wow, not a big fan of Hopper but this actually looks like a lot of fun. Lets just hope the level design can carry it in the same way it carried the games that influenced this one. Gunlord on the Dreamcast tells me it's still possible in this day and age to have the epic level design of the 16-bit era.
I agree, the fundamentals of the gameplay look good, but level design will either make or break it.
Here's a similar game that was just announced for Playstation Mobile, Out There Somewhere. Its a retro puzzle platformer that came out earlier this month on PC from Miniboss Studio.
Out Of Mind is now available on Playstation Mobile!
I've been playing X Construction but I already beat all the levels so I'm looking for any similar physics based building games.
you can try Tiki towers, or spaghetti/marshmallow, or space physics....
well, this has nothing to do with phones, but i like this kind of games and would recommend you to play "World of Goo" for pc. its a really interesting game if you haven't still played it
This is not an app, but a flash game - so depending on you phone you will be able to play it easily. It is called Fantastic Contraption. Its been around for a couple years but is way more advanced than x construction. You build contraptions in order to get a ball or balls to an objective. Its super fun and addictive. Worth a look.
this game is a near clone of x-construction
It's called "Link"... the graphics are a bit different than x-construction, but the idea is nearly the same.
Do a search on the Android Market for "Link Darren Gates" and you'll find it. I don't recall the URL right now.
So if you don't know already, KEMCO has been non-stop dropping awesome RPGs on Android. If I recall correctly, these are the same people behind a lot of awesome classics like Shadowgate, Deja Vu, the Sword of Hope series and Dragon View.
Their first Android hit, however, was Symphony of the Eternity, which is currently at a near-perfect rating of 9/10.
Just by having some general keyboard compatibility, you could already control movement and NPC interaction with the Xperia gamepad, but it was imperfect because you'd still have to use the touch screen for almost everything menu related... but as of this latest release (1.0.8) it's completely Xperia PLAY Optmized! Menu control, quick map, and even the game launcher... everything works with the Xperia PLAY controls now!
It's a fantastic throwback - but has a deep enough class/technique system so that it doesn't feel outdated or RPG-Maker-ish. I beat it already, but I think this just made me happy enough to beat it one more time and master all skills with all characters!
Only $2.99, CHECK IT OUT!
I'm hoping Alphadia's up next. Put some Xperia PLAY controls on that and I'll keep the tradition going of me buying every KEMCO RPG.
Certainly now I will try it again. I bought it for the SGS, didn't beat it because it was too hard to use the touch controls, and I've been hoping to use the Play's ones. The ridiculous dialogs will not disappear though...
Seems like a pretty solid RPG in good old retro style. How I loved Shadowgate when I was little! In fact I played through it again just a month ago.
This one reminds me a fair lot of Lufia 2 for the SNES. The battle system that is. They must have taken inspiration from it. Thanks for your youtube vids! How long did it take for you to finish this game? I'm on my second Chrono Trigger playthrough at the moment and don't want to start another time consuming game before I finish it. Now I'm off to bring Crono back on Death Peak!
Looks like a game made with an old version of RPG Maker... :/
Zenonia 1, 2 and 3 are much better.
This one is a JRPG Old School game and it is fantastic in its plot and gameplay!
I love Zenonia Series, but these two are completely different in genre so you just can't compare them together.
I managed to beat it since the very first xperia play optimize released, at the time when you have to use both touch screen and d-pad on xperia game pad. The control was kinda annoyed but its story and gameplay drove me to the end of the game.
Recommended for any JRPG lovers. This one is full of twists!
Wow, the new update adds voices and makes special attacks more dramatic.
Sounds like a small thing, but the game feels a lot more "defined" now. It actually feels like it's own thing instead of just a FF clone.
Hey guys, I'm somewhat new to Android (got my Play a 4 months and 2 days ago upgraded from a T-mobile Dash 3g [I actually got good at KOF '98 using the ****ed up keyboard on that beautiful phone]) and touchscreen phones but I always assumed RTS games would flourish on the medium. Hell, my old Windows Mobile 6.5 had Machines at War and that was one of the best strategy games I had ever played across any medium. Sadly, the RTS genre seemed all but dead on Android. Rusted Warfare has potential but it has a long way to go, and Starfront Collision was far too neutered in comparison to its source for my liking. Yesterday I bought a game called Star Armada that could, with a bit of love, become the best RTS experience Android has to offer. On to the review!
Star Armada was not received well in the majority of the reviews because Star Armada is not a traditional RTS and many players will not sit and read through the 40 some page tutorial that is absolutely integral to understanding the game. The game tends to think outside of the box and it presents you with a strange set of rules and options. First of all, we have planets; to capture a planet you must have it in your line of sight and build one structure on it. Planets are necessary not only for building structures and mining resources but also because you must maintain control of more planets than your enemy to effectively beat them. This is very important because there is a set amount of resources in the galaxy. The enemy AI is going to attack your planets while you attempt to defend them all while you are trying to take planets from the enemy. You can choose between 5 and 8 planet maps with their locations, resource allotment and bonuses (some planets give a bonus like speed boost or cheaper ship building costs) all procedurally generated to give you a unique experience each time. There is incredible depth to the game, especially when considering there are only 3 offensive unit types. Each unit can be upgraded through researches (shield, weapons, and then you can also upgrade the four weapon types which are not exclusive to the ship), or by receiving veteran status. Each of the 3 ships can carry one more weapon than the last (cheapest ship=1 weapon, mid-powered ship =2 weapons) and the weapon load out can be customized for every ship while building it. You can also individually assign specific behaviors to each ship such as attack and follow vs. attack and hold or more interestingly, kamikaze (when low on health the ship blows up dealing damage to surrounding enemies) or return to nearest planet allowing the ships to be repaired.
Now for the bad. The very very, no good, ****-awful, bad. The game has 2 major bugs. First, when I attempt to load games the game crashes back to the home screen. Second, when you have an ungodly number of ships in a battle at once (end-game scenario for my 5 planet match) the game freezes and must be force closed. I have contacted the developer to see if any fixes are planned for slower devices and will let everyone know when I hear back. The game is on sale for $1.99 and is available on google play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stararmada&hl=en
Final word: I cannot recommend this game in its current form to Play users but if you have a tablet or higher end device this game is an absolute must have. As for the Play, it will be one to watch much like Rusted Warfare.
Nice review, looks like an interesting game.
Hey guys, just wanted to give an update since I just received an e-mail back. The developer has ordered a Play to both test this game and to optimize their new (still unnamed to my knowledge) project for Xperia Play controls.
Also, Rusted Warfare (the other RTS I briefly mention) has received an update that fixes the majority of problems I had with it and that game runs perfectly and is a blast to play on my Play. If there's any interest in it I'll do a little review in its own thread later.
I've been enjoying Robo Planet, thanks for mentioning it in the OP. A very interesting take on RTS that works well on the phone, and like no other game I've played before. Excellent.
aros2k said:
I've been enjoying Robo Planet, thanks for mentioning it in the OP. A very interesting take on RTS that works well on the phone, and like no other game I've played before. Excellent.
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I actually didn't mention it, unless you are being sarcastic. Anyways, how is it? I was under the impression it was a TBS but it has a neat look to it and I would love to hear your feedback.
BrianChase said:
I actually didn't mention it, unless you are being sarcastic. Anyways, how is it? I was under the impression it was a TBS but it has a neat look to it and I would love to hear your feedback.
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Oh, my apologies. I read an RTS review on here that mentioned it, bought it then when I saw this I thought this must have been the review! It's real time not turn based and well worth a purchase, it plays well with a game design that suits mobile well. The graphics are very good. It's definitely recommended if you enjoy rts games.
Sent from my R800i using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the information! I will definitely look in to it.
Found out thanks to appsales
I will post a screen shot now... which one is the best?
also link!
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk 2
Ok Xperia Play XDA, any must haves from these games?
All Kemco games are similar and they seem to be made with RPG Maker in a record time.
Just because an RPG isn't in 3D doesn't mean it's made in RPG Maker - or even in that quality tier. In fact, every one of these KEMCO games have more detail and depth than anything that could be made in RPG Maker.
At any rate, I own all of them, and this is what I think of them:
• Symphony of Eternity = Excellent game with a deep class system and quite a lot of polish, well deserving of it's high status.
• Alphadia = This game reminds me a lot of FF7 in the sense that it's only real flaw is being too damn easy. The music's nice, the storyline and graphics aren't bad...but up until the (freaking cheap as sin) final boss, this game's insultingly easy.
• Eve of the Genesis = It's got imbalance, insane dungeons and broken-ness at every corner. Something I can't quite understand though is that, despite being a broken game, this was actually very fun.
• Grinsia = Battle system needs to be a lot less static. Looks archaic even by the standards of a classic JRPG enthusiast. I personally haven't finished this one, but this is actually regarded as Kemco's best :\
• Aeon Avenger = Extremely linear, but that's seriously the only thing wrong with this game. The music, combat, cast and everything else was awesome. I was especially into the time traveling aspect and having a hero who's focused on murder and revenge was a nice change from all the whiny pretty-boys we usually get in RPGs.
• Dark Gate = I'll admit, I highly underestimated this game just because it doesn't "look" as good as other KEMCO games, but it's actually very deep, manages to topple Symphony of Eternity in it's class system, and offers a great challenge.
• Knight of Earthend = I don't think this one's on sale yet because it was just released... but I can say from just two hours of progress that this could very easily be better than Eternity, Alphadia, Grinsia, Aeon Avenger and Dark Gate.
Are these games turn-based or time-based? Turn based JRPG's are far too easy for my liking
Bard's Gold :
Retro Arcade Platformer
Hi, everyone!
My name is Erdem and I am from the microstudio Pixel Lantern, which actually consists of only my wife Jenny and me(and our Son, expected due 9 November but he is part of the team already!). With this blog post, I’d like to give you all some information on our new IOS & Android game, Bard’s Gold.
Do you remember how games felt back in the day? When platform games had this certain magical mood to them? No, I am not referring to pixel graphics or chiptune music. There was something else. A game’s soul that you were discovering while you played it. You played it again and again and got better at it. Finally, you were able to overcome enemies, bosses, and stages you previously thought you could never beat.
This is why we developed Bard’s Gold. We want to bring that magical mood, that soul, and that challenge back. That challenge in which players have to stand on their own and figure out even the basic game mechanics.
Bard’s Gold is slower-paced than most modern platformers and takes its gameplay inspiration from late ’80s and early ’90s classics such as Rick Dangerous, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Rainbow Islands, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Erik, and Rodland. It features an original soundtrack that perfectly frames the atmosphere, soothes your soul and fills you with confidence as you overcome levels you once thought were unbeatable.
I hope you enjoy Bard’s Gold and experience the magical mood of past games. Welcome aboard the Nostalgia Train!
I really like this game