no problems at all), you’ll want to look elsewhere.
Make sure you thoroughly check out the brand new column in the comparison chart of the Windows Mobile Web Browser Bible for more information to see how it compares to the alternate browsers. The chart contains a LOT of screenshots showing the Picsel browser in action.
While many (particularly Palm) people love the Picsel browser (and it has a lot of loyal Windows Mobile followers; for example, the excellent vijay555 at XDA-Developers), I don't think it's as good as the leading Windows Mobile Web browsers, particularly Opera Mobile 8.65 and the built-in PIE in WM5 AKU2+ / WM6 with a decent plug-in (like PIEPlus 2.2). It has VERY bad JavaScript and non-existent AJAX support, has no real "Fit to Screen" mode (the One Column mode is, in cases, too restrictive, particularly if you'd like to see not very wide charts and constantly zooming/panning is sometimes very awkward), sometimes very slow (see Yahoo Mail) and only offers one tab.
On the other hand, the excellent stylus-based dragging / zooming / gesture support of the browser, which is no doubt currently the BEST on Windows Mobile, should also be implemented by the alternate browsers, most importantly Opera Mobile (which has just, with version 8.65, implemented dragging) and PIEPlus. Are you listening, Web browser & PIE plug-in authors?
Some additional menu screenshots (see the chart for more!)
Normal / Reflowed layout
Bookmark view
Folder view (2)

New Java-based browser Teashark: really a competitor to Opera Mini 4? Not (yet?)

Thanks to XDA-Developers forum member TalynOne, I was directed to the new Java MIDlet-based browser Teashark. It is also mentioned in THIS blog post too.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
You can download the JAR file HERE. Just deploy it under either the Jeodek or Jbed MIDlet Manager. (Do NOT try to deploy it under TAO Intent because the browser is entirely incompatible with all TAO Intent versions!)
Please note that, if the words Jeodek, Jbed, TAO Intent and MIDlet Manager sound Chinese to you, don’t despair: just wait for my long-promised MIDlet Manager Bible, where I explain everything you’ll ever need to know about these programs. In the meantime, feel free to follow the links in the above-linked MIDlet Manager Bible announcement for forum posts and other remarks.
Compatibility, problems, bugs
As I just love Opera Mini 4 (OM4 for short; see review HERE), which I use almost exclusively for Web browsing, I’ve tested the new browser at once to see whether it’s, as mentioned in the above-linked blog post, indeed a decent alternative to Opera Mobile.
I’ve tested the browser with the three most common MIDlet managers out there: TAO Intent (both the 10 and the 11 series), Esmertec Jeodek and Esmertec Jbed. (Haven’t tested it with IBM J9.)
TAO Intent (tested on the HTC Wizard Pocket PC (TAO version default), the HTC Universal Pocket PC ( Risidoro) and the HTC s310 / Oxygen Smartphone ( default)): absolutely useless. The menus aren’t accessible (neither the hardware nor the software, on-screen keys work) and there’s no way of even navigating on the page – neither the D-pad nor the on-screen / hardware 2/8 or up/down buttons work. Finally, as with the other MIDlet managers, the touch screen can’t be used on Pocket PC’s.
Esmertec Jbed (tested on the HTC Universal): a bit more usable. While it still doesn’t support any kind of touch screen operation, at least it allows for accessing the menu (via a hardware key only). It has the following pros / cons (under Jbed):
Upon entering an already-entered URL, it has an automatic address completion feature, unlike OM4b2
It displays both italic and bold characters, unlike OM4b2 (OM is totally unable to render italic text and, depending on the actual font size used, it may refuse to render bold too).
The in-page text search works just great (examples: 1 2 3) – I wish Opera Mini had the same feature!
The rendering of the text is VERY bad: wherever there is a style / color change, the text overlaps as can clearly be seen in THIS screenshot
Scrolling (in full page view mode) is FAR better thought-out in Opera Mini 4 - it takes far less D-pad presses to navigate to a link without annoying screen scrolls.
There is only one character size, unlike with OM4 – no font size setting capabilities as can be seen in this screenshot taken under Esmertec Jeodek on the s710. This is REALLY bad: Java MIDlets have access to, in general, three different font sizes by default.
The default mode is a no-one-column (that is, showing the original layout) mode. On VGA devices, this, in most cases (there are exceptions; for example, the page HERE is rendered almost unreadable because of the need for horizontal scrolling – for comparison, HERE is the same under Opera Mobile 4 beta 2 without using the one-column mode and with Extra large fonts (!) – see the difference? OM4 is WAY better in this respect too), isn’t a problem. In order to enable the default one-column mode, there’s a “page start with mini view” checkbox in Preferences, I couldn’t check it in under Esmertec Jeodek v20070115.1.1 on my s710 (while it worked under Esmertec Jbed v20070802.2.1).
Again, it doesn’t make use of the touch screen in ANY way – not even at selecting from the menus
History doesn’t work at all, unlike with OM4, where you can quickly switch between the visited (and still in-memory!) pages
Generally, it loads pages definitely slower than OM4, while it uses more bandwidth
It doesn’t let for scrolling through the links of the main (home) page: it only scrolls down to the third or fourth (depending on the actual screen orientation) and, then, start from the beginning. On other pages (including the “Visited” page list), there’re no similar problems. Note that this seems to be only a problem with Jbed; with the (older) Esmertec Jeodek (the one, v20070115.1.1, coming with the HTC s710 / Vox Smartphone), I could scroll through all the homepage items
It uses its own text entering method when entering the URL to navigate to or the search expression for text search. (Fortunately, this is NOT the case with in-page text fields/ areas like the Google textfield at the top, where the default one is used. That is, if you absolutely must use punctuations in the URL you need to enter, fire up Google so that you have access to the default, MIDlet manager-provided text input area; there, you’ll already be able to use all the punctuation marks – including the ones on hardware keyboards OR phone dialpads; for example, the one on the HTC s710 / Vox). This means the following:
if you have a built-in hardware keyboard to enter text you will only be able to enter alphanumeric characters but nothing else – not punctuation marks only accessible via a Symbol key (fortunately, the dot, “.”, isn’t one of them – at least on the Universal) or “/”! Think of it: you can’t even directly enter URL’s like www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs because of the inability to enter /! This GREATLY reduces the usability of the app, particularly if used together with Jbed (which, being run always in full-screen and, consequently, hiding the SIP icon) doesn’t allow for bringing up the SIP and entering special characters on it. Note that I don’t know if entering “special” characters (like /) works on a SIP as Teashark is completely useless with the TAO Intent Manager (one of the MIDlet managers to support bringing up the SIP any time).
On Smartphones, the dialpad works in the standard mode (without xB9; the # and * buttons, however, just can’t be used to enter anything else. That is, even if you keep # depressed, you won’t be presented a list of the usable punctuation marks (including for example /), only the # will be repeatedly included.
Still as far as Smartphones are concerned, it’s absolutely unable to make use of the slide-out keyboard of the HTC s710 / Vox.
While this browser certainly has some advantages over Opera Mini 4 beta 2 (the in-page text search and the ability to render italic / bold being the most important), in general, this browser is, currently, in no way recommended for Windows Mobile users because of the really bad bugs. That is, just stay away from it.
I let you know as soon as a usable version is released.
UPDATE (09/14/2007 14:15 CET): I've also tested the browser under IBM J9 6.1.1 on a Dell Axim x51v. While, unlike with TAO Intent, you can move around with the D-pad (and click links), the softkeys don't work (not even with hardware buttons), which means you don't have access to the menus at all. That is, it's useless under IBM J9 too.
Hmm... will try. Is it for PPC Phone or SP?
Minimo v0.2, I find that it is very slow.
CWKJ said:
Hmm... will try. Is it for PPC Phone or SP?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Both as it's a MIDlet.
CWKJ said:
Minimo v0.2, I find that it is very slow.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, it's VERY slow. Use for example OM4 b2 instead, if you absolutely must use a free browser.
Cross-posting this from a post I made on the Opera Mini forums, since this community is more likely to understand my issues with this browser...
There is something fishy with Teashark.
1) They appeared out of no where with a Java app.
2) There is NO linkable parent company on their site. Can't look up domain registration, can't find out ANY other information AT ALL about them and who they are.
3) They have absolutely NO way to relate back to the community. They have a "blog" run on a wordpress backend. That right there should throw up some red flags. Why would a "company" or WHATEVER they are that is developing a Java browser (with no ads in it mind you), use Wordpress as a blog backend? That just makes no sense to me
4) How exactly does this company make their money? Something tells me you don't want to know if you've been using their browser. They have no advertisements on their site or in the browser. They have to be making money somewhere, because they wouldn't have these proxy servers serving up loads of bandwidth for free. Where is their money coming from? A parent company? Who?
5) Their whole website is fishy. Aside from complete lack of information, why do all links on their site link you to port 8080 on their server? Why aren't they running over standard port 80? Something is odd about that alone.
6) The vendor tag in the app is labeled as "Vendor". Ummmm... what?
Their website traces back to: "IP is from United States(US) in region North America"
That is about the only traceable information I can figure out.
It creeps me out that this mysterious company pops up out of no where and throws this "browser" app out there, with absolutely no effort to disseminate who they are. What is even creepier is that people have downloaded this app and are using it with ZERO knowledge of who this company is or who is behind them!
A review of the latest version has just been published: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3571856#post3571856

REVIEW: Great, free Web browser Opera Mini 4 beta 3 is out – a MUST!

Opera Mini, particularly when used under a decent MIDlet manager, has always been one of the best choices for the Web browsing on any current handset. The new beta version of the forthcoming, 4-series Opera Mini, exactly two months after the last beta (see THIS) has just been released, and boasts a lot of goodies.
Getting it is done the same as before: navigate to HERE with either a mobile browser (or a WAP-capable desktop one, if you're ready to transfer the JAR file to your handset in a way explained in the MIDlet Bible), click the link in the middle of the page and it'll be automatically downloaded and deployed. After that, you can start it in the same way as other MIDlets (or, with Symbian, other programs).
1. Most important bugfixes: cookies, fonts
First and foremost, the cookie problems have all been fixed. These, in the previous, version 2 beta, caused a lot of problems under the, otherwise, excellent and most recommended Windows Mobile Esmertec Jbed MIDlet manager, along with a lot of non-Windows Mobile platforms. These problems are all gone – I’ve never encountered any cookie problem with any sites I use under the most common Windows Mobile MIDlet managers (IBM J9, TAO, Esmertec Jbed). The same (no cookie problems at all) stands for the Symbian-based Nokia N95, Nokia’s current “consumer” flagship model.
Second, some of the font problems have also been fixed. For example, beta2 was unable to render bold typeface with “extra large” characters and, in general, there was abolutely no support for different character sizes in, for example, headers. These problems have all been fixed. For example, as far as the bold + largest font size combination is concerned, see THIS screenshot (showing bold works with the largest chars). When it comes to different font sizes (headers etc), with my standard charsize test page, the tests resulted in excellent results (the following three screenshots have all been taken on a QVGA WM2003 HP iPAQ h2210 running the current (6.1.1) version of IBM J9; as can be seen, there’s no font smoothing with the smallest fonts under J9, just like Jblend, and unlike all the other KVM’s): 1 2 3.
Unfortunately, there’s still no italic support. I don’t know why the Opera Mini folks don’t implement the support for these.
2. High-quality picture support added
So far, it wasn’t possible to see the images inside a Web page in their original glory (unless you downloaded them, that is). Now, with the introduction of the “High” quality image mode, images will be fetched and presented at their original size and quality. This is certainly very good news. Some real-world examples of this and its consequences:
QVGA screenshot (IBM J9 6.1.1 running under WM2003) of a 640*480 pic in non-one column mode (original HERE)
VGA screenshot of a graphics-based chart I’ve posted to HERE: HQ (High Quality) mode; MQ mode and LQ mode. Pretty much different, eh? You’ll want to stick to the HQ mode when you really want to read for example image-based charts in my articles.
3. Opera Link support added
This is one of the best and most innovative new features in OM4b3. So far, even the desktop Opera (let alone the mobile versions!) has been pretty much neglected in this regard; now, this has changed. Please read THIS article for a generic overview of all these questions, along with most of the favorite synchronizer solutions released so far.
I’ve found this pretty intuitive and easy-to-use. You only click the “Synchronize Opera…” link on the startpage, fill in your Opera username / password (or, alternatively, quickly sign up for the service – it can be done right from the Opera Mini GUI!) and click / press Login (left softkey). After this, OM4 announces it has successfully synchronized your bookmarks as can be seen in the following screenshot:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Also, there’s a decent tutorial HERE explaining all these steps on both the desktop and Opera Mini.
Note that, as opposed to the desktop Opera browsers, it’s only links created in any (!) Opera Mini clients (they’ll show up under the “Opera Mini” folder in desktop browsers) that are loaded / synchronized in a way so that they become available locally, without Opera Mini’s having to connect to the central link service and do. Favorites under “More bookmarks” (favorites added in the desktop Opera will be behind this) will always be accessed online. If you find this too slow (I do), make sure you re-create the given links in the main folder of your Opera Mini. One of the easiest way is mass drag-and-dropping (with keeping Ctrl down if you don’t want to move, just copy them) the favorites in the desktop Opera (Bookmarks / Manage Bookmarks…) into the Opera Mini folder there. After a (forced) synchronization (Manage / Synchronize) , the changes will be seen in Opera Mini too and they will be available locally, not on the Web (and not in the “More bookmarks” folder, which, in addition to the lengthy download, also means a screen tap or navigating there).
I had no problems with my synchronization tests between my two desktop Opera browsers (you’ll need the latest, just-released 9.5 version of Opera for this!) and several Opera Mini clients running under both Windows Mobile (tested under several different MIDlet managers: Esmertec, TAO, IBM) and Symbian.
I’m absolutely sure you’ll LOVE this feature. And, of course, consider switching to Opera on the desktop too, in order to make the synchronization flawless and the easiest. Of course, you can access the online favorite repository with a non-Opera desktop browser too, but only in HTML mode, which also means mass-operations like quickly migrating a lot of favorites into Opera Mini (by just moving / copying them between folders) will be impossible. You’ll need a native, local client (that is, the desktop Opera and its Manage Bookmarks… dialog) to do this.
4. RSS Feeds
Feeds, which have also been added in this version, are pretty easy to control / use, albeit are a bit simple; for example, there’re no auto-download or notification capabilities. Its being integrated to the browser has a VERY nice consequence: whenever you’re on a Web page with an RSS feed, you will promptly be notified of RSS feeds being available. In addition, the RSS feed of these pages is pretty easy – again, thanks to the RSS feed integration to Opera Mini.
Subscribing to feeds is pretty simple in the new Opera Mini 4. When a page contains compatible feed(s), on the page, the type of the feed will be displayed. This is a link, which you can follow. Then, you’re shown the contents of the feed. Here, if you click “Subscribe” (again, a link the top of the page), it will be added to the pool of subscribed feeds. This screen can be easily accessed via the “Feeds” link on the start page (or, by presing * and, then, 0 - a new shortcut). As feeds need to be manually refreshed, you will need to click Refresh to see the changes . After it has downloaded the results, their number will be displayed (in parentheses).
Note that with pages having more than one (compatible) feed (for example, XDA-Developers), after clicking the “Feeds” link at the top, you’re shown the list of the feeds as can be seen in HERE. You can, then, select the one you’d like to see and maybe subscribe to.
5. Additional tips - Tables with inner tables
With tables containing inner tables like the one HERE and HERE - as opposed to charts without inner tables like the one HERE), OM4b3 will, at first, provide a map view without any horizontal scrolling. An example screenshot is HERE, as opposed to the way it renders tables without inner ones (see THIS for an example of the latter). With the latter type of tables, it’s not possible to zoom out to minimap view.
6. Some problems you need to be aware of
6.1 No “Fullscreen mode” shown in Options on Windows Mobile
Under all the major (Esmertec’s products, IBM J9, TAO; note that I do NOT recommend Aplix’ Jblend for Web browsing because of the very strict security model continuously prompting the users for authorization) Windows Mobile MIDlet managers, the “Fullscreen mode” is completely missing in the Settings menu (IBM J9 screenshot). This is visible on the Nokia N95 (screenshot HERE) – even using exactly the same high-quality version of OM. The latter means it’s in runtime that OM decides whether to display this checkbox or not. It seems upon realizing it’s running under Windows Mobile (as opposed to the Symbian case), it just hides the checkbox.
Note that this isn’t that big an issue. If you don’t have hardware numeric keys, Ctl + * and Ctl + * works in all the three on the SIP. With hardware keys, it’s even easier: for example, with the built-in keyboard of the Universal, a simple Fn + 8 will make it work. Also see the MIDlet Bible for more info on these questions.
6.2 Gmail problems on Windows Mobile
As is also reported HERE, under Windows Mobile, if you add the main Gmail homepage (NOT Inbox – that is, after logging in!) as a favorite, upon subsequent browsing attempts, the page won’t be shown as can be seen in this TAO Intent .1036 and this Jbed 2.2 screenshot.
Strangely, it does work under Symbian (tested on Nokia N95).
A quick and always-working hack is NOT putting the Gmail homepage directly in Favorites, but your Inbox (after you've logged in). Then, if you need to switch to another account, you can just sign out (link in the top right corner); then, the log-in (main) page will be displayed OK.
6.3 Still no non-Western fonts in smallest charsize
In order to keep the size of the JAR file down, the developers of Opera Mini have chosen NOT to include any non-Western character in their custom, (in most MIDlet manager) edge-smoothed Small font set. Only a rectangle will be displayed upon encountering characters like this. This is pretty much similar to how Thunderhawk, the famous (IMHO, Opera Mini is far more recommended), albeit, for long not updated Windows Mobile Web browser did: it also uses a custom fontset and it also refuses to render anything non-Western.
This means you MUST use at least the Medium font size on your handset (because it uses the native charset of the device and not that of Opera Mini), should you want to read pages using the non-Western alphabet. This is a problem on Symbian devices (tested on the Nokia N95) because of the HUGE charsize of even the “Medium” fonts. Just compare THIS (small) and THIS (medium) screenshots. The latter indeed uses HUGE fonts, and the additional smoothing (not available under Windows Mobile) doesn’t really help this.
Windows Mobile devices fare far better in this respect (example screenshot HERE of a QVGA MS Smartphone running OM4b3 under Jbed. BTW, as can also be seen, no “Full screen” checkbox is visible here, either.)
6.4 Other user-reported problems (I haven’t encountered them)
Some people reported (see THIS) Mobile view (fit-to-screen; renamed from “Fit to width”) doesn’t work as good as under the OM 3.x series. In my practice, I prefer reading pages in non-Mobile view (because, as with Nokia’s browser on S60 3rd devices, Opera Mini does a GREAT job of showing the actual text without the need for horizontal scrolling); therefore, I can’t really comment on this bug.
Opera Mini 4 beta sometimes uses wrong form in webpage
7. Recommended links
The MIDlet Bible (Cross-posts: PPCT, AximSite, XDA-Developers - 1, XDA-Developers - 2, XDA-Developers - 3, FirstLoox, BrightHand, HowardForums, SPT, MoDaCo, PocketGamer.org, PocketGaming.de)
Beta 2 review
MS Smartphone Web Browsing Bible
Pocket PC Web Browsing Bible
It's a "must" for a feature phone...it's a "meh" for a WM PDA phone.
Croak said:
It's a "must" for a feature phone...it's a "meh" for a WM PDA phone.
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Click to collapse
Well, let's agree to differ
Pretty good
I've never thought much of it before but this is actually okay. It's good to see the whole web page. I think it loads some pages faster than IE.
I can drag scroll (sort-of). Text entry a bit of a pain with the menus etc.
Thanks for letting us know.
Just installed it on my 8525 (it told me I had a HTC 8500 and that it had no java...LOL!) and it works fine. I need to learn some details, but pretty cool in my limited playing with it.
JETninja said:
Just installed it on my 8525 (it told me I had a HTC 8500 and that it had no java...LOL!) and it works fine. I need to learn some details, but pretty cool in my limited playing with it.
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Click to collapse
LMAO! Mine did the exact same thing. I just goot figure out some of the functions though, but so far so good.
clearly beats picsel browser and ie. actually, the automatic zoom and auto-align of the text make it much more comfortable to read long pages. and its about ten times faster than (at least my) ie and two than picsel.
also, i always hated the degenerated view of the content while scrolling in picsel. opera has managed that very well.
adjusting font boldness
I am using Opera Mini beta 3 with Esmertec on the Athena which has a large screen and the font is very thin and can be hard to read.
The settings allow font size but not thickness changes. Does anyone know if there is a way (via registry) to alter the font thickness? I know you can on Tao but have not figured out if you can for Esmertec.
apap said:
I am using Opera Mini beta 3 with Esmertec on the Athena which has a large screen and the font is very thin and can be hard to read.
The settings allow font size but not thickness changes. Does anyone know if there is a way (via registry) to alter the font thickness? I know you can on Tao but have not figured out if you can for Esmertec.
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To my knowledge, impossible, except for TAO.
However, as the largest fonts now also support Bold, you can safely use it without losing a lot of additional info (coming from the lack of Bold).

REVIEW: Great, free Web browser Opera Mini 4 beta 3 is out – a MUST!

Opera Mini, particularly when used under a decent MIDlet manager, has always been one of the best choices for the Web browsing on any current handset. The new beta version of the forthcoming, 4-series Opera Mini, exactly two months after the last beta (see THIS) has just been released, and boasts a lot of goodies.
Getting it is done the same as before: navigate to HERE with either a mobile browser (or a WAP-capable desktop one, if you're ready to transfer the JAR file to your handset in a way explained in the MIDlet Bible), click the link in the middle of the page and it'll be automatically downloaded and deployed. After that, you can start it in the same way as other MIDlets (or, with Symbian, other programs).
1. Most important bugfixes: cookies, fonts
First and foremost, the cookie problems have all been fixed. These, in the previous, version 2 beta, caused a lot of problems under the, otherwise, excellent and most recommended Windows Mobile Esmertec Jbed MIDlet manager, along with a lot of non-Windows Mobile platforms. These problems are all gone – I’ve never encountered any cookie problem with any sites I use under the most common Windows Mobile MIDlet managers (IBM J9, TAO, Esmertec Jbed). The same (no cookie problems at all) stands for the Symbian-based Nokia N95, Nokia’s current “consumer” flagship model.
Second, some of the font problems have also been fixed. For example, beta2 was unable to render bold typeface with “extra large” characters and, in general, there was abolutely no support for different character sizes in, for example, headers. These problems have all been fixed. For example, as far as the bold + largest font size combination is concerned, see THIS screenshot (showing bold works with the largest chars). When it comes to different font sizes (headers etc), with my standard charsize test page, the tests resulted in excellent results (the following three screenshots have all been taken on a QVGA WM2003 HP iPAQ h2210 running the current (6.1.1) version of IBM J9; as can be seen, there’s no font smoothing with the smallest fonts under J9, just like Jblend, and unlike all the other KVM’s): 1 2 3.
Unfortunately, there’s still no italic support. I don’t know why the Opera Mini folks don’t implement the support for these.
2. High-quality picture support added
So far, it wasn’t possible to see the images inside a Web page in their original glory (unless you downloaded them, that is). Now, with the introduction of the “High” quality image mode, images will be fetched and presented at their original size and quality. This is certainly very good news. Some real-world examples of this and its consequences:
QVGA screenshot (IBM J9 6.1.1 running under WM2003) of a 640*480 pic in non-one column mode (original HERE)
VGA screenshot of a graphics-based chart I’ve posted to HERE: HQ (High Quality) mode; MQ mode and LQ mode. Pretty much different, eh? You’ll want to stick to the HQ mode when you really want to read for example image-based charts in my articles.
3. Opera Link support added
This is one of the best and most innovative new features in OM4b3. So far, even the desktop Opera (let alone the mobile versions!) has been pretty much neglected in this regard; now, this has changed. Please read THIS article for a generic overview of all these questions, along with most of the favorite synchronizer solutions released so far.
I’ve found this pretty intuitive and easy-to-use. You only click the “Synchronize Opera…” link on the startpage, fill in your Opera username / password (or, alternatively, quickly sign up for the service – it can be done right from the Opera Mini GUI!) and click / press Login (left softkey). After this, OM4 announces it has successfully synchronized your bookmarks as can be seen in the following screenshot:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Also, there’s a decent tutorial HERE explaining all these steps on both the desktop and Opera Mini.
Note that, as opposed to the desktop Opera browsers, it’s only links created in any (!) Opera Mini clients (they’ll show up under the “Opera Mini” folder in desktop browsers) that are loaded / synchronized in a way so that they become available locally, without Opera Mini’s having to connect to the central link service and do. Favorites under “More bookmarks” (favorites added in the desktop Opera will be behind this) will always be accessed online. If you find this too slow (I do), make sure you re-create the given links in the main folder of your Opera Mini. One of the easiest way is mass drag-and-dropping (with keeping Ctrl down if you don’t want to move, just copy them) the favorites in the desktop Opera (Bookmarks / Manage Bookmarks…) into the Opera Mini folder there. After a (forced) synchronization (Manage / Synchronize) , the changes will be seen in Opera Mini too and they will be available locally, not on the Web (and not in the “More bookmarks” folder, which, in addition to the lengthy download, also means a screen tap or navigating there).
I had no problems with my synchronization tests between my two desktop Opera browsers (you’ll need the latest, just-released 9.5 version of Opera for this!) and several Opera Mini clients running under both Windows Mobile (tested under several different MIDlet managers: Esmertec, TAO, IBM) and Symbian.
I’m absolutely sure you’ll LOVE this feature. And, of course, consider switching to Opera on the desktop too, in order to make the synchronization flawless and the easiest. Of course, you can access the online favorite repository with a non-Opera desktop browser too, but only in HTML mode, which also means mass-operations like quickly migrating a lot of favorites into Opera Mini (by just moving / copying them between folders) will be impossible. You’ll need a native, local client (that is, the desktop Opera and its Manage Bookmarks… dialog) to do this.
4. RSS Feeds
Feeds, which have also been added in this version, are pretty easy to control / use, albeit are a bit simple; for example, there’re no auto-download or notification capabilities. Its being integrated to the browser has a VERY nice consequence: whenever you’re on a Web page with an RSS feed, you will promptly be notified of RSS feeds being available. In addition, the RSS feed of these pages is pretty easy – again, thanks to the RSS feed integration to Opera Mini.
Subscribing to feeds is pretty simple in the new Opera Mini 4. When a page contains compatible feed(s), on the page, the type of the feed will be displayed. This is a link, which you can follow. Then, you’re shown the contents of the feed. Here, if you click “Subscribe” (again, a link the top of the page), it will be added to the pool of subscribed feeds. This screen can be easily accessed via the “Feeds” link on the start page (or, by presing * and, then, 0 - a new shortcut). As feeds need to be manually refreshed, you will need to click Refresh to see the changes . After it has downloaded the results, their number will be displayed (in parentheses).
Note that with pages having more than one (compatible) feed (for example, XDA-Developers), after clicking the “Feeds” link at the top, you’re shown the list of the feeds as can be seen in HERE. You can, then, select the one you’d like to see and maybe subscribe to.
5. Additional tips - Tables with inner tables
With tables containing inner tables like the one HERE and HERE - as opposed to charts without inner tables like the one HERE), OM4b3 will, at first, provide a map view without any horizontal scrolling. An example screenshot is HERE, as opposed to the way it renders tables without inner ones (see THIS for an example of the latter). With the latter type of tables, it’s not possible to zoom out to minimap view.
6. Some problems you need to be aware of
6.1 No “Fullscreen mode” shown in Options on Windows Mobile
Under all the major (Esmertec’s products, IBM J9, TAO; note that I do NOT recommend Aplix’ Jblend for Web browsing because of the very strict security model continuously prompting the users for authorization) Windows Mobile MIDlet managers, the “Fullscreen mode” is completely missing in the Settings menu (IBM J9 screenshot). This is visible on the Nokia N95 (screenshot HERE) – even using exactly the same high-quality version of OM. The latter means it’s in runtime that OM decides whether to display this checkbox or not. It seems upon realizing it’s running under Windows Mobile (as opposed to the Symbian case), it just hides the checkbox.
Note that this isn’t that big an issue. If you don’t have hardware numeric keys, Ctl + * and Ctl + * works in all the three on the SIP. With hardware keys, it’s even easier: for example, with the built-in keyboard of the Universal, a simple Fn + 8 will make it work. Also see the MIDlet Bible for more info on these questions.
6.2 Gmail problems on Windows Mobile
As is also reported HERE, under Windows Mobile, if you add the main Gmail homepage (NOT Inbox – that is, after logging in!) as a favorite, upon subsequent browsing attempts, the page won’t be shown as can be seen in this TAO Intent .1036 and this Jbed 2.2 screenshot.
Strangely, it does work under Symbian (tested on Nokia N95).
A quick and always-working hack is NOT putting the Gmail homepage directly in Favorites, but your Inbox (after you've logged in). Then, if you need to switch to another account, you can just sign out (link in the top right corner); then, the log-in (main) page will be displayed OK.
6.3 Still no non-Western fonts in smallest charsize
In order to keep the size of the JAR file down, the developers of Opera Mini have chosen NOT to include any non-Western character in their custom, (in most MIDlet manager) edge-smoothed Small font set. Only a rectangle will be displayed upon encountering characters like this. This is pretty much similar to how Thunderhawk, the famous (IMHO, Opera Mini is far more recommended), albeit, for long not updated Windows Mobile Web browser did: it also uses a custom fontset and it also refuses to render anything non-Western.
This means you MUST use at least the Medium font size on your handset (because it uses the native charset of the device and not that of Opera Mini), should you want to read pages using the non-Western alphabet. This is a problem on Symbian devices (tested on the Nokia N95) because of the HUGE charsize of even the “Medium” fonts. Just compare THIS (small) and THIS (medium) screenshots. The latter indeed uses HUGE fonts, and the additional smoothing (not available under Windows Mobile) doesn’t really help this.
Windows Mobile devices fare far better in this respect (example screenshot HERE of a QVGA MS Smartphone running OM4b3 under Jbed. BTW, as can also be seen, no “Full screen” checkbox is visible here, either.)
6.4 Other user-reported problems (I haven’t encountered them)
Some people reported (see THIS) Mobile view (fit-to-screen; renamed from “Fit to width”) doesn’t work as good as under the OM 3.x series. In my practice, I prefer reading pages in non-Mobile view (because, as with Nokia’s browser on S60 3rd devices, Opera Mini does a GREAT job of showing the actual text without the need for horizontal scrolling); therefore, I can’t really comment on this bug.
Opera Mini 4 beta sometimes uses wrong form in webpage
7. Recommended links
The MIDlet Bible (Cross-posts: PPCT, AximSite, XDA-Developers - 1, XDA-Developers - 2, XDA-Developers - 3, FirstLoox, BrightHand, HowardForums, SPT, MoDaCo, PocketGamer.org, PocketGaming.de)
Beta 2 review
MS Smartphone Web Browsing Bible
Pocket PC Web Browsing Bible
Does it support connections via proxy server? (Earlier versions of Opera Mini did not.)
me said:
Does it support connections via proxy server? (Earlier versions of Opera Mini did not.)
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Click to collapse
It does with Jbed and IBM J9. Read the MIDlet Bible.
Menneisyys said:
Second, some of the font problems have also been fixed. For example, beta2 was unable to render bold typeface with “extra large” characters and, in general, there was abolutely no support for different character sizes in, for example, headers.
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Click to collapse
One correction here. I think that the fonts problems were not related with the Opera client but with the Opera server.
I had no idea about that but I realized that this is probably the case because while I was still using the beta 2 it suddenly started rendering bold fonts on the web pages that didn't render before! The day that this happened, coincided with the beta3 release.
me said:
Does it support connections via proxy server? (Earlier versions of Opera Mini did not.)
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Click to collapse
Menneisyys said:
It does with Jbed and IBM J9. Read the MIDlet Bible.
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Click to collapse
Now this is getting interesting in a frustrating kind of way.
Opera Mini v4 betas1,2,3 do support connections through a wap proxy server. The Opera final version does not!
I just installed Opera v4 final and I get a Java exception error that it cannot connect (in Jbed)! I re-installed additionally the Opera v3.1 and connects without a problem. Also the beta3 which fortunatelly I didn't unistall, connects without a problem (together with the rest of the Java midlets I have on my PPC, i.e., Gmail and Mobile GMaps).
Something very strange is going on here, I'll check it out and post to the Opera v4 Final thread.
Also check out my review of the final Opera Mini 4 at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=344095

