[BUY] Qtek 8310/8300 or imate SP5/SP5m - HTC Tornado

Hi all,
like the title, Im searching for a qtek 8310/8300 for around 300 euros and Im not very rich, that's why if you have a qtek to sell, Im here
PS: I live in France and that's my mail : [email protected]
Thanks all and merry christmas


The un-official Happy Holidays thread

Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah and a Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you Mamaich, Buzz and everyone else (It's a long list...so much help from so much ppl) for the great job you did on the ROMs, keep up good work in 2006 too!

TomTom WorldCup 2006

Hey Guys look
hemm it's an old news
however i'd remember it

Kaiser vs Hermes... Benchmarks... Is Kaiser so better?

hello friends! maybe I´ll buy a kaiser, I already had a hermes and its performance is great! I´d like to know if kaiser is many better than hermes... Could anyone post some scores by sktools, Coreplayer, TCPMP?
Thanx and sorry for my english

Merry Christmas

All users of HTC Vox forums wish a Merry Christmas. Hello Olda
marry christmas to you vox user
and Happy New Year...
Wish you all a Merry XMas (Belated ) and a very very happy New Year (in advance )

is there any way of playing pokerstars on my ppc??

hello, im new to this site... i am always googling for info on my ppc's and always seem to end up on this site... thought i'd finally become a member....
i am looking for some kind of pokerstars ppc application if such a thing exists...
needs 2 be specificly pokerstars or possibly zynga poker.
i plan to run this on my xda stellar (htc tytn ii (kaiser))
thanx in advance 2 any1 who can help
regards, luke
Poker Stars
You'll probably need an HTC Advantage to do that.

