My Fuze screen broke few days ago. I could see black liquid type in half of the screen. The outside touchscreen glass is still not broke.
Can anyone help me find the right part? I am willing to purchase both the touchscreen and Digitizer. I am trying to simplify my install process.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
can anyone help me?
Dear XDA'ers,
Earlier this year my wife somehow broke her screen. Her screen still worked and the touch screen also worked, even the parts where the screen was cracked functioned without any problems.
After a while she got jealous of my HTC Sensation with its not-cracked-screen so she decided to do some digging and ordered "NEW TOUCH SCREEN DIGITIZER FOR HTC DESIRE HD A9191 G10 + tools" of ebay (itemnumber =190662521121).
I followed a video on youtube (video id = jG6RLR_tAEs ) to replace the screen but now I am stuck at the seperating the lcd from the digitizer part.
My wife wanted to try seperating it and ended up breaking the outer glass even more so now I think we need an LCD too.
In the video the guy also said he had trouble seperating the two and ended up ordering the chassis+lcd+touch screen digitizer. I want to do the same thing since all the prying messed up the chassis as well.
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a complete set and also wheather or not my story makes sense. I haven't had much experience replacing screens on smartphones so if anyone has some tips, they're much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Why don't you ask the guy in the video?
Thanks for the tip, I did and he linked me to this:
ebay DOT com /itm/New-LCD-Display-Touch-Screen-Digitizer-Assembly-for-HTC-Desire-HD-G10-A9191-/221076191455?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33792af8df
Can anyone tell me where I can get my broken screen replaced for a droid maxx xt1080, no insurance So far the cost to replace the cracked glass I'm being told is 300.00. I can't believe it. Stupid ice :crying:
phonechallanged said:
Can anyone tell me where I can get my broken screen replaced for a droid maxx xt1080, no insurance So far the cost to replace the cracked glass I'm being told is 300.00. I can't believe it. Stupid ice :crying:
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i got my droid screen broken, but not the lcd just the glass, so i just changed the touchscreen and voila, it worked.
lcd screens are 280►300 dlls, so, its very expensive.
try calling motorola service
Jaocagomez said:
i got my droid screen broken, but not the lcd just the glass, so i just changed the touchscreen and voila, it worked.
lcd screens are 280►300 dlls, so, its very expensive.
try calling motorola service
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Thank you for your response I appreciate it.
Jaocagomez said:
i got my droid screen broken, but not the lcd just the glass, so i just changed the touchscreen and voila, it worked.
lcd screens are 280►300 dlls, so, its very expensive.
try calling motorola service
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is it easy to fix it youself? .. i got my sceen broken too LOL. can you tell me how to fix ti , PLZ
Mine too. Just the glass cracked and I ordered replacement glass/touch digitizer ($30).
Can anyone tell me where to start dissembly for this phone (droid maxx)? I haven't been able to find a guide yet. Any help appreciated!
chip! said:
Mine too. Just the glass cracked and I ordered replacement glass/touch digitizer ($30).
Can anyone tell me where to start dissembly for this phone (droid maxx)? I haven't been able to find a guide yet. Any help appreciated!
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Where do you get the replacement?
Any idea if anyone has found instructions on how to replace just the glass? Already had it replaced once via the insurance but don't want to drop that much cash again to fix the glass. With this edge to edge glass breaking a lot, I have a feeling I'll be replacing it more than once.
If anyone knows the easiest way to remove just the glass (I don't need to fix the screen) please share. It would be much appreciated. I'll also post a YouTube so others can see it because there isn't much info of this online.
Thanks guys!
Oh and to answer your question, you can get a digitizer on eBay for about $35.
A quick google search turned up this;
Cool thing that google.com, it finds almost anything!
edit: The video author says in the comments that the screen is adhered to the glass, and even tho he disassembles phones often for these videos, he would not want to try to replace the glass only.
Can anyone please help me find a replacement screen on my AT&T phone? every screen I find is a 15-28 day shipping date, and the only one I found that ships reasonably, the cable that connects so the touch screen works, it didn't fit my phone. anyone please help!!!
bought mine on ebay, it works but I'm having issues due to the nature of the install I had to re-use the mounting from the old screen and the old adhesive was so hard to get off and the new adhesive I bought on amazon wasn't sticky enough and when I tried to reset the mount the glass separated from the digitizer slightly! ugh.....
might I suggest reading this post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2164760
and buying your screen from this site - http://www.etradesupply.com/oem-htc...t-housing-and-light-guide-with-at-t-logo.html
should be in stock...
Spent nearly two weeks scouring the internet for a P6200/P6210 digitizer screen replacement tutorial with no luck. The farthest I've gotten is opening the back case and I've so far found this thread, which suggests but doesn't go into detail:
Can anybody help?
it appears from the link you attached that the digitizer glass is glued to the LCD.