xda2i and bluetooth gps - General Topics

I have a globalsat bt318 bluetooth gps.It will connect to the xda2i but the bluetooth manager only records an outgoing connection with no incoming .The software that comes with the gps has a com port scan device nad selects com 1 , although I have tried all of them.The software also suggested using baud rate 38400 , although i have tried all of the rates.I've tried everything it seems burt can not get any bluetooth input to the xda21.Any ideas?

i have a XDA2i bluetooth 1.0.3900 and i Use TOMTOM witha Ledtek BT reciever. This works well it has a connection on Bluetooth com port 6

Likewise...TomTom Wireless BT GPS (that grey one) and 1.0.3900 XDA2i...works through port 6 without any problems whatsoever...it's the one part of the BT stack that HASN'T p*ssed me off!!

Mpatterson, if com 1 is indeed being allocated, you will need to go to settings/connections and make sure the "beams" box is unchecked, also any external keyboard driver, if present will need disabling. When bonding the bluetooth gps you should be asked if you wish to use the serial profile, you should accept this, it should then allocate com5 and com6 for inbound/outbound.


xda mini problems with pairing a gps mouse

i have some problems to connect the xda mini with my gps mouse. the software navigator mn 4.2 shows only:
com4: btibserial
com5: btobserial
com9: serial_date
i think the bluetooth stack doesn't work...
how can i solve the problem???
thanks a lot!!!
Have you created a bt bond with the gps (bluetooth -> devices -> new...)? It will ask to create a serial port for the gps.
I am having the gps on com5, which is the BlueToothOutBoundSerial port. Not that I could choose another port, but it works fine ever since rom 1.01.
com4: btibserial
com5: btobserial
com9: serial_date
Don't know what com9 is for, but the list looks OK. com4 bt inbound & com5 bt outbound.
regards, M
Try bthtols
Bonding BT devices/services becomes way easier

TomTom Mobile 5 & Imate SP5

Just recently purchased an Imate SP5 and TT5 Mobile. Both work really well with the Tomtom GPS unit.
I also have a Syson Sirf III unit, and I cannot manage to make it work with TT5. I've tried selecting "other Bluetooth GPS" in Tomtom settings with no luck at all.
Can anybody please help me???
Why don't you want to use the Tomtom GPS?
Don't use Other Bluetooth...
I assume that you know what COM port your GPS is accessible on, and what the speed is (presumably 38400). Use the Serial NMEA selection and then set the appropriate baud rate and choose the port. That usually works more reliably.
Hope this helps!
It's not that I don't want to use tomtom's GPS. I have two cars and I want to have a GPS installed in each car to the cigarrete lighter, so that I don't have to take the GPS unit with me every time (most of the time I forget).
As to NMEA selection, the Tomtom5 version for smartphone only lets you choose Tomtom GPS receive or Other GPS receiver. Period. No "other NMEA GPS" and then select the baud rate like in the PocketPC version.
I think that you can only use one GPS in your mobil phone, cause the first one you have paired is using the incoming com port, and the second one can´t reach that port becouse it is asociated with the first one.
I can´t use 2 identical GPS units in my C500. Only the first one that i have paired works.
..but maybe there is a solution for this.

TomTom disables BlueTooth on exit

I use a BlueTrek earpiece (bluetooth) to enable handfree calling with my Qtek9100. I Also use TomTom Navigator.
When TomTom starts it enables the BlueTooth connections (if not allready active). This is usefull since I use a BlueTooth GPS with TomTom.
However, if I exit the TomTom Navigator application it is also disabeling BlueTooth, resulting in loosing the connection with the earpiece.
Does anybody know if this can be changed?
Perhaps a registry key I can change to solve this small, but annoyng, problem.
Turn on bluetooth before you start TomTom, then when you quit it should stay on. Does on my xda IIi anyway
The same on my magician. TT5.1 returns BT in the state it was before starting TT. TT5.0 however always shuts down BT on close.
Regards, M
I tested this last week, but came to the sam conclusion.
No matter what the state of BT, TomTom always disables BT on exit.
Ditto with my XDA2i running TomTom5 with a Qstarz BT-Q880. Slightly annoying.
However, if I press one of the hard buttons (such as the Contact List button), when the new window is brought up TomTom is minimised. Then, I can Switch (from hfrmobile.com) to Close All - and while this disconnects the GPS device, I've doublechecked and it doesn't disconnect my bluetooth headset, nor does it turn off the Bluetooth itself.
So, that in itself is a quick-and-dirty workaround hack, but I've not come up with any other solution thus far. Currently scouring the registry and the configuration files (what few there are) for a fix - it may be that someone with infinitely more coding ability needs to hack the TomTom .exe to disable this switchoff, though that's no mean feat.
You will probably find that if you reconfigure your GPS reciever in the Tomtom preferances as an "other wired receiver" select an appropriate baud rate, then select a Bluetooth com port, it will still work with a bluetooth GPS receiver but will completely leave your Bluetooth alone.
This does also mean it wont start it automatically if it's not allready on.
That doesn't work - the only way my Qstarz will work is if I configure it as Other Wired NMEA GPS and then run it on Bluetooth COM6, setting the baud rate appropriately (the Qstarz will accept any rate from 4800 to 115500 anyway, so that's rather irrelevant). Even if it's set as other wired GPS, the bluetooth is still disabled upon TT exiting.
This is also the info advised by the TomTom website if you're having problems getting your GPS to run with the software, so I'm guessing it's the only way. I'll have another look round the TT web site when I'm not so pushed for time.
What Tomtom version are you guys using? After a little play with mine I can say that with GPS setup as a bluetooth device. If bluetooth is on when I start Tomtom it stays on after I exit.
I use version 5.2 for Pocket PC
Well, small update - after having TomTom pop up the Bluetooth Manager box every time it starts up, and asking me which device I'd like to use as default, I managed to select the Qstarz Serial Port Connection shortcut which I created (had to manually create the link after setting up the device pairing) - I checked the option to Use this connetion by default, and now TomTom leaves the Bluetooth turned on after it exits!
Smashing stuff, means I can now use my headset and TomTom simultaneously in the car.
This is with TomTom 5.000 (4890) with GPS driver v1.20 and using the Great Britain Plus Map (v571). Bosh!
I get something different on my QTEK S100. When the QTek starts receiving the GPS signal (via bluetooth), TomTom freezes the screen for about 2 seconds and then closes TomTom.
Any ideas about this problem?
Is it because I had "MagicButton" installed? I uninstalled it, did soft reset... but the problem is still there. I can I know if it is MAgicButton doing that?

xda exec/tomtom/fuzion

Like many others I am having considerable trouble getting my exec to work with a fuzion gps receiver and tomtom navigator 5.
Although BT GPS appears in the bluetooth devices it still shows 'no gps device' when I go into tomtom.
What am I doing wrong?
have u setup the outgoing bluetooth serial port on the universal, and told tomtom to use that same serial port?
I have set the outgoing port as COM0.
How do I tell tomtom to use the same serial port?
I must be a bit dense!
change preferences->show GPS status->configure->page across to "Other bluetooth device"->select->continue->Com0
Thanks a lot.
It now works like a dream.
I had been following the instructions from the supplier that said link to 'Other Cable NMEA GPS' even though I was using a GPS receiver.

MDA PRO and TOMTOM problems.... please help :(

I'm hoping someone out there will be kind enough to help and solve this problem before I rip all my hair out!!!
I've installed tomtom (V5.00) on my mda pro, but I can't get it to recognise my bluetooth gps receiver.
I've set up a bluetooth partnership with an outgoing COM port. My MDA allows me to choose COM0 ,COM4,COM8
When I select other Bluetooth device from Tom Tom configuration, it gives me the options:
QCT Data Interface
Serial Cable on COM1
Infrared Port
Ir on COM3
I can't seem to align the software and the bluetooth to get it working correctly. Please help
tt ver 5 doesnt work properly with bluetooth you need to upgrade

