[Q] Camera .apk - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

Someone mind uploading the stock camera .apk?
Please delete thread.

posted in wrong section. should be in theme and apps


[Q] Can I get the framework-res.apk

Can someone send me the framework-res.apk file please?
Moved to General, please post in the correct section. Also, added Q to the title for reference

Disabling stock gallery.

Hello all, i am wanting to see if anyone has figured out a way to disable the stock gallery(delete apk/rename apk in System/app) and use say Quickpic.
When i do this i can no longer open attachment pics in MMS msgs. It says load failed. It seem that samsung has something that tries to force the use of the stock gallery app.
Anyone know a fix?
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Questions and help issues go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator

[Q] Cyanogenmod unable apps write

i am newbee sorry if i post in wrong section..
today i flash my samsung s4 i9500 and installed cyanogenmod 11 4.4.2 kitkat but i am unable to download any file using web browser.. play store apps installing working properly but nunable to download file using web browser and also any photo not shown in gallery...
please help what i do
Mod Edit
You have already posted in a thread and been answered.
Please post only once on a subject
Thread closed
Forum Moderator

Wanting to create a theme for my phone using TouchWiz - Please help

Please delete thread... I placed it in the wrong Forum

I cannot add custom themes

Please delete thread.
I believe I inadvertently posted this in the wrong thread. If a mod could move it that would be great. Thanks.

