PLEAS help solve the error - Galaxy Note 3 Exynos Android Development

V/MediaPlayerService( 2353): [1] getParameter(1700)
V/MediaPlayer( 2566): MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType
V/MediaPlayer( 2566): prepare
V/MediaPlayerService( 2353): [1] setAudioStreamType(1)
V/MediaPlayerService( 2353): [1] prepareAsync
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): prepareAsync
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): onPrepareAsyncEvent
I/SecMediaClock( 2353): SecMediaClock constructor
I/SecMediaClock( 2353): reset
I/SecVideoCapture( 2353): SecVideoCapture constructor
I/SecVideoCapture( 2353): reset
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): finishSetDataSource_l
V/MediaPlayer( 2566): unrecognized message: (8, 0, 0)
V/MediaPlayer( 2566): callback application
E/SamsungPowerSound( 2566): Power sound play exception (0, 0)
V/MediaPlayer( 2566): back from callback
V/NatController( 2343): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -t nat -F natctrl_nat_PREROUTING) res=0
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): track of type 'audio/vorbis' does not publish bitrate
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): mBitrate = -1 bits/sec
I/OggExtractor( 2353): OggSource::eek:ggSource() mExtractor ref count = 4
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): current audio track index (0) is added to vector
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): setDataSource_l: Audio(1), Video(0)
I/AwesomePlayer( 2353): checkRightsStatus is not necessary - AwesomePlayer::setDataSource_l
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): initAudioDecoder
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): checkOffloadExceptions is true
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): isOffloadSupported: SR=48000, CM=0x3, Format=0x7000000, StreamType=1, BitRate=4294967295, duration=3626666 us, has_video=0
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
V/NatController( 2343): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -F natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
I/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): ### curdevice : 2
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
V/NatController( 2343): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
V/NatController( 2343): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
V/NatController( 2343): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A natctrl_mangle_FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu) res=0
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/SEC_AUDIO_DEC( 2353): SEC_OMX_AudioDecodeGetParameter() OMX_Error, Line:943
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.avc.dec'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component ''
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.mpeg4.dec'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.h263.dec'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.vp8.dec'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.vc1.dec'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.vc1.dec'
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): ignoring Feature specified outside of a Type
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
W/linker ( 2353): has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_START
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
W/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/OMX ( 2353): SendBroadCasting VIDEO_PLAYBACK_STOP
W/OMX ( 2353): activity service is not working, failed to sendBroadCastEvent
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.MP3.Decoder'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.AAC.Decoder'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.AVC.Encoder'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.H263.Encoder'
E/OMX ( 2353): FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.Exynos.MPEG4.Encoder'
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
I/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): ### curdevice : 2
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Number of CPU cores: 4
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Initializing decoder
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Set number of cores to 4
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Ittiam decoder version number: @(#)Id:HEVCDEC_production Ver:04.01 Released by ITTIAM Build: Dec 15 2015 @ 18:29:09
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Freeing codec memory
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Number of CPU cores: 4
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Initializing decoder
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Set number of cores to 4
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Ittiam decoder version number: @(#)Id:HEVCDEC_production Ver:04.01 Released by ITTIAM Build: Dec 15 2015 @ 18:29:09
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): In SoftHEVC::~SoftHEVC
D/SoftHEVC( 2353): Freeing codec memory
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
I/SoftMPEG4Encoder( 2353): Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
W/ACodec ( 2353): do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
I/SoftAVCEncoder( 2353): Construct SoftAVCEncoder
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
W/ACodec ( 2353): do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
I/SoftMPEG4Encoder( 2353): Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
W/ACodec ( 2353): do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
D/wrapperGPS( 2367): wrapperConnect_RILD
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000100e
W/ACodec ( 2353): do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000100e
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
I/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): ### curdevice : 2
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663311) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/OMXNodeInstance( 2353): getParameter(100663297) ERROR: 0x8000101a
E/AffinityControl( 2370): AffinityControl: registerfunction enter
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): Component OMX.Exynos.MP3.Decoder does not support any type of media?
W/MediaCodecList( 2353): Component OMX.Exynos.vc1.dec does not support any type of media?
I/OMXCodec( 2353): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
I/OMXCodec( 2353): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
I/AwesomePlayer( 2353): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x1, Format=0x1, StreamType=1, BitRate=4294967295, duration=3626666 us, has_video=0
V/AudioPolicyManager( 2353): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
I/OMXCodec( 2353): [] OMXCodec::start mState=1
I/OMXCodec( 2353): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 8192 on input port
I/OMXCodec( 2353): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 32768 on output port
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 2370): Profiling disabled.
I/OMXCodec( 2353): [] Now Idle. Component sends idle done Event
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): finishAsyncPrepare_l
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): notifyListner_l() msg (200-MEDIA_INFO), ext1 (973), ext2 (0)
V/MediaPlayerService( 2353): [1] notify (0xb2f5d300, 200, 973, 0)
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): notifyListner_l() msg (5-MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE), ext1 (0), ext2 (0)
V/MediaPlayerService( 2353): [1] notify (0xb2f5d300, 5, 0, 0)
V/AwesomePlayer( 2353): notifyListner_l() msg (1-MEDIA_PREPARED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0)
OLEG-ROM not working OMX lib

Maybe you should move this thread on this Forum .

So what is OMX lib?
来自我的 SM-G920F 上的 Tapatalk


[Q] Netflix/HBO/DRM protected content playback

I've been struggling to get Netflix and HBO Nordic working on my Galaxy S2 running Cyanogenmod 10.1 nightlies. I've tried Netflix 2.1.1 and 1.8.1, and a modded HBO 1.0 app bypassing the root check.
Here are some logcat (*:W) excerpts from the different apps.
HBO Nordic app, force closes upon pressing play:
W/AudioService( 2198): RemoteControlClient died
F/libc (26548): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 26548 (drmserver)
W/DrmManagerClientImpl(Native)(26554): DrmManager server died!
E/WVMExtractor(28011): Drm manager failed to initialize.
E/MediaPlayer(26554): error (1, -2147483648)
E/MediaPlayer(26554): Error (1,-2147483648)
W/dalvikvm(26554): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40f2f930)
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at$2(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at$2.onMediaPlayerError(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at$4.onError(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at$EventHandler.handleMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at$
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at
E/AndroidRuntime(26554): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
W/ActivityManager( 2198): Force finishing activity
W/ActivityManager( 2198): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{41d77aa8 u0}
W/InputDispatcher( 2198): channel '419febd8 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
E/InputDispatcher( 2198): channel '419febd8 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
W/InputDispatcher( 2198): channel '41938168 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
E/InputDispatcher( 2198): channel '41938168 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
W/InputDispatcher( 2198): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '419febd8 (server)'
W/InputDispatcher( 2198): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '41938168 (server)'
E/Trace (28321): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
E/Trace (28356): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
Netflix 1.8.1, plays sound and shows subtitles, but no video:
W/ActivityManager( 2198): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.teamhacksung.tvout/.TvOutService in 5000ms
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
W/libc (27869): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
E/Trace (28011): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): .
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): ..
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28011): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/OMXNodeInstance(28011): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
E/ ( 1864): egl_android_pixel_format* _egl_android_get_native_buffer_format(android_native_buffer_t*) unsupported native buffer format (0x13)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1864): [SurfaceView] error creating EGLImage: 0x3003
E/SurfaceTexture( 1864): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Unknown error 2147483648 (-2147483648)
E/ ( 1864): egl_android_pixel_format* _egl_android_get_native_buffer_format(android_native_buffer_t*) unsupported native buffer format (0x13)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1864): [SurfaceView] error creating EGLImage: 0x3003
E/SurfaceTexture( 1864): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Unknown error 2147483648 (-2147483648)
E/BufferQueue( 1864): [SurfaceView] acquireBuffer: max acquired buffer count reached: 2 (max=1)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1864): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Function not implemented (-38)
E/Trace (28196): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
W/InputEventReceiver( 2198): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
W/InputEventReceiver( 2198): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
W/AudioFlinger(28011): session id 277 not found for pid 2198
E/BufferQueue( 1864): [SurfaceView] dequeueBuffer: SurfaceTexture has been abandoned!
E/ACodec (28011): dequeueBuffer failed.
E/BufferQueue( 1864): [SurfaceView] queueBuffer: SurfaceTexture has been abandoned!
E/SurfaceTextureClient(28011): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -19
E/NuPlayer(28011): Received error from video decoder, aborting playback.
W/BufferQueue( 1864): [SurfaceView] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned!
W/AudioService( 2198): stream was not muted by this client
E/AudioService( 2198): Could not get client death handler for stream: 3
Netflix 2.1.1, stuck on loading screen:
W/dalvikvm(28732): method Lcom/netflix/mediaclient/android/widget/NetflixSeekBar;.onKeyChange incorrectly overrides package-private method with same name in Landroid/widget/AbsSeekBar;
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): .
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): ..
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/SEC_COMP_REGS(28732): Path & libName : /system/lib/omx/
E/OMXNodeInstance(28732): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed
E/NetflixTransport-JNI(28732): Java_com_netflix_mediaclient_javabridge_transport_NativeTransport_native_1setVOapi systemAndroid set VO API
E/NetflixTransport-JNI(28732): Custom params sw analytics params set
E/Trace (28929): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
E/Trace (28959): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
E/Trace (28976): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
E/nf_service(28732): Unable to get instance of PlayerActivity, only pass stateChnage event to MP
Anyone have a clue what might be wrong? Is it a DRM decrypting process that doesn't work, as I suspect?
CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies on a Galaxy Tab 2 here.
I get similar results with HBO nordic, however there is no force close: it gives a "video error" message, and sends me back to the content browser. It's something to do with DRM.
F/libc ( 112): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 112 (drmserver)
I/DEBUG ( 108): pid: 112, tid: 112, name: drmserver >>> /system/bin/drmserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 108): #00 pc 00013c28 /system/vendor/lib/drm/
I/DEBUG ( 108): #01 pc 00014614 /system/vendor/lib/drm/ (TEEC_InvokeCommandEx+156)
I/DEBUG ( 108): #02 pc 0001469c /system/vendor/lib/drm/ (TEEC_InvokeCommand+32)
I/DEBUG ( 108): #03 pc 0001373c /system/vendor/lib/drm/ (_oec10+44)
I/DEBUG ( 108): be868c9c 405b0060 /system/vendor/lib/drm/
I/DEBUG ( 108): be868ca4 405ab618 /system/vendor/lib/drm/ (TEEC_InvokeCommandEx+160)
I/DEBUG ( 108): be868d7c 405aa740 /system/vendor/lib/drm/ (_oec10+48)
I/ServiceManager( 102): service 'drm.drmManager' died
W/DrmManagerClientImpl(Native)( 2373): DrmManager server died!
E/WVMExtractor( 113): Drm manager failed to initialize.
Thanks for the second report. I'll make sure to get back to you if I hear something somewhere else.
I'm seeing a similar error to your Netflix 1.8.1 report on my i9100 (Galaxy S II) running Cyanogenmod 10.1 (10.1-20130102-NIGHTLY-i9100), with a different video streaming application. The relevant part of logcat is:
E/ ( 1858): egl_android_pixel_format* _egl_android_get_native_buffer_format(android_native_buffer_t*) unsupported native buffer format (0x13)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1858): [SurfaceView] error creating EGLImage: 0x3003
E/SurfaceTexture( 1858): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Unknown error 2147483648 (-2147483648)
E/ ( 1858): egl_android_pixel_format* _egl_android_get_native_buffer_format(android_native_buffer_t*) unsupported native buffer format (0x13)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1858): [SurfaceView] error creating EGLImage: 0x3003
E/SurfaceTexture( 1858): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Unknown error 2147483648 (-2147483648)
E/BufferQueue( 1858): [SurfaceView] acquireBuffer: max acquired buffer count reached: 2 (max=1)
E/SurfaceTexture( 1858): [SurfaceView] updateTexImage: acquire failed: Function not implemented (-38)
This application was working fine with CM10 nighties a few weeks ago.
The application is Cricket LIVE Australia (
The cm-10.1-20130105-NIGHTLY-i9100 version fixed my issue. I believe patch 29663 on is the change that did the trick.
shenki00 said:
The cm-10.1-20130105-NIGHTLY-i9100 version fixed my issue. I believe patch 29663 on is the change that did the trick.
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The update fixed Netflix (1.8.1) for me. Still nothing on the new Netflix or HBO.

Getting port to boot properly

I've looked and couldn't find a definant answer. Do roms have to be signed before they can be flashed in recovery? I see several Rom signing tools but guides that I have found for porting never say anything about signing the zip.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
ImagioX1 said:
I've looked and couldn't find a definant answer. Do roms have to be signed before they can be flashed in recovery? I see several Rom signing tools but guides that I have found for porting never say anything about signing the zip.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
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If you would like to know a good way to get started cooking custom ROMS there is an awesome guide which can be found at the link below, if you need anything else please feel free to ask.
If i have helped in any way please click the thanks button below
Did you get it to boot yet. I think I am trying to do the same thing you are doing. After I ported the Rom all I could do was open the zip in twrp.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
jasonwojo75 said:
Did you get it to boot yet. I think I am trying to do the same thing you are doing. After I ported the Rom all I could do was open the zip in twrp.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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No. Mine wouldn't flash either. Venomtester pointed me to this thread on signing roms. Gonna try it out. Ill let you know how it goes.
Edit: UH looks like you got to have an account with them to download it. Im gonna create my account and if you want ill pm the link to you. All good?
Definitely let me know how it goes, I'll let you go first because I'm afraid I'm going to brick my phone. This is the first time trying something like this and really have no clue what I'm doing so any help is appreciated.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
jasonwojo75 said:
Definitely let me know how it goes, I'll let you go first because I'm afraid I'm going to brick my phone. This is the first time trying something like this and really have no clue what I'm doing so any help is appreciated.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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After I signed the Rom using that method it still wouldn't flash. Not sure what's wrong.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
Do you have the latest update binaries? I've heard some people had issues flashing zips with outdated update binaries.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
ImagioX1 said:
After I signed the Rom using that method it still wouldn't flash. Not sure what's wrong.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
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After you make your mods in the Rom you have to repack with winrar or 7zip. Put the Rom on your phone and download zipsigner from the playstore and use that to sign. I got it to boot loop, used a base with aroma installer and messed things up..
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
jasonwojo75 said:
After you make your mods in the Rom you have to repack with winrar or 7zip. Put the Rom on your phone and download zipsigner from the playstore and use that to sign. I got it to boot loop, used a base with aroma installer and messed things up..
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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When you say repack did you simply zip the Rom or is there some other setting or whatever in 7zip that I don't know about?
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
Sorry, yes I meant zip the Rom, but only zip the files in the main folder, not the whole Rom.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
I'm gonna try again with the stock Telstra base when I get a chance but I have been really short on time. Both my daughters are playing soccer right now and it's taking up all my free time.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Just tried again on on Telstra stock base and same thing, I get through the boot animation and just sits there. Guess the next step is logcat:'( Let me know if you want me to send you what I have
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
jasonwojo75 said:
Just tried again on on Telstra stock base and same thing, I get through the boot animation and just sits there. Guess the next step is logcat:'( Let me know if you want me to send you what I have
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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That the same thing I'm getting LOL!! Logcat won't work while phone is booting either.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
ImagioX1 said:
That the same thing I'm getting LOL!! Logcat won't work while phone is booting either.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
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Click to collapse
Ugh, guess I'll try another guide. These phones are so close I don't know what we are missing?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
What kind port are you working on if I may ask?
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
ImagioX1 said:
What kind port are you working on if I may ask?
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
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Click to collapse
Sent you a pm
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Still hanging on boot even with bulletproof kernel..... I think I have a bald spot at the back of my head from scratching it too much..LOL!!
Rom finally booted far enough so that adb could a logcat.
05-09 02:23:00.425: E/dalvikvm(2721): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:00.425: E/dalvikvm(2721): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:00.425: E/dalvikvm(2721): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:00.425: E/JNIHelp(2721): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:00.425: A/libc(2721): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 2721 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:00.845: E/OMXMaster(2725): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:00.916: E/(2725): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408AB0CD
05-09 02:23:00.916: E/(2725): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:00.916: E/(2725): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:00.966: E/BandwidthController(2726): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:00.966: E/BandwidthController(2726): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:04.429: E/alsa_ucm(2725): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:04.429: E/alsa_ucm(2725): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:04.439: E/ACDB-LOADER(2725): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:04.960: E/dalvikvm(2865): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:04.960: E/dalvikvm(2865): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:04.960: E/dalvikvm(2865): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:04.960: E/JNIHelp(2865): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:04.960: A/libc(2865): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 2865 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:05.450: E/OMXMaster(2869): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:05.520: E/(2869): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408580CD
05-09 02:23:05.520: E/(2869): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:05.520: E/(2869): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:05.611: E/BandwidthController(2870): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:05.621: E/BandwidthController(2870): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:09.004: E/alsa_ucm(2869): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:09.004: E/alsa_ucm(2869): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:09.014: E/ACDB-LOADER(2869): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:09.565: E/dalvikvm(3009): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:09.565: E/dalvikvm(3009): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:09.565: E/dalvikvm(3009): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:09.565: E/JNIHelp(3009): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:09.565: A/libc(3009): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3009 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:10.035: E/OMXMaster(3013): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:10.105: E/(3013): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408BD0CD
05-09 02:23:10.105: E/(3013): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:10.105: E/(3013): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:10.175: E/BandwidthController(3014): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:10.175: E/BandwidthController(3014): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:13.609: E/alsa_ucm(3013): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:13.609: E/alsa_ucm(3013): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:13.619: E/ACDB-LOADER(3013): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:15.141: E/dalvikvm(3153): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:15.141: E/dalvikvm(3153): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:15.151: E/dalvikvm(3153): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:15.151: E/JNIHelp(3153): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:15.151: A/libc(3153): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3153 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:15.621: E/OMXMaster(3157): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:15.691: E/(3157): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408370CD
05-09 02:23:15.691: E/(3157): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:15.691: E/(3157): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:15.741: E/BandwidthController(3158): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:15.741: E/BandwidthController(3158): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:19.195: E/alsa_ucm(3157): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:19.195: E/alsa_ucm(3157): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:19.195: E/ACDB-LOADER(3157): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:19.726: E/dalvikvm(3297): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:19.736: E/dalvikvm(3297): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:19.736: E/dalvikvm(3297): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:19.736: E/JNIHelp(3297): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:19.736: A/libc(3297): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3297 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:20.206: E/OMXMaster(3301): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:20.276: E/(3301): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40A3D0CD
05-09 02:23:20.276: E/(3301): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:20.276: E/(3301): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:20.326: E/BandwidthController(3302): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:20.326: E/BandwidthController(3302): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:23.780: E/alsa_ucm(3301): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:23.780: E/alsa_ucm(3301): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:23.790: E/ACDB-LOADER(3301): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:25.332: E/dalvikvm(3441): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:25.332: E/dalvikvm(3441): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:25.332: E/dalvikvm(3441): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:25.332: E/JNIHelp(3441): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:25.332: A/libc(3441): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3441 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:25.832: E/OMXMaster(3445): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:25.902: E/(3445): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40D710CD
05-09 02:23:25.902: E/(3445): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:25.902: E/(3445): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:25.992: E/BandwidthController(3446): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:25.992: E/BandwidthController(3446): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:29.406: E/alsa_ucm(3445): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:29.406: E/alsa_ucm(3445): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:29.416: E/ACDB-LOADER(3445): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:29.927: E/dalvikvm(3585): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:29.927: E/dalvikvm(3585): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:29.927: E/dalvikvm(3585): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:29.927: E/JNIHelp(3585): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:29.937: A/libc(3585): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3585 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:30.397: E/OMXMaster(3589): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:30.467: E/(3589): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40C230CD
05-09 02:23:30.467: E/(3589): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:30.467: E/(3589): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:30.527: E/BandwidthController(3590): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:30.537: E/BandwidthController(3590): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:33.971: E/alsa_ucm(3589): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:33.971: E/alsa_ucm(3589): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:33.981: E/ACDB-LOADER(3589): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:34.511: E/dalvikvm(3729): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:34.511: E/dalvikvm(3729): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:34.511: E/dalvikvm(3729): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:34.511: E/JNIHelp(3729): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:34.511: A/libc(3729): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3729 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:34.992: E/OMXMaster(3733): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:35.062: E/(3733): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408550CD
05-09 02:23:35.062: E/(3733): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:35.062: E/(3733): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:35.102: E/BandwidthController(3734): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:35.102: E/BandwidthController(3734): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:38.566: E/alsa_ucm(3733): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:38.566: E/alsa_ucm(3733): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:38.576: E/ACDB-LOADER(3733): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:40.107: E/dalvikvm(3873): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:40.107: E/dalvikvm(3873): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:40.107: E/dalvikvm(3873): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:40.107: E/JNIHelp(3873): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:40.107: A/libc(3873): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 3873 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:40.598: E/OMXMaster(3877): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:40.668: E/(3877): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408500CD
05-09 02:23:40.668: E/(3877): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:40.668: E/(3877): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:40.708: E/BandwidthController(3878): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:40.708: E/BandwidthController(3878): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:44.162: E/alsa_ucm(3877): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:44.162: E/alsa_ucm(3877): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:44.162: E/ACDB-LOADER(3877): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:44.732: E/dalvikvm(4017): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:44.732: E/dalvikvm(4017): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:44.732: E/dalvikvm(4017): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:44.732: E/JNIHelp(4017): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:44.732: A/libc(4017): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4017 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:45.213: E/OMXMaster(4021): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:45.283: E/(4021): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408520CD
05-09 02:23:45.283: E/(4021): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:45.283: E/(4021): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:45.323: E/BandwidthController(4022): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:45.323: E/BandwidthController(4022): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:48.797: E/alsa_ucm(4021): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:48.797: E/alsa_ucm(4021): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:48.807: E/ACDB-LOADER(4021): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:50.338: E/dalvikvm(4161): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:50.338: E/dalvikvm(4161): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:50.338: E/dalvikvm(4161): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:50.338: E/JNIHelp(4161): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:50.338: A/libc(4161): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4161 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:50.819: E/OMXMaster(4165): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:50.889: E/(4165): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 409430CD
05-09 02:23:50.889: E/(4165): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:50.889: E/(4165): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:50.929: E/BandwidthController(4166): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:50.929: E/BandwidthController(4166): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:54.403: E/alsa_ucm(4165): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:54.403: E/alsa_ucm(4165): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:54.413: E/ACDB-LOADER(4165): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:54.933: E/dalvikvm(4305): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:54.933: E/dalvikvm(4305): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:54.933: E/dalvikvm(4305): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:54.933: E/JNIHelp(4305): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:54.933: A/libc(4305): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4305 (zygote)
05-09 02:23:55.414: E/OMXMaster(4309): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:23:55.484: E/(4309): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 4102B0CD
05-09 02:23:55.484: E/(4309): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:23:55.484: E/(4309): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:23:55.544: E/BandwidthController(4310): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:55.554: E/BandwidthController(4310): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:23:58.988: E/alsa_ucm(4309): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:23:58.988: E/alsa_ucm(4309): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:23:58.998: E/ACDB-LOADER(4309): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:23:59.538: E/dalvikvm(4449): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:23:59.538: E/dalvikvm(4449): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:23:59.538: E/dalvikvm(4449): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:23:59.538: E/JNIHelp(4449): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:23:59.538: A/libc(4449): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4449 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:00.019: E/OMXMaster(4453): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:00.089: E/(4453): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 4091B0CD
05-09 02:24:00.089: E/(4453): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:00.089: E/(4453): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:00.129: E/BandwidthController(4454): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:00.129: E/BandwidthController(4454): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:03.602: E/alsa_ucm(4453): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:03.602: E/alsa_ucm(4453): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:03.612: E/ACDB-LOADER(4453): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:05.134: E/dalvikvm(4593): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:05.134: E/dalvikvm(4593): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:05.134: E/dalvikvm(4593): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:05.134: E/JNIHelp(4593): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:05.134: A/libc(4593): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4593 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:05.615: E/OMXMaster(4597): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:05.685: E/(4597): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40BFB0CD
05-09 02:24:05.685: E/(4597): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:05.685: E/(4597): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:05.755: E/BandwidthController(4598): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:05.755: E/BandwidthController(4598): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:09.168: E/alsa_ucm(4597): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:09.168: E/alsa_ucm(4597): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:09.168: E/ACDB-LOADER(4597): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:09.709: E/dalvikvm(4737): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:09.709: E/dalvikvm(4737): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:09.709: E/dalvikvm(4737): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:09.719: E/JNIHelp(4737): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:09.719: A/libc(4737): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4737 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:10.179: E/OMXMaster(4741): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:10.250: E/(4741): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40B940CD
05-09 02:24:10.250: E/(4741): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:10.250: E/(4741): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:10.350: E/BandwidthController(4742): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:10.350: E/BandwidthController(4742): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:13.763: E/alsa_ucm(4741): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:13.763: E/alsa_ucm(4741): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:13.773: E/ACDB-LOADER(4741): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:15.305: E/dalvikvm(4881): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:15.305: E/dalvikvm(4881): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:15.305: E/dalvikvm(4881): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:15.305: E/JNIHelp(4881): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:15.315: A/libc(4881): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 4881 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:15.805: E/OMXMaster(4885): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:15.876: E/(4885): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408A80CD
05-09 02:24:15.876: E/(4885): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:15.876: E/(4885): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:15.926: E/BandwidthController(4886): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:15.926: E/BandwidthController(4886): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:19.369: E/alsa_ucm(4885): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:19.369: E/alsa_ucm(4885): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:19.379: E/ACDB-LOADER(4885): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:19.910: E/dalvikvm(5025): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:19.910: E/dalvikvm(5025): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:19.910: E/dalvikvm(5025): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:19.910: E/JNIHelp(5025): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:19.910: A/libc(5025): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5025 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:20.370: E/OMXMaster(5029): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:20.440: E/(5029): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408BF0CD
05-09 02:24:20.440: E/(5029): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:20.440: E/(5029): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:20.510: E/BandwidthController(5030): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:20.510: E/BandwidthController(5030): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:23.964: E/alsa_ucm(5029): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:23.964: E/alsa_ucm(5029): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:23.974: E/ACDB-LOADER(5029): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:25.516: E/dalvikvm(5169): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:25.516: E/dalvikvm(5169): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:25.516: E/dalvikvm(5169): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:25.516: E/JNIHelp(5169): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:25.516: A/libc(5169): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5169 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:25.986: E/OMXMaster(5173): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:26.056: E/(5173): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 409150CD
05-09 02:24:26.056: E/(5173): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:26.056: E/(5173): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:26.106: E/BandwidthController(5174): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:26.116: E/BandwidthController(5174): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:29.550: E/alsa_ucm(5173): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:29.550: E/alsa_ucm(5173): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:29.560: E/ACDB-LOADER(5173): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:30.101: E/dalvikvm(5313): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:30.101: E/dalvikvm(5313): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:30.101: E/dalvikvm(5313): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:30.101: E/JNIHelp(5313): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:30.101: A/libc(5313): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5313 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:30.591: E/OMXMaster(5317): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:30.661: E/(5317): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 409220CD
05-09 02:24:30.661: E/(5317): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:30.661: E/(5317): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:30.691: E/BandwidthController(5318): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:30.701: E/BandwidthController(5318): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:34.165: E/alsa_ucm(5317): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:34.165: E/alsa_ucm(5317): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:34.165: E/ACDB-LOADER(5317): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:34.716: E/dalvikvm(5457): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:34.716: E/dalvikvm(5457): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:34.716: E/dalvikvm(5457): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:34.716: E/JNIHelp(5457): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:34.716: A/libc(5457): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5457 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:35.186: E/OMXMaster(5461): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:35.246: E/(5461): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 408BC0CD
05-09 02:24:35.256: E/(5461): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:35.256: E/(5461): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:35.306: E/BandwidthController(5462): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:35.306: E/BandwidthController(5462): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:38.770: E/alsa_ucm(5461): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:38.770: E/alsa_ucm(5461): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:38.780: E/ACDB-LOADER(5461): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:40.302: E/dalvikvm(5601): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:40.302: E/dalvikvm(5601): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:40.302: E/dalvikvm(5601): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:40.302: E/JNIHelp(5601): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:40.302: A/libc(5601): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5601 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:40.782: E/OMXMaster(5605): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:40.852: E/(5605): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 40EEE0CD
05-09 02:24:40.852: E/(5605): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:40.852: E/(5605): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:40.892: E/BandwidthController(5606): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:40.902: E/BandwidthController(5606): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:44.366: E/alsa_ucm(5605): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:44.366: E/alsa_ucm(5605): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:44.376: E/ACDB-LOADER(5605): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
05-09 02:24:44.896: E/dalvikvm(5745): ERROR: couldn't find native method
05-09 02:24:44.896: E/dalvikvm(5745): Requested: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)V
05-09 02:24:44.896: E/dalvikvm(5745): Candidate: Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;.nativeRecycle:(I)Z
05-09 02:24:44.896: E/JNIHelp(5745): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Bitmap', aborting
05-09 02:24:44.896: A/libc(5745): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 5745 (zygote)
05-09 02:24:45.377: E/OMXMaster(5749): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
05-09 02:24:45.447: E/(5749): actp_diag_init: call diag init function with 409570CD
05-09 02:24:45.447: E/(5749): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
05-09 02:24:45.447: E/(5749): actp_diag_init: diag init failed
05-09 02:24:45.497: E/BandwidthController(5750): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:45.497: E/BandwidthController(5750): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
05-09 02:24:48.941: E/alsa_ucm(5749): Invalid current verb value: Inactive - -1
05-09 02:24:48.941: E/alsa_ucm(5749): No valid device Speaker found
05-09 02:24:48.951: E/ACDB-LOADER(5749): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
: E/(): Device disconnected
If somebody good at read logcats could help us that would be great.
Lib file mismatch?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Venomtester said:
Lib file mismatch?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I tried it on the stock base and venom base and get those same errors. Didn't even touch the lib folder.
Edit. Followed that porting guide you pm'ed me to the letter.
Sent from Xparent Red using my Venomized Evita
Sometimes if it doesn't boot you can take the and from port Rom and move it to base Rom.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------
Hurry up and finish it already lol.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium

[q] read rtf file

I tried to read rtf file in asset folder. Tried many third party libraries. Bt getting the same error as 'class not not found' . I have the following logcat error. I was stuck with this pblm for past 1 week. I have upgraded my adt version to 23.3 and sdk too. Also added libraries in Java build path. Bt no use. Still my logcat gives this output. Experts please help me.. Thanks in advance.
02-28 16:53:36.290: D/dalvikvm(639): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 52K, 8% free 2425K/2612K, paused 175ms, total 176ms
02-28 16:53:36.390: I/Choreographer(639): Skipped 217 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
02-28 16:53:36.620: E/dalvikvm(639): Could not find class 'com.lowagie.text.Document', referenced from method com.example.ipraxis.FragmentTab.onCreateView
02-28 16:53:36.620: W/dalvikvm(639): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 1470 (Lcom/lowagie/text/Document in Lcom/example/ipraxis/FragmentTab;
02-28 16:53:36.620: D/dalvikvm(639): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0029
02-28 16:53:36.630: D/dalvikvm(639): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x2ec3 at 0x2b in Lcom/example/ipraxis/FragmentTab;.onCreateView
02-28 16:53:36.650: D/dalvikvm(639): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x2ec5 at 0x34 in Lcom/example/ipraxis/FragmentTab;.onCreateView
02-28 16:53:36.720: D/AndroidRuntime(639): Shutting down VM
02-28 16:53:36.730: W/dalvikvm(639): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0xb2addd70)
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): Process: com.example.ipraxis, PID: 639
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.lowagie.text.Document
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at com.example.ipraxis.FragmentTab.onCreateView(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.View.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchAttachedToWindow(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.ViewRootImpl$
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.Choreographer$
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.view.Choreographer$
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at$
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at
02-28 16:53:37.140: E/AndroidRuntime(639): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
My code is as follows.
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.rtf.*;
import com.lowagie.text.*;
import com.lowagie.text.rtf.*;
import com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.RtfParser;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class FragmentTab extends Fragment {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater,ViewGroup container,Bundle savedInstanceState)
View rootView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.fragment_layout,container,false);
TextView tv = (TextView) rootView.findViewById (;
TextView tt = (TextView) rootView.findViewById (;
InputStream istr = null;
try {
istr = (InputStream) getActivity().getAssets().open("Hellooo.rtf");
Document document = new Document();;
RtfParser parser = new RtfParser(null);
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
/* FileInputStream fis;
RTFEditorKit rtf = null;
try {
fis = (FileInputStream) getActivity().getAssets().open("Hellooo.rtf");
byte[] input = new byte[fis.available()];
rtf = new RTFEditorKit();
Document doc = rtf.createDefaultDocument(); ByteArrayInputStream(input), doc, 0);
String content = new String(doc.getText(0, doc.getLength()));
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return rootView;

Help with CM13 boot loop - logcat included

my oneplus one with CM13 (14_06 build) is stuck in a bootloop and I don't know how to solve.
Here's what I have tried to do:
Wipe cache
Flash a previous build
Delete the last apps I have installed via adb (pm uninstall APPNAME)
The last thing I have done before rebooting is installing the GMSCore from MicroG project (Yes, I don't have gapps).
Then I have successfully removed the gsmcore via adb but the bootloop continued.
The phone reboots when "Prearing contacts storage" appears....
Here's my logcat (*:E)
06-14 14:46:46.384 3660 3660 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
06-14 14:46:46.384 3660 3660 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
06-14 14:46:48.623 3654 3654 E installd: eof
06-14 14:46:48.623 3654 3654 E installd: failed to read size
06-14 14:46:49.304 4935 4935 E QCOM PowerHAL: Unable to open prefetcher: dlopen failed: library "" not found
06-14 14:46:49.304 4935 4935 E QCOM PowerHAL: Failed to get prefetcher handle.
06-14 14:46:49.305 4935 4935 E QCOM PowerHAL: Invalid hint ID.
06-14 14:46:49.894 4935 4935 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
06-14 14:46:51.356 3653 3653 E msm8974_platform: hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
06-14 14:46:51.356 3653 3653 E msm8974_platform: hw_util_open success
06-14 14:46:51.356 3653 3653 E msm8974_platform: send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal
06-14 14:46:51.356 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_codec_cal
06-14 14:46:51.356 3653 3653 E msm8974_platform: send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal
06-14 14:46:51.357 3653 3653 E msm8974_platform: send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal
06-14 14:46:51.358 3653 3653 E audio_hw_primary: Amplifier initialization failed
06-14 14:46:51.358 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.358 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.377 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.377 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.386 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.397 3653 3653 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-14 14:46:51.430 3653 3653 E MonoPipe: Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
06-14 14:46:51.435 3653 5160 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update!
06-14 14:46:51.437 3653 5161 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update!
06-14 14:46:51.443 3653 5163 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update!
06-14 14:46:51.455 3653 3653 E SoundTriggerHwService: couldn't load sound trigger module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
06-14 14:46:51.460 3653 3653 E RadioService: couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
06-14 14:46:52.409 3649 3649 E Netd : netlink response contains error (File exists)
06-14 14:46:52.409 3649 3649 E Netd : Can't add IPv4 default route to dummy0: File exists
06-14 14:46:53.221 3657 5266 E QC-QMI : qmi_client [3657] 16: failed to locate client data
06-14 14:46:53.222 3656 3656 E QC-QMI : qmuxd: RX on fd=27 returned error=0 errno[11:Try again]
06-14 14:46:53.222 3656 3656 E QC-QMI : QMUX qmux_client_id=16 not found in qmux client list, unable to remove
06-14 14:46:53.228 3657 5272 E QC-QMI : qmi_client [3657] 17: failed to locate client data
06-14 14:46:53.229 3656 3656 E QC-QMI : qmuxd: RX on fd=27 returned error=0 errno[11:Try again]
06-14 14:46:53.229 3656 3656 E QC-QMI : QMUX qmux_client_id=17 not found in qmux client list, unable to remove
06-14 14:46:53.328 3656 3718 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:53.562 3656 3729 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:53.848 3656 3735 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:54.073 3656 3745 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:54.252 3656 3749 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:54.538 3656 3756 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:54.800 3656 3760 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:46:55.083 3656 3776 E QC-QMI : qmi_ctl_handle_set_data_format_rsp, skipping unknown type = 18
06-14 14:47:22.040 4935 4935 E PackageManager: updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw failed: Package requires unavailable shared library com.qualcomm.qti.smartsearch; failing!
06-14 14:47:22.042 3654 3654 E installd: invalid apk path '/system/framework/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res.apk' (bad prefix)
06-14 14:47:22.225 4935 5987 E qti_sensors_hal: SensorsContext: Hal opened lib /system/lib/hw/ failed!
06-14 14:47:22.268 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.268 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.268 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5990 E qti_sensors_hal: processSingleSensorInfoResp: either handle_wakeup is -1 or error is true or mSensors[handle_wakeup] is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.269 4935 5987 E qti_sensors_hal: OEMAddSensors : The OEM_module is NULL!
06-14 14:47:22.350 4935 4935 E ConsumerIrService: Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2
06-14 14:47:22.504 4935 6037 E EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
06-14 14:47:22.550 4935 6037 E filemap : mmap(0,4096) failed: No such device

Run shell command with root permissions from AOSP apk

I would like to ask for help with get root access for AOSP apk broadcast receiver.
I need receive event for change date/time and I need run my shell command for write system time to hardware RTC.
I have chosen follow principe:
- I wrote Android myBR.apk in AOSP with broadcast receiver for TIME_SET, TIMEZONE_CHANGED
- From myBR.apk I run my shell command (rtcclock -w)
- "rtcclock -w" shell command which is write system time from Android to RTC via /dev/rtc0 -> ioctl( i2c )
My problem is:
I need run shell command rtcclock from AOSP myBR.apk as root.
My all attempts were unsuccessful.
I would like to ask for help from some experts how can I resolve this problem.
Environment info (everything in Android shell terminal)
Android device is not rooted
Permissions for su shell command
$ ls -lZ /system/xbin/su
-rwsr-x--- root shell ubject_r:su_exec:s0 su
SELinux status
$ getenforce
Super user information
$ su
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=1007(log)
Android version
$ cat /system/build.prop | grep ""
Kernel version
$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.4.39 .....
Permissions for rtcclock shell command
$ ls -l /system/bin/rtcclock
-rwxr-xr-x root shell 13672 2017-10-18 09:53 rtcclock
Example for try write system time from Android to RTC as user = shell from
$ rtcclock -w
rtcclock: can't open '/dev/misc/rtc': No such file or directory
Example for try write system time from Android to RTC as user = system
$ su system
$ rtcclock -w
rtcclock: ioctl 0x4024700a failed: Permission denied
Example for try write system time from Android to RTC as user = root
$ su
# rtcclock -w
My source code:
package com.example.mybr;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.util.Log;
public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "MyBroadcastReceiver";
public MyBroadcastReceiver() {
Log.i( TAG, "MyBroadcastReceiver - created" );
public void onReceive( Context context, Intent intent )
final String intentAction = intent.getAction();
boolean bResult = false;
if( intentAction.equals( Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED ) ||
intentAction.equals( Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED ) )
bResult = runCmd( "sh", "id" );
Log.i( TAG, "bResult = " + bResult );
bResult = runCmd( "su", "id" );
Log.i( TAG, "bResult = " + bResult );
bResult = runCmd( "su", "rtcclock -w" );
Log.i( TAG, "bResult = " + bResult );
public static boolean runCmd( String...commands )
boolean bResult = false;
Process prcs = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( commands[ 0 ] );
DataOutputStream cmdStream = new DataOutputStream( prcs.getOutputStream() );
DataInputStream resStream = new DataInputStream( prcs.getInputStream() );
DataInputStream errStream = new DataInputStream( prcs.getErrorStream() );
if( cmdStream != null && resStream != null && errStream != null )
for( int n = 1; n < commands.length; n++ )
Log.d( TAG, "cmd: " + commands[ n ] );
cmdStream.writeBytes( commands[ n ] + "\n" );
String outputResult = resStream.readLine();
Log.d( TAG, "cmd result: " + outputResult );
} while( resStream.available() > 0 );
while( errStream.available() > 0 )
String outputResult = errStream.readLine();
Log.d( TAG, "cmd error: " + outputResult );
bResult = true;
cmdStream.writeBytes( "exit\n" );
} catch( InterruptedException e )
Log.i( TAG, "!!! EXCEPTION_1 !!!" );
if( cmdStream != null )
if( resStream != null )
if( errStream != null )
catch( IOException e )
Log.i( TAG, "!!! EXCEPTION_2 !!!" );
return( bResult );
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<action android:name="android.intent.action.TIME_SET"/>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED"/>
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# Only compile source java files in this apk.
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
# Use the following include to make our test apk.
include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
Listing from logcat (as you can see su always failed)
10-28 14:08:28.821 455-455/system_process I/PackageManager: /system/priv-app/myBR changed; collecting certs
10-28 14:08:28.855 455-455/system_process I/art: DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file /system/priv-app/myBR/arm/myBR.odex needs to be relocated for /system/priv-app/myBR/myBR.apk
10-28 14:08:42.875 455-455/system_process I/art: DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file /system/priv-app/myBR/arm/myBR.odex needs to be relocated for /system/priv-app/myBR/myBR.apk
10-28 14:08:42.876 455-455/system_process I/PackageManager: Running patchoat on: com.example.mybr
10-28 14:08:42.878 631-631/? E/installd: Running /system/bin/patchoat isa=arm in-fd=5 (/system/priv-app/myBR/arm/myBR.odex) out-fd=6 (/data/dalvik-cache/arm/[email protected]@[email protected]@classes.dex)
10-03 14:11:47.001 455-501/system_process I/ActivityManager: Start proc 1795:com.example.mybr/2000 for broadcast com.example.mybr/.MyBroadcastReceiver
10-03 14:11:47.115 455-499/system_process W/InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected] attribute=null, token = [email protected]
10-03 14:11:47.181 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: MyBroadcastReceiver - created
10-03 14:11:47.214 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd: id (added my note: runCmd( "sh", "id" )
10-03 14:11:47.268 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd result: uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=1015(sdcard_rw),1023(media_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3002(net_bt),3008(net_bt_stack),9997(everybody),42000(u0_a32000)
10-03 14:11:47.275 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: bResult = true
10-03 14:11:47.297 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd: id (added my note: runCmd( "su", "id" )
10-03 14:11:47.306 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd result: null
10-03 14:11:47.309 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd error: su: permission denied (added mine detection: call function setgidI() return -1 from su.c)
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: !!! EXCEPTION_2 !!!
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.iutputStream.write(
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at com.example.mybr.MyBroadcastReceiver.runCmd(
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at com.example.mybr.MyBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$1700(
10-03 14:11:47.310 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at Method)
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.311 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.312 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: ... 15 more
10-03 14:11:47.312 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: bResult = true
10-03 14:11:47.337 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd: rtcclock -w (added my note: runCmd( "su", "rtcclock -w" )
10-03 14:11:47.340 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd result: null
10-03 14:11:47.342 1795-1795/com.example.mybr D/MyBroadcastReceiver: cmd error: su: permission denied (added mine detection: call function setgidI() return -1 from su.c)
10-03 14:11:47.342 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: !!! EXCEPTION_2 !!!
10-03 14:11:47.342 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.iutputStream.write(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at com.example.mybr.MyBroadcastReceiver.runCmd(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at com.example.mybr.MyBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$1700(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at$
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.343 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at Method)
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: at
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr W/System.err: ... 15 more
10-03 14:11:47.344 1795-1795/com.example.mybr I/MyBroadcastReceiver: bResult = true
10-03 14:11:47.354 1388-1388/ V/AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
10-03 14:11:47.384 1388-1647/ V/AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
10-03 14:11:47.395 455-498/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17
10-03 14:11:47.408 455-455/system_process W/MediaSessionRecord: Removing dead callback in pushEvent.
at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Thank you very much for help.

