Wondering if anyone can create a driver with the new USB Joystick Gold & share the xml for it, i can only get it partial, if someone wants me to share that then please just ask
I've tried to search for both card-readers and ftp-solutions without any hits. Maybe there is anyone with this experience?
I do work as a photographer and I need a fast way to send images, shot by Canon-camera (CF and SD-cards) by ftp. Is there a way to:
1) Connect a card-reader to the HTC phone (Iolite/Cruise2/2009-version) discovered by the phone ??
2) Anyone with experience with an ftp-software for HTC?? Then I can send images by 3G/Wifi to office...
Thanks for any help!!
Nobody with any ideas?
it require that device support usbHost
only Athena and Clio do that as far as I know
Thank you Redegar!!
1. You need special adapter, something like this.
2. As for ftp client, one is here
I would like to have some tools on my HD2 for my PS3, e.g. see trophy's, friends online, use it as a remote control etc.
Is there someone that can help me???
Moved as not software release.
Oke, thanks.
Is there somebody who can help?
I just read that for dev unlocking you need to download dev tools from MS and its pretty big at 3gb.
I am not sure if can do that successfully with a reliance netconnect dongle here at my place (india/pune).
Can anyone help me out with burning a DVD of the same i can personally collect the same from pune/mumbai OR point me where i can buy the same online or offline ?
Okay I haven't posted before.
And I know xda is rather strict with the rules so I've thoroughly searched for what I'm looking for and I really hope I'm posting in the right place.
Because I haven't found it and so I hope someone can help me out.
Recently I bought an external keyboard that connects via bluetooth to my Galaxy Note II N7100. I bought it because my school allows me to take notes on the device instead of hand writing everything.
But one day, I was in the library doing some homework and I got a little bored.
So I opened the '30th anniversary of pacman' game that Google once put on their page (if you don't know what I'm talking about, just Google "30th anniversary of Pacman Google").
To my surprise, the keys on the external keyboard were able to control my Pacman!
So this got me thinking.
What if I could control more than just Pacman with my keyboard?
Boost 2, for example?
So i was wondering, is there anyway I'd be able to control the accelerometer with my arrow keys?
And if so, can someone tell me how i would do this?
I've rooted my phablet and I'm able to decompile/recompile, navigate and edit files, etc.
I just need to know what exactly needs to be changed to allow such a feat.
So please, for the sake of procrastination...
Thanks in advance,
I would like some help on how to turn a regular PC that contains a XP Pro into and ANDROID and connect to a Touch SCREEN monitor that is connected via regular serial port.
I have done a bit research, it seems like its possible to install an Android into a regular pc, but How do I get the drivers to work with the Touch SCREEN?
If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. I am just trying to reuse some old components for a project I am doing.
The monitor is NEC model LCD1560V Serial 49607632YA.
ANY HELP OR DIRECTION is very much appreciated.
Hi, thank you for using XDA Assist. I found this which looks like just what you're looking fro, http://www.xda-developers.com/easy-guide-to-insalling-android-on-your-pc/
Thread closed.