Fax for t-mobile MDA - General Questions and Answers

I need a good fax program for MDA that I can recive and send faxes directly from my GSm number, thanks

Try KSE Truefax.
There is a special edition for MDA / XDA 1 which allows you to send and receive fax documents.

what is fax ?

Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying or telefax...


another fax program


Print and send/receive fax on pda

Its possible to receive/send fax on my PDA and send to a wireless printer?
I guess not as no one reply in 2 years.
I think fax sofware on PDA or Mobile phones aren't that viable because there's already online fax services around. I mean why bother if you can just check your email in your mobile phone and view the fax from there. I have Onesuite online fax service and I do just that.

Fax programme for Touch Cruise?

Anyone here know of fax programme for Touch Cruise? This means that I can send a fax from my phone to a fax number I have in my Contacts, right?

need programms fax to send and receive for

hi all
can you help me to find programs to send and receive the fax for mobile htc hd2 ?


Since I have win 6.5 on Samsung Intrepid I only can send one of contact thru Bluetooth, cannot send to a MMS or Email or SMS, these options were available in 6.1 Dash, any reg hack ?
Moved as not software release.

